Essay Connectors

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When you write an opinion essay, you present your personal opinion on a particular topic. Generally,
you have to write 5 paragraphs: 
Introduction: you introduce the subject and state your opinion clearly
Paragraph 2 : your first argument and your first example ( to be more...plausible)
Paragraph 3: your second argument and example
Paragraph 4: you present the opposing opinion, supported by reasons/examples
Conclusion: you restate your opinion, using different words

2. Language structures
To state your opinion, these are the language structures you may use: 

I believe/feel/think/consider that… = Eu cred/consider ca...

From my point of view…= Din punctul meu de vedere...
To my mind/way of thinking… = Dupa parerea mea...
As far as I am concerned…= In ceea ce ma priveste...
In my opinion/view…= Dupa parerea mea...
I am totally against…= Sunt cu totul impotriva...
I completely disagree with…= Nu sunt deloc de acord cu...
I don’t agree with...= Nu sunt de acord cu...
It seems/appears to me that…= Mi se pare ca...
I (completely) agree with/that...= Sunt complet de acord ca...

    The Question of Sport 

   The ancient Greeks always thought that a healthy mind in a healthy body is the key to a well-
balanced life.Nowadays, many schools are decreasing the amount of time given to sports and Physical
Education and some schools are removing it altogether.Although academic subjects are certainly a
very important part of the school curriculum, I am strongly opposed to the complete removal of sports
and Physical Education classes. 
    First of all, schools have a responsibility to educate children in all areas.For that reason, for that
reason,it is just as important to provide Physical Education training for the professional sportsmen as it
is to provide academic training to those who will go to university. In addition, students these days
spend long hours studying or working at their computers.Therefore, they need the opportunity to do
some physical activity during the school day. 
      On the other hand, some people believe that the purpose of schools is to develop skills that the
students will use in their future jobs.Consequently, schools have little time to devote to less important
subjects as Physical Education.
     In conclusion,I strongly believe that sports and Physical Education should remain a key part of the
school curriculum.All students have the right to a balanced education and this means the opportunity
to learn how to play sports.

Result connectors
 therefore: My parents are coming into town this weekend. Therefore, I won’t be able
to attend the event.
(Părinții mei vin în oraș în acest sfârșit de săptămână. Ca atare, nu voi putea să vin la
 consequently: Tim has been working very hard lately. Consequently, he will get a
bonus this month.
(Tim a lucrat din greu în ultima vreme. În consecință, va primi un bonus în această lună.)
 as a result: The kids disrespected their neighbors. As a result, they are now grounded.
(Copiii nu și-au respectat vecinii. Drept urmare, acum sunt pedepsiți.)
Contrast connectors
 however: Jenny was very tired last night. However, she finished the paper by sunrise.
(Jenny era foarte obosită aseară. Totuși, a terminat lucrarea până la răsăritul soarelui.)
 on the other hand: We don’t have enough money to look for a better apartment right
now. On the other hand, staying here is absolutely awful, so we might borrow the money
that we need.
(Nu avem destui bani să căutăm un apartament mai bun acum. Pe de altă parte, să rămânem aici
e absolut îngrozitor, așa că s-ar putea să împrumutăm banii de care avem nevoie.)
 nevertheless: He knew that telling the truth would cause him trouble. Nevertheless, he
told the entire story exactly the way that it had happened.
(Știa că dacă spune adevărul va avea probleme. Cu toate acestea, a spus întreaga poveste exact
așa cum se întâmplase.)
Addition connectors
 moreover: The house was a mess when she got home. Moreover, her husband was
hanging out at the bar.
(Casa era vraiște când ea a ajuns. Pe deasupra, soțul ei umbla pe la bar.)
 furthermore: I’m not happy with how you’ve been acting lately, so I’m not going to
help you this time. Furthermore, if you keep behaving like this, I’m going to stop seeing
you at all.
(Nu sunt mulțumit de cum te-ai purtat în ultima vreme, așa că nu am să te ajut de această dată.
Mai mult, dacă tot așa de comporți, nu am să mă mai întâlnesc cu tine deloc.)
 in addition: Fiona needs to finish the report by noon. In addition, she has to meet our
investors for lunch.
(Fiona trebuie să termine raportul până la amiază. În plus, trebuie să se întâlnească la prânz cu
investitorii noștri.)
Listing connectors
 firstly: Firstly, I will take out the trash.
(În primul rând, am să arunc gunoiul.)
 secondly: Secondly, I will clean the carpet.
(În al doilea rând, voi curăța covorul.)
 thirdly: Thirdly, I will lay back and watch a good movie.
(În al treilea rând, mă voi relaxa și voi urmări un film bun.)

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