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Word Formation Exercise: Work with a partner and try to fill the gaps.

Read the text below. Use the words on the right to form a word
(a noun, adjective or adverb) that fits in the blank space in the
same line. The first word has already been done for you.

Travelling Alone

Marina Blum, a medical student, travelled by herself for ten months last year in MEDICINE
South America. 'I wasn't ………………………………….. by the idea of doing a long trip FRIGHTEN
without a ………………………………… Some people think that travelling alone is a sign COMPANY
of …………………………………..……………, but you are freer when you can make all the SELFISH
…………………………………………….……………………..on your own. When I was ill, I DECIDE
……………………………………………. felt lonely, but I made many friends. However, I was OCCASION
…………………………………………. to avoid obviously ………………………………. situations. CARE/DANGER
In some countries people stared at me and made rude comments. Sometimes I
reacted ……………………………………………..…………….., but I never worried about AGGRESSION
my ………………………… . I will definitely travel like that again. SAFE
Next time I will be more ………………………………….. and I won’t PATIENCE
try to do so much.'


For each question, fill the space in the sentence using the base word given in bold at the end.
The required word may be a noun, adverb, adjective or verb.
a) Detroit is renowned for the ……………………………………. of cars. PRODUCE
b) If you make a good ………………………. at the interview, you will get the job. IMPRESS
c) Teaching and medicine are more than ………………………., they're professions. OCCUPY
d) My history teacher has a vast ………………………………………….. of past events. KNOW
e) You are never too old to go to college and gain some ……………………………… QUALIFY
f) My greatest ……………………………………… was graduating from the university. ACHIEVE
g) The weatherman said there is a strong …………………………. of rain today. POSSIBLE
h) Some old laws are no longer ………………………………………... EFFECT
i) Athens is ……………………………… for its ancient buildings. FAME
j) He was caught shoplifting so now he has a ……………………………….. record. CRIME
k) Despite her severe …………………………………, she fulfilled her goals in life. DISABLE
l) Being ………………………………. is the worst thing that can happen to someone. EMPLOY
m) If you buy presents in the summer your …………………. cannot be very high. SAVE
n) Due to the pilot's ………………………………., the co-pilot managed to land safely. GUIDE
o) It's important to also see the less ……………………………….. sides of the job. DESIRE
p) I was surprised at his …………………………………………. to give up. REFUSE
q) Children are by nature ……………………………………………. of danger. AWARE
r) She is always ………………………………………… towards her parents. RESPECT
s) This hospital has the best medical …………………………… and fast ambulances. EQUIP
t) You can relax in the comfortable ……………………………………… of the hotel. SURROUND
u) The ………………………….. looked dark and there were hardly any other guests. ENTER

Keeping children at school: Fill in all the gaps.

People are …………………….. (CRITIC) of parents who can't control, their children, but according to
statistics, ………………………………….. (OBEY) among teenagers is increasing. It is ………………………………..
(LEGAL) for children to miss school but many do play truant.
Experts say that the younger the parents , the ………………. (BIG) the danger that their
…………………………………. (EXPERIENCE) as adults will affect their children's schooling.
Children must be …………………………….. (COURAGE) not to think of school as an …………………………..
(RELEVANT) part of life. This will create a transformation from positive to negative feelings. We must
remember that only a few children ……………………………… (APPEAR) from school each year and schools
now offer many ………………………… (ADDITION) activities. The days of children …………………………..
(HAPPY) enjoying education are not yet over.

Similar Sisters: Read the following text and fill in the gaps with an appropriate form of the
word at the end of each line.
Although my two sisters have a …………………….. mother , we are DIFFER
definitely …………………………….. LIKE
This is not just a matter of …………………..……… though we are small APPEAR
with curly hair and a …………………..….. to overeat and put on weight. TEND
The ……………………..……… goes much further than that. Throughout RESEMBLE
our ……………………… we were brought up to be very adaptable and CHILD
our ………….……. to accept change is another characteristic we share. ABLE
Another would be ………………………... We all hate parties where you SHY
have to walk into a …………………….. full of strange faces. We are all ROOM
interested in wearing ………………………….. clothes and we often share FASHION
our clothes. …………………………….., this causes arguments. We really FORTUNE
should come to some ………………………... about who can borrow what AGREE
from whom.

For each sentence, fill the space in the sentence using the base word given in bold at the end.
The required word may be a noun, adverb, adjective or verb and it may be either positive (e.g.
helpful) or negative (e.g. unhelpful).

1. There are ……………………………….. ways you can reach the conference hall, but the tram service in this
city is excellent and is probably your best option. (vary)
2. You have to go in there and ………………………… them! Without your encouragement and enthusiasm,
I don't know what we would do. (energy)
3. We are sorry to say that there hasn't been much ………………………………………….. in your
grandmother's condition. (improve)
4. It's not ………………………………………… to do a degree course in only two years, but you would need to
work very hard. (possible)
5. Your friend was a …………………………………………… host last night. I can't wait to meet her again.
6. You're not wearing those shoes for the trek today. They are totally ………………………………….. . Go and
put some boots on. (suit)
7. That was one of the most uncomfortable …………………………………………… I have ever been on. The
turbulence was awful. (fly)
8. This letter is full of ……………………………………………………………... Can you type it again please?

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