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“Food waste” defined by “EU FUSIONS. “FOOD WASTE DEFINITION” 2016, saying it is any part of the
food that have been disposed.

madhel -it may also be inedible parts of food, remove from the food supply chain to
be recovered or disposed

summer-Leading the researcher to conduct a research, focusing on onion skin as the subject, because of
its prevalence as a food ingredient.

- considering onions are common to people since it comprises of numerous nutrients and its
essentialities as a food ingredient. On the other hand, Onions are one of the commonly
wasted commodities.

Madhel-In an article entitled “3-4 million tons of onions wasted each year due to poor storage” (2015)
shows that nearly 3 to 4 million tons of onions are wasted every year due to lack of adequate storage

- furthermore, million tons of onions are being produced each year and the rest that
did not reach the consumers get wasted due to lack of storages and cold chains. This shows that
onions are one of the most contributor in food wastage.

Summer- As for the article (Farmer’s Almanac, by Natalie LaVolpe, February 26, 2018) claimed by
research, that the outer skins of onion and garlic provides an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E, and
also rich a rich source of flavonoids.

Flavonoid- flavanoids , particularly quercetin, a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Summer To produce a paste like product or condiment by using onion skin or epidermis,

having it taste good enough to be practiced widely among households while maintaining the
flavonoids and other nutrients it possesses

madhel- after significany basta yun

This study is pertained to convey awareness to everyone, that someday people should hold more
importance of what they eat or what they have got in their dinner tables. Since most of those
disposed foods are perfectly fine for consuming, they mustn't end up in landfills to be rotten as time

Suumer- Data informations are accumulated via researching on reliable sources-this include the primary
information gained from the articles mentioned earlier
Madhel-The generated data will be collected through a simple random sampling of consumers-the
researcher decided to set a parameter in whether the typical consumers will approve the flavor of the
resulting product.

Madhel-. In a manner of constructing an onion condiment which is still above the mass standard in
terms of its taste to be eaten alongside other dishes. The product will be judged based on the overall
evaluation result.

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