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Muh. Ashar
NIM 2070201286

Arif Fadillah, M.Pd


NIM 2070201286



The need for interaction in each individual is a very need in life. Why not, to relate to
other people requires good interaction or communication. In this case, especially the interaction
between parents and children can be seen as an effort to find out, monitor and direct the
development of the child. Interaction patterns are then identified more deeply from a social
health point of view. This research is based on the variables studied including the
characteristics of the subject, action, competition, and contradiction. The result of the study
found that the age of the research subjects showed pattern of dissociative social interaction,
there were differences based on social interaction.

Children’s interacion patterns are shown through acts of competition, conflict, and
conflict with foster children. This action shows the pattern of dissociative interaction that exist
between foster children. These ineraction lead to divisions or bad interaction pattern, social
health conditions must be created with good social interaction, not yet optimal dissoaciative
social interaction between foster children.

From this researc, it can be conclued that the charateristicss of children are not enttirely
related to the social behavior shown when interacting. Associative social interaction patterns
support he creation of optimal social heath, but on the contrary, dissociative social ineraction
patterns indicate poor social health conditions.

Keywords: Social health, social behavior, individual factors, environmental conditions


1.1 Background of the paper

The child is an individual who is undergoing a very rapid development procces, the child
experiences a fundamental development process which means that developmental experiences at
an early age can have a strong and ong term influence so that underlies the proces of subsequent
child development. Every child has potential, both physical, biological, congnitive, and social
emotional potential. Early childhood is a golden period for children’s development to obtain the
educational pro cess. This period is valuable years for a child to recognize various kinds of facts
in his environment as a stimulus to the development of his personality, congnitive and social.

When a child does not get varios things that should be given by parents to them, then
these obligations become the responsibility of other family members to fulfill them. Problems in
the family often lead to mistreatment of children. The condition of the family being hit by
poverty, mobility, isolation, poor parent child relationship, and divorce, triggers acts of violence
againts children. Families are no longer able to carry out their obligations to children. If the
family is not able to provide adequate quality care even with appropriete support, then this is
where the role of the state is needed. The state, through the agencies it establishes, is responsible
for protecting children’s rights and ensuring appropriate alternative care.

The development of children’s social and emotional interaction is strongly infuluenced

by the treatment process or parental guidance for children in introducing various aspects of social
life, or the norms of social life and the early environment that forms the basis of a child’s
development hs an important role in the formation of a child’s personality. The basis of social
development is laid on the increasing relationship between children and their friends, not only
more play but also conversation or communication. Training children’s social and emosional
interaction skill aims to make children feel confident, able to socialize with others, resrtrain their
emotionns if hey are in a situation according to the ability and level of child development.
Children’s social development can be deveoped by inviting children to know themselves and
their environment. Interaction with their own family and other people will also help children
build their self concept.
1.2 General Purpose
Analyzing of social interaction in the context of social health foster children;

1. Identify the characteristic of foster children related to social interactions.

2. Identify forms of foster children’s associative interactions in the context of social
3. Identify forms of foster children’s dissociative interaction in the context of social
4. Identify patterns of parent child interaction.

1.3 Theory Basis

Social Helth
Social health is the condition of a person who is able to establish good relations with
others without having to discriminate against ethnicity, race, culture, economic status, social
status, and so on, as well as being tolerant and respectful of each other. Social health can be
realized if individuals can establish good communication, interaction, and relationships with
other people or groups, regardless of the background of the other person or group, so as to create
a sense of mutual respect and tolerance.

Social Interaction
Social interaction is defined as a dynamic social relationship. The social relationship in
question can be in the form of a relationship between one individual and another, between one
group and another, or between groups and individuals. Social interaction is also known as social
relations. The social relationship in question is the relationship between individuals and other
individuals, individuals with groups, or between groups. There are two conditions for the
occurrence of social interaction, among others:

 Social contacts. Social contact is not described as having physical contact, because
without physical contact, individuals can still relate socially. Social contact is divided
into positive and negative social contacts. Positive social contact is social contact that
leads to unity or cooperation, while negative social contact is one that leads to division or
even attempts to eliminate social contact.
 Communication, namely the process of delivering information. In line with social
contact, communication can also have a positive impact in the form of a common
understanding or cooperation, or even cause misunderstandings that trigger divisions.The
interaction pattern is divided into two forms, namely associative and dissociative
interaction patterns:

1. Associative Interaction Pattern

The associative interaction pattern is divided into cooperation, accommodation, and

assimilation. The following is an explanation of each behavior that describes the associative
interaction pattern:

a) Cooperation or cooperative

Cooperation here is intended as a joint effort between individuals or groups of

people to achieve one or more common goals. Forms and patterns of cooperation can be
found in all human groups. Such habits and attitudes begin in childhood in family life or
kinship groups.

b) Accommodation

A notion used by sociologists to describe a process in social relations is the same

as the notion of adaptation used by biologists to refer to a process by which living things
adapt themselves to their natural surroundings.

c) Assimilation
Advanced social processes. Characterized by efforts to reduce the differences that
exist between individuals or groups of people and also includes efforts to enhance the
unity of actions, attitudes and mental processes by taking into account common interests
and goals.

2. Dissociative Interaction Pattern

The pattern of dissociative social interaction consists of competition, contradiction, and

conflict or dispute. The following is a more detailed explanation:
a) Competition
The social process, in which competing individuals or groups of people seek
profit through areas of life that at a certain time become the center of public attention by
attracting public attention or by sharpening existing prejudices, without using threats or
violence. There are several forms of competition, including:

1. Economic competition. Arises due to limited supply when compared to the number of
2. Cultural competition. Concerning the competition of culture, religion, social
institutions such as education, and so on.
3. Competition of position and role. Within a person or within a group, there are desires
to be recognized as a person or group that has a position and a prominent role.
4. Race competition. Differences in race, whether due to differences in skin color, body
shape, hair style and so on, are only a symbol of awareness and attitude towards
differences in culture.

b) Contravention

Contravention is essentially a form of social process that exists between

competition and conflict or contention. Contravention categories, namely:

a) Contravention between families

b) Religious antagonism

c) Intellectual contradiction
d) Moral opposition

Some forms of contravention are shown through acts of refusal, reluctance,

resistance, acts of obstruction, protest, harassment, violence, disrupting plans, cursing,
insulting, slandering, inciting, announcing secrets, treason, and disturbing.

c) Contradictions or Conflict

Conflict is a social process in which individuals or groups try to fulfill their goals
by opposing the opposing party with threats or violence. The reasons for the conflict are:
1) Individual differences

2) Cultural differences

3) Difference of interest

4) Social differences

Conflicts concerning a goal, value or interest, as long as they do not conflict with the
patterns of social relations with in a particular social structure.

Social Behvior
Social behavior is identical with individual reactions to other individuals. Social behavior
is influenced by the behavior and characteristics of other individuals, cognitive processes,
environment, and culture. Social behavior can change according to environmental conditions.
Social behavior is divided into two, namely antisocial behavior and prosocial behavior.

Prosocial behavior is a voluntary behavior that aims to help others who need support
(Einsberg, N., Fabes R.A, 1998). Prosocial behavior according to Baron & Byrne (2005) is
behavior that provides benefits to others, regardless of the benefits to be obtained by the
individual, even the risks that may be received. Alwisol (2011) defines prosocial behavior as a
belief to do what is expected. Prosocial behavior is an action taken to improve the condition of
others to be better, without being motivated by professional responsibility. Recipients of
prosocial behavior are individuals, not organizations (Bierhoff, 2002). Eisenberg & Fabes (1998)
mentions that prosocial behavior is divided into three forms, namely sharing, giving help, and
giving a sense of comfort. Mussen (1989) explains that prosocial behavior has five aspects,

a. Sharing, namely the willingness to share feelings in all situations, be it joy or sorrow.
b. Cooperating, namely the willingness to do a job together.
c. Helping, namely the willingness to provide assistance or assistance to others in need.
d. Donating, namely the willingness to give something they have to those in need.
e. Honesty, namely taking action without any element of fraud.
Antisocial behavior is behavior that causes physical and mental disturbances, as well as loss
or damage to objects. Behavior aimed at disturbing the welfare of others, whether classified as a
violation of the law or not.

Social Interaction In The Family (Parents)

The family is the first and main basis in various series of social interaction processes
experienced by individuals during their lives. This is possible, because the position of the family
as the smallest component of the structure of society, is the first place for individuals to know
other humans outside themselves. In addition, in the family the child begins to recognize his role
as a human being. The process of social interaction in the family environment starts from birth.
When the child begins to feel another world from the world of the womb that he had known
before birth. While birth itself is a prerequisite for a person to develop and have his own
personality. In the first stage, what is given by the family is the potentials or possibilities for

In further development it gets stimulation and direction from the family environment so
that it is more developed. In order for the development achieved to run normally and ideally, the
role of the family as a family environment that provides all the facilities that allow development
is very decisive. The role of the family referred to in this case does not only concern the
fulfillment of all material needs of children, but also concerns the fulfillment of psychological
and sociological needs. In fact, these two needs should get a larger portion. Because given the
considerable influence on the further development experienced by children in the future.

Psychological and sociological needs of children include psychological and social

spiritual appreciation experienced by children as an atmosphere, social attitude, between humans
that bind children in their families, which then become the basis for their association with the
wider social community. The tangible form of this is given in the form of affection that gives
children a sense of comfort, acceptance and a sense of being recognized for their existence. Thus,
the first social interaction that a child feels is the treatment and affection of his parents,
especially his mother.
When children are completely dependent on their parents to meet all their needs, both
physical and psychological. With the increasing age of the child followed by the functioning of
certain organs of the body, the social interactions experienced by the child are growing. Children
are able to communicate with their parents, although still in very simple and symbolic forms.
The answers given by their parents as an understanding of the child's symbolic communication
will be felt as a social interaction, so that with these answers the child will determine the attitude
that is considered in accordance with the answers of his parents.

Parenting Style Of Both Parents

In order to help children with problems and to want to communicate with parents, an
ideal parenting style is required to communicate with children with problems and find out the
reasons behind the attitudes and actions of these children. In dealing with the problem of the
child, the parents conduct a series of dialogues with the child. Good, warm and friendly
interaction/communication so that the desire arises to bring out the difficulties that exist in the

The process of the relationship between parents and children to support physical,
emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual development takes place from a child in the womb to
adulthood. Parenting can be interpreted as a total relationship process between parents and
children, which includes maintenance (gifts to eat, clean & protect) and the socialization process
(teaching general and synchronous behavior using rules in society). This process also involves
how caregivers (parents) communicate their children's effects, values, interests, conduct &

Parenting is a pattern of interaction between children and their parents including the
fulfillment of physical needs (eg eating, drinking, etc.) residents so that children can live in
harmony with their environment. Parenting patterns must also be related to using the
responsibilities and obligations of parents towards children, parents in the family are obliged and
responsible for: (a) nurturing, nurturing, educating, & protecting children; (b) Develop children
according to their abilities, talents and interests; (c) prevent marriage at the age of the child; (d)
providing character education and inculcating character values in children.
Parenting parenting means a process of relationship between parents and children which
includes activities such as nurturing, educating, guiding and disciplining in achieving the
maturity process either directly or non-exclusively. Parents (father and mother) are natural
educators. They are educators for their children because by nature, mothers and fathers are given
gifts by God the creator in the form of parental instincts. Because of this instinct, arises based on
the affection of parents for their children, so that both feel morally burdened with the
responsibility to care for, supervise, protect and nurture and guide them.

The relationship between parents and children is established through the communication
relationships they do every day. Each parent-child activity can choose the communication
relationship between the two. In this study, there are similarities that parents or children are busy
doing activities outside the home as a result of which the intensity of the interaction decreases.

The Role Of Both Parents In The

Parents are the first environment known to a person since birth, in the family the child
begins the process of introduction. The social life of children in the family will later be brought
to a wider life, namely society. The family is a social group that has a very large influence on
children's socialization. The active role of parents in children's growth and development can be
seen from the education provided by their children. Every parent wants to see their child's figure
become healthy, smart & creative. As a person, of course, you can understand & understand the
world of your child. "It is important to know that a parent is the first educator who instills the
foundation for a child's mental development." Because education begins in the family, the school
is only a helper for the continuation of that education. The transition from informal to formal
education requires collaboration between parents and school. Children's attitudes towards school
will mainly be influenced by the attitudes of parents as well.

Interaction as events affect each other when two or more people are present together.
They build an outcome with each other, or communicate with each other. So in every case of
interaction, each person's action is to influence the other individual. The attitude of parents
towards children will greatly affect how a child can behave in living his daily life. Parents who
are authoritarian, harsh & like things that clearly do not reflect good behavior towards children.
So any punishment or discipline is not sought using gentleness, acceptance, & reason. The
behavior of these parents can form a self-concept that emphasizes for children to be arrogant,
stubborn, obedient, like to fight. Many parents apply the concept or method of educating a child
whose barometer is only ambition so that the child must be in accordance with what parents want
and expect.

Not the concept of how the child was able to understand, know what the responsibility of
a child at his age is so that he can become a child who has confidence and responsibility for
himself. Parents who are only able to indoctrinate their children, do not expect them to be able to
produce children who are oriented to children's understanding so that they are confident and have
a sense of responsibility. A child is not a doll just to be played & cuddled or a robot that only
works by pressing the on/off button, but a child is a very unique individual if we as parents are
able to understand it.
Identification Of Reserch Subject Age
Based on the data that has been collected, all research subjects on child development.
Children in the developmental period begin to have a wider social environment outside the
family. Peers play a big role in him, especially friends who are often around children, both at
school and in their play environment. Children begin to be able to cooperate and understand that
other people also have interests. Children can determine which activities and friends they feel
comfortable with. Disappointment will arise in the child when he is not accepted to join the
group that he considers suitable for him. Children have shown associative processes in the form
of cooperation and accommodation in late childhood. Dissociative interactions will appear in
competition, contradiction, and conflict. Most of the social interactions shown are associative
patterns in the type of cooperative action.

Identification Of Parents Presence Status

Data related to the existence status of the research subject's parents indicate that most of
them are known to exist. Some of the other research subjects did not know the whereabouts of
their parents, so it cannot be ascertained whether both of the subject's parents, or one of the
parents were still alive, or had even died. There is a subject whose only known status is his
mother's whereabouts, while his father's whereabouts are unknown. There is a significant
relationship between family harmony and social interaction in adolescents.

Family characteristics are related to the development of children in social behavior, for
example children who come from large families and broken homes have a tendency to behave
antisocially. It is known that all research subjects and other foster children know each other's
parental status, but this does not reveal any differences in the way the research subjects interact.
Subjects understand each other's conditions which both have shortcomings, so that the
background of the existence of parents is not a reason for research subjects to differentiate their
treatment of other foster children.
Identification Of Treatment Background

The interaction between research subjects is the only research subject with a parenting
background. Researchers found that this subject often got into fights and was ostracized by some
of the other foster children. According to the researcher's analysis, there is no difference in
treatment because all foster children already have the same taste, in which they understand each
other's conditions, so that each subject does not question each other about the parenting
background of each child. However, the interactions that occur in what is experienced tend to be
negative because the label as a bad boy has been attached to the subject, so that other foster
children always assume that the child will act negatively in various ways.

Identification Of Cooperative Actions In Social Health Context

This cooperative action is one type of associative social interaction pattern, where this
interaction is positive for the social environment around the individual. Through cooperative
action, research subjects are able to learn more about their role as social beings who provide
mutual assistance. According to Asria (2013), teaching children to work together can improve
children's social interactions. Based on the findings of researchers in the field, research subjects
who are able to work together are more easily accepted to get along with other foster children or
with coaches, companions. Research subjects who provide assistance to other foster children are
also known to receive assistance from other foster children. This shows the reciprocity of
cooperative actions taken by research subjects with other foster children's reactions to these

Identification Of Accommodation Action In Social Health Context

The results of research related to accommodation actions are known by the efforts made
by research subjects to reduce children's emotions by giving advice, breaking up foster children,
holding back anger by not responding to actions taken by other foster children, but there are
subjects who tend to be indifferent and do not make efforts to reduce the occurrence of conflicts,
both those that may involve themselves, and those that occur in others. It is known that the act of
accommodation carried out by the research subjects, either by giving in or by breaking up the
fights that occur between foster children can reduce the emotions that arise. When emotions can
be muted again. This shows that the act of accommodation is able to support the creation of
social health conditions for foster children.

Identification of Assimilation Actions In Social Health Context

The use of assimilated language is the most prominent action carried out by most
research subjects. The surrounding environment that is less makes the child worse, it makes the
child more withdrawn from the outside environment and interact less. Therefore, assimilation
actions related to the interaction of parents with children are carried out so that children can more
easily interact with other foster children, but when parents use good language so that children are
able to communicate, then communication and social contact can work. This shows that
assimilation is able to support the creation of good or associative social interactions. When
assimilation is not carried out, things that may arise are conflicts that continue to occur between
other foster children who are equally unable to understand the message to be conveyed.
Therefore, it can be concluded that assimilation is able to support the creation of social health
conditions among foster children.

Identification Of Competition Actions In Socia Health Context

The competition that occurs between research subjects for power shows a dissociative
interaction pattern and tends to trigger divisions. This condition is not in accordance with efforts
to realize optimal social health conditions such as the opinion expressed by Soekidjo (2012),
because the interactions resulting from these competitive actions are a condition of division or in
other words, the social interactions that are formed are dissociative, which further indicates poor
social health.

Identification Of Contravention Actions In Social Health Context

The weakening of existing social interactions is one form of weak individual (child)
social health, because it leads to the absence of social interaction which is one of the elements of
social health. The dissociative interaction that is manifested by the contravention by ostracizing
can foster hatred within the isolated individual. For those who ostracize, hatred is also fostered
that is continuously grown so that they can still isolate other individuals. Efforts to find fault will
continue. This shows that the contravention measures create conditions of dissociative social
interaction. Furthermore, this dissociative social interaction describes the condition of social
health to be worse.

Identification Of Contractive Actions In Social Health Context

Conflict that causes physical violence among foster children is a form of violence. As
according to Widiastuti and Rini (2005), violence against children will have an impact on
physical, mental health and can even continue to social health conditions. Some of the impacts of
violence on children include growth disorders, reproductive organ disorders, permanent damage
to nerves, developmental disorders, such as intelligence not being able to develop optimally, high
emotionality, low self-concept, aggressiveness, low social skills, trauma. Subjects who often do
contradictory actions get bad judgments from other subjects or foster children, so that it will
reduce the desire of others to establish communication and social contact with the subject.

When communication and social contact decrease, the less intensity of social interaction
is formed. Social health, which should be formed through good social interactions, cannot be
formed because the social interactions created in it are dissociative, that is there is a conflict
between individuals in it which leads to division. The divisions that arise between foster children
also make social interactions decrease or do not form. When social interaction is weak or not
even formed, it also indicates the disruption of social health conditions among foster children.
Based on the results of the research that has been discussed in this study, the following
conclusions were obtained:

a. The research subjects were all male. All subjects are still classified as children,
where at that age the individual begins to develop his ability to interact with the
social environment outside the family. The existence status of parents and
parenting background are not reasons for the research subjects to discriminate in
the way they interact. Communication barriers are found in one of the subjects

b. Associative social interaction patterns in children are shown more than associative
social interaction patterns. This interaction pattern is shown through cooperative
actions, accommodation, and assimilation by foster children. These actions create
a pattern of good social interaction and further support the creation of optimal
social health conditions for foster children.

c. The pattern of dissociative social interaction of foster children is shown through

acts of competition, contravention, and conflict, which weakens social contact and
communication, so that social interaction decreases and divisions arise. This
pattern of interaction is less common among foster children, but the presence of
this dissociative interaction pattern indicates that social health conditions are
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