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Wilson NJ, Boniface K, Chan JR, McKenzie BS, antimicrobial defense, cellular differentiation, well as extracellular enzymes may ulti-
Blumenschein WM, Mattson JD et al. (2007) and mobility in keratinocytes: a potential role mately be involved in the pathophysiol-
Development, cytokine profile and function in psoriasis. Eur J Immunol 36:1309–23
of human interleukin 17-producing helper
ogy of eczema and pruritus.
Zheng Y, Danilenko DM, Valdez P, Kasman
T cells. Nat Immunol 8:950–7 I, Eastham-Anderson J, Wu J et al. (2007)
Based primarily on the strong asso-
Wolk K, Witte E, Wallace E, Docke WD, Kunz Interleukin-22, a T(H)17 cytokine, mediates ciation of inherited abnormalities in
S, Asadullah K et al. (2006) IL-22 regulates IL-23-induced dermal inflammation and filaggrin (FLG) expression, atopic der-
the expression of genes responsible for acanthosis. Nature 445:648–51 matitis (AD), at least in Euro-Americans,
is now increasingly considered a prima-
ry disorder of SC structure and function
See related article on pg 1329 (Hudson, 2006; Irvine and McLean,
2006; Palmer et al., 2006; Smith et al.,
“Outside-to-Inside” (and Now Back 2006; Weidinger et al., 2006). Thus,
AD can be considered a disease of pri-

to “Outside”) Pathogenic Mechanisms mary barrier failure, characterized by

both a defective permeability (Proksch

in Atopic Dermatitis et al., 2006, and references therein)

and antimicrobial function (Baker,
2006; Boguniewicz and Leung, 2006).
Peter M. Elias1,2 and Martin Steinhoff 2,3
Although both of these abnormalities
The pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis (AD) has been attributed largely to are well-recognized features of AD,
abnormalities in the adaptive immune system, with key roles played by T-help- they have been widely assumed to
er 1(Th1)/Th2 cell dysregulation, IgE production, dendritic cell signaling, and reflect downstream consequences of a
mast-cell hyperactivity, resulting in the pruritic, inflammatory dermatosis that primary immunologic abnormality (the
characterizes AD (Leung et al., 2004). Accordingly, therapy has been focused historical inside–outside view of AD
on ameliorating Th2-mediated inflammation and pruritus (e.g., Leung, 2000). pathogenesis). We and others have long
Indeed, there is emerging evidence that inflammation in AD results first from proposed that the permeability-bar-
inherited and acquired insults that converge to alter epidermal structure and rier abnormality in AD is not merely an
function, followed by immune system activation, which in turn has negative epiphenomenon but rather the “driver”
consequences for skin-barrier homeostasis. This cycle comprises an “outside– of disease activity (i.e., the reverse,
inside–outside” model of AD pathogenesis (Elias et al., in press). outside–inside view of disease patho-
Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2008), 128, 1067–1070. doi:10.1038/jid.2008.88 genesis) (Elias and Feingold, 2001),
because (1) the extent of the permeabil-
ity-barrier abnormality parallels sever-
ity of disease phenotype in AD, (2) both
The epidermis generates an impres- important for lipid processing and des- clinically uninvolved skin sites and skin
sive set of critical defensive functions quamation and at least two key anti- cleared of inflammation for as long as
(Elias, 2005; Elias and Choi, 2005) microbial peptides (Aberg et al., 2007,

that include the permeability barrier, and references cited therein), are deliv-
allowing survival in a potentially des- ered to the extracellular matrix through
iccating external environment, and an secretion of epidermal lamellar body
Inflammation in AD
antimicrobial barrier, which simulta- contents. Whereas lamellar body– may begin with insults
neously encourages colonization by derived proteases and their inhibitors from without.
nonpathogenic “normal” flora while orchestrate the orderly digestion of cor-
resisting growth of microbial patho- neodesmosomes, allowing cells to shed
gens (Elias, 2007). The permeability invisibly at the skin surface (Brattsand
barrier resides in the stratum corneum et al., 2005; Stefansson et al., 2008), 5 years continue to display significant
(SC), where multiple layers of anucleate the lipid-processing enzymes (β-gluco- barrier abnormalities, (3) emollient
corneocytes are embedded in an extra- cerebrosidase, acidic sphingomyelin- therapy comprises effective ancillary
cellular matrix, enriched in ceramides ase, and secretory phospholipase A2) therapy, and (4) specific replacement
(Cer), cholesterol, and free fatty acids, generate the Cer and free fatty acids therapy, which targets the prominent
arranged as planar lamellar sheets that, along with cholesterol, form the lipid abnormalities that account for
(Elias and Menon, 1991). These lipids, extracellular lamellar membrane (Elias the barrier abnormality in AD, not only
as well as an assortment of hydrolases and Menon, 1991). Thus, proteases as corrects the permeability-barrier abnor-
mality but also comprises effective anti-
Dermatology Service, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and Department of Dermatology, University of
inflammatory therapy for AD (Chamlin
California, San Francisco, California, USA; 2Department of Dermatology, University of California, San
Francisco, California, USA; 3Department of Dermatology, University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany et al., 2002; Figure 1).
Correspondence: Dr Peter M. Elias, Dermatology Service (190), VA Medical Center, 4150 Clement Still, how loss of FLG (an intracellular
Street, San Francisco, California 94121, USA. E-mail: protein) provokes a permeability-bar- 1067

S. aureus stored in large quantities in the cytosol

colonization of corneocytes (Hachem et al., 2002;
Nylander-Lundqvist et al., 1996), the
Cer, free first step in the cytokine cascade that
Acquired stressors Toxin- + superantigen- we propose initiates inflammation in
fatty acids,
pH, RH, PS AMP producing S. aureus
sphingosine AD (Figure 2).
Another cause of inflammation in
AD doubtless includes sustained anti-
Th1 Th2 Folliculitus/ gen ingress through a defective bar-
Sustained barrier defect AD lesion impetigo
rier, leading to a T-helper 2 (Th2)-domi-
nant infiltrate (Hudson, 2006). Yet FLG
T- B-cell
Cer synthesis mutations alone do not provoke AD, as
Inhereited Keratinocytes demonstrated in ichthyosis vulgaris, in
defects protease which the same single- or double-allele
FLG Pruritus dysregulation
FLG mutations reduce FLG content, but
inflammation (i.e., AD) does not inevi-
Specific Ige
tably occur (Sandilands et al., 2007).
Scratching/excoriations We and others have suggested that
certain acquired stressors could elic-
it disease by aggravating the barrier
Figure 1. Secondary infections can further aggravate barrier abnormality in atopic dermatitis.
AD, atopic dermatitis; AMP, adenosine monophosphate; Cer, ceramide; FLG, filaggrin; LEKTI,
abnormality. Indeed, a barrier-depen-
lymphoepithelial Kazal-type related trypsin inhibitor; PS, psychological stress; RH, relative humidity; dent increase in pH (and serine protease
Th1, T-helper 1; Th2, T-helper 2 (Modified from Elias et al., in press.) activity) likely accounts for the precipi-
tation of AD following the use of neu-
tral-to-alkaline soaps (Figure 1) (Cork et
rier abnormality is not known. In addi- the multiple serine proteases in SC, al., 2006). Likewise, prolonged expo-
tion, it is not clear what drives barrier which all exhibit neutral-to-alkaline sure to reduced environmental humid-
dysfunction in the skin of AD patients pH optima (Brattsand et al., 2005; ity, a well-known risk factor for AD,
without a FLG mutation. Although it Stefansson et al., 2008; Steinhoff et al., likely accelerates transcutaneous water
has been hypothesized that loss of FLG 2005). Increased serine protease activ- loss rates across defective SC in AD,
could cause corneocyte deformation, ity could generate the active forms of further aggravating the barrier abnor-
the barrier abnormality more likely the primary cytokines IL-1α and IL-1β mality. Finally, psychological stress,
is linked to lack of FLG as a substrate from their 33-kDa pro-forms, which are which aggravates permeability-barrier
for proteolytic processing and further
deimination into polycarboxylic acids,
such as pyrrolidine carboxylic acid and
trans-urocanic acid. These metabo- Barrier
lites normally act as osmolytes (natural perturbation
moisturizing factors), drawing water
Stratum corneum
into corneocytes, partially account-
ing for corneocyte hydration. Hence, Inhibitory Ions Cer, FLG Cytokines/growth factor Proteases
the most immediate result of FLG defi-
ciency is decreased SC hydration, a
well-recognized feature of AD. A steep- Lamellar body
Lipid and hBD2 DNA synthesis
er water gradient would inexorably secretion
accelerate transcutaneous water loss,
particularly if a paucity of extracellular Epidermis Permeability and antimicrobial Epidermal Cytokines/
lipids results in decreased water-retain- barrier restoration hyperplasia growth factors
ing ability. However, either corneocyte
flattening or decreased SC hydration
can suffice to enhance antigen penetra- Chemokines
tion. We suspect that another mecha-
nism is operative, because another
Dermis Th2 cytokines
inevitable consequence of decreased Inflammation
downstream production of polycarbox-
ylic acid metabolites is an increase in Figure 2. “Outside–inside–outside” model of AD. Cer, ceramide; FLG, filaggrin; hBD2, human β-defensin-2;
the SC pH (Krien and Kermici, 2000), Th2, T-helper 2. (From Figure 2. Cer, ceramide; FLG, filaggrin; hBD2, human β-defensin-2; Th2, T-helper 2.
sufficient to increase the activities of (From Steinhoff et al., 2005; modified from Elias et al., in press.)

1068 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2008), Volume 128


function in humans (Altemus et al., (Chamlin et al., 2002). More recently, knowledge, therapy utilization and severity of
2001), is both a well-known precipitant a higher-strength, FDA cleared formu- atopic eczema before and after explanation
and demonstration of topical therapies by a
of AD and a cause of resistance to ther- lation (EpiCeram cream, Ceragenix specialist dermatology nurse. Br J Dermatol
apy. Moreover, a dysregulation of prote- Pharmaceuticals) demonstrated efficacy 149:582–9
ases, highly expressed by keratinocytes, that was comparable to that of a mid- Cork MJ, Robinson DA, Vasilopoulos Y, Ferguson A,
protease inhibitors, and protease-acti- potency steroid (fluticasone; Cutivate Moustafa M, MacGowan A et al. (2006) New
vated receptors, may be important for cream) in an investigator-blinded, perspectives on epidermal barrier dysfunction
in atopic dermatitis: gene–environment
neuronal–epidermal communication multicenter clinical trial of pediat- interactions. J Allergy Clin Immunol 118:3–21;
during barrier dysfunction (Demerjian ric patients with moderate to severe quiz 22–3
et al., 2008; Hachem et al., 2006; AD (Sugarman and Parish, in press). Demerjian M, Hachem JP, Tschachler E, Denecker
Steinhoff et al., 2000, 2005). These studies, although still prelimi- G, Declercq W, Vandenabeele P et al. (2008)
Despite accumulating evidence in nary, suggest that correction of the lipid Acute modulations in permeability barrier
function regulate epidermal cornification:
support of a barrier-initiated patho- biochemical abnormality that is respon- role of caspase-14 and the protease-activated
genesis of AD, recent studies suggest sible for the barrier defect in AD could receptor type 2. Am J Pathol 172:86–97
specific mechanisms whereby Th2- also downregulate the further inside- Elias PM (2005) Stratum corneum defensive
generated cytokines could also further to-outside alterations provoked by IL-4 functions: an integrated view. J Invest Dermatol
aggravate AD. As described in this issue and could comprise a new or ancillary 125:183–200
by Kurahashi et al. (2008), exogenous approach to the therapy of AD. Elias PM (2007) The skin barrier as an innate
applications of the Th2 cytokine, IL-4, immune element. Semin Immunopathol 29:
impede permeability-barrier recov- Dr Elias is a co-inventor of Cer-dominant
Elias PM, Choi EH (2005) Interactions among
ery after acute perturbations. The basis formulation (TriCeram, Osmotics Corp.), a
stratum corneum defensive functions. Exp
for the negative effects of IL-4 could patented technology, and an officer of Ceragenix
Dermatol 14:719–26
Pharmaceuticals, the licensee of this technology.
include the prior observation by these Dr Steinhoff states no conflict of interest. Elias PM, Feingold KR (2001) Does the tail wag
authors that exogenous IL-4 inhibits the dog? Role of the barrier in the pathogenesis
Cer synthesis (Hatano et al., 2005). But ACKNOWLEDGMENTS of inflammatory dermatoses and therapeutic
We gratefully acknowledge the superb editorial implications. Arch Dermatol 137:1079–81
IL-4 also inhibits expression of both
assistance of Joan Wakefield and Jerelyn Elias PM, Menon GK (1991) Structural and lipid
FLG (Howell et al., 2007) and desmo- Magnusson, including preparation of the biochemical correlates of the epidermal
glein 3 (Kobayashi et al., 2004), which graphics. This work was supported by National permeability barrier. Adv Lipid Res 24:1–26
also could further compromise barrier Institutes of Health grant AR19098, Department Elias P, Hatano Y, Williams M (in press)
function, completing a potential out- of Defense grant W81XWH-05-2-0094, and the Basis for the barrier abnormality in atopic
Medical Research Service, Department of Veterans dermatitis: “outside–inside–outside” pathogenic
side–inside–outside pathogenic loop in Affairs, grants DFG (STE 1014/2-2) (M.S.) and SFB mechanisms. J Allergy Clin Immunol
AD (Figure 2). Furthermore, nerves may 293 (M.S.). No company provided support for this
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