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Hazel Mae M.

Herrera BSIT 1-C

“Better me”

Healthy lifestyle is one of the factors that are really important we must have, and we must
be careful from what we are eating and drinking. College life has a big changed in me. It change
me not only my attitude, looks, and style but also on my way of caring myself. Why I didn’t
notice everything? Why I don’t take care myself as the others can? What is the matter with me?
I’ve hated myself, how stupid I am.

Every morning, when I go to school, I am so lazy preparing my foods during breakfast,

with that habit I simply buy at the canteen some biscuits and soft drinks. Whatever foods I buy
there is soft drinks after it. In times that I breakfast, lunch and dinner soft drinks are always
present. First semester ended and here now come the second semester I’m still on my habit. One
afternoon I felt an headache, and I just think that this is only the result of what happen on me
when I joined on a pep squad, because I was the one who been thrown up and make some
exhibition like back flipping, and there are times that my lifter are forgotten to catch me up.

A month passed and I just ignore my headache even sometimes I’m not feeling well.
There are times that I want to die because of the pain, but I denied it and secret it with my
parents. I’m body is getting thinner, unlike before when I was in high school I’m a little bit
chubby and my parents notice it. They talk to me and they know everything. Although they get
anger in me but they want me to correct. I go on a clinic and made some check up and my
urinalysis is clear. The doctor recommended me a capsules of medicine and more test is need,
because my eyes now is getting color yellow and my parents are so worried about me, and this is
my fault.

In this kind of situation that I experience, I learned to be disciplined in those things that
might kill me. Now I control myself on foods that I eat. I also drink more water every day, no
more soft drinks. And the most important is I learned how to be healthy and see the importance
of nutritious foods that can help and benefit me as a living person.

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