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Original Studies

Otitis Media in Indonesian Urban and Rural School Children

Ratna Anggraeni, MD, MSc, PhD,* Widya W. Hartanto, MD, MSc,* Bulantrisna Djelantik, MD, PhD,*
Abla Ghanie, MD,† Denny S. Utama, MD, MSc,† Eka P. Setiawan, MD,‡ Erica Lukman, MD,§
Chintriany Hardiningsih, MD, MSc,§ Suprihati Asmuni, MD, PhD,¶ Rery Budiarti, MD, MSc,¶
Sutji Pratiwi Rahardjo, MD, PhD,‖ Riskiana Djamin, MD,‖ Tri Mulyani, BSc,** Kuswandewi Mutyara, MD, MSc,**
Phyllis Carosone-Link, MS,†† Cissy B. Kartasasmita, MD, PhD,** and Eric A. F. Simões, MB, BS, DCH, MD††

Background: Although the epidemiology of otitis media is well-known

with recurrent perforation of the tympanic membrane leading to
in industrialized countries, the extent of otitis media in developing Asian
chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM).1 Hearing impairment
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countries, especially in south East Asia is not well studied.

because of CSOM is a major form of disability in Southeast Asia
Methods: To define the burden of otitis media and its sequelae in children
causing significant social, educational and vocational burdens in
6–15 years of age, we enrolled elementary and junior high school children
these countries.2–12 The sequelae and complications of CSOM can
in 6 areas in rural and urban Indonesia. Randomly selected schools and
be prevented, if detected and treated early.12
classrooms were selected. All children were administered a questionnaire
Studies that indicated high prevalences of OME and CSOM
and had ear examinations, pneumatic otoscopy and screening audiometry.
in Asia were published between 1991 and 1999. The prevalence
Children with any abnormality on examination or with a relevant history
of CSOM was 15/1000 school children in India7 and 5.3/1000 in
underwent diagnostic audiometry and tympanometry, if indicated.
Malaysia3 compared with 0.01–0.03/1000 in the United States.13
Results: Of the 7005 children studied, 116 had chronic suppurative otitis
This estimate was much higher than in Africa from studies pub-
media (CSOM), 30 had acute otitis media and 26 had otitis media with
lished between 1995 and 2004.14–16 The latest data available from
effusion. 2.7% of rural children had CSOM compared with 0.7% of urban
Indonesia was a study conducted by the Indonesian Ministry of
children (P < 0.0001). The rates per 1000 of CSOM in rural Bali and Band-
Health in 7 provinces in Indonesia between 1993 and 1996. In this
ung were significantly higher (75 and 25, respectively) than in the rest of
study of 19,375 children and adults, there was significant ear, nose
Indonesia (P < 0.05). In rural Bali, the rate per 1000 children of inactive
and throat (ENT) morbidity with almost 40% having some morbid-
CSOM was 63 in 6- to 9-year-old children, compared with 37 in children
ity (external ear diseases 13.9%, middle ear disorders 6.7%, CSOM
aged 13–15 years. Concomitantly, the rates of tympanosclerosis were 7 and
3.0%, acute otitis media (AOM) 0.3% and hearing loss 16.8%).17
26/1000, respectively, in these age groups.
With the development of a 10-valent pneumococcal vaccine
Conclusions: In Indonesia, the prevalence of CSOM is relatively high with
(PCV) conjugated to protein D of Hemophilus influenzae, the pro-
most disease occurring in rural areas. The high rates in rural Bali with early
totype of which has been shown to prevent AOM caused by both
progression to tympanosclerosis suggest a significant burden of potentially
Streptococcus pneumoniae and nontypeable H. influenzae,18–20 there
vaccine preventable illness.
is potential for prevention of the sequelae of AOM, namely CSOM
and subsequent hearing impairment. Because there are no recent
Key Words: chronic suppurative otitis media, otitis media with effusion, studies estimating the burden of CSOM and its sequelae in children
acute otitis media, otoscopy, tympanic membrane perforation from South Asia, we conducted this multicenter study in rural and
urban children in Indonesia, with the ultimate goals of identifying
(Pediatr Infect Dis J 2014;33:1010–1015)
areas with high prevalence of CSOM and deriving a population-
based estimate of childhood CSOM and hearing impairment for

C hildren living in developing countries have a high prevalence

of otitis media with effusion (OME) and severe otitis media MATERIALS AND METHODS
Accepted for publication April 10, 2014. Study Description
From the *Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Faculty of We conducted a prospective study between December
Medicine Padjadjaran University/Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung,
Bandung, West Java; †Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck 2011and September 2012 to obtain the point prevalence of otitis
Surgery Faculty of Medicine Sriwijaya University/M. Hoesin Hospital, Palem- media and its sequelae in elementary and secondary school stu-
bang, South Sumatera; ‡Department of Otorhinolaryngology. Head and Neck dents, between the ages of 6 and 15 years. In Indonesia, elemen-
Surgery Faculty of Medicine Udayana University/Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, tary schools are from grade 1 to 6 (ages 6–13), secondary schools
Bali; §Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Kanujoso
Djatiwibowo Hospital, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan; ¶Department of Oto- from grade 7–9 (ages 12–15) and high school from grades 10–12
rhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro (ages 15–18). All education in Indonesia up to secondary school is
University/Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, Central Java; ‖Department of Otorhi- free. Hence we conducted this study in elementary and secondary
nolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Faculty of Medicine Hasanuddin Uni- schools at 6 sites on all the major islands of the archipelago, as a
versity/Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Makasar, South Sulawesi; **Health
Research Unit Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University/Hasan Sadikin first step to obtaining a population-based estimate of the sequelae
General Hospital, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia; and ††Department of Pedi- of AOM in Indonesian children aged 6–15 years. Ethical approval
atrics, Section of Infectious Diseases, University of Colorado at Denver Health was obtained for the study from Institutional Review Boards at each
Sciences Center and The Children’s Hospital, Denver, CO. of the 6 Study Centers and at the University of Colorado Denver.
The work was supported by a grant from Glaxo Smith Kline. The authors have no
other funding or conflicts of interest
Address for correspondence: Eric A.F. Simões, MD, DCH, Department of Pedi- Study Site Description
atric Infectious Diseases, The Children’s Hospital, 10123 East 16th Avenue, Indonesia is a tropical archipelago stretching almost 5000
Box B055, Aurora, CO 80045, E-mail: km along the equator with about 13,000 islands. The 15 main
Copyright © 2014 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISSN: 0891-3668/14/3310-1010 islands are divided into 33 provinces, of which Java is the most
DOI: 10.1097/INF.0000000000000366 populous and crowded. Six study areas were chosen to represent

1010 | The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 33, Number 10, October 2014
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 33, Number 10, October 2014 Otitis in Indonesia

the archipelago. From Java there were 2 sites, Bandung District in to 8 investigators and subinvestigators were present to answer any
West Java province (population: 43,053,732), also the base of the questions, for the 30–40 parents. After obtaining signed informed
study, and Semarang District in Central Java province (population: consent, parents were administered questionnaires that contained
32,382,657). The following districts were chosen from the other demographic details, history of ear disease or hearing problems and
main islands: from Kalimantan, Balikpapan City and the adja- risk factors. Parents who were not present were approached for con-
cent Samarinda District in East Kalimantan province (population: sent and questionnaire administration the next day.
3,553,143); from Sulawesi, Makasar City and District in South
Sulawesi province (population: 8,034,776); from Sumatra, Palem- Physical Examination Including Otoscopy and
bang City and District in South Sumatra province (population: Hearing Screening
7,450,394) and from Bali, Denpasar City and Abang District in Bali On day 2, the ENT surgeons and assistants (ENT resi-
province (population 3,890,757). Training of all the investigators dents) examined all students whose consent forms and question-
in the conduct of all study aspects (questionnaires, examinations, naires were completed the previous day. We used a standardized
audiologic methods and tympanometry) was done in a standardiza- ear examination and hearing screening form. A Welch Allyn pneu-
tion meeting before the start of the study. matic otoscope was used to visualize and check the movement of
the tympanic membrane and to determine the presence of tympanic
Choosing Schools and Subjects for the Study abnormalities, such as hyperemia, dullness, retraction, perforation,
Because the ultimate goal is to apply the results of this study otorrhea, cholesteatoma and tympanosclerosis/scarring of eardrum
to the Indonesian population, we followed a strict methodology from healed CSOM. Because of the excessive ambient noise in
that would allow this extrapolation at a later stage. After obtaining the schools and no availability for adequate soundproof rooms, we
approval from the Ministries of Education and Health we obtained, chose a cutoff of 30 dB for hearing screening assessments. A semi
from the Department of Education, a list of all elementary and sec- soundproof room was set up at the most quiet area of the school
ondary schools and class-wise break down of the number of sub- with an ambient noise level not exceeding 40 dB. Hearing screen-
jects in all schools in the selected districts. For each district, we ing was performed using an Interacoustics Audio Traveller AA222
selected schools with sizes of > 400 children per elementary school audiometer with a preset intensity of 30 dBHL through air conduc-
and > 300 per secondary school, in an attempt to recruit 300 and tion only, at 4 frequencies: 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 kHz. If the
200 students, respectively, from each of the schools. The study team child could not hear the 30 dB HL tone at any 1 or more frequen-
at Bandung used a random number generator to list all the schools cies, the child was referred for diagnostic audiometry.
and then classes in each school for the study. Separate lists were
made for urban and rural schools in each district. We then excluded Diagnostic Tympanometry, Audiologic Testing and
schools in the most populous 10% and in the least populous 10% Referral
to remove outlying schools, to generate the final district-wise list of On day 2 or 3, trained audiologists performed diagnostic pure
urban and rural schools eligible for the study. tone audiometry and tympanometry uisng the Interacoustics Audio
Traveller AA222, in soundproof rooms at nearby ENT centers or at the
School Recruitment site as described above. Children with abnormal findings that needed
In the order of the randomly generated lists of urban and treatment were given free consultation and medications, or a referral
rural schools in each district, school principals were approached by letter for a nearby ENT clinic at a health center or hospital, if needed.
the local investigator and respective research team for permission
to perform the study in that school. With their permission, and with Definitions
the approval of the Department of Education, a meeting was organ- AOM: a visually abnormal tympanic membrane with signs
ized with all the school teachers and parents of the chosen classes of acute inflammation on pneumatic otoscopy (in regard to color,
to disseminate information regarding the study. position and/or mobility) with at least 1 of the following signs: ear
pain, ear discharge and hearing loss.13,21 Otitis media with effusion:
Flow of Study a visually abnormal tympanic membrane on pneumatic otoscopy
The investigative teams worked 6 days per week such that (no perforation, dullness and no movement, not red, not bulging)
each child followed a 3 day involvement. On day 1, we obtained and/or flat tympanometry (no peak).22 A tympanic membrane per-
consent, registered consented children and filled in the question- foration was defined as follows: a small perforation is < 25% of the
naire. On day 2, ENT surgeons examined all children and per- tympanic membrane limited to 1 quadrant, a subtotal perforation is
formed an otoscopic examination and screening audiology. Earwax 2 or more quadrants, although a total perforation is all 4 quadrants
was removed with suction, a curette extraction or irrigation with and attic if it is in the pars flaccida part of the tympanic membrane.
luke-warm water by the surgeons to enable subsequent examina- CSOM: chronic inflammation of the middle ear and mastoid cavity,
tion. Where wax was impacted, sodium glycerin or sodium docu- with otorrhea of at least for 2 weeks duration through a perforated
sate eardrops were used before curetting. On day 3, we performed tympanic membrane. CSOM was considered to be active if there
diagnostic audiometry and tympanometry on children with a his- was otorrhea and inactive if there was a perforation without otor-
tory of hearing impairment, who did not pass the audiology-screen- rhea and/or the presence of tympanosclerosis.1
ing test, or had any otoscopic abnormality.
Statistical Analysis
Obtaining Informed Consent and Administration Data were double entered into a Microsoft Access database.
of the Questionnaire Prevalence comparisons and χ2 analyses were used in statistical
Two or more classes (about 80 students) were approached evaluations. Confidence intervals for prevalence estimates were
each day with the help of the class teachers. Informed consent calculated with a normal approximation to the Poisson distribution
was obtained when parents came to pick up their children after (N ≥ 10) and an exact Poisson test (N < 10).23 Prevalence estimates
school, when possible. Parents were informed as a group in their were statistically compared using a normal approximation to the
children’s class rooms using verbal and PowerPoint presenta- binomial distribution when there were a sufficient number of cases,
tions. Subsequently, parents were given an informed consent. Six and an exact binomial test otherwise.23

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Anggraeni et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 33, Number 10, October 2014

FIGURE 1.  Map of Indonesia and the 6 study areas.

RESULTS contrast, histories of earwax (P = 0.02) and tinnitus (P < 0.001)

A total of 7005 school children aged 6–15 years were exam- were found more often in urban than rural areas (See Table, Sup-
ined from the 6 different sites on 5 islands (Fig. 1) and comprised plemental Digital Content 2,, that
3454 boys (49.4%) and 3551 girls (50.6%). Of these, 3563 (50.86%) illustrates subject ear history obtained from parents or caretakers).
were from urban areas and 3443 (49.14%) lived in rural areas. Each Otoscopic examination revealed a perforated tympanic
site had similar numbers of children examined in rural and urban membrane in 95 children, large/subtotal in 63%, small in 35%
areas. Most of the children were in the 6–9 year age group (37.4%) and in the attic in 2%. We did not find any cholesteatoma. There
and the least were in the 13–15 year age group (29.7%; see Table, were higher prevalences of all types of perforation in rural areas
Supplemental Digital Content 1,, (P < 0.004) mostly driven by Bali (P < 0.05) and large perforations
that illustrates demographics of study subjects). in Bandung (P < 0.05) (see Table, Supplemental Digital Content
A history of ear discharge in the past was higher in rural 3,, which illustrates otoscopic find-
areas compared with urban areas (P < 0.001) driven by results from ings in 7005 Indonesian children by urban and rural schools and
Bandung (P < 0.001; see Table, Supplemental Digital Content 2, study district)., that illustrates subject ear history Of the 116 children diagnosed with CSOM, most of them
obtained from parents or caretakers). The age of first ear discharge (77%) were found in rural areas, mostly in Bali (33.6%) and Band-
in the past shows that 25% occurred before the age of 2 years and ung (12.9%). There was an opposite trend in Sumatra (See Table,
50% before school entry (Fig. 2A). There were regional differ- Supplemental Digital Content 4,,
ences with 50% occurring by 3 years of age in Bali and Bandung which illustrates final classification of otologic diagnosis in 7005
areas, compared with 5 years in the rest of Indonesia (Fig. 2B). By Indonesian children by urban and rural schools and study district),

FIGURE 2.  Cumulative frequency distributions for age of first ear discharge by region in Indonesia: (A) All of Indonesia, (B)
Bali and Bandung versus the Rest of Indonesia

1012 | © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 33, Number 10, October 2014 Otitis in Indonesia

albeit not statistically significant, where CSOM in urban areas was 1.4–2% in Korea,2 India, 4,6–8 Saudi Arabia,28 and <1% in United
twice as common as in rural areas. States, United Kingdom, Denmark and Finland.13,29
Although there were no significant differences in AOM In our study, the prevalence of CSOM in rural areas (27 per
and OME in rural and urban areas, the prevalence of CSOM in 1000 children or 2.7%) was higher than in urban areas (7 per 1000
our study of 26.4 per 1000 children in rural areas was strikingly children or 0.7%) with P < 0.001. In contrast, in a study of 1030 school
higher than the prevalence of 7 per 1000 children in urban areas children conducted between 1992 and 1993 by Bastos et al15 in Angola,
(Table 1). This rural-urban differential was significantly different in there were no differences in the prevalence between urban and rural
all age groups (P: 0.00000000025–0.003; Table 1). The prevalence children with CSOM. However, a study of 696 rural and 270 urban
of active CSOM was only about 2.5 times higher in rural than in school children in Nigeria showed a prevalence of CSOM of 6% in
urban areas; however, it was 7 times higher for inactive disease. In rural children versus none in urban children.30 Zakzouk and Hajjaj31
rural areas, we detected an increasing prevalence of tympanoscle- in Saudi Arabia showed a higher prevalence of CSOM in rural schools
rosis as children got older, ranging from 1.7/1000 in children aged as well, but no statistical inferences were drawn. In another study from
6–9 years to 10.4 in children 13–15 years of age (P < 0.05; Table 1). Bangladesh, Biswas et al32 found that the prevalence of CSOM among
We found that the highest prevalences of CSOM were in Bali school age children was 12.44% in rural areas and 2.22% in urban
and Bandung. Hence in an attempt to gain insight into the natural history areas, and a Tanzania study showed that in rural areas it was 9.44%.33
of CSOM, we categorized prevalence by age and type of CSOM in Bali The Bangladesh study32 however was a very small study of 225 stu-
and Bandung versus the rest of Indonesia (Table 2). In Bali, there was dents and the latter study had only 21 children with CSOM.33 Neither of
no active disease seen in the 13–15 year age group. Concomitantly, the these studies had the power to show statistically significant differences
prevalence of inactive CSOM in rural Bali decreased from 62.9/1000 in in this differential. Our study was designed a priori to be able to show
the youngest age group to 36.5/1000 in the oldest group (r = −0.997, P differences in rural and urban settings by the equal distribution in urban
= 0.049), an opposite trend to what was seen in the rest of Indonesia (r and rural populations and by the large sample size. CSOM is a common
= 0.999, P = 0.028). At the same time, there were increasing prevalence problem affecting especially the lower socioeconomic group of peo-
estimates of tympanosclerosis in rural Balinese children as they aged. ple. High prevalences of CSOM have been attributed to overcrowding,
inadequate housing, poor nutrition and inadequate or unavailable health
care.13 These conditions are commonly seen in rural areas in Indonesia
DISCUSSION rather than in urban areas and might underlie our observations. Further-
In this large multicenter study from 12 sites in Indonesia, more, in rural health centers in Indonesia, otoscopes are unavailable,
conducted in 2012, we found a significant burden of otitis media and health practitioners rarely consider AOM in the diagnosis. Hence
and its sequelae in school children. The overall prevalences of AOM and OME go largely untreated. Uniquely, in our study, this condi-
AOM, OME and CSOM were 5/1000, 4/1000 and 27/1000 chil- tion was driven by results from Bali and Bandung, but not from Palem-
dren respectively. Although it is not surprising that the prevalences bang where it was higher in urban areas. This discrepancy might have
of AOM and OME were low in this school aged population, the been because the distance between rural and urban areas, where the
current burden of CSOM was surprisingly high, comparable with studies were conducted in Palembang, was not far apart and therefore
prevalences in Africa15,16 and Asia3–7 15–20 years ago. The high- children in rural areas might have gone to urban schools.
est prevalence of CSOM of 12–46% was found among Inuits in The age of first ear discharge in the past by parental recall
Alaska,24 Australian aborigines,25 Native Americans,26 between 4% in this study occurred by almost 50% in the first 3 years of life in
and 8% in the Maori in New Zealand,27 Nepal,9,11 and Malaysia,3 the urban regions Bali and Bandung (Fig. 2B). This compares to 5

TABLE 1.  Age-specific Prevalence Estimates per 1000 Children of Otitis Media Diagnoses by Age Group and Urban
Rural Residence in Indonesian School Children

Age Group 6–9 Yrs 10–12 Yrs 13–15 Yrs Total

Age-specific population Urban 1426 1137 1000 3563

Rural 1197 1163 1082 3442
AOM Urban 3.5 (1.1,8.2) 5.3 (1.9,11.5) 3 (0.6,8.8) 3.9 (1.9,6)
Rural 5.8 (2.3,12) 5.2 (1.9,11.2) 2.8 (0.6,8.1) 4.6 (2.4,6.9)
P 0.276 0.596 0.618 0.391
Otitis media with effusion Urban 3.5 (1.1,8.2) 6.2 (2.5,12.7) 1 (0,5.6) 3.6 (1.7,5.6)
Rural 4.2 (1.4,9.7) 1.7 (0.2,6.2) 5.5 (2,12.1) 3.8 (1.7,5.8)
P 0.512 0.084 0.076 0.457
Retraction Urban 2.1 (0.4,3.9) 3.5 (1,9) 3 (0.6,8.8) 2.8 (1.1,4.4)
Rural 8.4 (3.2,12) 8.6 (3.3,14.7) 3.7 (1,9.5) 7 (4.2,9.8)
P 0.023 0.097 0.543 0.010
CSOM Active Urban 2.1 (0.4,6.2) 3.5 (1,9) 3 (0.6,8.8) 2.8 (1.1,4.5)
Rural 6.7 (2.9,13.2) 8.6 (3.3,13.9) 3.7 (1,9.5) 6.4 (3.7,9.1)
P 0.066 0.097 0.543 0.021
Inactive Urban 2.8 (0.8,7.2) 0.9 (0,4.9) 2 (0.2,7.2) 2 (0.8,4)
Rural 14.2 (7.5,21) 16.3 (9,23.7) 13.9 (6.8,20.9) 14.8 (10.8,18.9)
P 0.001 2.45E-05 0.002 3.77E-09
Tympano sclerosis Urban 3.5 (1.1,8.2) 0.9 (0,4.9) 2 (0.2,7.2) 2.2 (1,4.4)
Rural 1.7 (0.2,6) 4.3 (1.4,10) 10.2 (4.2,16.2) 5.2 (2.8,7.6)
P 0.304 0.115 0.016 0.032
Total Urban 8.4 (3.7,13.2) 5.3 (1.9,11.5) 7 (2.8,14.4) 7 (4.3,9.8)
Rural 22.6 (14,31.1) 29.2 (19.4,39.1) 27.7 (17.8,37.6) 26.4 (21,31.9)
P 0.003 1.35E-05 3.6E-04 2.5E-10

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Anggraeni et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 33, Number 10, October 2014

TABLE 2.  Age-specific Prevalence Estimates per 1000 Children of CSOM Diagnoses by Age Group, Urban Rural
Residence and State in Indonesian School Children

Age Group 6–9 Yrs 10–12 Yrs 13–15 Yrs Total

Active CSOM Urban Bali 0 (0,16) 6.1 (0.2,33.8) 0 (0,27.1) 1.9 (0,10.5)
Urban Bandung 0 (0,14.8) 0 (0,18.5) 0 (0,20.3) 0 (0,5.9)
Urban rest of Indonesia 3.2 (0.7,9.3) 3.9 (0.8,11.3) 4.4 (0.9,12.9) 3.7 (1.7,7.1)
2.1 (0.4,6.2) 3.5 (1,9) 3 (0.6,8.8) 2.8 (1.1,4.5)
Rural Bali 14 (1.7,50.5) 23.5 (7.6,54.8)* 0 (0,19.2) 12.8 (5.1,26.3)†
Rural Bandung 0 (0,17.7) 5.1 (0.1,18.6) 11 (1.3,39.9) 5.1 (1.1,14.9)
Rural rest of Indonesia 7.1 (2.6,15.5) 5.3 (0.8,11.7) 2.8 (0.3,10.2) 5.2 (2.3,8.1)
6.7 (2.9,13.2) 8.6 (3.3,13.9) 3.7 (1,9.5) 6.4 (3.7,9.1)
Inactive CSOM Urban Bali 4.3 (0.1,24.2) 0 (0,22.4) 0 (0,27.1) 1.9 (0,10.5)
Urban Bandung 4 (0.1,22.4) 0 (0,18.5) 5.5 (0.1,30.6) 3.2 (0.4,11.5)
Urban rest of Indonesia 2.1 (0.3,7.6) 1.3 (0,7.2) 1.5 (0,8.2) 1.7 (0.5,4.3)
2.8 (0.8,7.2) 0.9 (0,4.9) 2 (0.2,7.2) 2 (0.8,4)
Rural Bali 62.9 (28.8,119.4)‡ 46.9 (17.8,76)§ 36.5 (14.6,75.1)* 47.4 (29.2,65.7) ‡
Rural Bandung 19.1 (5.2,49) 20.2 (5.5,51.7) 11 (1.3,39.9) 17 (6.5,27.5)
Rural rest of Indonesia 4.7 (1.3,12.1) 6.6 (2.2,15.5) 8.5 (3.1,18.4) 6.5 (3.2,9.8)
14.2 (7.5,21) 16.3 (9,23.7) 13.9 (6.8,20.9) 14.8 (10.8,18.9)
Tympanosclerosis Urban Bali 8.7 (1.1,31.4) 6.1 (0.2,33.8) 7.4 (0.2,41) 7.5 (2.1,19.3)*
Urban Bandung 0 (0,14.8) 0 (0,18.5) 5.5 (0.1,30.6) 1.6 (0,8.8)
Urban rest of Indonesia 3.2 (0.7,9.3) 0 (0,7.2) 0 (0,5.4) 1.2 (0.3,3.7)
3.5 (1.1,8.2) 0.9 (0,4.9) 2 (0.2,7.2) 2.2 (1,4.4)
Rural Bali 7 (0.2,39) 9.4 (1.1,33.9) 26 (8.4,60.8)* 14.6 (6.3,28.8)†
Rural Bandung 0 (0,17.7) 5.1 (0.1,28.1) 5.5 (0.1,30.8) 3.4 (0.4,12.3)
Rural rest of Indonesia 1.2 (0,6.6) 2.7 (0.3,9.6) 7.1 (2.3,16.5) 3.5 (1.5,6.8)
1.7 (0.2,6) 4.3 (1.4,10) 10.2 (4.2,16.2) 5.2 (2.8,7.6)
Total Urban Bali 13 (2.7,38.1) 12.1 (1.5,43.8) 7.4 (0.2,41) 11.3 (4.1,24.6)
Urban Bandung 4 (0.1,22.4) 0 (0,18.5) 11 (1.3,39.7) 4.8 (1,13.9)
Urban rest of Indonesia 8.4 (3.6,16.6) 5.2 (0.3,9.3) 5.9 (1.6,15) 6.7 (3.4,9.9)
8.4 (3.7,13.2) 5.3 (1.9,11.5) 7 (2.8,14.4) 7 (4.3,9.8)
Rural Bali 83.9 (36.4,131.4)‡ 79.8 (41.9,117.8)‡ 62.5 (27.1,97.9)¶ 74.8 (51.9,97.7)‡
Rural Bandung 19.1 (5.2,49) 30.3 (11.1,66) 27.6 (9,64.5) 25.5 (12.6,38.4)
Rural rest of Indonesia 13 (5.3,20.7) 14.6 (6,23.3) 18.3 (8.4,28.3) 15.2 (10.1,20.2)
22.6 (14,31.1) 29.2 (19.4,39.1) 27.7 (17.8,37.6) 26.4 (21,31.9)
P values were computed comparing Bali to the rest of Indonesia, not including Bandung
*P < 0.05.
†P < 0.1.
‡P < 0.0001.
§P < 0.001.
¶P < 0.01.

years of age in the rest of Indonesia. This could be related to the (as in Semarang and Palembang) and in some areas the rural areas were
high incidence of CSOM in these Bali and Bandung. not poor and had fair economic conditions (Balikpapan). However,
In school based studies in Asia, the prevalence of OME we chose schools by strict randomization and the rural districts were
ranges from 16/1000 children in Thailand5 to 158/1000 in Korea,34 those deemed as such by the government of Indonesia. Finally, there
with varying prevalence estimates in other Asian countries.3,5,6,11,35–39 might have been differences in the conduct of the study at various sites.
In our study, the prevalence of OME of 3.8 per 1000 rural children For example, although the tympanometers and audiometers were well-
and 3.6 per 1000 urban children is lower. There was no difference maintained and calibrated before the study start, they were of different
in the prevalence of OME between the age groups studied. It is pos- makes at each of the 6 study sites. To compensate for these differences,
sible that the low prevalence of OME compared with CSOM in our we held a study meeting at the start of the study with site visits by the
study might be because of (1) the age which we studied children investigators from Bali and Bandung (coordinating sites) to ensure that
(OME typically occurs with the highest prevalence in under fives)40; standardized study procedures and protocols were followed. Further-
(2) environmental differences and/or (3) genetic differences: these more, we used trained ENT surgeons in each of the areas to minimize
findings have also been observed in a study in Malaysian school bias that might occur in this type of multicenter study. Finally, since the
children, ethnically similar to Indonesian children.3 climate of Indonesia is quite varied and the study was a point prevalence
The prevalence of tympanosclerosis in our study was more study, we might have not captured activity of CSOM. Hence, we chose
common in rural areas compared with urban areas and increased to include active and inactive CSOM and tympanosclerosis to indicate
with age in rural areas. However, the study by Bastos et al15 in the burden of CSOM in the population.
Angola found no difference in the prevalence of tympanosclerosis In our study, long-term sequelae of otitis media were
among rural and urban children. reflected in a higher number of children developing tympanosclero-
There are several limitations to our study. Of necessity by design, sis at older ages. Although we did not see any children with acute or
we restricted our study to school children and hence we did not recruit chronic mastoiditis, these children would typically be hospitalized
any smaller children (0–4 years of age). We excluded smaller schools and would have been missed in this study in ambulatory school chil-
from the study, and this might have created a bias, but it is unlikely that dren. An initiative to reduce childhood CSOM is needed to decrease
this would have influenced the result. It is possible that we could have middle ear problems during and after the school years. Furthermore,
missed children who were sick, but the number would have been small. otitis media causes significant distress for individual patients and
Some rural areas were not truly rural because they were near urban areas their caregivers and remains a major contributor to antibiotic use

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 33, Number 10, October 2014 Otitis in Indonesia

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