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Lucie’s Favourite Scripting Technique!

I wrote a manifestation “scripting letter” and everything came true within a 6 month
period. Results may vary from person to person, but I have created this workbook to
help as many people as I can to also use this Law of Attraction technique to manifest
the things that you want with great success!

What is a Scripting Letter?

There are different variations, but the way that I do it is I write a letter in the form of a
THANK YOU note, for the things that I want, AS IF they have all already manifested it. I
have included a template on page 4 that you can fill in to create yours!

How Does It Work?

By thanking The Universe in advance for the things you want to manifest, it can help
you to become a vibrational match to what you want and attract what you want faster
and more specifically. By FEELING how you will feel when you are living that life now,
this also helps you to BECOME that version of you who will have that life. Reading your
scripting letter to yourself consistently also helps to tune your subconscious mind to
finding ways to manifest that life.

How Do I Use It?

Step 1: Write it.
Step 2: Read it to yourself morning and night, with FEELING, for 30 days.
Step 3: Put it away somewhere safe, and move on with your life. Let it go, the seeds of
your manifestation have been planted. Stay open to signs and notice what starts to
shift in your life in the months to come!

The secret to success is to express on the letter how you will FEEL when you manifest
the things that you want. For each thing on your letter, write ONE sentence on what
you ‘have’ manifested, followed by ONE sentence on how you now FEEL/what that
means for you and your family now be living that life.
How To Write Your Scripting Letter

1. You can address your letter to whoever or whatever you feel a

connection to. Who do you feel hears your prayers? It could be God, Allah, your
Guardian Angels, etc. You can also choose to write it to someone who you
expect to meet one day to thank for their help, for example I wrote my first
letter to Esther and Abraham Hicks, because they taught me this technique.

Who are you going to write your letter to?


2. What to include: You can manifest anything within YOUR BELIEFS. This can be
goals related to health, finance, love, relationships, work, and any other form of
success or growth that you want in your life. What do you believe is possible for
YOU to manifest within the next 6-12 months? Let’s pick up to 5 things now:

What do you want? How will it make you FEEL? What

does that mean you can now do?

3. On the back of your letter, add today’s date, for future reference, to see what
quickly and easily these things manifested!
If you need an example, here’s my letter:

Thank you…

I now…

It feels…

I now…

It feels…

I now…

It feels…

I now…

It feels…

I now…

It feels…

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Share Your Success With The World!

Lucie is writing a book! And she would

love to feature YOUR manifestation success
stories in the book! If you feel happy to
share your success with the world, to
inspire and add more BELIEF to others too,
please email your manifestation success
story to:

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