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Jenis-jenis pertanyaan:
⦿ 1. Topic
⦿ 2. Main Idea
⦿ 3. Author’s Purpose
⦿ 4. Text’s Tone
⦿ 5. Author’s Attitude
⦿ 6. Reference
⦿ 7. Restatement
⦿ 8. False Answer VERSUS False Idea (TRUE
Jenis-jenis pertanyaan:
⦿ 9. Factual Information
⦿ 10. Negating Factual Information
⦿ 11. Inference & Conclusion
⦿ 12. Analogy and Summary
⦿ 13. Bias
⦿ 14. Fact & Opinion
⦿ 15. Hypothesis
⦿ Text’s Tone & Author’s Attitude
⦿ Reference
⦿ Restatement
⦿ False Answer vs False Idea
Basic Strategies to Answer
Reading Text Questions
1. Read the question
2. Find kind of question
3. Choose the keyword from the question
4. SCAN the text based on the keyword
5. SKIM the sentences near the keyword (1-2
sentence before and after the keyword)
6. Reduce the wrong options
⦿ Text’s Tone or Author’s Attitude
Merupakan emosi atau perasaan penulis terhadap
suatu subjek tertentu dalam teks atau suasana teks
atau situasi dalam bagian tertentu

⦿ Perhatikan penggunaan dari modal verbs, adjective

and adverb of manner
Example Text
Having known the benefit of seasonal detoxification, it
is then important for us to know how to do it. The best way
to begin a spring cleanse, and to optimize results, is to
incorporate cleansing and alkalizing foods, nutrients,
botanicals, and mind-body healing practices into a gentle
program. Whether the cleanse lasts for three days, three
weeks, of longer, these tips can help align us with the
seasonal transitions. They also allow healing and
transformation to spring forth naturally.
Example Question

The author’s attitude regarding

detoxification is…
⦿ A. doubtful
⦿ B. positive
⦿ C. critical
⦿ D. realistic
⦿ E. neutral

The author’s attitude regarding detoxification is…

⦿ Jenis Pertanyaan = author’s attitude

⦿ Key word = detoxification

⦿ The way of guessing the author’s attitude is by looking at the usage

of words or by relating the answer to the topic.
⦿ The topic of the text is the benefit of seasonal detoxification.
⦿ From the first sentence of the text “Having known the benefit of
seasonal detoxification, it is then important for us to know how to do
it.” We can predict the feeling of the author to be positive,

⦿ Reference
Merupakan pertanyaan yang mengharuskan
pembaca menemukan kata yang sesuai
dengan kata tertentu dalam pertanyaan.
Biasa nya berbentuk noun atau pronoun
Example Text
The high biological productivity of the Cretaceous oceans also led
to ideal conditions for oil accumulation. Oil is formed when organic
material trapped in sediments is slowly buried and subjected to
increased temperatures and pressures, transforming it into petroleum.
Sediments rich in organic material accumulated along the margins of
the Tethys Seaway, the tropical east-west ocean that formed when
Earth's single landmass (known as Pangaea) split apart during the
Mesozoic era. Many of today's important oil fields are found in those
sediments--in Russia, the Middle East, the Gulf of Mexico, and in the
states of Texas and Louisiana in the United States.
Example Question

The word “it” underlined in paragraph 2

refers to ...
⦿ A. biological productivity
⦿ B. oil
⦿ C. organic material
⦿ D. petroleum
⦿ E. temperature

The word “it” underlined in paragraph 2 refers to ...

⦿ Jenis Pertanyaan = Referrence.

⦿ Key word: it (subject human/non human), singular
Example Text
North Americans are familiar with the many "person on the
street? Interviews on local television news shows. While such
interviews can be highly entertaining, they are not necessarily an
accurate indication of public opinion. First, they reflect the opinions
of only those people who appear at a certain location. Thus, such
samples can be biased in favor of commuters, middle-class shoppers,
or factory workers, depending on which area the news people select.
Second, television interviews tend to attract outgoing people who are
willing to appear on the air, while they frighten away others who may
feel intimidated by a camera. A survey must be based on a precise,
representative sampling if it is to genuinely reflect a broad range of
the population.
Example Question

The word “they” underlined in the second

paragraph refers to ..
⦿ A. North Americans
⦿ B. news shows
⦿ C. interviews
⦿ D. opinions
⦿ E. indications
The word “they” underlined in the second paragraph
refers to ..

⦿ Jenis Pertanyaan = Referrence.

⦿ Key word: They (subject human/non human), plural

⦿ Restatement
Merupakan jenis pertanyaan yang mengutip
kalimat yang sepenuh nya diselingi dan
diambil dari teks. Jenis pertanyaan ini
mensyaratkan bahwa kalimat tersebut
diparafrasekan atau ditafsirkan.
Example Text
Honeybees are important pollinators for flowers, fruits, and
vegetables. They live on stored and pollen all winter and cluster into a
ball to conserve warmth. All honeybees are social cooperative insects.
Member of the hive are divided into three types. Workers forage for
food (pollen and nectar rom flowers), build and protect the hive, clean
and circulate air by beating their wings. The queen’s job is simple –
she lays the eggs that will spawn the hive’s next generation of bees.
There is usually only a single queen in a hive. If the queen dies,
workers will create a new queen by feeding one of the worker females
a special food called “royal jelly”. This elixir enables the worker to
develop into a fertile queen.
Example Question
The sentence “If the queen dies, workers will create a new queen by feeding one of
the worker females a special food called “royal jelly”” in paragraph 2 can be
restated as…

⦿ A. The queen dies so workers cannot create a new queen by feeding one of the
worker females a special food called “royal jelly”.
⦿ B. Workers possibly create a new queen by feeding one of the worker females a
special food called “royal jelly”.
⦿ C. The queen is still alive; so workers cannot create a new queen by feeding one of
the worker females a special food called “royal jelly”.
⦿ D. The queen dies because workers cannot create a new queen by feeding one of the
worker females a special food called “royal jelly”.
⦿ E. Workers cannot create a new queen by feeding one of the worker females a
special food called “royal jelly” because the queen dies.
The sentence “If the queen dies, workers will create a new queen
by feeding one of the worker females a special food called “royal
jelly”” in paragraph 2 can be restated as…

⦿ Jenis Pertanyaan = Restatement.

⦿ Key word:
⦿ Don’t search for it in the text.
⦿ Just read it in the question.

⦿ False answer
adalah pilihan yang bertentangan dengan apa yang dikatakan teks.
Jenis pertanyaan ini merupakan jenis pertanyaan dengan mencari
pilihan yang salah menurut teks.

⦿ False idea
adalah logika yang keliru atau salah atau alasan penulis yang salah.
Jenis pertanyaan ini merupakan jenis pertanyaan dengan mencari
jawaban yang salah menurut logika atau alasan.
Example Text
What causes bulimia nervosa is not clear, but it may be due to a
combination of family history, certain personality traits (such as
perfectionism) and social values (such as admiring thinness). The risk
for developing bulimia intensifies if your parent or sibling has the
condition. Stressful events such as divorce or the death of a loved
one can trigger bulimia in some people, mostly teenagers and young
women. Also, many young women have unhealthy attitudes toward
eating and toward their bodies so they may socially allow and
promote destructive behaviors like extreme dieting or binging and
If not properly treated, bulimia can lead to long-term health
problems. Health problems caused by bulimia include electrolyte
imbalances and heart problem, tooth decay, osteoporosis,
dehydration and kidney problem, inflammation, swollen saliva glands,
fainting, abnormal heartbeat, low body temperature, suicide risk, etc.
There are also other mental health problems, such as depression,
anxiety,   borderline personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive
disorder, panic attacks and phobias.
Like all eating disorders, bulimia is a complex physical
and psychological condition that requires appropriate
treatment. The treatment focuses on the change of
behavior and deals with the deeper attitudes and feeling
in order to avoid the binge-purge cycles. The treatment
may be in form of psychological counseling (such as
cognitive-behavioral therapy CBT, or iterpersonal
therapy)  or antidepressant medicine. Both are long-term
treatments that may need weeks or months to work.
There are also other treatments which may be helpful.
  Nutritional counceling may help avoid unhealthy diets.
Group counceling may enhance individual therapy.
Family therapy may also help family member as it
teaches about the disorder and the way to help. Stress
management techniques (such as exercising, writing,
relaxation) may also create better self respect.
Example Question
The following information is true about bulimia
mentioned in the text, EXCEPT that bulimia...
⦿ A. Mostly affects young women and teenagers.
⦿ B. Can create other health problems.
⦿ C. Cannot be treated at home.
⦿ D. Is related to socially acceptable destructive
⦿ E. Has binge-purge cycles.

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