Test On Diversity of Life

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1. Compare the mode of reproduction of pin mould and yeast. (2)

i. Name the process by which yeast produces wine from grapes and write a word
equation to summarize the process. (3)
ii. List two structural differences between yeast and plant cells. (4)
iii. Give one structural difference between a bacterial cell and a fungal cell. (1)
b. Distinguish between an ectotherm and an endotherm. (2)

2. State TWO structural characteristics common to all fish. (2)

i. State the kingdom and phylum in which fish belong to. (1)
ii. Define the term species. (2)

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3. Chlamydomonas is a plant like protist. Give TWO characteristic features of a plant like
protist. (2)
4. Give ONE difference between an insect and an arachnid. (2)

5. The following statements are incorrect. Write down the correct statement and give an
explanation of why this statement below is incorrect.
a. Bacteria are non-cellular microbes with genetic material surrounded by a
protein coat. (3)
b. Bryophytes are plants that produce seeds in cones. (4)
c. Birds and reptiles are ectothermic. (3)

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6. A biology student wrote the classification table for three different organisms (X,Y and Z)
as shown in the table below:

a. Write ONE structural characteristic common to all three species in the table above. (1)
b. Write ONE structural characteristic common to organisms X and Y only. (1)
c. Write the letters of the organisms that mainly control their body temperature through their
behaviour. (2)
d. Organism Z feeds mainly on earthworms.
i. Name the phylum to which earthworms belong. (1)
ii. Describe ONE distinctive feature of earthworms. (1)
e. Compare the body structure of Platyhelminthes and Nematodes. (2)

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7. The following table lists a number of organisms that are found in different habitats in the
Maltese Islands. The table includes the kingdom, the major group and the scientific name
of each organism. The common Maltese and English names are included in the last two

With reference to the table, answer the questions that follow.

a. Give TWO advantages of listing the scientific name of each living organism listed in the
table. (2)
b. The Sea lettuce, Ulva laetivirens is a multicellular green alga. Give TWO common
structural features its cells share with the other plants mentioned in the table. (2)
c. Give ONE reason why the Adiantum capillus-veneris is found growing only in humid
environments, whilst the other plants listed grow in environments that are not as humid.
d. Explain why all the plants listed in the table can reach larger sizes than bryophytes. (2)

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e. Describe how the seed formed in Pinus halepensis is different from that formed in
Quercus ilex. (2)
f. List TWO distinguishing structural features that show that Cantareus asperus is a
mollusc. (2)

g. Quercus ilex is a dicot whilst Arum italicum is a monocot. Draw TWO diagrams to show
how the external structure of a leaf and the pattern of veins differs in a typical dicot and a
typical monocot. Label your diagrams clearly. (4)

h. Give ONE similarity and ONE difference one would expect to observe in the seed of a
monocot and the seed of a dicot. (3)
i. Give TWO common characteristics of Periplaneta americana and Pholcus phalangoides.

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j. Periplaneta americana is an insect whilst Pholcus phalangoides is a spider. Give TWO
structural features that distinguish the two organisms. (2)



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