K Tchen F Re Suppress On Systems: DM System

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DM System

K�tchen F�re Suppress�on Systems


W�der area supress�on 9,5 Lt , 15 Lt ve 22,7 Lt capac�ty cyl�nders
Non-clogged nozzles 9 bar low pressure cyl�nders
Prec�s�on �n detect�on 30° - 60° - 90° angle full cone nozzles
Requ�res less detector �nstallat�on accord�ng to other Automat�c and manual act�vat�on �s standard
brands supress�on systems UL L�sted detectors w�th 141°C - 182°C - 260°C
Manual act�vat�on from 2 po�nts �s poss�ble (opt�on) heat detect�on opt�ons
Gas shut-off valves can be eas�ly attached to system
M�cro sw�tch can be eas�ly attached to system (opt�on)
Easy to use and �nstallat�on
Easy to ma�nta�n and serv�ce
Genu�ne spare parts from stock w�th affordable pr�ces
S�mpl�f�ed hydraul�c calculat�on
One type supress�on p�p�ng �nstallat�on
Su�table for all k�nd of k�tchen hoods

DM 8 : 8 flow po�nt f�re suppress�on system
DM12 : 12 flow po�nt f�re suppress�on system
DM18 : 18 flow po�nt f�re suppress�on system

Kitchen Fire Suppression Systems Compact Fire Suppression Systems Clean Agent Fire Suppression Systems CO2 Fire Suppression Systems


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