BloodSand 2 Early War Playsheet

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1. Decide type of Game. 1. Clock 1" = 50 yards 1 move = 5 - 20 minutes
2. Deploy Anglo-Egyptian Forces 2. Imperial Movement
3. Prepare the Playing Card Deck. 3. Imperial Firing CLOCK
4. Deploy any on table Mahdist forces. 4. Imperialists Charge Home & Close Combat Game Length = Numbered Cards + total of British Force
5. Start Turn Sequence. Repeat until End of Game 5. Mahdist Movement Each Turn Players throw 1d6
6. Work out Victory Conditions 6 Mahdist Firing Winner Can: Pick either person's throw as cards to draw
7. Mahdist Charge Home & Close Combat Choose allocation of British movement D's.
When Clock reaches zero +1 D for each Brit unit or Game Ends
Number Disorder Effect Cavalry, Squares Pick highest throw +/- Modifiers = Hits inflicted
of dice Infantry in Line Rifles Range British Egypt. M/G's Artillery Range All
1d6 No Disorder Full Score x 2 Full Score Short 0-6 3d6 2d6 2d6 Short 0 - 10 1d6
2d6 Take Diff in D’s Full Score x 2 Full Score Medium 7 - 12 2d6 1d6 1d6 Medium 11 - 20 1d6/2
3d6 Take greatest Diff in D’s Full Score x 2 Full Score Long 13 - 18 1d6 1d6/2 1d6/2 Long 21 -30 5,6 on d6 = 1
Patrols/Commanders move 3d6 without penalty Any 1's and M/G's jam. Unjam on 4-6 next phase
All except Squares change 2 speed levels per Turn. Modifiers -1 Emergency Deployment -1 D's equal to bases in unit
Squares only 1 speed level change -1 Target in Cover -1/+1 Each Base short/extra from 4
If above this double all D's + penalty in shooting/combat -1 Poor Shots
1d6 cost to change formation Number of Hits compared to 1d6. If equal or less then remove a Flag/mounted/rifle/artillery base
Adverse Terrain: 1/2 Speed MAHDIST Type Range Dice
Recovery: 2d6 per played general (1d6 if being shot at) Jehadiya 0 - 12 Nos of Bases = chance on 1d6 of 1 D
Artillery/ M/G's 0 - 20 1d6/2 (round down)
MAHDIST If NOT under fire move 2d6.
Movement Type Notes
Spear & Sword Moves 1d6 per remaining Flag CLOSE COMBAT
Up to 3d6 -
up to a max of 3d6. Flinching : Anglo-Sudanese only. Method: Throw 1d6 per side
1 per Hit
When all Flags gone dispersed 1d6 per Base. On a 1 Flinches If outnumbered pick highest die
Jehadiya or Stops and returns fire once shot at. +1 extra die if Disorders > bases in unit +/- Factors
Artillery Will fight unless last base is killed +1 extra die if made emergency deployment this turn +2 Steady +1 Flinching
3d6 +1 extra die if poorly trained -1 Egyptians -2 Bashibazouks/Patrols
–2 per Hit Ignore 1st Flinch if British, Sudanese or behind cover. +1 Behind Cover Artillery & M/G's
2d6 Duration: Throw 1d6 for number of Phases +1 Cavalry 1st Turn -1 Cav Subsequent Turns
–1 per Hit This is also number of D's taken by British.
Result Losses
HEROIC ACTS Remove Flag/Cavalry/Rifles/Artillery
Anglo- Egyptians Win by 3+
Rethrow 1d6 from Firing/Close Combat/Recovery Brits advance Flinching - Steady
1 Bad Luck! Killed 3-4 Light Scratch Remove Spear & Sword/Cavalry/Rifles/Artillery
Anglo- Egyptians Win by 1+
2 Wounded (lose 1/2 Heroic points) 5-6 Well Played Sir! +1 Heroic Pt. Brits advance Flinching - Steady
Draw No losses
Brits pushed back: Steady - Flinching - Killed
Mahdists Win
Mahdists regain 1 Flag (replace normal base)

miguel moran cortes (Order #32327617)

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