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-is derived from the latin word litera_letter
-any printed matter written within a book,magazine or pamplete.
1.Novel-long narrative devided into chapter.The events are taken from true-to-life stories and
spans a long period of time.
2.Short story-a narrative involving one or more characters,one plot and one single impression.
3.Plays-presented in stage devided into acts and each act has many scenes.
4.Legends-these are fictions ,narrative, usually about origins.
5.Fables-stories about animals and enanimate things that speak and act like people and thier
purpose is to enlighten the minds of children to events that can mold their ways and attitudes.
6.Anecdotes-product of the writer's imagination and the main aim is to bring out lessons to the
7.Essay-expresses the viewpoint of opinion of the writer about a particular problem or event-
best example is the editorial page of a newspaper.
8.Biography-deals with the life of a person which may be about himself or that of others.
a.Epic-an extended narrative about heroic exploits often under supernatural control.
Bi-ag ni Lam-Ang-Ilocos
Hudhud at Alim- Igorot
Iliad and Odyssey-Greece
b.Tales-stories about supernatural being.
c.Ballads-short poems,adapted for singing ,simple in plot and matrical structure.
2.Lyric-type of poetry that expresses emotions and feeling of the poet.
-usually short ,simple and easy ti understand.
a.Folksongs(awiting bayan)-short poems intended to be sung, common themes are love
b.Sonnet-14 line poem with emotions ,feeling or ideas.
Example:Sonnets of Shakespeare
c.Elegy-poem for the dead.
Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe
Elegy written in Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray
d.Ode-poem of a noble feeling, expressed with dignity on a certain thing/object.
Ode to the West Wind
Percy Bysshe Shelley
e.Psalm-sond praising God and containing a philosophy of life.
Example:Psalm of David
f.Awit-Florante at Laura-sung-12 syllable per line-realistic.
g.Corrido-Ibong Adarna-recited-8 syllables-element of fantasy.
3.Dramatic Comedy
a.Tragedy-involves the hero who struggles mighty against dynamic forces until he meets dead.
b.Comedy-greek word "comos"meaning festivity or revelry.
-purpose-amusement/happy ending.
c.Melodrama-arouses immediate and intense emotion and is usually sad but there is a happy
ending for the principal character.
d.Force-exaggerated comedy, seeks ti arouse mirth by laughable lines, and its situations are too
ridiculous to be true.


.1 Student A wishes to write a lesson plan. Which question should s/he asks herself/himself
a. What materials will I need?
b. How will I get things started?
c. What do I want to accomplish?
d. What exercises will I give my students?
Answer: C
2. Which of the following characterizes best an effective classroom manager? One who is
friendly yet
a. Rigid
b. Demanding
c. Business-like
d. Buddy-buddy
Answer: C
3. Which of the classroom activities below is effective?
a. The concept learned is applicable to daily life.
b. The techniques and approaches used are varied.
c. The variety of instructional materials used is evident.
d. The laughter and enjoyment of students are contagious.
Answer: A
4. When is praise effective? When it
a. describes students present accomplishments
b. shows spontaneity, variety and other signs of credibility
c. focuses students attention on their own task relevant behavior
d. provides information to students about their competence and the value of their
Answer: D
5. Which of the following is a divergent question?
a. How is water purified?
b. What are the parts of a sentence?
c. What is the most populated country in Asia?
d. What is the formula in getting the weight of an object?
Answer: A
6. Which of the following reading skill belongs to a higher level?
a. Drawing conclusion
b. Stating the main idea
c. Following directions
d. Noting specific details
Answer: A
7. Which of the following questions is classified as low level?
a. What is Science?
b. How is city differentiated from a province?
c. If given the chance to become a government official, what reform/s will you advocate? Why?
d. Who among the Filipino heroes and heroines do you like best? Explain.
Answer: A
8. Why does the teacher have to plan the day's activities?
a. This is expected by pupils.
b. This is required of a teacher.
c. The ability of the teacher is tested.
d. The accomplishment of the objectives is dependent of the plan
Answer: D
9. Which of the following should the teacher use to start the class discussion?
a. Narrow question
b. Convergent question
c. Memory question
d. Divergent question
Answer: D
10. What of the following characterizes best a well-managed class? When learners
a. are controlled by the teacher
b. blindly obey teachers' instructions
c. pursue their task without inhibition
d. are engaged in an activity that leads them to realize the set goal
Answer: D
11. Which of the following belongs to a lower-order thinking skills?
a. Teaching for meaning
b. Encouraging creativity
c. Asking convergent questions
d. Making the students aware of their mental processes
Answer: C
12. When should Teacher M undertake the task of setting up routine activities?
a. Every homeroom period
b. On the very first day of school
c. Every day at the start of the session
d. As soon as the students have adjusted to their schedule
Answer: B
13. Which of the following marks a conducive environment?
a. Excessive praise
b. Individual competition
c. Long assignments
d. Cooperative learning
Answer: D
14. Which of the following helps develop critical thinking?
a. Asking low-level questions
b. Blind obedience to authority
c. Asking convergent questions
d. Willingness to suspend judgment until sufficient evidence is presented
Answer: D
15.Teacher N wants to develop the comprehension skills of his pupils. How should his
questioning proceed?
I. literal II. Interpretation III. Critical IV. Integration
a. I, II, III, IV
b. I, III, II, IV
c. I, II, IV, III
d. IV, III, II, I
Answer: A
16. Which of the following counters the teacher's role as facilitator of learning?
a. Does more talk than learners
b. Does less talk compared to learners
c. Makes use of interactive teaching strategies
d. Caters to multiple intelligence in the classroom
Answer: A
17. Which of the following practices violates the guidelines in asking questions?
a. Avoid cognitive memory questions
b. Call on pupils before asking the questions
c. Use probing questions to follow up incomplete answers
d. Sequence questions so that higher level questions build on the answers to lower level
Answer: B
18. Which of the following shows cooperation?
a. Doing all the work alone
b. Letting others copy from you
c. Collaborating with others in the group
d. Allowing others to dominate in the decision-making
Answer: C
19. Which of the following violates good discipline?
a. Practice
b. Attention
c. Modeling
d. Punishment
Answer: D
20. Asking a series of questions to a student is a violation of which technique in questioning?
a. Wait time
b. Prompting questions
c. Redirection
d. Probing questions
Answer: A
21. Which of the following should Teacher O practice more if he wants to give his students the
opportunity to think critically?
a. Provide questions with clues
b. Give questions that require analysis
c. Give questions that deviate from the main topic
d. Allow the children to ask questions during class discussion
Answer: B
22. Which guideline in asking questions must Teacher P use to develop reflective thought and
critical thinking among her learners?
a. Probing
b. Prompting
c. Wait time
d. Redirection
Answer: A
23. Which of the following practices is an effective way to start a lesson?
a. Checking the attendance
b. Scolding someone who was late
c. Evaluating the work done the previous day
d. Reminding the pupils of standards of listening
Answer: C
24. Which of the following routines is the best way to start a class?
a. Ringing the bell
b. Greeting each other
c. Making the children line up
d. Asking the children to clean the room
Answer: B
25. What is the most effective way to distribute papers/ materials in class?
a. Give pupils papers one by one
b. Let pupils come to the teacher one by one
c. Ask a leader pupil to distribute the papers.
d. Instruct pupils to "Get one and pass".
Answer: D
DISCLAIMER: This website believes that education is a right, not a privilege. This portal does
not claim ownership to any materials posted. Likewise, questions are not influenced by PRC
professional regulatory board. The main purpose of the reviewer is to assist examinees who
chose to review online.


· Increase in body size and other parts of the human body
· Pertains to quantitative changes in the body and can be measured
· Takes place in the first twenty (20) years of life
· Most rapid during infancy and growth spurt on adolescence/puberty
· Pertains to qualitative change in the human body and cannot be measured
· It happens from simple to more complex
· Takes place even after 20 years of life
· Refers to our maturation
(Remember that the process of Growth and Development cannot be compared!)
There are two (2) Factors affecting Growth and Development:
1. Heredity (Nature) - refers to the transfer of genes. It also puts limitation in growth and
2. Environment (Nurture) – pertains to the interaction with the surroundings and proper nutrition
When a baby is newly born, it is covered with a cheese-like substance called vernix caseosa.
Also covering the newborn is lanugo which is the fine hair-like structure covering the baby.
There are also different types of birth presentations. They are the ff:
1. Cephalic when the head of the baby is presented first during birth giving.
2. Breech when the legs/buttocks are presented, and
3. Transverse when the shoulders of the baby are presented during birth.
During infancy, babies tend to present reflexes. Reflexes are involuntary movements or actions.
Some movements are spontaneous, occuring as part of the baby’s usual activity. Others are
responses to certain actions. Reflexes help identify normal brain and nerve activity. Some
reflexes occur only in specific periods of development. The following are some of the normal
reflexes seen on newborn babies:
1. Root reflex. This reflex begins when the corner of the baby’s mouth is stroked or touched.
The baby will turn his/her head and open his/her mouth to follow and “root” the direction of the
stroking. This helps the baby find the breast or bottle to begin feeding.
2. Suck reflex. Rooting helps the baby become ready to suck. When the roof of the baby’s
mouth is touched, the baby will begin to suck. This reflex does not begin about the 32nd week of
pregnancy and is not fully developed until about 36 weeks.
3. Moro reflex. The Moro reflex is often called as “startle reflex” because it usually occurs when
a baby is startled by a loud sound or movement. In response to the sound, the baby throws
back his/her head, extends out his/her arms and legs, cries, then pulls the arms and legs back
in. A baby’s own cry can startle him/her and trigger this reflex.
4. Tonic neck reflex. When a baby’s head is turned to one side, the arm on that side stretches
out and the opposite arm bends up the elbow. This is often calles as the “fencing” position and
lasts about 6 to 7 months.
5. Grasp reflex. Stroking tha palm of the baby’s hand causes the baby to close his/her fingers in
a grasp. It lasts until about 5 to 6 months of age.
6. Babinski reflex. When the sole of the foot is firmly stroked, the big toe bends back toward the
top of the foot and the other toes fan out. This is a normal reflex until 2 years of age.
7. step reflex. This is also called as the walking or dance reflex because the baby appears to be
dancing or taking steps when held upright.
8. Cremasteric reflex. This reflex is much common to baby boys. When the thigh is stroked
softly, the lower part of the tummy tends to startle or move. This reflex is also observable during
puberty or even among grown up men.
Principles of Growth and Development
1. Cephalocaudal – refers to “from head to tail” development
2. Proximodistal – a development that starts from the center of the body going outward
a. Gross motor skills pertains to larger skills that babies mmake with their arms, legs, feet or
with his entire body such as crawling, running and jumping.
b. Fine motor skills refers to smaller actions such as when a baby picks up things between his
fingers or wriggles his toes on the sand. T also includes moving his/her tongue, mouth and
smaller parts of the body.
Periods of Development
1. Pre-natal period – from conception to birth
2. Infancy – from birth to 18 months old
3. Early childhood -18 months to 6 years
During 3-6 years old, boys tend to display “Pseudomasturbation”. During this period teachers
must be very observant and should not impose threat or punishment when such activity is
observed. If the teacher do so, the child may develop “castration fear” or the fear of having his
genitals being removed. The BEST way to handle such situation inside the classroom is to
ignore the behavior, divert the attention of the child and after, explain to the child that
masturbation should be done in private places.
4. Middle and late childhood – from 6 to 13 years (slow growth)
5. Adolescence period from 13 to 19 years . secondary sex characteristics develops
Menarche – menstruation
Thelarche – breast budding
Pseudomenstruation – withdrawal of maternal hormones
6. Early 20-45 years old
7. Middle adulthood 45-65 years old
8. Late 65 years onwards (death)
All theories of human growth and development has an effect upon decisions made in the
classroom and parental management.
SIGMUND FREUD believes that all human beings pass through a series of Psychosexual
Development. This theory includes pleasure-giving bodies per stages and may result to
“fixation” if cannot be able to move on.
The Psychosexual Development Theory
1. Oral
From birth to 18 months
Easy to be fooled
Mistrust, alcoholic drinker, smoker and gossiper
Mouth is the center of pleasure and major source of gratification and exploration
2. Anal
(toilet training)
18 months to 3 years
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, too obedient
Messy, clumsy, disobedient and rebellious
Anus and bladder as pleasure-giving bodies
3. Phallic
3-6 years old
Frigid impotence, too shy
Genitalia as the source of pleasure (masturbation). Develops Elektra and Oedipus complex
4. Latency
(school age)
6- puberty
Failing grades
Energy directed to physical and intellectual activities. Sexual responses are repressed. Normal
homosexual stage (relationship with same sex or “barkada”
5. Genital
Puberty onwards
Energy towards full sex maturity. Reappearance of Oedipus and Elektra complex but directed to
opposite sex
*Oedipus Complex means that the son is more into the mother while Elektra Complex means
that the daughter is more into the father.
*Overstimulation means that when the child during the given age of a particular stage is given
something too much may result to something negative. For example, during the Oral stage, if
the baby doesn’t need a breastfeed but the mother still gives him milk he will become too used
to it resulting to being gullible when he grow up. On the other hand, if the baby is
understimulated or wants milk to the point that he/she is crying but the mother always ignore
him/her, then the baby will grow up as if he/she always wanted to have something in his mouth
for he/she was deprived of it. This may result for him/her to be a drinker, a smoker or gossiper.
Sigmund Freud also developed the differences between our id, ego, and superego.
( moral principle; conscience) EGO
SUPEREGO (reality principle; balances id and ego)
ID (evil; the “I” principle; self-centered
Teachers should be aware of the Psychosexual Development Theory in order for us to fully
understand why some of our pupils/students behave the way they do.
ERIK ERIKSON proposed the Psychosocial Development Theory. According to him under this
theory, crisis must be resolved in order to develop a healthy direction. Take note that the focus
on Psychosocial Development Theory is an important sociocultural determinance of human
The Psychosocial Development Theory
1. Infancy
Psychosocial conflict: Trust VS Mistrust
Task: attachment to the mother/caregiver
If successful: trust in persons/faith and hope about the environment and future
If unsuccessful: difficulties in relating to persons effectively. Fear of the future
2. Toddlerhood (18 months – 3 years)
Psychosocial conflict: Autonomy VS Shame and Doubt
Task: gaining some basic control over self and environment
If successful: sense of self-control
If unsuccessful: severe feeling of self-doubt. Always thinking that he cannot do something.
3. Preschool Age (3 – 6 years)
Psychosocial conflict: Initiative VS Guilt
Task: children areasked to assume more responsibilities, becoming purposeful and directive
If successful: ability to initiate one’s activities
If unsuccessful: sense of inadequacy/guilt
4.School Age (6 – 12 years)
Psychosocial conflict: Industrious VS Inferiority
Task: developing social, physical and learning skills
If successful: competence and ability to work and learn
If unsuccessful: sense of inferiority or difficulty in working and learning
5. Adolescence period (12 – 20 years)
Psychosocial conflict: Identity VS Role Confusion
Task: developing sense of identity
If successful: sense of personal identity
If unsuccessful: role confusion
6. Young Adulthood (20 – 35 years)
Psychosocial conflict: Intimacy VS Isolation
Task: establishing intimate bonds of love and friendship
If successful: ability to love deeply and commit oneself
If unsuccessful: emotional isolation, egocentric (self-directed)
7. Middle Adulthood (35 -65 years)
Psychosocial conflict: Generativity VS Stagnation
Task: fulfilling life goals (family, career, society)
If successful: ability to give and care for others
If unsuccessful: self-absorption, inability to grow as a person
8. Late Adulthood (65 years – death)
Psychosocial conflict: Integrity VS Despair
Task: looking back over one’s life and accepting its meaning
If successful: sense of fulfillment
If unsuccessful: Dissatisfaction with life
As professional teachers, we should know how to prevent crisis to occur on every aspect of
growth and development, especially stages 1-5 for these are the stages where an individual
learner is at school. We should make every tasks given on every aspect of the learner’s life
JEAN PIAGET developed the Cognitive Development Theory wherein according to him,
knowledge is based from prior learning (schema). He also stressed that Constructivism (realting
past knowledge to new ones) is important to the learners’ development.
The Cognitive Development Theory
1. Sensorimotor Stage (birth – 2 years)
· Sensory organs and muscles become more functional
· Movements are primarily reflexive
· All are extensions of oneself
· Routines should be established
2. Preoperational Stage (2 – 7 years)
· Starts to think
· Egocentric
· Cannot accept defeat
· Animism (considering that objects have life)
· Role of playing is emphasized (enhances imagination)
· No sense of conservation and reversibility
3. Concrete – Operational Stage (7 – 12 years)
· Knows how to reason out
· Learns the law of conservation
· Learns to follow abstract reasoning but limited
· They have problems in hypothetical reasoning
4. Formal Operation Stage (12 years onwards)
· Able to solve abstract problems
· Learner is rational and logical
LAWRENCE KOHLBERG based his ideas on the findings of Jean Piaget in studying Cognitive
Development and proposed the Moral Development Theory. According to him, our ability to
choose right from wrong is tied with our ability to understand and reason logically.
The Moral Development Theory
Level 1. Pre-Conventional (Authority figures are obeyed) (birth – 9 years)
Stage 1. Punishment-Obedience Orientation
[if you do good, no punishment]
[if you do wrong, there will be punishment]
Stage 2. Instrumental-Relativist
[I will do good to you if you are good to me]
[I will do bad to you if you are bad to me]
Level 2. Conventional (9 – 13 years)
Stage 3. Interpersonal Concordance (Good Boy Nice Girl Orientation; Morality of Cooperation)
[I am doing this because everyone is doing the same thing]
Stage 4. Law and Order Orientation
Morality of Constraints
Behavior is right when it conforms to the Law
Level 3. Post Conventional (13 years onwards)
Stage 5. Social Contratc Orientation (Morality of Cognition)
Respect the differences in ideas, concepts, orality and religious affiliation
It is wrong to violate others’ rights
Stage 6. Universal Ethics Orientation
[I will do it because I know it is right to do it]
Knowing the Moral Developement Theory, teachers can be guided on making disciplinary
measures in the classroom and managerial processes.
LEV VYGOTSKY proposed the Socio-Cultural Theory. He emphasized that social interaction
plays a very important role in cognitive development. He also believed that individual
development could not be understood without looking into the social and cultural context within
which development happens.
Scaffolding is Vygotsky’s term for appropriate assistance given by the teacher to assist the
learner accomplish a specific task.
Language Development *the best definition of the word is based on how it is being used.
There are four (4) major theorists on Language Developement.
· Proposed Operant Conditioning
· Involves reinforcements (rewards)
· “Talk to the child in an adult way”
· Playing Damn Technique – let the child talk
2. NOAM CHOMSKY developed the Language Acquisition Device or Mother Tongue-Based
Technique. He is also the major proponent of the Innatist Theory, which postulates that humans
have innate ability to acquire language; they are genetically preprogrammed for it. All normally
developing children acquire language. He also maintains that language and thought are
3. SOCIAL CONTEXTUAL THEORY. This theory is primarily proposed by Lev Vygotsky which
states that social interaction influences both language and cognitive development
4. COGNITIVIST THEORY (Jean Piaget) maintained that language acquisition cannot take
place until cognitive development has paved the way for it. It asserts taht children develop
knowledge of the world and then “map” thixs knoowledge onto language categories and
relations. From this viewpoint, language development depends on cognitive development, but
not vice versa.
Who are the Exceptional Children? They are children with the following conditions and
1. Aphasia – impairment of any language modality (sound production)
2. Dysphasia – partial impairment of language
3. Dyslexia – special learning disability with written language
4. Dyscalculia – special learning disability with numerical operations
5. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) – impulsivity in attention and being
Ritalin – medicine for ADHD. It makes the hyperactive child more hyperactive to make him/her
tired and tend to take a rest.
PAULO FREIRE proposed the Banking Concept of Education. According to him, a child is like a
bank which the teacher deposits knowledge. This is almost the same with John Locke’s Theory
of Tabula Rasa wherein the child is like a blank tablet which during the learning process
becomes filled with knowledge. Apparently, Jean Piaget opposed these for according to him, the
child has prior knowledge already and the teacher gives new knowledge then the child relates it
to what he already know (Theory of Constructivism).
1. Two-Factor Theory by Charles Spearman. It supports that intelligence has two factors: a
general mental ability factor (g) which represents what different cognitive tasks have in
common; and many specific factors (s) which include mental abilities (mathematical, mechanical
or verbal skills). Spearman is also the first one to use Psychometric approach to measure or
quantify cognitive abilitiesm or factors taht are thought to be involved in intellectual
performance. Let me give you an example:
Who is more intelligent, an examinee who garnered Top 1 in the Licensure Examination for
Teachers or a dancer who won champion in a national dance competition?
From the example given, we can see that both have exceptional abilities. But in terms of asking
who is more intelligent then it depends on how intelligence is defined. If intelligence is defined in
terms of cognitive abilities, we should say that the examinee who topped the LET is more
intelligent. However, if intelligence is defined in terms of motor skills and bodily kinesthetics,
then the champion dancer is more intelligent.
2. Multiple Intelligence Theory by Howard Gardner. It argues that there are different kinds of
mental abilities that make up different kinds of intelligence. Instead of having only two factors,
there are 9 kinds which include verbal intelligence, musical intelligence, logico-mathematical
intelligence, spatial intelligencce, body kinesthetics intelligence, intrapersonal and interpersonal
intelligence, naturalistic intelligence and existential or moral intelligence.
3. Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. This is divided into three sub theories:
a. Experiential intelligence which is the ability to formulate new ideas;
b. Contextual intelligence which is the ability to adapt to a changing environment; and
c. Componential intelligence which is the ability to think abstractly and process information.
4. Jean Piaget’s Dynamic View. According to him, a person’s intelligence is dynamic, that is, it
changes as a person’s interaction with his or her environment changes.
5. Wechsler’s Global View. David Wechsler made his fame as the developer of the IQ Tests. He
devised teh Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WESC-R). He stressed that
intelligence is the aggregate ot global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think
rationally and to deal effectively with te environment.
RELEVANT LAWS (Rights of the Child)
1. Republic Act No. 9344, the act establishing a Comprehensive Juvenile Justice and Welfare
System. It exempts children below 18 years of age from criminal liability.
2. Republic Act No. 7610,The Special Protection of Children against Child Abuse.
3. Republic Act No. 7658, known as “ An Act Prohibiting the Employment of Children below 15
Years of Age.
4. Filipino Children: Child 21. This is a strategic programming network that promotes and
safeguards the rights of the Filipino children.,
5. Republic Act No. 8049. It is known as “An Act Regulating Hazing and Other Forms of
Initiation Rites in Fraternities, Sororities, and Other Organizations and Providing Penalties
6. Republic Act No. 8353. Also known as “The Anti-Rape Law of 1997”. An act expanding the
definition of Rape, Reclassifying the same as Crime Against Person, amending the purpose Act
No. 3815, as amended, otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code.

Mga Tayutay o Mga Salitang Patalinghaga

Tayutay (Figures of Speech)
• Nagpapaganda sa akda, nagpapalalim sa kaisipan at nagpapayaman sa guniguni ng
bumabasa. Ang mga tayutay ay madalas na gamitin sa mga akdang pampanitikan.
1. Patulad o Simile – paghahambing ng dalawang bagay na magkaiba ng uri (ginagamitan ng
salitang para, gaya, katulad, kaparis, at iba pa).
Para ng halamang lumaki sa tubig,
Daho’y nalalanta munting di madilig.
2. Pawangis o Metapora – paggamit ng salitang nangangahulugan ng isang bagay sa
pagpapahayag ng ibang bagay.
Sapagkat ang haring may hangad sa yaman
Ay mariing hampas ng langit sa bayan.
3. Sinekdoke – gumagamit ng bahagi sa halip ng kabuuan o ng kabuuan sa halip ng bahagi.
At ang balang bibig na binubukalan
Ng sabing magaling at katotohanan.
4. Pangitain o Vision
Sa sinapupunan ng Konde Adolfo’y
Aking natatanaw si Laurang sinta ko.
5. Panawagan o Apostrophe – kagyat na pagtutol sa naunang pagpapahayag at pananawagan
sa tao o bagay na wala roon.
Kamataya’y nahan ang dating bangis mo?
6. Pabaligho o Paradox – pahayag na wari’y salungat o laban sa likas na pagkukuro ngunit
nagpapakilala ng katotohanan.
Ang matatawag kong palaya sa akin
ng ama ko’y itong ako’y pagliluhin
agawan ng sinta’t panasa-nasaing
lumubog sa dusa’t buhay ko’y makitil.
7. Padamdam o Exclamation – pagbubulalas ng masidhi o matinding damdamin.
Nanlilisik ang mata’t ang ipinagsaysay
Ay hindi ang ditsong nasa orihinal,
Kundi ang winika’y ikaw na umagaw
Ng kapurihan ko’y dapat kang mamatay!
8. Pandiwantao o Personification – binibigyang-katauhan ang isang bagay na walang buhay o
kaisipang basal (abstract).
Parang walang malay hanggang sa magtago’t
Humilig si Pebo sa hihigang ginto.
9. Pahalintulad o Analogy – tambalang paghahambing, pagkakawangki ng mga pagkakaugnay.
Inusig ng taga ang dalawang leon,
si Apolo mandin sa Serpyente Piton.
10. Enigma – naikukubli ang kahulugan sa ilalim ng malabong pagtukoy.
Tapat ang puso ko’y di nagunamgunam
Na ang paglililo’y nasa kagandahan.
11. Papanuto o Aphorism – maikling paglalahad ng isang tuntuning pangkaasalan.
Kung ang isalubong sa iyong pagdating
ay masayang mukha’t may pakitang-giliw
pakaingatan mo’t kaaway na lihim,
siyang isaisip na kakabakahin.
12. Tanong na Mabisa o Rhetorical Question – tanong na naglalayong magbunga ng isang
tanging bisa at hindi upang magtamo ng kasagutan.
Anong gagawin ko sa ganiton bagay
ang sinta ko kaya’y bayaang mamatay?
13. Pagmamalabis o Hyperbole – pahayag na ibayong maindi kaysa katotohanan o lagpas sa
maaaring mangyari.
Bababa si Marte mula sa itaas,
Sa kailalima’y aahon ang parkas.
14. Aliterasyon – paulit-ulit na tunog ng isang katinig na ginagamit sa mga magkakalapit na
salita o pantig.
At sa mga pulong dito’y nakasabog, nangalat, nagpunla.
Nagsipanahanan, nangagsipamuhay, nagbato’t nagkuta.
15. Asonansya – inuulit ang tunog ng isang patinig sa halip ng katinig.
Ang buhay ng tao at sa taong palad,
Nasa ginagawa ang halaga’y bigat.
16. Onomatopeya – pagkakahawig ng tunog ng salita at ng diwa nito.
(1) Tuwirang onomatopeya – kapag ginagagad ng ga tunog ng patinig at katinig ang tunog ng
inilalarawan ng taludtod.
Ikaw’y iniluwal ng baha sa bundok
Hahala-halakhak at susutsut-sutsot.
(2) Pahiwatig na onomatopeya – kapag ang mga tunog ng patinig at katinig ay hindi gumagagad
kundi nagpapahiwatig lamang ng bagay na inilalarawan.
Ayon kay Lope K. Santos, ang ating mga titik ay nag-aangkin ng sari-sariling pahiwatig na
kaisipan. Ang A ay nagpapahiwatig ng kalakhan, kalinawan, kalawakan, kalantaran,
samantalang ang I ay nagtataglay ng diwa ng kaliitan, labuan, karimlan, kalaliman, kalihiman, at
iba pa.
a – araw, buwan, ilaw, buwan, linaw, tanghal
i – gabi, lilim, lihim, kulimlim, liit, unti, itim
i - Ang suot ay puti’y may apoy sa bibig,
Sa buong magdamag ay di matahimik,
Ngunit ang hiwagang di sukat malirip,
Kung bakit sa gabi lamang namamasid.
Unang Hati. Sa mga unang tatlumpu hanggang apatnapung taon ng pananakop ng mga
Amerikano, ang mga makatang Pilipino ay mapapangkat sa dalawa: nakatatanda at
1. Nakatatanda – kabilang sa nakatatanda sina Lope K. Santos, Pedro Gatmaitan, at Iñigo Ed.
Regalado. Ang unang pangkat na ito ay aral sa Kastila.
2. Nakababata – sa nakababata naman ay sina Jose Corazon de Jesus, Teodoro Gener,
Ildefonso Santos, Cirio H. Panganiban, Aniceto F. Silvestre at Amado V. Hernandez.
Lope K. Santos (1879-1963) – tinatawag na “Ama ng Balarilang Pilipino”. May-akda ng Banaag
at Sikat. Bilang makata, laging mababanggit kaugnay ng pangalan niya ang mga tulang “Ang
Pangginggera”, “Puso’t Diwa”, “Mga Hamak na Dakila,” at “Sino Ka – Ako’y Si…”
Pedro Gatmaitan – Ang kanyang mga tula ay napatanyag dahil sa hindi malayong paggunita sa
mga kabayanihan ng mga bayani ng digmaan at ng himagsikan 1896. Nagkubli siya sa mga
sagisag na “Pipit-Puso”, “Dante”, “Ernesto Salamisim” at “Alitaptap”. Nakilala ang kanyang
“Tungkos ng Alaala”, isang katipunan ng kanyang mga natatanging tula.
Ikalawang Hati. Sa panahong ito namayani ang mga nakababatang Jose Corazon de Jesus
(Huseng Batute), Cirio Panganiban, Deogracias A. Rosario, Ildefonso Santos, Benigno Ramos
at Aniceto Silvestre.
“Ilaw at Panitik” – isang tanyag na samahang pangwika na natatag noon. Ang unang pangulo
ng samahan ay si Jose Esperanza Cruz, naging patnugot ng Liwayway. Panahon din ito ng mga
patimpalak sa pagtula at pagsulat ng tula, at sa mga ganitong pagkakataon ang mga makatang
kasapi ng “Ilaw at Panitiki” ay naghali-halili sa pagkakamit ng unang gantimpala.
Balagtasan – supling ng matandang duplo. Abril 6, 1924, idinaos ang kauna-unahang
balagtasan. Ginanap iyon sa bulwagan ng Instituto de Mujeres, sa Kalye Tayuman, Tondo,
Maynila. Ang pamagat ay “Bulaklak ng Lahing Kalinis-linisan”. Si Jose Corazon de Jesus ang
lumagay na “Paruparo” at si Florentino Collantes naman ang sa “Bubuyog”. Si Sofia Enriquez
naman ang mabangong “Kampupot” o Bulaklak ng Kalinisan, samantala si Lope K. Sntos ang
siyang nag-lakandiwa. Si Jose Corazon de Jesus ang nanalo sa labanang iyon, ayon sa pasiya
ng hurado. Naging unang Hari ng Balagtasan si Batute.
Jose Corazon de Jesus – naging “Makata ng Pag-ibig” sa halalan ng mga mambabasa ng
pahayagang Mithi noong 1916. Isa sa mga tanyag niyang tula ang “Isang Punongkahoy”.
Florentino Collantes – naging katunggali ni Batute sa mga pagbabalagtasan. Naibigay sa kanya
ang karangalang “Makata ng Bayan” kapanabay ng pagbibibay kay Lope K. Santos ng
karangalang “Paham ng Wika”. Kabilang sa mga tula niya ang sumusunod: Ang Sawa, Sa
Dakong Silangan, Ang Lumang Simbahan at Ang Tulisan.
Iba Pang Makata
Teodoro E. Gener – pangunahing tula niya ang “Subo ng Sinaing”, “Guro” at “Pag-ibig”.
Aniceto F. Silvestre – makata ng damdamin. Ang kanyang tulang “Filipinas” ay ipinagwagi niya
ng gantimpala sa tula sa isang patimpalak na Surian ng Wikang pambansa noong 1946.
Teo S. Baylen – ang mga tula niya sa loob ng tatlumpung taon ay isina-aklat niya sa kanyang
Tinig na Darating.

Prof ed...80% lalabas sa exam

1.what is known as learning a new word by studying its roots and affixes?
2.According to Nagel's Acronym PPPF, what is important to follow Up in the proper use of
Instructional materials?
Ans:LESSON OBJECTIVE Grace Goddell's Reading Skill ladder, which step should come last, and only when needed?
4.what is aroused among viewing learners by dramatic educational films in what is known as
"cliff hangers"
Ans:EXPECTANCY the 5'S Formula to create a conducive learning environment , which S stands for
Cleanliness of work place?
6.In a problem-based learning Group, who take notes, join discussion and review materials?
7.what correlation is determined when there are three raters of an essay test?
8.which of the following are alternatives assessments?
9.what is the active learning strategy useful in sharing ideas about controversial
10.what kind of plan ca be developed by keeping track of assessment results from one periodic
rating to the next?


1. Which is a teaching approach for kindergarten that makes real world experiences of the child the
focal point of educational stimulation?
a. Montessori approach•••••
b. traditional approach
c. Eclectic approach
d. Situational approach
2. The use of mnemonics helps a pupils ___________ information.
a. analyze
b. understand
c. apply
d. remember•••••
3. Which program was adopted to provide universal access to basic education to eradicate illiteracy?
a. “Paaralan sa Bawat Barangay”
b. Education for All•••••
c. Values Education Framework
d. Science and Education Development Plan
4. Teacher Z instructs her class to refer to the dictionary in correcting their spelled words.
Which particle is exemplified?
a. Curriculum indigenization
b. Computer assisted instruction
c. Multi level instruction
d. Self evaluation•••••
5. In research, which is the dependent variable?
a. Stimulus
b. Input•••••
c. Attribute
d. Predictor
6. What is the mean of this score distribution: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10?
a. 8.5
b. 6
c. 7.5
d. 7•••••
7. Which statement correctly applies to student who got a score of 72 in the test?
a. He surpassed the scores of 72 students
b. He correctly answered 72% of the items in the test
c. He obtained a raw score of 72•••••
d. He answered only items in the test
8. Which measure (s) of central tendency can be determined by mere inspection?
a. Median
b. Mode
c. Mean
d. Mode & Median•••••
9. Teacher C adds the number of cases and 1 over 2 to obtain
a. mode
b. median•••••
c. median and mode
d. mean
10. It is not wise to laugh at a two year old child when he utters bad words because in his stage he is
learning to:
a. Consider other’s views
b. Distinguish right and wrong•••••
c. Socialize
d. Distinguish sex differences
11. Mothers who demand their 3 to 5 children to spend their time in serious academic study forget
that early childhood is the
a. questioning age
b. pre school age
c. initiative age
d. toy age•••••
12. Which refers to a single word or phrase that tells the computer to do something with a
program or file?
a. Computer program
b. Command•••••
c. Password
d. Computer language
13. To determine student’s entry knowledge and skills that test should be given?
a. Aptitude
b. Standardized
c. Diagnostic•••••
d. Placement
14. What is the mode in the following score distribution: 96, 97, 98, 97, 93, 90, 89, 97,
81, and 80?
a. 96
b. 98
c. 97•••••
d. 33
15. If a teacher is concerned with the development of student’s higher order thinking skills, his
lesson objectives must go beyond.
a. Analysis•••••
b. Recall
c. Comprehension
d. application
16. Which statement on counseling is FALSE?
a. The ultimate goal of counseling is greater happiness on the part of the counselee.•••••
b. For counseling to be successful, the counselee is willing to participate in the process.
c. The school counselor is primarily responsible for counseling
d. Counseling is the program that includes guidance.
17. A test item has a difficulty index of .81 and discrimination index of .13. What should the test
constructor do?
a. Retain the item
b. Make it a bonus ite
c. Revise the item
d. Reject the item•••••
18. Which is the final, indispensable component of a lesson plan?
a. Assignment•••••
b. References
c. Activity
d. Evaluation
19. For mastery of learning in a certain subject, which type of testing is appropriate?
a. Formative testing•••••
b. Criterion reference testing
c. Aptitude testing
d. Norm reference testing
20. Which is NOT included in item analysis?
a. Determining the percentage equivalent of the cut off score
b. Identifying the highest score
c. Determining the cut off score
d. Determine the effectiveness of distracters•••••
21. The first thing to do in constructing a periodic test is for a teacher to.
a. decide on the type of test to conduct
b. go back to her instructional objective•••••
c. decide on the number of items for the test
d. study the content
22. The strengthening of liberal education which includes classical literature in the curriculum is
based on the thought of the
a. rationalists
b. hedonists
c. humanists•••••
d. stoics
23. Which statement of human right is CORRECT?
a. Human rights are unlimited.
b. Human right is a moral power not a physical power.
c. All human rights are inalienable.•••••
d. Human right is might.
24. Which is an example of an alienable right?
a. Right to possess a house through inheritance
b. right to life
c. Right to alms•••••
d. Right to marry
25. It is an area of philosophy which deals on the nature of knowledge and the best methods of
teaching is
a. Epistemology•••••
b. Metaphysics
c. Ethics
d. Aesthetics
26. To occupy a government position, one has to pass an examination on Confucian thought. From
whom did this influence come?
a. Hebrews
b. Chinese•••••
c. Hindus
d. Greeks
27. Who was a strong supporter of inclusive education and “education for all” concept?
a. Dewey•••••
b. Hegel
c. Rousseau
d. Kung fu tsu
28. A son put a time bomb in the luggage of his mother who took it abroad a Philippine airline. The
bomb exploded while the airplane was in flight killing the mother and forty other passengers.
Although the motive of the criminal act was never revealed by the son, he aroused suspicion, when
he named himself beneficiary to an insurance policy he had previously taken out on his mother’s life.
Was the son accountable for the death of his mother and the other passengers?
a. Yes. He may have been directly interested only in the insurance money but directly as foreseen
consequence, he willed the death for all passengers.•••••
b. No. He did not directly the death of his mother and the other passengers.
c. No, if he refused to get the insurance money after the incident.
d. Yes, if he got the insurance money after the death.
29. Which software allows teachers and students to write, edit, and polish assignments and reports?
a. Spreadsheets
b. Word processing•••••
c. Database
d. Graphics
30. To have a test with a wide coverage, power to test analytical thinking and ease of scoring. Which
type should teachers use?
a. Completion
b. Short answer
c. Alternate response
d. Multiple choice•••••
31. What does a conservative Filipino student experience when she migrates to the United States
and witness for herself public display of affection?
a. Acculturation
b. Culture shock•••••
c. Colonial mentality
d. Enculturation
32. In what way can teachers uphold the highest possible standards of quality education?
a. By working out undeserved promotions.
b. By putting down other professions to lift the status of teaching
c. Wearing expensive clothes to change people’s poor perception of teachers
d. By continually improving themselves personally and professionally•••••
33. Which learning activity is most appropriate if teacher’s focus is attitudinal change?
a. Field trip
b. Role play•••••
c. Game
d. Exhibit
34. Which questioning practice promotes more class interaction?
a. Asking rhetorical questions.
b. Focusing on convergent actions.
c. Focusing in divergent questions.•••••
d. Calling a student to answer before asking the question
35. Which holds true to norm reference testing?
a. comparing individual’s performance to the average performance of a group•••••
b. Determining tasks that reflect instructional objectives
c. Constructing test items in term of instructional objective
d. Identifying an acceptable level of mastery in advance
36. The mode of a score distribution is 25. This means that
a. twenty five is the average of the score distribution.
b. twenty five is the score that occurs least.
c. twenty five (25) is the score that occurs most•••••
d. there is no score of 25.
37. If a teacher gets the difference between the highest and lowest score, he obtains the
a. range•••••
b. standard deviation
c. level of difficulty
d. median
38. Which one described the percentile rank of a given score?
a. The percent of cases of a distribution within the given score
b. The percent of cases of a distribution above the given score
c. The percent of cases of a distribution below and above a given score
d. The percent of cases of a distribution below the given score•••••
39. To the rationalist, which is the highest faculty of a man?
a. Senses
b. Reason•••••
c. Emotion
d. Will
40. The index of difficulty of a particular test is .10. What does this mean? My student’s
a. found the test item was neither easy nor difficult
b. performed very well against expectation
c. were hard up in that item•••••
d. gained mastery over that item
41. Jose reads WAS for SAW or D for P or B. from his reading behavior, one can say that
Jose suffers from ___________.
a. dysgraphia
b. dyslexia•••••
c. dysphasia
d. dyspraxia
42. If you want a child to eliminate an undesirable behavior, punish him. This in accordance with
Thorndike’s law of ____________.
a. multiple response
b. reinforcement•••••
c. exercise
d. effect
43. In which cognitive development stage is a child unable to distinguish between his own
perspective and someone else’s?
a. Pre operational stage•••••
b. Concrete operational stage
c. Sensorimotor stage
d. Formal operational
44. Which developmental stage is sometimes called the pre school years?
a. Middle childhood
b. Adolescence
c. Early childhood•••••
d. Late Infancy
45. According to Piaget’s theory, in which developmental stage can the child do symbolic thinking
and go beyond the connection of sensory information and physical action?
a. Pre operational•••••
b. Concrete operational
c. Formal operational
d. Sensorimotor
46. In which competency do the students find greatest difficulty? In the item with the difficulty index
of __________.
a. 0.10•••••
b. 0.90
c. 1.00
d. 0.50
47. What psychological principle is invoked when a teacher connects the new lesson to the one just
completed so that the student may gain a holistic view of the subject?
a. Conceptualization
b. Recognition
c. Stimulation
d. Apperception•••••
48. Which teaching method is intended primarily for skill and concept mastery by way of practice?
a. Project
b. Supervised study
c. Drill•••••
d. Review
49. What is the possible effect of an overcrowded curriculum?
a. In depth learning tends to be given greater emphasis
b. Lifelong learning skills tend to be fully developed
c. There is lack of personal analysis and reflection on major concepts•••••
d. There is greater concept of understanding
50. Teacher D begins her lesson with concrete life experiences then leads her students to
abstraction. Which method does she employ?
a. Inductive•••••
b. Deductive
c. Transductive

SEE ALSO: LET Reviewer in Prof. Ed. Social Dimensions in Education/ Developments in Education
Part 1
1. What kind of tension is referred to when people prefer to have quick answers and ready solution
to many problems even if its calls for a patient, concerted, negotiated strategy of reform?
a. Tension between modernity and tradition
b. Tension between long term and short term considerations
c. Tension between spiritual and material
d. Tension between individual and universal
Answer: B
2. In what strands of the four pillars of education implies a shift from skill to competence, or a mix of
higher-order skills specific to each individual?
a. Learning to Know
b. Learning to Do
c. Learning to Live Together
d. Learning to Be
Answer: B
3. Which of the following is NOT true about the Four Pilalrs of Learning?
a. The pillars of learning stress the goal of contributing to social cohesion, intercultural and
international understanding, peaceful interchange, and harmony.
b. The Pillars of Learning imply a shift from schooling to learning throughout life by "learning how to
c. The pillars of learning stress the importance of closer linkage between education and the world of
d. The Pillars of Learning adheres to the instrumental and purely academic view of education that
focuses on the achievement of specific aims of education such as economic productivity.
Answer: D
4. What pillar of education of J. Delors (UNESCO) focuses on voc-tech relevant to people-centered
human development?
a. Learning to Know
b. Learning to Do
c. Learning to Live Together
d. Learning to Be
Answer: B
5. The rapid traversing of ideas, attitudes and values across national borders that generally leads to
an interconnectedness and interaction between peoples of diverse cultures and ways of life. What is
being referred to?
a. Cultural Globalization
b. Fundamentalism
c. Multiculturalism
d. Clash of civilization
Answer: A
6. Which is considered a political impact of globalization?
a. Changing role of education in terms of preparing students for the world of work
b. The threat to the autonomy of national educational systems by globalization.
c. Reforms in education as lifelong education
d. Branding, globalization and learning to be consumers
Answer: B
7. What United Nation Decade are we celebrating for 2005-2014?
a. Educating for Culture of Peace
b. Educating for International Understanding
c. Educating for Sustainable Development
d. Promoting the Rights of the Elderly
Answer: C
8. With the growing competition brought about by globalization, what is preferred by most employers
in hiring their employees?
a. Flexible
b. Selective
c. Quick
d. None of the above
Answer: A
9. Which of the following characteristics does NOT describe contextualized learning as a major
paradigm shift in education?
a. From limited access to time-bound and space limited education, to borderless education, lifelong
learning for all in a learning society.
b. From traditional pedagogies to more modern strategies of teaching and learning.
c. From knowledge limited to the local scene to the globalized knowledge, values, attitudes, and
skills interfaced with local wisdom.
d. Pre-organized subject matter to localized themes generated from the global realities and the
cultural relevant, meaningful and useful to learner.
Answer: A
10. What current trend in education focuses on the study of the basic concepts, beliefs and values
underlying our democratic political community and constitutional order?
a. Civic education
b. Development education
c. Peace education
c. Multicultural education
Answer: A
11. Which of the following is the first target of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG's)
formulated by member states of the UN in September 2000?
a. Reduce child mortality
b. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
c. Reduce death due to HIV/AIDS and malaria
d. Achieve universal access to primary education
Answer: B
12. Which among the following statements about Human Rights Education (HRE) is correct?
a. HRE is more of the responsibilities of the state to implement human rights law rather than the
protection of the rights holders
b. HRE should focus more on rights based on "law in books", rather than "law in real-life".
c. HRE needs to focus on the values, principles, and standards and human rights and how they can
be translated into day-to-day actions
d. Human Rights Standards vary from society to society and HRE therefore should also vary in
terms of approaches and methods
Answer: C
13. What is the implication and globalization to the practice and experience of education?
a. Increase of state and government support and subsidy for education
b. Commoditization and the corporate takeover of education
c. Greater autonomy of national educational systems
d. Delocalization of technologies and orientations in education
Answer: B
14. Which of the following skills corresponds to the Fourth Pillar of Learning, "Learning to live
a. Empathy and cooperative social behavior
b. Personal commitment and sense of responsibility
c. Adaptability to change in the world of work
d. Reasoning and problem solving skills
Answer: A
15. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Multicultural education?
a. Personality empowering
b. Socially transformative
c. Pedagogically humanistic
d. Culturally discriminating
Answer: D
16. What is the character of education that manifests democratization of access and inclusivity?
a. Relevance
b. Sustainability
c. Quality
d. Equity
Answer: D
17. What is the kind of education that emphasizes human-earth relationships and fosters a vision of
education for sustainable development to build a global culture of ecological responsibility?
a. Human Rights Education
b. Development Education
c. Environmental Education
d. Global Education
Answer: C
18. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of multicultural education?
a. Multicultural education increases positive relationships through achievement of common goals,
respect, appreciation and commitment to equality among the teachers and students.
b. Multicultural education decreases stereotyping and prejudice through direct contact and
interaction among diverse individuals.
c. Multicultural education promotes independence of various ethnic groups in development and
supports fragmented view of the world.
d. Multicultural education renews vitality of society through the richness of the different cultures of its
members and fosters development.
Answer: C
19. Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits of social media?
a. Mass media decreases prejudice and discrimination.
b. Mass media enriches the educational programs.
c. Mass media increases student's exposure to diversity.
d. Mass media helps provoke discussion of current issues.
Answer: A
20. Which among the following rights manifests rule of law and good governance?
a. Right to education
b. Right to environment protection
c. Right of participation
d. Right to work
Answer: C
21. Which among the following is NOT a core principle of human rights?
a. Human dignity
b. Non-discrimination
c. Universality
d. Independency
Answer: D
22. How are human rights principles reflected in the activities of national and local governments?
a. Legislating laws to include rights education in all levels of schooling
b. Organizing local exhibit or event to highlight the children's talents and local products
c. Asking the community leaders to volunteer in the construction of a barangay hall
d. Lobbying to the UN High Commission for Human Rights to allocate higher budget for Philippines'
Commission on Human Rights.
Answer: A
23. Which of the following could be a reason to justify peace education as a series of "teaching
encounters" or teaching-learning process?
a. Desire for peace
b. Nonviolent alternatives for managing conflict
c. Skills for critical analysis of structural arrangements that produce and legitimize injustice and
d. All of the above
Answer: D
24. Which of the following is accurate in regard to working with parents in diverse classrooms?
a. The parent's culture is important, but should not influence their children's education.
b. Teachers should demonstrate their "expertise" to parents to show they know best.
c. Teachers should strive to use a variety of ways to keep parents informed, including parents who
cannot speak English or Filipino.l
d. The importance of the family's influence on children's education has diminished over the past few
Answer: C
25. Which of the following is NOT a guiding statement of peace education?
a. Peace education teaches students what to think rather than how to think.
b. Peace education employs holistic and participatory approach.
c. Peace education aims not to reproduce but transform.
d. Peace builds bridges of support among key participants.
Answer: A

List of Figure of Speech and Examples

1 Alliteration
This is a very common figure of speech that involves using words that begin with the same
For instance, “Sally sells sea shells by the seashore” is alliteration – and try saying it fast to see
how difficult it is! It is often used in advertising slogans to create something catchy that more
people will remember.
2 Anaphora
This figure of speech uses a specific clause at the beginning of each sentence or point to make
a statement.
For instance: “Good night and good luck” is an example of the beginning word being the same.
The more it is used, the more of an emotional effect is can evoke among those who are
listening. Another example is "Mad world! Mad kings! Mad composition!" from King John, II, I by
William Shakespeare.
3 Assonance
Remember the phrase “I Like Ike”? It was a very common phase for those who supported
Dwight Eisenhower during his presidential run. This is a figure of speech that focuses on the
vowel sounds in a phrase, repeating them over and over to great effect.
4 Hyperbole
“It was as big as a mountain! It was faster than a cheetah! It was dumber than a rock!” This
figure of speech makes things seem much bigger than they really were by using grandiose
depictions of everyday things. Hyperbole is often seen as an exaggeration that adds a bit of
humor to a story.
5 Irony
This figure of speech tries to use a word in a literal sense that debunks what has just been said.
“Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room!” from Dr. Strangelove is a great
example. It is often used to poke fun at a situation that everyone else sees as a very serious
6 Metaphor
The use of metaphor compares two things that are not alike and finds something about them to
make them alike.
“My heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill” from a book by William Sharp is a good
example of metaphor. Some writers try to use this style to create something profound out of
comparing two things that appear to have nothing at all in common.
7 Simile
In this figure of speech, two things are compared that are not really the same, but are used to
make a point about each other.
“Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get” is a famous line from
the movie Forrest Gump that illustrates the simile. This is often used to make an emotional point
about something. The difference between simile and metaphor is that you can obviously see
words "like" in the sentence.
8 Metonymy
In this figure of speech, one word that has a very similar meaning can be used for another.
Using the word “crown” for “royalty” or “lab coats” for “scientists” are two examples. In some
ways it can be seen as a nickname for something else; for instance, “The White House said”
doesn’t actually mean the White House said it (a house can’t speak!) but that the President said
it. However, we all understand the meaning, and so the words are interchangeable.
9 Onomatopoeia
This is the use of a word that actually sounds like what it means. Good examples include “hiss”
or “ding-dong” or “fizz.” These words are meant to describe something that actually sounds very
much like the word itself. This is a trick often used in advertising to help convey what something
is really like.
10 Paradox
This figure of speech completely contradicts itself in the same sentence. Famous quotes that
illustrate this from George Orwell’s “1984” include: “War is peace. Ignorance is strength.
Freedom is slavery.” Though we know these things aren’t true, they present an interesting
paradox that makes a person think seriously about what they have just read or heard.
11 Personification
This is a way of giving an inanimate object the qualities of a living thing. “The tree quaked with
fear as the wind approached” is an example; “The sun smiled down on her” is another. This can
sometimes be used to invoke an emotional response to something by making it more
personable, friendly and relatable.
12 Pun
This play on words uses different senses of the word, or different sounds that make up the
word, to create something fun and interesting. For instance: “I would like to go to Holland some
day. Wooden shoe?” is a pun that actually means “wouldn’t you?” Sometimes puns are so
subtle that they can be tough to pick up unless you are really listening for them.
13 Synecdoche
This is a figure of speech in which one thing is meant to represent the whole. A few good
examples include “ABCs” for alphabet, “new set of wheels” for car, or “9/11” to demonstrate the
whole of the tragedy that happened in the United States on September 11, 2001. This is often
used in journalism as a type of shorthand.
14 Understatement
This is a situation in which the thing discussed is made to seem much less important than it
really is. This famous line from Catcher in the Rye is a good example: “I have to have this
operation. It isn’t very serious. I have this tiny tumor on the brain.” Understatement can often be
used to comedic effect.
15 Antithesis
This is a contradiction that pits two ideas against each other in a balanced way. “You’re easy on
the eyes, hard on the heart” is a line from a country song that illustrates this perfectly. This is
often used to indicate just how something can be more than one thing at the same time.
16 Euphemism
Words that are used to soften the message are often considered euphemisms. “Passed away”
is often used in place of “died” or “killed.” A “misunderstanding” might be used in place of “fight”
or “argument.” And who could forget “wardrobe malfunction,” which is a fancy way of saying
“your clothes fell off.”
17 Oxymoron
This puts two words together that seem to contradict each other. “Military intelligence,” “real
phony,” “civil war,” and “silent yell” are all examples of an oxymoron. Many people use these to
promote the humor in a situation.


1. A student knows that the examination week is approaching, but instead of studying, he chose to
spend his time playing computer games. On the examination day itself, He opted to pray for miracles
rather than studying. Which attitude towards religion is displayed?
Miracles rather than studying which attitude towards religion is displayed?
a. Religion as Fake
b. Religion as Magic
c. Religion as authentic
d. Religion as real
2. ___ is/are used as medium/media of instruction in schools during the Spanish era.
a. The vernacular
b. English
c. Spanish
d. Spanish and the vernacular
3. The use of the integrated approach in both secondary and primary level subjects is a result of the
implementation of the _____.
a. Program for Decentralized Education
b. School based management
c. Basic Education Curriculum
d. School First Initiative
4. What government program allows students who are not accommodated in community public
schools to enroll in private school at the government’s expense?
a. Government Assistance Program
b. Study now Pay later
c. Educational Service Contract System
d. National Scholarship Program
5. _____was the 1980’s foremost educational issue.
a. Bilingual Education
b. Values Education
c. Accountability
d. Mainstreaming
6. The government’s educational program on _____made the Philippine Education Placement Test
accessible for adults and outofschoolyouth.
a. Equitable Access
b. Quality
c. Quality and relevance
d. Relevance
7. College students are required to take a constitution course for them to ____.
a. Develop students into responsible and thinking students.
b. Acquaint students with the historical development of the Philippine Constitution
c. Make students experts in terms of Philippine Constitution
d. Prepare the students for law making.
8. _____ supports equitable access but on the other hand, quality might be compromised.
a. Open admission
b. School accreditation
c. Deregulated tuition fee
d. Selective retention
9. Educational institutions’ effort of developing work skills inside the school are aimed at
a. Developing moral character
b. Inculcating love of country
c. Teaching the duties of citizenship
d. Developing vocational efficiency
10. In Piaget’s concrete operational stage, a teacher should provide ____.
a. Activities for hypothesis formulation
b. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and order
c. Activities for evaluation purposes.
d. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with
11. Interpersonal intelligence is best shown by a student who ____.
a. Works on his/her own
b. Keeps interest to himself/herself
c. Seeks out a classmate for help when problem occurs
d. Spends time meditating
12. A student is finding it hard to read. When the guidance counselor traced the child’s history, the
counselor was able to find out that the student came a dysfunctional family, aside from that, the child
was abused and neglected. What could have caused the student’s reading disability?
a. Emotional factors
b. Neurological factors
c. Poor teaching
d. Immaturity
13. A child was punished for cheating in an exam. For sure the child wont cheat again in short span
of time, but this does not guarantee that the child won’t cheat ever again
Based on Thorndike’s theory on punishment and learning, this shows that______.
a. Punishment strengthens a response
b. Punishment doesn’t remove a response
c. Punishment removes response
d. Punishment weakens a response
14. Laughing at a twoyear old child who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to do because in
this stage of the child’s life, the child is______
a. Considering the views of other
b. Socializing
c. Distinguishing sex differences
d. Distinguishing right from wrong
15. “Men are built not born.” This quotation by John Watson states that______.
a. The ineffectiveness of training on a person’s development
b. The effect of environmental stimulation on a person’s development
c. The absence of genetic influence on a person’s development
d. The effect of heredity
16. A child who is cold towards the people around him might have failed to attain what basic goal
based on Erikson’s theory on psychological development?
a. Autonomy
b. Initiative
c. Trust
d. Mistrust
17. A boy is closer to his mother and a girl is closer to her father. These instances are under ______.
a. Oedipal Complex
b. Phallic stage
c. Latent stage
d. Pregenital stage
18. ______ are rights that cannot be renounced because they needed for a person to fulfil his/her
primordial obligations.
a. Perfect rights
b. Acquired rights
c. Alienable rights
d. Inalienable rights
19. A grade 1 pupil likes to play with his friends, but gets angry when defeated. Piaget’s theory
states that this pupil is under what developmental stage?
a. Concrete operation
b. Formal Operation
c. Sensory motor
d. Preoperation
20. Which describes Philippine education during the Spanish regime?
a. Establishment of a normal school
b. Vernacular as medium of instruction
c. Separation of church and state
d. Emphasis on religious instruction
21. Some Filipino teachers are sent abroad to study. We call them_____.
a. Insulares
b. Peninsulares
c. Pensionados
d. Reformists
22. Jose Rizal said that national redemption can be achieved by ______.
a. Gaining economic recovery
b. Stabilizing political situation
c. Opening our doors to foreign influence
d. Upgrading the quality of the Filipinos through education
23. A foreign who studying here in the Philippines was turnedoff by the Filipinos’ lack of punctuality
and poor word choice
a. Ethnocentrism
b. Xenocentrism
c. Colonial mentality
d. Culture shock
24. If you are a wise voter, you would vote ____.
a. A candidate who has the making of a public servant
b. A neighbor who is closest to you in times of need
c. A candidate who helped you by giving cash
d. A godfather who gave your father a job
25. A pregnant, unmarried woman aborted her baby to avoid disgrace. Is she morally justified to do
a. No, the unborn child cannot be made to suffer the consequences of the sins of his/her parents.
b. Yes, it can save her and the child from disgrace when he grows up.
c. No, abortion is immoral.
d. Yes, it is better to prevent the child from coming into the world who will suffer very much due to
the absence of a father
26. This constitutional provision is the full and partial integration of the capable deaf and
blind students in the classroom.
a. Creating scholarship for poor and deserving students.
b. Academic freedom
c. Providing citizenship and vocational training to adult citizens and outofschool youths.
d. Protecting and promoting the right of all citizens to quality education.
27. The difference between Christian and Muslim marriage, the former being monogamous and the
latter being polygamous is called _____.
a. Ethical Relativism
b. Acculturation
c. Enculturation
d. Cultural relativism
28. A perfect duty is exemplified:
a. Supporting a poor but deserving student school
b. Donating an amount for noble project.
c. Paying the worker the wages agreed upon.
d. Giving alms to the needy
29. Teachers are tasked with so many things to do aside from teaching. Sometimes these tasks
adversely affect their teaching. Does this mean that teachers should be only preoccupied with
a. Yes, if they are given other assignments justice demands that they be properly
b. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities
for betterment of communities.
c. Yes, because other community leaders, not teachers, are tasked to lead in community
d. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job
30. The brain’s left hemisphere is involved in _____function.
a. Intuitive
b. Nonverbal
c. Visual
d. Logical
31. The Professional Teachers Code of Ethics does not cover ____.
a. Teachers in the tertiary level
b. All full time or part time public and private school teachers and administrators
c. Teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool, elementary and secondary levels.
d. Teachers of academic, vocational, special, technical or nonformal institutions
32. _____ is the start of Education in human rights.
a. Loving others
b. Caring for others
c. Liking others
d. Respects towards others
33. This is the objective of the continuous progression scheme that was introduced in the elementary
level in the school year 1970 to 1971.
a. Mastery of three r’s
b. Mass promotion
c. Pupils progression according to capacity
d. Access to education
34. Schema theory states that:
a. We learn by the process of conditioning
b. We are passive learners
c. We organize what we learn according to patterns
d. We are totally conditioned by our environment.
35. If one asked to develop himself to the fullest, what need is he trying to satisfy according to
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
a. Safety needs
b. Belongingness
c. Physiological needs
d. Selfactualization
36. Filipinization is violated if:
a. An educational institution is owned by a corporation of which 40% of the capital is owned by
Filipino Citizens.
b. An educational institution owned by a religious order
c. An American serving as president of the educational institution.
d. An Educational institution owned by a charitable institution.
37. Education during the American regime can be characterized as:
a. Centralized
b. Religious
c. Filipinistic
d. Decentralized
38. According to the Republic Act 7836 the licensure exam for teachers is with:
b. PRC
d. Civil Service Commission
39. Libel violates what particular human rights?
a. The right to one’s own life
b. The right to make a livelihood
c. The right to one’s honor
d. The right to property
40. We owe today’s widespread Philippine educational system to:
a. The first Filipino political leaders
b. The Japanese
c. The Americans
d. The Spaniards
41. Thomasites are:
a. The soldiers who doubted the success of the public educational system to be set in the
b. The first American teacher recruits to help establish the public educational system in the
c. The first religious group who came to the Philippines on board the US transport named
d. The devotees of St. Thomas Aquinas who came to evangelize.
42. During the American regime, they named the American soldiers, who were recruited to help set
the public educational system, as Thomasites because:
a. They arrived here during the feast of St. Thomas
b. They first taught at UST
c. They were devotees of St. Thomas Aquinas
d. They disembarked from the CIS Transport called Thomas
43. The following functions are done by the brain’s right hemisphere except:
a. Nonverbal functions
b. Intuitive functions
c. Detailoriented function
d. Visual function
44. The right brain involves _____ functions.
a. Visual. Intuitive, Logical
b. Visual, Nonverbal, Logical
c. Visual, Intuitive, Nonverbal
d. Visual, Logical, Detailoriented
45. This is a Filipino trait that involves practicing values in different regions and social groups.
a. Crab mentality
b. Procrastination
c. “Kanyakanya” mentality
d. Existential intelligence
46. In the Philippine culture, the term “bahala na” implies:
a. Lack of selfreliance
b. Lack of foresight
c. Willingness to take risks
d. Indolence
47. Who is the forerunner of the presence of the Language Acquisition Device?
a. Watson
b. Chomsky
c. Gardner
d. Piaget
48. A teacher rewards a child for doing things correctly. This technique is called:
a. Conditioning
b. Chaining
c. Fading
d. Reinforcement
49. Erikson said that children aged 35 is most likely:
a. Mischievous
b. Egocentric
c. Lazy
d. Altruistic
50. Erikson labeled children who are two years of age as “terrible two” because_____.
a. They are inquisitive
b. They Are playful
c. They are sickly
d. They are assertive

Date and its special events 
• January 1, 1571 – LaVilla de San Miguel renamed Ciudad del Santissimo, Nobre de Jesus “Sto
• January 12, 1889 – La Association Hispano founded by Miguel Morayta to introduce changes in the
Philippines and have a Filipino representative in the Spanish Cortes
• January 20, 1872 – Meeting in Cavite led by Sargent Lamadrid and killed their Spanish officers 
• January 23, 1899 – Inauguration of the first republic (Mololos) Aguinaldo as president 
• February 2, 1543 – Villalobos named Samar and Layte “Pilipinas” 
• February 13, 1565 – Miguel Lopes de Villalobos reached Cebu
• February 14, 1899 – Outbreak of Filipino – American War (Sta. Mesa Manila)
• February 15, 1898 – Spanish blew up the amiracan warship in Havana Cuba
• February 15, 1889 – The newspaper La Soliraridad founded by Graciano Lopes Jaena 
• February 17, 1872 – Execution of GOMBURZA
• February 18, 1891 – Rizal second novel El Filibusterismo was publish and finance by Valentin
• March 16, 1521 – Magellan sighted the island of samar
• March 16, 1565 – Blood compact Legaspi and Rajah Sikatuna of Bohol
• March 17, 1521 – Magellan landed Homnhon “Archipelago of St. Lazarus”
• March 22, 1897 – Tejeros Convention resolved the conflict between Magdalo and Magdiwang 
• March 23, 1935 – ConCon was headed by C.M. Recto
• March 23, 1901 – Gen. Aguinaldo captured at Palanan
• March 24, 1934 – Creation of Commonwealth Government as provided by Tyding-McDuffie Law
and approved by US President F. Roosevelt 
• March 14, 1947 – Formal agreement between US and Philippine (22 sites as military bases for
99yrs in return AFP accepted US $100 M worth of military equipment)
• March 17, 1957 – Pres. Magsaysay died in a plane crash in Mt. Manunggal Cebu
• March 17, 1957 – Garcia become the president of the Philippines
• March 29, 1512 – Blood compact Magellan and Rajah Kulambo of Limasawa
• March 29, 1942 – Creation of HUKBALAHAP (Luis Taruc)
• March 31, 1899 – Transfer of capital republic from Malolos to San Fernando Pampanga 
• March 31, 1521 – First mass officiated b y Father Pedro de Valderrama 
• April 4, 1947 – Pres. Roxas died of cardiac arrest at Clark air base
• April 4, 1947 – Elpidio Quirino become the president
• April 9, 1942 – Fall of Bataan, Death March from Bataan to San Fernando Pampanga
• April 13-14, 1671 – defeat of the 6 Dutch led by Juan Ronquillo in battle of Playa Honda, Zam
• April 25, 1898 – US declare war against Spain 
• April 27, 1521 – Magellan killed in the battle of Mactan
• April 27, 1565 – First Spanish settlement establish by Legaspi name La Villa de San Miguel
• April 30, 1846 – Approved of Philippine Rehabilitation Act by the US.
• May 1, 1898 – US naval under George Dewey defeat the Spain armada led by Patrico Montojo in
famous battle of Manila Bay
• May 6, 1942 – Fall of Corregidor Island (Gen. Jonathan Wainwright) – (Gem. Homma of Japan)
• May 10, 1897 – Execution of Bonifacio brathers
• May 12, 1935 – SAKDALISTA Party by Benigno Ramos against the Commonwealth Government 
• May 12, 1962 – Macapagal change the date of Independence day from July 4, 1946 to June 12,
• May 16, 1584 – Royal Audiencia referred to as the Supreme Court during Spanish 
• May 17, 1764 – Britain surrendered the Philippines to Spanish 
• May 28, 1898 – Gen. Aguinaldo waved the Philippine flag for the first time to celebrate its victory
• May 31, 1764 – Truce was signed between France and England 
• June 3, 1571 – Manila conquered by Martin de Goiti
• June 5, 1899 – Assassination of Antonio Luna at Cabanatuan 
• July 7, 1987 – Biak-na-Bato revolutionary government was established 
• June 12, 1898 – Proclamation of Philippines Independence by Gen. Aguinaldo
• June 18, 1908 – UP was established (Murray Barlett as first President) and (Ignacio Villamor as
first Filipino President)
• June 19, 1861 – birth of rizal
• June 24, 1571 – Manila was named “Distinguished and Ever Loyal City” by Legaspi and First
Governor-General of the Philippines
• July 3, 1892 – La Liga Filipina founded by Dr. Rizal
• July 4, 1946 – Inauguration of 3rd Republic and the signing of the Treaty of General legalized the
retention of US bases in the Philippines
• July 7, 1892 – Rizal exiled in Dapitan for 4yrs
• July 7, 1892 – KKK organized by Andres Bonifacion in Azcarraga st. (C.M. Recto)
• August 6, 1945 – First Atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima Japan
• August 8, 1963 – Macapagal approved the Agriculture Land Reform to abolish tenancy 
• August 9, 1945 – Second Atomic bomb dropped in Nagasaki Japan
• August 13, 1898 – Mock battle of manila bay between Spain and America
• August 14, 1898 – Military government under General Wesley Merit
• August 19, 1896 – Katipunan was discovered by Fr. Mariano Gil trough Teodoro Patino
• August 23, 1896 – Philippine Revolution “Cry of Balintawak”
• August 25, 1896 - Battle of Pasong Tamo
• August 26, 1930 – Founding of the Communist Party of the Philippines CPP by Crisostomo
• August 29, 1916 - Creation of bicameral legislature as granted by the jones law
• August 30, 1896 – Battle of Pinaglabanan 
• August 31, 1896 – Gen. Aguinaldo led the uprising in Kawit Cavite
• September 2, 1945 – Japanese imperial surrendered and ended the war in asia pacific 
• September 5, 1955 – The Laure-Langley Agreement was replacing the Bell Trade Act
• September 6, 1834 – manila was opened to world trade led to an era of commercial revolution I the
• September 8-10, 1954 – SEATO (Southeast Asian Treaty Organization)
• September 12, 1896 – 13 men from Cavite know as “Los Tresce Martirez” was executed 
• September 28, 1901 – Gen. Antonio Lucban attacked the American Garrison in Balangiga, Samar
• October 3, 1646 – defeat of Dutch in battle of manila
• October 5, 1762 – manila was conquered by British forces under Gen. William Draper and Admiral
Samuel Cornish 
• October 6, 1913 – Francis Burton Harrison first American Governor General of the Philippines 
• October 13, 1913 – Signing of underwood-simons tariff law (open trade Phil. and American)
• October 14, 1943 – Inauguration of Japanese puppet republic Jose P. Laurel as President 
• October 16, 1907 – First Philippine Assembly (M. Quezon as M.Floor Leader) and (S. Osmena as
• October 20, 1943 – McArthur landed the Red Beach, Polo Layte (Osmena as President with C.
• October 24 – 26, 1944 – Battle of Leyte Gulf
• October 31, 1829 – Dagohoy Longest Revolt in the Philippines lasted 85yrs 
• November 4, 1841 – Apolinario Dela Cruz “Hermano Pule” was executed by Spanish 
• November 10, 1953 – Magsaysay and Garcia were elected as Pres and Vice Pres
• November 11, 1957 – Macapagal (Poor boy from Lubao) elected as President of the Philippine
• November 15, 1935 – Inauguration of Commonwealth government with Quezon as president and
Osmena as vice president 
• November 30, 1574 – De Goiti was killed by Limahong
• December 2, 1899 – Gen. Gregorio del Pilar was killed by the Americans
• December 7, 1933 – Right of Suffrage was granted to Filipino by Gov. Frank Murphy 
• December 8, 1941 – Bombing of Pearl Harbor
• December 10, 1898 – Treaty of Paris was signed between Spain and America 
• December 15, 1897 – treaty Biak-na-Bato was signed by Pedro Paterno and Gov. Primo de Rivera
• December 21, 1898 – The Philippines was considered American benevolent assimilation 
• December 26, 1941 – Declaration of manila as open city by Gen. McArthur
• December 30, 1896 – Execution of Rizal at Luneta de Bagumbayan


Yung may   yan po yung correct answers.

1. He established the tobacco monopoly during the Spanish era.

a. Jose Basco  ❤

b. Rafael Izquierdo
c. Basilio Agustin
d. Francisco Rizzo
2. Technology ______ dramatically in the twenty-first century.
a. Was improved
b. Has improved  ❤

c. Is improved
d. Did improve
3. A bread – and butter sandwich ________ my favorite morning snack.
a. Is  ❤

b. Has been
c. Are
d. Have been
4. This is a segmented worm that can be used to facilitate anticoagulation.
a. Leeches  ❤

b. Maggots
c. Earthworms
d. Bloodworms
5. The ______ of the story is that friendship is sacred.
a. Morale
b. Message
c. Moral  ❤

d. lesson
6. What are the prime factors of 273?
a. 3x3x7x7
b. 2x3x13
c. 3x7x13  ❤

d. 3x3x6x9
7. This is the surface of the earth between the Tropic Cancer and Arctic Circle.
a. Plane
b. Circle
c. Zone  ❤

d. Cone
8. Political idealists advocate ideals in politics such as justice, and fairness. Political realist have a
more realist viewpoint of politics, aptly stated by “Might is right”. Who among the following is more of
a political realist rather than political idealist?
a. Julius Caesar  ❤

b. Mohatma Ghandi
c. Martin Luther King
d. Benigno Jr. Aquino
9. Even when her friends betray her, Becky bears no rancor in her heart because she is not _____.
a. Insulted
b. Embarrassed
c. Consoled
d. Bitter  ❤

10. If I _____ known you before, we could have become partners for a project.
a. Will
b. Could
c. Had  ❤

d. Have
11. These are the thin structures of cytokinesis amoeboid movement changes in the cell shape.
a. Pseudofilaments  ❤

b. Myosinfilamints
c. Microfilamints
d. Nanofilamints
12. All important factors must be considered to arrive at a sound ________.
a. Query
b. Change
c. Problem
d. Decision  ❤

13. The cause of power outage was a ______connection.

a. Lose
b. Loose
c. Lost  ❤

d. Losing
14. Virtual face-to-face communication is made possible by this software.
a. Google
b. Skype  ❤

c. Twitter
d. Facebook
15. “My head is bloody, but unbowed”
a. Metaphor
b. Simile
c. Alliteration
d. Hyperbole  ❤

16. The shakesperean classic saw the predicament of two lovers from warring families.
a. Hamlet and Ophelia
b. Anthony and Cleopatra
c. Ana and the King
d. Romeo and Juliet  ❤

17. If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal, the figure is a _______.
a. Shambers
b. Rectangle
c. Square
d. Parallelogram  ❤

18. The proposed equipment ______within the budget of the school.

a. Are
b. Is  ❤

c. Is appearing
d. Are appearing
19. The Philippine Legislature has two houses: senate and House of Representatives. What term
best describes this setup?
a. Bicameralism heart emoticon
b. Bipartisanship
c. Unicameralism
d. Co-legislative power
20. How do you call the tax imposed on all employed and practicing professionals?
a. Income Tax  ❤

b. Real estate tax

c. Community Tax
d. Inheritance Tax
21. This field with the study of how human beings behave.
a. Philosophy
b. Morality
c. Psychology  ❤

d. Ethics
22. Which of the following is considered the lowest form of learning?
a. Perceiving
b. Responding
c. Conditioning
d. Teaching  ❤

23. Reason must be used in understanding the existence of God. Who advocated this philosophy?
a. St. Benedict
b. St. Peter
c. St. John
d. St. Thomas Aquinas  ❤

24. If the principles and theories of human behavior were to be applied to teaching and learning. The
field will be called ______.
a. Educational Theory
b. Educational Philosophy
c. Educational Psychology  ❤

d. Educational Sociology
25. In July 1901, Isabelo delos Reyes founded the first labor union in the country. What was its
a. Association of the Philippine Labor
b. Union Obrera Democratica  ❤

c. Union Trabajadores de Filipinos

d. Association De Compania Tabacaler
26. The Philippine lies in the _____, an area where volcanoes are active.
a. Archipelagic fault line
b. Ring of fire  ❤

c. Wheel of fire
d. Volcanic Rim
27. During the June 12, 1898 Declaration of Independence, a band played the Marcha Nacional
Filipino What band was this?
a. Pangkatkawayang ng Pateros
b. Kawit Cavite Band
c. Malabon Band
d. San Francisco de Malabon  ❤

28. This is modern technology’s response to message previously sent over couriers or post offices
a. E-shopping
b. E-Registry
c. E-Mail  ❤

d. Frailocracia
29. Among the not-easily-observable skills are cognitive abilities. This is because they are _______.
a. Overt
b. Psychological
c. Hidden  ❤

d. Mental
30. Among all the religious missionaries, who arrived first?
a. Dominicans
b. Franciscans
c. Jesuits
d. Augustinians  ❤

31. What is the LCM of 5,2, and 7?

a. 35
b. 140
c. 15
d. 70  ❤

32. “My concept of inner peace came from my mother’s daily activities which I now recall with
fondness and awe. She was a full-time housewife wholly dependent on my father’s monthly salary.
How she made both ends meet, guided us in our studies and did small acts of charity on the side
was beyond me.” Based on the recount, the mother’s financial resource were ______
a. More than enough
b. Abundant
c. Enough
d. Limited  ❤

33. “I am a retired public school teacher. As a teacher, I was branded as a terror in school. The
pupils dreaded the day they would enter my class. Little did they know that behind my unpopular
façade was a heart full of compassion. But how did I learn this moniker? I did not tolerate dirty pupils
in my class. I wanted them to know that cleanliness of body was good of their health. I inspected
their teeth, nails, footwear, handkerchiefs, clothes, ears, noses and hair.”
Based on the recount, the teacher values __________
a. Cleanliness  ❤

b. Study
c. Absence
d. Posture
34. The student’s request to reset the test ______ reasonable.
a. Will
b. Very
c. Are
d. Is  ❤

35. This person served as the brains behind the “ arena theater”
a. Carpio
b. Tinio
c. Montano  ❤

d. Avellana
36. Ano ang tawag sa tatlong magkaka sunod na tuldok na ginagamit upang ipabatid na may
bahaging hindi sinipi mula sa talata?
a. Ellipsis  ❤

b. Abstrak
c. Synopsis
d. Sisntesis
37. Ito ang humahadlang sa maayos na pakikinig.
a. Ingay  ❤

b. Okasyon
c. Oras
d. Salita
38. Kung bibilangin ang pantig sa bawat taludtod ng tula, ito ang makukuha.
a. Talinghaga
b. Kariktan
c. Tugma
d. Sukat  ❤

39. Ito ay uri ng pangungusap na tumutukoy sa pangyayaring pangkalikasan o pangkapaligiran.

a. Temporal
b. Eksistensyal
c. Penomenal  ❤

d. Modal
40. What do you think will mostly happen when a plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution?
a. There will be no effect on the plant cell
b. The plant cell will swell  ❤

c. The plant cell will shrivel

d. The cell wall of the plant cell will thicken
41. A toothpick can float on the surface of the water because of
a. Surface tension  ❤

b. Viscosity
c. Buoyant force
d. Liquid pressure
42. Which of the following organisms is considered heterotophic?
a. Algae
b. Moss
c. Grasshopper  ❤

d. Fern
43. Below are different sources of energy. Which do you think is the most DISADVANTAGEOUS
because of its possible threat to human sources of food?
a. Geo-Thermal  ❤

b. Sun
c. Wind
d. Fauna
44. “The prodigal son, who is the black sheep of the family, has returned home.” What figure of
speech was used in the given statement?
a. Metaphor  ❤

b. Simile
c. Irony
d. Oxymoron
45. Anong dulog pampanitikan ang kilala rin sa tawag bilang reader-response theory?
a. Antropolohiya
b. Impresyonista  ❤

c. Patalambuhay
d. Pansikolohiya
46. Ano ang tinataglay ng mga sumusunod na salita: tanaw, aliw, kamay, reyna?
a. Diptonggo  ❤

b. Pares minimal
c. Klaster
d. Ponema
47. What do you call the molecule that contains the genetic information of the organism?
a. Nucleic Acid  ❤

b. Nucleolus
c. Ribosomes
d. Organelles
48. Which power of the state enables it to impose charge of burden upon persons, property or
property rights for the use and support of the government expenditures for social services and a way
of revenue collection?
a. Eminent domain
b. Expropriation
c. Value added tax
d. Taxation  ❤

49. What was the first term given by Marcelo H. Del Pilar to the notorious invisible influence and
domination by Spanish religious priests over the colonial government.
a. Lassuertpartidas
b. Pase Region
c. Frailocracia  ❤

d. Complace
50. The fundamental right invoked by filing the “writ of amparo” is _____
a. The right to self defense
b. The right to due process
c. The right to life, liberty and security 

d. The right to be defended by a public attorney

51. What does a professional code of conduct prescribe?
a. Civic conduct for all
b. Professional traditions and mores
c. Moral and ethical standards  ❤

d. Stricter implementation of laws

Professional Education (100items)

1. Teacher B engages her students with information for thorough understanding for meaning and for
competent application. Which principle governs Teacher B’s practice?
o A. Constructivist
o B. Gestalt
o C. Behaviorist
o D. Cognitivist
2. An effective classroom manager uses low-profile classroom control. Which is a low-profile
classroom technique?
o A. Note to parents
o B. After-school detention
o C. Withdrawal of privileges
o D. Raising the pitch of the voice
3. In Krathwohl’s affective domain of objectives, which of the following is the lowest level of affective
o A. Valuing
o B. Characterization
o C. Responding
o D. Organization
4. We encounter people whose prayer goes like this: “O God, if there is a God; save my soul, if I
have a soul” From whom is this prayer?
o A. Stoic
o B. Empiricist
o C. Agnostic
o D. Skeptic
5. Teacher A is a teacher of English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-
blank sentences, dialogues, dictation and writing exercise’s in teaching a lesson about grocery
shopping. Based on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion?
o A. The teacher is applying Bloom's hierachy of cognitive learning.
o B. The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because not all students learn in the same manner.
o C. The teacher wants to make her teaching easier by having less talk.
o D. The teacher is emphasizing reading and writing skills.
6. Which is one characteristic of an effective classroom management?
o A. It quickly and unobtrusively redirects misbehavior once it occurs.
o B. It teaches dependence on others for self-control.
o C. It respects cultural norms of a limited group students.
o D. Strategies are simple enough to be used consistently.
7. After giving an input on a good paragraph, Teacher W asks her students to rate a given paragraph
along the elements of a good paragraph. The students’ task is in level of __________.
o A. application
o B. analysis
o C. evaluation
o D. synthesis
8. In what way can teachers uphold the highest possible standards of quality education?
o A. By continually improving themselves personally and professionally
o B. By wearing expensive clothes to change people's poor perception of teachers
o C. By working out undeserved promotions
o D. By putting down other professions to lift the status of teaching
9. Are percentile ranks the same as percentage correct?
o A. It cannot be determined unless scores are given.
o B. It cannot be determined unless the number of examinees is given.
o C. No
o D. Yes
10. In a social studies class, Teacher I presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks his students
what they would do. On whose theory is Teacher I’s technique based?
o A. Kohlberg
o B. Bandura
o C. Piaget
o D. Bruner
11. Student Z does not study at all but when the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) comes,
before he takes the LET, he spends one hour or more praying for a miracle, i.e. to pass the exam.
Which attitude towards religion or God is displayed?
o A. Religion as fake
o B. Religion as magic
o C. Religion as authentic
o D. Religion as real
12. The principle of individual differences requires teachers to __________.
o A. give greater attention to gifted learners
o B. provide for a variety of learning activities
o C. treat all learners alike while in the classroom
o D. prepare modules for slow learners in class
13. Principal B tells her teachers that training in the humanities is most important. To which
educational philosophy does he adhere?
o A. Existentialism
o B. Perennialism
o C. Progressivism
o D. Essentialism
14. Teacher Y does norm-referenced interpretation of scores. Which of the following does she do?
o A. She describes group performance in relation to a level of mastery set.
o B. She uses a specified content as its frame of reference.
o C. She compares every individual students' scores with others' scores.
o D. She describes what should be their performance.
15. The teacher’s first task in the selection of media in teaching is to determine the ______.
o A. choice of the students
o B. availability of the media
o C. objectives of the lesson
o D. technique to be used
16. What was the most prominent educational issue of the mid 1980s?
o A. Bilingual Education
o B. Values Education
o C. Accountability
o D. Mainstreaming
17. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that pleasure is not the highest good. Teacher’s teaching is
against what philosophy?
o A. Realism
o B. Hedonism
o C. Epicureanism
o D. Empiricism
18. In the Preamble of the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, which is NOT said of teachers?
o A. LET passers
o B. Duly licensed professionals
o C. Possess dignity and reputation
o D. With high-moral values as well as technical and professional competence
19. The following are used in writing performance objectives, EXCEPT
o A. delineate
o B. diagram
o C. integrate
o D. comprehend
20. Teacher T taught a lesson denoting ownership by means of possessives. He first introduced the
rule, then gave examples, followed by class exercises, then back to the rule before he moved into
the second rule. Which presenting technique did he use?
o A. Combinatorial
o B. Comparative
o C. Part-whole
o D. Sequence
21. The test item “Group the following items according to shape” is a thought test item on
o A. creating
o B. classifying
o C. generalizing
o D. comparing
22. During the Spanish period, what was/were the medium/media of instruction in schools?
o A. The Vernacular
o B. English
o C. Spanish
o D. Spanish and the Vernacular
23. To come closer to the truth we need to go back to the things themselves. This is the advice of
o A. behaviorists
o B. phenomenologists
o C. idealists
o D. pragmatists
24. By what name is Indirect instruction the Socratic method also known?
o A. Mastery learning
o B. Indirect Method
o C. Morrison method
o D. Questioning method
25. I drew learners into several content areas and encouraged them to solve a complex question for
inter-disciplinary teaching. Which strategy did I use?
o A. Problem-centered learning
o B. Unit method
o C. Reading-writing activity
o D. Thematic instruction
26. From whom do we owe the theory of deductive interference as illustrated in syllogisms?
o A. Plato
o B. Socrates
o C. Aristotle
o D. Pythagoras
27. Which of the following propositions is attributed to Plato?
o A. Truth is relative to a particular time and place.
o B. Human beings create their own truths.
o C. Learning is the discovery of truth as Iatent ideas are brought to consciousness.
o D. Sense perception is the most accurate guide to knowledge.
28. Read this question: How will you present the layers of the earth to your class? This is a question
o A. directs
o B. leads the student to evaluate
o C. assesses cognition
o D. probes creative thinking
29. With indirect instruction in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
o A. Problem solving
o B. Lecture-recitation
o C. Inductive reasoning
o D. Discovery
30. In a treatment for alcoholism, Ramil was made to drink an alcoholic beverage and then made to
ingest a drug that produces nausea. Eventually, he was nauseated at the sight and smell of alcohol
and stopped drinking alcohol. Which theory explains this?
o A. Operant conditioning
o B. Social Learning Theory
o C. Associative Learning
o D. Attribution Theory
31. In Krathwohl’s taxonomy of objectives in the affective, which is most authentic?
o A. Characterization
o B. Organization
o C. Responding
o D. Valuing
32. Teacher B is a teacher of English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-
blank sentences, dictation and writing exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based
on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion?
o A. The teacher is reinforcing learning by giving the same information in, a variety of methods.
o B. The teacher is applying Bloom's hierachy of cognitive learning.
o C. The teacher wants to do less talk.
o D. The teacher is emphasizing listening and speaking skills.
33. On whose philosophy was A. S. Neil’s Summerhill, one of the most experimental schools,
o A. Rousseau
o B. Pestalozzi
o C. Montessori
o D. John Locke
34. If you agree with Rizal on how you can contribute to our nation’s redemption, which should you
work for?
o A. Opening our doors to foreign influence
o B. Upgrading the quality of the Filipino through education
o C. Stabilizing the political situation
o D. Gaining economic recovery
35. Study this group of tests which was administered with the following results, then answer the
Subject Mean SD Ronnels’s Score
Math 56 10 43
Physics 41 9 31
English 80 16 109
In which subject(s) were the scores most homogenous?
o A. Math
o B. English
o C. Physics
o D. Physics and Math
36. What measure of central tendency does the number 16 represent in the following data: 14, 15,
17, 16, 19, 20, 16, 14, 16?
o A. Mode
o B. Median
o C. Mode and median
o D. Mean
37. What should a teacher do for students in his class who are not on grade level?
o A. Give them materials on their level and let them work at a pace that is reasonable for them,
trying to bring them up to a grade level.
o B. Give them the same work as the other students, because they will absorb as much as they are
capable of
o C. Give them the same work as the other students, not much, so that they won't feel embarrassed.
o D. Give them work on the level of the other students and work a little above the classmate’s level
to challenge them.
38. Rodel is very aloof and cold in his relationships with his classmates. Which basic goal must haye
not been attained by Rodel during his developmental years, according to Erikson’s theory on
psychological development?
o A. Autonomy
o B. Trust
o C. Initiative
o D. Generativity
39. Value clarification as a strategy in Values Education classes is anchored on which philosophy?
o A. Existentialism
o B. Christian philosophy
o C. Idealism
o D. Hedonism
40. As a teacher, you are a rationalist. Which among these will be your guiding principle?
o A. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything.
o B. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full.
o C. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
o D. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for a better future.
41. The best way for a guidance counselor to begin to develop study skills and habits in
underachieving student would be to __________.
o A. have these underachieving students observe the study habits of excelling students
o B. encourage students to talk about study habits from their own experiences
o C. have them view film strips about various study approaches
o D. give out a list of effective study approaches
42. As a teacher, what do you do when you engage yourself in major task analysis?
o A. Test if learning reached higher level thinking skills.
o B. Breakdown a complex task into sub-skills.
o C. Determine the level of thinking involved.
o D. Revise lesson objectives.
43. A guest speaker in one graduation rites told his audience: “Reminder, you are what you choose
to be.” The guest speaker is more of a/an __________.
o A. realistic
o B. pragmatist
o C. idealist
o D. existentialist
44. Which one can enhance the comparability of grades?
o A. Using common conversion table for translating test scores in to ratings
o B. Formulating tests that vary from one teacher to another
o C. Allowing individual teachers to determine factors for rating
o D. Individual teachers giving weights to factors considered for rating
45. “In the light of the facts presented, what is most likely to happen when … ?” is a sample thought
question on
o A. inferring
o B. generalizing
o C. synthesizing
o D. justifying
46. Teacher P wants to develop the skill of synthesizing in her pupils. Which one will she do?
o A. Ask her students to formulate a generalization from the data shown in graphs.
o B. Ask her students to answer questions beginning with What if ...
o C. Tell her pupils to state data presented in graphs.
o D. Directs her students to ask questions on the parts of the lesson not understood.
47. Which guideline in test construction is NOT observed in this test item: Jose Rizal wrote
o A. The central problem should be packed in the stem.
o B. There must be only one correct answer.
o C. Alternatives must have grammatical parallelism.
o D. The alternates must be plausible.
48. Direct instruction is for facts, rules, and actions as indirect instruction is for __________,
__________, __________.
o A. hypotheses, verified data and conclusions
o B. concepts, patterns and abstractions
o C. concepts, processes and generalizations
o D. guesses, data and conclusions
49. Each teacher is said to be a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is,
under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage. Which practice makes him fulfill such
o A. Use the latest instructional technology.
o B. Observe continuing professional education.
o C. Use interactive teaching strategies.
o D. Study the life of Filipino heroes.
50. Teacher G’s lesson objective has something to do with the skill of synthesizing? Which
behavioral term is most appropriate?
o A. Test
o B. Assess
o C. Appraise
o D. Theorize
51. The search for related literature by accessing several databases by the use of a telephone line to
connect a computer library with other computers that have database is termed __________.
o A. compact disc search
o B. manual search
o C. on-line search
o D. computer search
52. I combined several subject areas in order to focus on a single concept for inter-disciplinary
teaching. Which strategy/method did I use?
o A. Problem-entered learning
o B. Thematic instruction
o C. Reading-writing activity
o D. Unit method
53. As a teacher, you are a reconstructionist. Which among these will be your guiding principle?
o A. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for a better future.
o B. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full.
o C. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
o D. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything.
54. A teacher’s summary of a lesson serves the following functions, EXCEPT
o A. it links the parts of the lesson
o B. it brings together the information that has been discussed
o C. it makes provisions for full participation of students.
o D. it clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the lesson.
55. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely, affect their
teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with teaching?
o A. Yes, if they are given other assignments, justice demands that they be properly compensated.
o B. Yes, because other community leaders, not teachers, are tasked to leadin community activities.
o C. NO, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for
betterment of communities
o D. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job.
56. Which is one role of play in the pre-school and early childhood years?
o A. Develops competitive spirit.
o B. Separates reality from fantasy.
o C. Increases imagination due to expanding knowledge and emotional range.
o D. Develops the upper and lower limbs.
57. Studies in the areas of neurosciences disclosed that the human brain has limitless capacity.
What does this imply?
o A. Some pupils are admittedly not capable of learning.
o B. Every pupil has his own native ability and his learning is limited to this native abilty.
o C. Every child is a potential genius.
o D. Pupils can possibly reach a point where they have learned everything.
58. All men are pretty much alike. It is only by custom that they are set apart, said one Oriental
philosopher. Where can this thought be most inspiring?
o A. In a multi-cultural group of learners
o B. In multi-cultural and heterogeneous groups of learners and indigenous peoples' group
o C. In a class composed of indigenous peoples
o D. In heterogeneous class of learners
59. Standard deviation is to variability as mean is to __________.
o A. coefficient of correlation
o B. central tendency
o C. discrimination index
o D. level of difficulty
60. 61. Which is a true foundation of the social order?
o A. Obedient citizenry
o B. The reciprocation of rights and duties
o C. Strong political leadership
o D. Equitable distribution of wealth
61. Who among the following puts more emphasis on core requirements, longer school day, longer
academic year and more challenging textbooks?
o A. Perennialist
o B. Essentialist
o C. Progressivist
o D. Existentialist
62. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means that NSAT and
NEAT fall under __________.
o A. intelligence test
o B. aptitude test
o C. criterion-referenced test
o D. norm-referenced test
63. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages.
In which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?
o A. Enactive and iconic
o B. Symbolic
o C. Symbolic and enactive
o D. Iconic
64. Teacher H gave her first-grade class a page with a story in which pictures take the place of some
words. Which method did she use?
o A. The whole language approach
o B. The Spaulding method
o C. The rebus method
o D. The language experience approach
65. To elicit more student’s response, Teacher G made use of covert responses. Which one did she
NOT do?
o A. She had the students write their response privately.
o B. She showed the correct answers on the overhead after the students have written their
o C. She had the students write their responses privately then called each of them.
o D. She refrained from judging on the student's responses.
66. A sixth grade twelve-year old boy comes from a dysfunctional family and has been abused and
neglected. He has been to two orphanages and three different elementary schools. The student can
decode on the second grade level, but he can comprehend orally material at the fourth or fifth grade
level. The most probable cause/s of this student’s reading problem is/are __________.
o A. emotional factors
o B. poor teaching
o C. neurological factors
o D. immaturity
67. Teacher A knows of the illegal activities of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be involved
in any investigation. Which foundational principle of morality does Teacher A fail to apply?
o A. The end does not justify the means.
o B. The principle of double-effect
o C. Always do what is right.
o D. Between two evils, do the lesser evil.
68. Which is an appropriate way to manage off-task behavior?
o A. Make eye contact.
o B. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task.
o C. Move closer to the child.
o D. Redirect a child's attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing to
69. Read the following then answer the question
Question: The Teacher’s questions in the above exchange are examples of __________ questions.
o A. fact
o B. concept
o C. direct
o D. closed
70. Who among the following needs less verbal counseling but needs more concrete and operational
forms of assistance? The child who __________.
o A. has mental retardation
o B. has attention-deficit disorder
o C. has learning disability
o D. has conduct disorder
71. For maximum interaction, a teacher ought to avoid __________ questions.
o A. informational
o B. rhetorical
o C. leading
o D. divergent
72. A child who gets punished for stealing candy may not steal again immediately. But this does not
mean that the child may not steal again. Based on Thorndike’s theory on punishment and learning,
this shows that __________.
o A. punishment strengthens a response
o B. punishment removes a response
o C. punishment does not remove a response
o D. punishment weakens a response
73. In his second item analysis, Teacher H found out that more from the lower group got the test
item # 6 correctly. This means that the test item __________.
o A. has a negative discriminating power
o B. has a lower validity
o C. has a positive discriminating power
o D. has a high reability
74. Principal C shares this thought with his teachers:Subject matter should help students understand
and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their
thoughts, feelings, and actions.From which philosophy is this thought based?
o A. Perennialism
o B. Essentialism
o C. Existentialism
o D. Progressivism
75. Which guideline must be observed in the use of prompting to shape the correct performance of
your students?
o A. Use the least intrusive prompt first.
o B. Use all prompts available.
o C. Use the most intrusive prompt first.
o D. Refrain from using prompts.
76. If teacher has to ask more higher-order questions, he has to ask more __________ questions.
o A. closed
o B. fact
o C. concept
o D. convergent
77. With which goals of educational institutions as provided for by the Constitution is the
development of work skills aligned?
o A. To develop moral character
o B. To teach the duties of citizenship
o C. To inculcate love of country
o D. To develop vocational efficiency
78. Which test has broad sampling of topics as strength?
o A. Objective test
o B. Short answer test
o C. Essay test
o D. Problem type
79. Which holds true to standardized tests?
o A. They are used for comparative purposes
o B. They are administered differently
o C. They are scored according to different standards
o D. They are used for assigning grades
80. Theft of school equipment like tv, computer, etc. by teenagers in the community itself is
becoming a common phenomenon. What does this incident signify?
o A. Prevalence of poverty in the community.
o B. Inability of school to hire security guards.
o C. Deprivation of Filipino schools.
o D. Community's lack of sense of co-ownership.
81. Which is a sound classroom management practice?
o A. Avoid establishing routines
o B. Establish routines for all daily needs and tasks.
o C. Apply rules and policies on a case to case basis.
o D. Apply reactive approach to discipline.
82. What is the mean of this score distribution: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10?
o A. 7
o B. 6
o C. 8.5
o D. 7.5
83. For which may you use the direct instruction method?
o A. Become aware of the pollutants around us.
o B. Appreciate Milton's Paradise Lost.
o C. Use a microscope properly.
o D. Distinguish war from aggression.
84. Which type of report refers toon-the-spot description of some incident, episode or occurrence
that is being observed and recorded as being of possible significance?
o A. Autobiographical report
o B. Biographical report
o C. Value and interest report
o D. Anecdotal report
85. A teacher/student is held responsible for his actions because s/he __________.
o A. has instincts
o B. is mature
o C. has a choice
o D. has reason
86. With-it-ness, according to Kounin, is one of the characteristics of an effective classroom
manager. Which phrase goes with it?
o A. Have hands that write fast.
o B. Have eyes on the back of your heads.
o C. Have a mouth ready to speak.
o D. Have minds packed with knowledge.
87. Out of 3 distracters in a multiple choice test item, namely B, C, and D, no pupil chose D as
answer. This implies that D is __________.
o A. an ineffective distracter
o B. a vague distracter
o C. an effective distracter
o D. a plausible distracter
88. Two students are given the WISE II. One has a full scale IQ of 91, while the other has an IQ of
109. Which conclusion can be drawn?
o A. The second student has significantly higher intellectual ability
o B. The first student is probably below average, while the second has above average potential
o C. Both students are functioning in the average range of intellectual ability
o D. Another IQ test should be given to truly assess their intellectual potential
89. Study this group of tests which was administered with the following results, then answer the
Subject Mean SD Ronnels’s Score
Math 56 10 43
Physics 41 9 31
English 80 16 109
In which subject(s) did Ronnel perform most poorly in relation to the group’s performance?
o A. English
o B. English and Math
o C. Math
o D. Physics
90. Which method has been proven to be effective in courses that stress acquisition of knowledge?
o A. Socratic method
o B. Cooperative learning
o C. Mastery learning
o D. Indirect instruction
91. The concepts of trust vs. maturity, autonomy vs. self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are most
closely related with the works of __________.
o A. Erikson
o B. Piaget
o C. Freud
o D. Jung
92. What should you do if a parent who is concerned about a grade his child received compared to
another student’s grade, demands to see both students’ grades?
o A. Refuse to show either record.
o B. Show both records to him.
o C. Refuse to show any record without expressing permission from principal.
o D. Show only his child's records.
93. Ruben is very attached to his mother and Ruth to her father. In what developmental stage are
they according to Freudian psychological theory?
o A. Oedipal stage
o B. Latent stage
o C. Anal stage
o D. Pre-genital stage
94. Whose influence is the education program that puts emphasis on self-development through the
classics, music, and rituals?
o A. Buddha
o B. Mohammed
o C. Confucius
o D. Lao Tsu
95. Teacher A discovered that his pupils are very good in dramatizing. Which tool must have helped
him discover his pupils’ strength?
o A. Portfolio assessment
o B. Performance test
o C. Journal entry
o D. Paper-and-pencil test
96. Teacher W wants to review and check on the lesson of the previous day? Which one will be
most reliable?
o A. Having students identify difficult homework problems.
o B. Having students correct each other's work.
o C. Sampling the understanding of a few students.
o D. Explicitly reviewing the task-relevant information necessary for the day's lesson.
97. Helping in the development of graduates who are maka-Diyos is an influence of
o A. naturalistic morality
o B. classical Christian morality
o C. situational morality
o D. dialectical morality
98. Soc exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a
leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated
o A. Generalization
o B. Extinction
o C. Acquisition
o D. Discrimination
99. Which applies when skewness is zero?
o A. Mean is greater than the median
o B. Median is greater than mean
o C. Scores have three modes
o D. Scores are normally distributed
100. John Watson said:Men are built not born.What does this statement point to?
o A. The ineffectiveness of training on a person's development.
o B. The effect of environmental stimulation on a person's development.
o C. The absence of genetic influence on a person's development.
o D. The effect of heredity.
1. c 11. B 21. B 31. D 41. B 51. C 61. B 71.c 81.b 91.a
2. a 12. B 22. D 32. A 42. B 52. D 62. C 72.c 82.a 92.c
3. a 13. A 23. B 33. A 43. D 53. A 63. B 73.b 83.c 93.a
4. d 14. C 24. D 34. B 44. A 54. B 64. B 74.c 84.c 94.a
5. b 15. C 25. A 35. D 45. A 55. C 65. B 75.a 85.c 95.b
6. a 16. A 26. A 36. C 46. A 56. C 66. C 76.d 86.d 96.c
7. b 17. B 27. C 37. A 47. B 57. C 67. C 77.d 87.a 97.b
8. A 18. A 28. D 38. B 48. C 58. B 68. D 78.c 88. A 98.C
9. c 19. A 29. A 39. C 49. D 59. B 69. C 79.c 89.a 99.d
10. b 20. C 30. C 40. B 50. D 60. B 70. B 80.d 90.c 100.b

A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning something different than its literal
meaning. It can be a metaphor or simile that is designed to further explain a concept. Or, it can be a
different way of pronouncing a word or phrase such as with alliteration to give further meaning or a
different sound.
Examples of Figures of Speech
Using Alliteration
Alliteration is the repetition of beginning sounds. Examples are:
Sally sells seashells.
Walter wondered where Winnie was.
Blue baby bonnets
Nick needed notebooks.
Fred fried frogs.
Using Anaphora
Anaphora is a technique where several phrases or verses begin with the same word or words.
Examples are:
I came, I saw, I conquered - Julius Caesar
Mad world! Mad kings! Mad composition! King John - William Shakespeare
We laughed, we loved, we sang
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, - Abraham Lincoln
We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. - Winston Churchill
Using Assonance
Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in words that are close together. Examples are:
A - For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore (Poe)
E - Therefore all seasons shall be sweet to thee (Coleridge)
I - From what I’ve tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire (Frost)
O - Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn (Wordsworth)
U - Uncertain rustling of each purple curtain (Poe)
Using a Euphemism
Euphemism is a word or phrase that replaces a word or phrase to make it more polite or pleasant.
Examples are:
A little thin on top instead of bald
Homeless instead of bum
Letting him go instead of fired him
Passed away instead of died
Put to sleep instead of euthanize
Using Hyperbole
Hyperbole uses exaggeration for emphasis or effect. Examples are:
I’ve told you a hundred times
It cost a billion dollars
I could do this forever
She is older than dirt
Everybody knows that
Using Irony
Irony is using words where the meaning is the opposite of their usual meaning. Examples are:
After begging for a cat and finally getting one, she found out she was allergic.
A traffic cop gets suspended for not paying his parking tickets.
The Titanic was said to be unsinkable.
Dramatic irony is knowing the killer is hiding in a closet in a scary movie.
Naming a Chihuahua Brutus
Using Metaphor
Metaphor compares two unlike things or ideas. Examples are:
Heart of stone
Time is money
The world is a stage
She is a night owl
He is an ogre
Using Onomatopoeia
Onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it is describing. Examples are:
Using Oxymoron
Oxymoron is two contradictory terms used together. Examples are:
Peace force
Kosher ham
Jumbo shrimp
Small crowd
Free market
Using Personification
Personification is giving human qualities to non-living things or ideas. Examples are:
The flowers nodded
Snowflakes danced
Thunder grumbled
Fog crept in
The wind howled
Using Simile
Simile is a comparison between two unlike things using the words "like" or "as." Examples are:
As slippery as an eel
Like peas in a pod
As blind as a bat
Eats like a pig
As wise as an owl
Using Synecdoche
Synecdoche is when a part represents the whole or the whole is represented by a part. Examples
Wheels - a car
The police - one policeman
Plastic - credit cards
Coke - any cola drink
Army - a soldier
Using Understatement
Understatement is when something is said to make something appear less important or less serious.
Examples are:
It's just a scratch - referring to a large dent
It is sometimes dry and sandy - referring to the driest desert in the world
The weather is a little cooler today - referring to sub-zero temperatures
I won’t say it was delicious - referring to terrible food
The tsunami caused some damage - referring to a huge tsunami.

Ammu is tall.
Job is taller than Ammu.
Mohan is the tallest of the three.
In the second sentence, the word ‘taller’ is the comparative form of the adjective. The comparative
form of the adjective denotes a higher degree of the adjective ‘tall’ when two people or things are
In the third sentence, the word ‘tallest’ is the superlative form of the adjective. The superlative form
of the adjective denotes the highest degree of the adjective ‘tall’ when more than two people or
things are compared.
Here are some simple rules to keep in mind when forming comparatives and superlatives.
For most adjectives, ‘er’ is added for the comparative form and ‘est’ for the superlative form. Tall –
Taller – Tallest
Strong – Stronger – Strongest
Short – Shorter – Shorter
Kind – Kinder - Kindest
For adjectives ending with ‘e’, ‘r’ is added for the comparative form and ‘st’ for the superlative form.
Wise – Wiser – Wisest
Large – Larger – Largest
Nice – Nicer – Nicest
Fine – Finer - Finest
For adjectives ending with ‘y’, ‘y’ is removed and ‘ier’ is added for comparative form and ‘iest’ for the
superlative form. 
Lazy – Lazier – Laziest
Crazy – Crazier – Craziest
Wealthy – Wealthier – Wealthiest
Heavy – Heavier - Heaviest
Usually for longer adjectives, ‘more’ + adjective is used for comparative form and ‘most’ + adjective
is used for superlative form. 
Handsome – More Handsome – Most Handsome
Beautiful – More Beautiful – Most Beautiful
Intelligent – More Intelligent – Most Intelligent
Difficult – More Difficult – Most Difficult
Irregular Adjectives: There are some irregular adjectives for which the comparative and superlative
form follow no particular rule. 
Good – Better – Best
Bad – Worse – Worst
Many – More – Most
Little – Less – Least

There are five ways in which we normally use question tags and they are easily explained here.
1. Positive/negative
If the main part of the sentence is positive, the question tag is negative.
Example: “He’s a doctor, isn’t he?”
Example: “You work in a bank, don’t you?” ( Note that if there is not an auxiliary use do, does, or
didn’t at the end of the sentence)
If the main part of the sentence is negative, the question tag is positive.
Example: “You haven’t met him, have you?”
Example: “She isn’t coming, is she?”
2. With auxiliary verbs
The question tag uses the same verb as the main part of the sentence. If this is an auxiliary verb
(‘have’, ‘be’) then the question tag is made with the auxiliary verb.
Example: “They’ve gone away for a few days, haven’t they?”
Example: “They weren’t here, were they?”
Example: “He had met him before, hadn’t he?”
Example: “This isn’t working, is it?”
3. Without auxiliary verbs
If the main part of the sentence doesn’t have an auxiliary verb, the question tag uses an appropriate
form of ‘do’.
Example: “I said that, didn’t I?”
Example: “You don’t recognise me, do you?”
Example: “She eats meat, doesn’t she?”
4. With modal verbs
If there is a modal verb in the main part of the sentence the question tag uses the same modal verb.
Example: “They couldn’t hear me, could they?”
Example: “You won’t tell anyone, will you?”
5. With ‘I am’
Be careful with question tags with sentences that start ‘I am’. The question tag for ‘I am’ is ‘aren’t I?’
Example: “I’m the fastest, aren’t I?”
or in a negative form we use the same “am” form at the end as in the positive form of the sentence.
Example: “I’m not fat , am I?”

Professional education
1. The concepts of trust vs. maturity, autonomy vs. self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are most closely
related with the works of______?
A. Erikson
B. Piaget
C. Freud
D. Jung
2. Value clarification as a strategy in Values Education classes is anchored on which philosophy?
A. Existentialism
B. Christian philosophy
C. Idealism
D. Hedonism
3. The principle of individual differences requires teachers to .
A. give greater attention to gifted learners
B. provide for a variety of learning activities
C. treat all learners alike while in the classroom
D. prepare modules for slow learners in class
4. Which of the following propositions is attributed to Plato?
A. Truth is relative to a particular time and place.
B. Human beings create their own truths.
C. Learning is the discovery of truth as Iatent ideas are brought to consciousness.
D. Sense perception is the most accurate guide to knowledge.
5. Which is one characteristic of an effective classroom management?
A. It quickly and unobtrusively redirects misbehavior once it occurs.
B. It teaches dependence on others for self-control.
C. It respects cultural norms of a limited group students.
D. Strategies are simple enough to be used consistently

Professional education (40items)

1. You are very much interested in a quality professional development program for teachers. What
characteristic should you look for?
a. Prescribe by top educational teachers
b. Dependent on the availability of funds
c. Required for renewal of professional license
d. Responsive to identified teacher’s needs.
2. To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and professional development, which of the
following measures must be implemented?
I. A school head plans the professional development of his/her teachers.
II. Every teacher formulates his/her own professional development plan
III. The implementation of what is leaned in a training must be monitored.
a. I only II and III
b. I and III d. II only
3. As a community leader, which of the following should a teacher NOT do?
a. Support effort of the community to improve their status in life.
b. Make herself aloof to ensure that her decisions will not be influenced bu the community politics.
c. Solicit donation from philanthropists in the community.
d. Play an active part in the activities of the community.
4. In a highly pluralistic society, what type of learning environment is the responsibility of the
I. Safe
II. Gender-biased
III. Secure
a. I and II c. II only
b. I, II and III d. I and III
5. A teacher is said to be “trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under
obligation to transmit to learners such heritage”. Which practice makes the teacher fulfill such
a. Use interactive teaching strategies.
b. Use the latest educational technology.
c. Observe continuing professional education
d. As a class, study the life of Filipino heroes.
6. Which actions show that political factors affect schools as agents of change?
I. The strengthening of the teaching of English in Philippines school.
II. The introduction of mandated subjects such as Rizal in the curriculum
III. The practice of mainstreaming
IV. The turnover of day care centers for DSWD to DepEd for supervision.
a. I and III c. II and III
b. I and II d. II and IV
7. For more efficient and effective management of school as agents of change, one proposal is for
the DepEd to cluster remote stand-alone schools under one lead school head. Which factor has the
strongest influence on this proposal?
a. Psychological c. Geographical
b. Historical d. Social
8. What does the acronym EFA imply for schools?
a. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys and for girls.
b. The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of alternative learning system.
c. Practice of inclusive education
d. The concentration on formal education system
9. The wide acceptance of “bottom up” management style has influenced schools to practice which
management practice?
a. Exclusion of politicians from the pool of guest speakers during graduation exercises.
b. Prescription of what ought to be done from the Center Office.
c. Involvement of students, parents, teachers, and community in school planning
d. Allowing schools to do what they think is best 
10. Large class size in congested cities is a common problem in our public schools. Which
measure/s have schools taken to offset the effects of large class?
I. The deployment of more teachers
II. The implementation of 1:1 pupil textbook ratio
III. The conduct of morning and afternoon sessions
a. I, II and III c. III only
b. I and II d. II only
11. The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed to students’ 
a. unpreparedness fro schooling
b. ambivalence
c. high degree of independence
d. high degree of independence on authority
12. The schooling incidents in school campuses abroad have made school to rethink the curriculum.
Which is believed to counteract such incidents and so is being introduced in schools?
I. Inclusion of socio-emotional teaching
II. The emphasis on the concept of competition against self and not against others
III. Focus on academic achievement and productivity
a. I and III c. I and II
b. II and III d. I, II and III
13. Widespread abuse of Mother Earth prompted schools to teach sustainable development. which
one does this prove about schools?
a. The curricula of schools are centered on Mother Earth.
b. Schools can easily integrate sustained development in their curriculum.
c. Sustained development cannot be effectively taught in the classroom.
d. Environment factors influence the school as an agent of change.
14. A father tells his daughter “You are a woman. You are meant for the home and so for you, going
to school is not necessary.” Is the father CORRECT? 
a. It depends on the place when the daughter and the father live.
b. Yes, women are meant to be a mother only.
c. No. today women can take on the jobs of men.
d. No, there is gender equality in education.
15. Is there a legal basis for increasing the teacher’s starting salary to P18,000 an months?
a. No, it is a gift to teachers from Congress
b. Yes, R.A 7836
c. No, it is simply an act of benevolence from President GMA
d. Yes, the Phil. Constitution
16. As provided for the Educational Act of 1982, how are the institutions of learning encourage to set
higher standards of equality over the minimum standards required for state recognition?
a. Granting of Special Permit
b. Academic freedom
c. Continuing Professional Education
d. Voluntary accreditation 
17. Despite of opposition from some school official, DepEd has continuously enforced the “no
collection of fees” policy during enrolment period in public schools. In this policy in accordance with
EFA goals?
a. No, it violates the mandate of equality education
b. Yes, it somewhat eliminates gender disparities
c. Yes, it supports equitable access to basic education
d. No. it does not support parent of adult education 
18. “Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less”. Hence, it is better to be a
generalist, claims Teacher F. Which Philosophy does Teacher F. subscribe to?
a. Existentialism c. Essentialism
b. Perennialism d. Progressivism
19. Mencius believed that all people are born good. This thought on the innate goodness of people
makes it easier to our pupils.
a. teach c. like
b. Respect d. motivate
20. The specialization requires of every professional teacher for him/her to be competent is in line
with which pillar of learning?
a. Learning to know
b. Learning to be
c. Learning to live together
d. Learning to do
21. Which pillar of learning is aimed at the wholistic development of man and his complete
a. Learning to be
b. Learning to know
c. Learning to live together
d. Learning to do
22. Material development at the expense of human development points to the need to do more in
a. “Learning to do”
b. “Learning to know”
c. “Learning to live together”
d. “Learning to be”
23. A student complains to you about his failing grade. When you recomputed you found out that you
committed an error in this grade computation. Your decision is not accept the erroneous computation
before the student and so leave the failing grade as is for fear that you may lose credibility. Is this
morally right?
a. No, the reason for not accepting the error before the students in flimsy.
b. No, the end does not justify the means
c. Yes, the end justifies the means
d. Yes, as a teacher you must maintain your credibility
24. Which violate(s) the principle of respect?
I. Teacher A tells her students that what Teacher B taught is wrong.
II. To retaliate, Teacher B advises students not to enroll in Teacher A’s class.
III. Teacher C secretly gives way to a special favor (e.g. add 2 points to grade) requested by student
A who is vying for honors.
a. II and III c. I and II
b. I, II and III d. I and III
25. Which is/are in accordance with the principle of pedagogical competence?
I. Communication of objectives of the course to students
II. Awareness of alternative instruction strategies
III. Selection of appropriate methods of instruction
a. I and III c. III only
b. I, II and III d. II and III
26. With a death threat over his head, Teacher D is directed to pass an undeserving student. Which
will a utilitarianist do? 
a. Pass the student, why suffer the threat?
b. Don’t pass him; live by your principle of justice. You will get reward, if not in this life, in the next.
c. Pass the student. That will be of use to the student, his parents and you.
d. Don’t pass him. You surely will not like someone to give you a death threat in other to pass.
27. Teacher A knows of the illegal activities of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be involved
in any investigation. Which foundational principle of morality does Teacher A fail to apply?
a. The end does not justify the means
b. The end justifies the means
c. Always do what is right
d. Between two evils, do the lesser evil
28. To earn units for promotion, a teacher pays her fee but does not attend class at all. Does this
constitute professional growth?
a. Not immediately but yes after promotion
b. It depends on the school she is enrolled in
c. No, it is simply earning MA units for promotion
d. Yes, just enrolling in an MA program is already professional growth
29. If a teacher asks more higher-order questions, he has to ask more questions.
a. fact c. convergent
b. close d. concept
30. Misdemeanor has a “ripple effect”. This implies that as a classroom manager, a teacher
a. reinforces positive behavior
b. responds to misbehavior promptly
c. is consistent in her classroom management practice
d. count 1 to 10 before she deals with a misbehaving student
31. Based on Edgar Dale’s “Cone of Experience”, which activity is farthest from the real thing?
a. Watching demo c. Video disc
b. Attending exhibit d. Viewing images
32. The students of Teacher Y scan an electronic encyclopedia, view a film on subject, or look at
related topics at the touch of a button right there in the classroom. Which device/s des teacher Y’s
class have?
a. Teaching machines
b. CD
c. Video disc
d. Videotaped lesson
33. Which is an INAPPROPIATE way to manage off-task behavior?
a. Redirect a child’s attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing work
b. Make eye contact to communicate what you wish to communicate
c. Move closer to the child to make him feel your presence
d. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task
34. To be an effective classroom manager, a teacher must be friendly but must at the same time be .
a. confident c. analytical
b. businesslike d. buddy-buddy
35. Which software is needed when one wants to perform automatic calculations on numerical data?
a. Database
b. Spreadsheet Program
c. Microsoft Word
d. Microsoft Powerpoint
36. Which of the following questions must be considered in evaluating teacher-made materials?
a. In the material new?
b. Does the material simulate individualism?
c. Is the material expensive?
37. Kounin claims that “with-it-ness” is one of the characteristics of an effective classroom manager.
What is one sign of “with-it-ness”?
a. Giving attention to students who are having difficulty with school work
b. Seeing only a portion of the class but intensively
c. Knowing where instructional materials are kept
d. Aware of what’s happening in all parts of the classroom
38. Which of these is one of the ways by which the internet enables people to browse documents
connected by hypertext links?
a. URL
b. Browser
c. Welcome page
d. World Wide Web
39. Which characteristics must be primary considered as a choice of instructional aids?
a. Stimulate and maintain students interests
b. Suited to the lesson objectives
c. Updated and relevant to Filipino setting
d. New and skillfully made
40. You can exhibit referent power on the first day of school by
a. telling them the importance of good grades
b. giving your students a sense of belongingness and acceptance
c. making them feel you know what you are taking about
d. reminding your students your authority over them again and again
Correct answer:
10 A
11 D
12 D
13 B
14 D
15 D
16 C
17 C
18 C
19 A
20 A
21 A
22 A
23 B
24 B
25 B
26 C
27 C
28 C
29 D
30 B
31 D
32 A
33 D
34 B
35 B
36 C
37 D
38 A
39 B
40 C

Professional education test(50items)

1. Which are the most important concerns about the use of ICT in instruction?
I. Developing appropriate curriculum materials that allow students to construct meaning and develop
knowledge through the use of ICT
II. Devising strategies to meaningfully integrate technology into the curriculum
III. Using pedagogical skills related to technology
IV. Providing teachers with skills for using software applications
a. I and III c. III and IV
b. II and III d. I, II, III and IV 

2. Which are the basic components of a curriculum design?

a. Standards, learning competencies and evaluation  ❤

b. Assessment, teaching strategies and textbooks

c. Philosophy, goals and objectives
d. Content, structure and delivery
3. Which of the following statements BEST describes metacognition as a strategy for curriculum
a. It is learning how to learn and thinking about how one thinks.  ❤

b. It is learning strategies for success.

c. It is learning through interaction with the environment.
d. It is learning through computer-aided instruction.
4. Which technique in cooperative learning is used when new information is divided equally among
all group members and each student teaches his/her portion to the other group members?
a. Round table
b. Think-Pair-Share
c. Round robin
d. Jigsaw  ❤

5. When you teach skills that are critical to the learning of the next topics, which should you employ?
a. Direct instruction and mastery learning  ❤

b. Exposition and class discussion

c. Mastery learning and discovery learning
d. Socratic method and peer tutoring
6. If you want your students to develop firsthand knowledge of physical or social phenomena, which
should you use?
a. Mastery learning
b. Expository instruction
c. Discovery learning  ❤

d. Inquiry method
7. Which primary factor is considered in designing the curriculum?
a. The objectives 
b. The learners ❤

c. The materials
d. The assessment
8. Which should you use when the lesson involves tasks that are too large or too difficult for a single
student to accomplish independently?
a. Cooperative learning  ❤

b. Direct instruction
c. Computer-based instruction
d. Expository instruction
Read this dialogue and answer question no. 9.
“Would you tell me which way I ought to go from here?” asked Alice.
“That depends a good deal on where you want to go.” said the cat.
“I don’t care much, where.” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.” said the cat.
9. What is an implication of this on instructional objectives?
a. Objectives provide guides on questioning techniques.
b. With specific objectives, the lesson becomes more focused.  ❤

c. Objectives are open to students’ comments on the lesson.

d. With cognitive objectives, the affective domain is assured.
10. When a student is asked to draw conclusion from a group of given data what cognitive domain is
a. Analysis
b. Evaluation
c. Application
d. Synthesis  ❤

11. In her desire to motivate students to study very well, Teacher Elsa posted the scores of all her
students at the end of the periodic test. Is it the act in accordance with ethical principles?
a. No, it violates the principle of confidentiality of scores and grades. 

b. Yes, Teacher Elsa had a very good intention, i.e. to motivate students to study well.
c. Yes, scores are not yet the grades anyway.
d. Yes, if the scores are high and no, if the scores are low.
12. Teacher Delia openly criticizes before her class the school’s policy on school uniform. Which
ethical principle is violated?
a. Respect for authority  ❤

b. Respect for colleagues

c. Respect for learners
d. none of the above
13. What does the ethical principle of content competence include?
I. Creative delivery of subject matter
II. Updated in content
III. Subject matter competence
IV. Competence in other related areas
a. II, III and IV  ❤
b. I, II and III
c. I, II, III and IV
d. I, III and IV
14. Teacher Tess is directed to pass an undeserving student with a death threat. Which advice will a
hedonist give?
a. Pass the student. That will be of use to the student, his parents and you.
b. Pass the student. Why suffer threat?  ❤

c. Don’t pass him. Live by your principle of justice. You will get a reward, if not in this life, in the next!
d. Don’t pass him. You surely will not like someone to give you a death threat in order to pass.
15. Teacher Dina is directed to pass an undeserving student with a death threat. Which advice will a
utilitarian give?
a. Pass the student. That will be of use to the student, his parents and you.  ❤

b. Pass the student. Why suffer threat?

c. Don’t pass him. Live by your principle of justice. You will get a reward, if not in this life, in the next!
d. Don’t pass him. You surely will not like someone to give you a death threat in order to pass.
16. Which is NOT an element of a high-morale environment?
a. Support personal growth
b. Develop prejudice for a group  ❤

c. Foster sense of accomplishment

d. Promote sense of belonging
17. What is the hallmark of professionals?
a. Topping in the board examination
b. Earning a Ph.P. degree
c. Conducting researches
d. Complying with norms of conduct and possessing technical skills  ❤

18. Which action of the teacher is inimical to the declared policies of the state?
a. Investigative studies supportive of government programs
b. Conducting studies to enhance reforms
c. Sharing research results against the state  ❤

d. Enjoying academic freedom

19. In a school where academic performance is low, which of these alternative actions is LEAST
a. Putting up a functional Educational Management Information System (EMIS)  ❤

b. Establishing a well-equipped Learning Management Resource Center (LRC)

c. Upgrading teaching competencies through in-service training
d. Producing support instructional materials
20. Which of these is NOT a quality of an engaging learning environment?
a. Open communication among school head, teachers, parents, and students
b. Student-centered learning activities
c. Innovations in enhancing learning for all types of learners
d. Centralized governance  ❤

21. Which statement applies correctly to Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience?

a. The closer you are to the base, the more direct the learning experience becomes.  ❤

b. The farther you are from the bottom, the more direct the learning experience becomes.
c. The closer you are to the base, the more indirect the learning experience becomes.
d. The farther you are from the base, the more direct the learning experience becomes.
22. Edgar Dale’s advice “Avoid teaching directly at the symbolic level of thought without adequate
foundation of the concrete.” Which practice/s is/are contrary to Edgar Dale’s advice?
I. Defining Standard Deviation at the start of the lesson
II. Cutting a piece of cake into 2 parts to teach the concept of ½. 
III. Demonstrating the proper way to focus a microscope
a. I only heart emoticon
b. III only
c. II only
d. II and III
23. Alfred North Whitehead said: “In the Garden of Eden, Adam saw the animals before he named
them. In the traditional system, children name the animals before they see them!”
Whitehead refers to the practice of teaching _______.
a. in the abstract before the concrete  ❤

b. the concrete before the abstract

c. the concrete and the abstract simultaneously
d. up to the concrete level only
24. “There is nothing in the mind which was not first in some way in the senses”. If you accept this
dictum, as a teacher what will you do?
I. Make use of multisensory aids of teaching.
II. Go straight to symbolic teaching.
III. Deliver a well prepared lecture without notes.
a. I and III b. I only heart emoticon c. II only d. I and II
25. Which appeal/s to the most number of senses?
a. Pictures and video on forest animals
b. Slides on forest animals
c. Video film on forest animals
d. Field trip to the zoo ❤

26. You want to teach democracy in school government by patterning procedures of the local and
national elections. Which technique will you use?
a. Apprenticeship
b. Simulation  ❤

c. Immersion
d. Practicum
27. The teacher is still the best visual aid. What does this statement mean?
a. The teacher is always the source of learning.
b. The teacher must always use effective visual aids.
c. The teacher is always the best medium in the teaching-learning process.  ❤

d. The teacher must always prepare visual aids.

28. In a project-based multimedia learning strategy, the students learn new knowledge and basic
skills. Aside from being actively engaged in the learning task, they get involved in _____.
a. acquiring teaching skills rather than the content
b. making use of extended period of time allowed
c. learning to use the computer to communicate with people
d. planning, designing and producing a multimedia product for presentation  ❤
29. According to research, persons learn best with what they _____.
a. smell and taste
b. see and hear  ❤

c. hear and touch

d. touch and taste
30. Time-tested methods are as effective as modern methods of teaching even if these are
traditional. Which of the following methods is time-tested?
a. Inductive method  ❤

b. Cooperative learning method

c. Integrated teaching
d. Problem-Based Learning
31. To respond to the needs of industry, which one do schools focus on?
a. Technical skills  ❤

b. Humanities
c. Basic literacy skills
d. Social relations
32. The wide acceptance of “bottom-up” management style has influenced schools to practice which
management practice?
a. Prescription of what ought to be done from the central office
b. Exclusion of politicians from the pool of guest speakers during graduation exercises
c. Involvement of students, parents, teachers and community in school planning  ❤

d. Allowing schools to do what they think is the best

33. For what main reason are schools as change agents advised to offer courses that industries
a. Economic  ❤

b. Environmental
c. Political
d. Historical
34. Which of the following is NOT a principle of “sustainable development”?
a. Living according to each personal attitude and lifestyle  ❤

b. Conservation of the earth’s vitality and diversity

c. Respect and care for the community of life
d. Improvement of quality of life
35. Children learn how to open a coconut and other common chores in a coconut farm. In this
sentence, culture is transmitted by _____?
a. enculturation
b. acculturation
c. immersion  ❤

d. assimilation
36. Which of the following statements is NOT true as regards the relationship between social class
and social selection system?
a. Secondary school graduates with higher grades and high family status are more likely to attend
better colleges and universities.
b. The social composition of a fourth year class is similar to that of that of the first year.  ❤

c. More children from higher-status groups aim for higher education.

d. The greater number of high school graduates who apply for college entrance examination are
from higher status groups.
37. Which of these is a teacher’s acceptable view of change?
a. Change disrupts routine.
b. Change is an opportunity.  ❤

c. Change is self-serving.
d. Change rewards initiators.
38. On which theory is Teacher A’s practice of conducting her lessons in a way that her students are
taught to discover and perceive new relationships for insight and understanding based?
a. Cognitive theory  ❤

b. Humanist Theory
c. Behaviorist Theory
d. Physiological Theory
39. Religious and moral education are to the Spanish period as ______ is/are to the Japanese
a. love of country
b. duties of citizenship and vocation
c. vocational skills
d. love for work and dignity of labor  ❤

40. The following are characteristics of a child-friendly school EXCEPT ______.

a. Exclusive  ♥

b. Child-centered
c. Gender-sensitive
d. Not discriminating
41. Teacher Nery wanted to deviate from the responsibilities and tasks given by her superiors but
cannot do so because once a teacher accepts a position, he has to assume an obligation to live up
to his ____.
a. Duties
b. Obligation
c. Contract
d. Responsibilities  ♥

42. Teachers must not make deductions from the scholastic ratings of students as a punishment for
acts which are not clearly manifestations of ______.
a. Misbehaviour
b. Weakness
c. Poor scholarship  ♥

d. none of the above

43. Is there a legal basis for increasing the teacher’s starting salary to Php. 18,000 a month?
a. No, it is simply an act of benevolence.
b. Yes, R.A. 7836.
c. No, it is a gift from Congress to teachers.
d. Yes, the Philippine Constitution  ♥

44. As provided for in the Education Act of 1982, how are the institutions of learning encouraged to
set higher standards of quality over the minimum required for state recognition?
a. Academic Freedom
b. Continuing Professional Education
c. Granting of Special Permit
d. Voluntary Accreditation  ♥

45. Which legal basis guides the hiring of new teachers in the public schools?
a. Localization Law
b. Professionalization Law
c. Magna Carta for Women
d. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers  ♥

46. When a case of child abuse is filed by parents what law is applied?
a. RA 7610  ♥

b. RA 7863
c. RA 7422
d. RA 7650
47. The 1987 Philippine Constitution mandates free and compulsory education in the ____ level.
a. Pre - School
b. Elementary  ♥

c. High School
d. Post - Secondary
48. Which is NOT a domain of the NCBTS?
a. Learning Environment
b. Alternative Learning  ♥

c. Diversity of Learners
d. Social Regard for Learning
49. In the Education Act of 1982, which is NOT teacher’s right?
a. Free expression of opinion and suggestions
b. Joining labor organizations promoting teachers’ welfare
c. Free legal service for cases connected with professional duties
d. Filing anonymous complain against superiors  ♥

50. What is the legal basis of shared governance in basic education?

a. RA 7160
b. RA 9942
c. RA 9155  ♥

d. RA 7844

Professional Education(50items)
1. In helping students to develop their concentration, memory skills, and ability to thing, the teachers
should serves as 
A. Facilitator
B. Catalyst
C. Evaluator
D. All of the above ✔ ✔ ✔
2. In order to survive , man as a social being needs to be a member of a 
A. Institution ✔ ✔ ✔
B. Social group
C. A and B
D. All of the above 
3. The application of the pillars of education in the classroom is advocated by
B. DEpEd
C. International Commission of Education ✔ ✔ ✔
D. All of the above
4. What philosophy is behind when an education student is required to take education 1, 2, and 3 as
a prerequisite before taking higher professional education courses?
A. Essentialism✔ ✔ ✔
B. Reconstructionism
C. Existentialism
D. Progressivism
5. Field work / apprenticeship is a basic requirement for graduation. This is termed:
A. Work practice
B. Internship ✔ ✔ ✔
C. Field work
D. Assistantship
6. The used of short bible stories as part of the lesson is called:
A. Experiential method
B. Disputation and debate
C. Story telling
D. Parable method ✔ ✔ ✔
7. He introduced Christian education in which eventually saved the world from moral decay
A. Martin Luther
B. Jesus Christ ✔ ✔✔
C. Edward Thorndike
D. Thomas Aquinas
8.. Mr. corpuz is teaching his students in the time prescribed guided by a syllabus together with
appropriate teaching methods and techniques. The type of teaching employed is ___________.
a. Formal ✔ ✔ ✔
b. Informal
c. Indirect
d. None of the above
9. David wants to be a doctor so he enrolled at UST. UST on the other hand provides him programs
and activities for the realization of his dream. The function of education un the given situation is to
a. Transmit the cultural heritage
b. Train the individual for the social role he has chosen ✔✔ ✔
c. Serve as source of social and cultural innovation
d. All of the above
10. Literature and arts taught in school and which center on Filipino value, customs and traditions
give the impress that _____________.
a. School provides a sense of continuity an experience of our culture✔ ✔ ✔
b. School prepares each individual to fill his place in a fixed society
c. School provides training for everyday vocations.
d. School trains leader in the classical learning
11. Investigatory projects in science are encouraged among students. This sometimes paves te way
to some discoveries. Which function of education supports this?
a. Transmit cultural heritage
b. Helps individual select social roles
c. Serves as source of cultural innovation ✔ ✔ ✔
d. Integrates into cultural mainstream the various subcultures.
12. Mrs. Alcantara announced that the search is going on for the most outstanding student in class.
Everybody is excited. They were all challenged to give their best. The social process involved is
a. Competition ✔ ✔ ✔
b. Acculturation
c. Assimilation
d. Accommodation
13. Mr. David gave his students work to do. To facilitate the task, he asked them to group
themselves. What social process is needed to realize their goal?
a. Cooperation ✔ ✔ ✔
b. Accommodation
c. Assimilation
d. Acculturation
14. Grouping learners facilitate work or task. It also involves chain of responses among groupmates.
This shows the importance of _____________.
a. Tolerance
b. Cooperation
c. Accommodation
d. Social interaction ✔ ✔ ✔
15. There are warring groups in your class. What will you do to prevent i\untoward thing to
a. Set rules
b. Settle differences ✔ ✔ ✔
c. Talk to the group
d. Give each group different activities to work on.
16. A class is composed of many different personalities joined together. Each one has his own set of
values and beliefs. Sometimes they clash. What should a teacher do when this thing happened?
a. Exercise tolerance ✔ ✔ ✔
b. Act as mediator
c. Ignore the incident
d. Insist when you’re right
17. What does Mr. Alcantara have in mind when he keeps on teaching and giving activities that will
fit his students into the image of the previous generation?
a. Education for the preservation of social stability. ✔ ✔ ✔
b. Education as agent of social change
c. Education as social adjustment
d. Education as modernizing culture
B. More Practice in applying appropriate teaching methods and techniques to particular learning
18. Letting her students observe how to make leche flan before asking them to do it themselves,
Mrs. Alcala is emphasizing education as _______________
a. Agent of social change
b. Cultural transmission ✔ ✔ ✔
c. Modernizing culture
d. Social adjustment
19. Children are taught to make friends not enemies. What does it imply?
a. People need people ✔✔ ✔
b. People are treasures
c. People need more friends than enemies
d. World is a better place to live in when you have friends
20. Whenever Anne is asked to act out a role she likes best, she would choose to portray the role of
any of her family members. This implies how Anne is greatly influenced by her family as a
a. Primary group ✔ ✔ ✔
b. Peer group
c. Reference group
d. Secondary group
21. Dino is a consistent honor student until he became too-involved in the activities of his new-found
friends. He seems to change a lot. This change can be attributed to his _____________.
a. Peer group✔ ✔ ✔
b. Primary group
c. Reference group
d. Secondary group
22. Cheryl studies in a parish school. As a parish school, students are given free hand to join any
religious organization of their choice. What kind of social group is it?
a. Primary group
b. Reference group
c. Secondary group
d. Voluntary association ✔ ✔ ✔
23. A Zambaleno student decided to transfer to Manila. He observed that his classmates’ lifestyle
and behavior are different from his own. During the 1st few weeks, he found it difficult to adjust. This
is due to_________________.
a. Cultural lag
b. Cultural shock ✔ ✔ ✔
c. Cultural diffusion
d. Cultural relativism
24. Our ancestors used to write on leaves of trees and bark of trees. Today, papers and notebooks
are used. What characteristics of culture is emphasized?
a. Culture is social
b. Culture is learned
c. Culture is changing ✔ ✔ ✔
d. Culture is gratifying
25. What could be the effect if a Filipino educator who is married to an American educator decided to
raise her future children to both Filipino and American culture?
a. Cultural gap
b. Cultural shock
c. Cultural conflict ✔ ✔ ✔
d. Cultural relativism
26. Tutorial links and individual to the world. So, instead of going to the library and read to get the
need information, one has to be press a button from the computer ad there the information is on your
screen. What characteristic of culture is this?
a. Culture is learned
b. Culture is adaptive ✔ ✔ ✔
c. Culture is gratifying
d. Culture is transmitted
27. Attending seminars, lectures, and seminar-workshops update a person to what is recent and
innovative. This is why even those in the farthest region of the country know what thepeople in
manila know. This is because of ___________.
a. Culture is lag
b. Culture is diversity
c. Culture is iffusion✔ ✔ ✔
d. Culture is relativism
28. Mothers teach their daughters that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Hence, tey
teach their daughters all the delicious recipes they know, what kind of Culture is involved?
a. Culture is learned
b. Culture is adaptive
c. Culture is gratifying
d. Culture is transmitted ✔ ✔ ✔
29. Children are taught of the different ways to show respect to elders. Each one is unique and
different from the rest. This shows that culture is __________.
a. Social
b. Learned
c. Diverse ✔ ✔ ✔
d. Adaptive
30. Renee graduated as valedictorian. Everybody is congratulating not only her but also her family
and teachers for all the help and support they’ve given her. What characteristic of culture is
emphasized here?
a. Culture is shared ✔ ✔ ✔
b. Culture is learned
c. Culture is gratifying
d. Culture is transmitted
31. Before, we have abacus as our aid in performing simple mathematical operations. Now, we have
calculators. It only shows that culture is ___________.
a. Learned 
b. Diverse
c. Adaptive ✔ ✔ ✔
d. Gratifying
32. In celebration of the school’s foundation day, students are allowed to come in whatever get-up
they want. Some come in mini and micro skirts and are sporting shaggy look. These are
manifestations of _____________.
a. Laws 
b. Mores
c. Fashions ✔ ✔ ✔
d. Folkways
33. Church teaches us to be good and treat others as we would like to be treated. This is an
example of ____________.
a. Laws
b. Mores ✔ ✔ ✔
c. Fashion
d. Folkways
34. When parents punish their children for breaking the rules, they are conditioning them to become
obedient to the ____________.
a. Laws ✔ ✔ ✔
b. Mores
c. Fashion
d. Folkways
35. Larry observed that his parents strictly follow 9-day novena before Christmas. This was also the
practice of his great-grandmother. What social norm is illustrated in the practice?
a. Laws
b. Mores
c. Fashion
d. Folkways ✔ ✔ ✔
36. Marie is a division winner in the recently concluded quiz bee. Her trainer is happy for her and so
are her family, relatives, teachers, classmates and friends., Everybody is proud of her. The
characteristic of culture present is ____________.
a. Social
b. Shared ✔ ✔ ✔
c. Learned
d. Transmitted
37. A bicolano couple together with their child took a 2-month vacation in Ilocos. After a moth’s time,
their child could speak Ilocano fluently. This has been the result of ____________.
a. Formal education ✔ ✔ ✔
b. Informal education
c. Indirect education
d. All of the above
38. Roy has cousins in Japan: When they decide to come over, they stayed at Roy’s house. Through
constant interaction with them. Roy unconsciously learns the Nippongo. This is the result of
a. Direction instruction
b. Formal instruction ✔ ✔ ✔
c. Informal instruction
d. Both formal and informal instructions
39. Kristine grew up to be an obedient and respectful child. She doesn’t forget her values wherever
she is and whoever she’s with. This is a clear indication of the influence impressed upon her by
a. Church
b. Family
c. School ✔ ✔ ✔
d. Government
40. One way to increase one’s knowledge is by interacting with others especially those who know a
lot. This is considered as ______________.
a. Formal education
b. Direction education
c. Informal education
d. Incidental education ✔ ✔ ✔
49. What makes school as the next most effective socializing agent?
a. The child interacts with his classmate, teacher and administrator.
b. The child acts and reacts according to his respective role.
c. The school serves as the natural extension of the home.
d. All of the above ✔ ✔ ✔
41. Mrs. Pelayo wants to impart custom and traditional modes of conduct to her students. What does
she need to give them?
a. Religious ✔ ✔ ✔
b. Intellectual
c. Physical
d. Socia
46. Togetherness as a value in itself provides the context for other values to assert themselves
47. Social institution are structured and relatively permanent in concern.
48. Global changes in culture have no impact and educational policies and the activities of
49. The basic purpose of education is the knowledge.
50. The school as a social institution is considered the nucleus of civilization.
46 TRUE 
47. TRUE
48-50. FALSE

✔stimulus boundedness -- teacher's attention interrupted by extrateneous stimulus
✔Thrust -- teacher interrupts students engaged in activities w/o considering whether the student is
ready or not.
✔Dangels -- teacher interrupts activity of student and return to it again.
✔Truncations -- teacher does not return to current act. after being interrupted.
✔Overdwelling -- teacher focuses on a certian topic that will lead to too much time consupmtion, the
lesson will slow down.
✔Fragmentation -- chunks of lesson for students to understand his/her lesson effectively or breakibg
down of act. to cause too much time.
✔Flip Flop -- teacher changes its activity from current activity to new one and vice versa 
whenever he/she changes his/her mind.
✔Wilhelm Woundt = german psycologist "founder of modern psychology. 
✔Titchener = structuralism psychology
William james, G. Stanley Hall, James M. Cattell.... these three promote "functionalism psychology 
✔Charles darwin = theories to mental characteristics as human think, feel & behave(" evolutionary
✔Herman Ebbinghaus = associationism psychology
✔Edwin Guthrie = (stimulus and response ) :; temporal conguity
✔Edward Lee Thorndike = "satisfaction" "the law of effect".
✔Ivan Pavlov = involuntary behavior
✔Max Wertheimer = gestalt psychology
✔Otto Loewi = discovered "acetylchloline" respobsible in stimulation of muscles 
✔Ulf von Euler discovered "norepinephrine" bringing our nervous system into "high alert" ✔Arvid
Carlsson discovered "dopamine" the reward mechanisms in the brain 
✔Jean Piaget -- cognitive dev't , info processing , dynamic interrelation.
✔Sigmund Freud -- psychosexual , psychoanalytic
✔Erik Erickson -- psychosocial
✔Lawrence Kohlberg -- moral dev't,
✔Burrhus Frederic Skinner -- operant cond.
✔Ivan Pavlov -- classical cond.
✔Edward Lee Thorndike -- connectionism
✔Albert Bandura -- social learning, neo - behaviorism
✔Robert Gagne -- sequence of instruction
✔Abraham Maslow -- hierarchy of needs , motivation theory
✔William Kohler -- insight learning
✔Robert Havighurst -- devt task theory
✔Benjamin Bloom -- bloom's cognitive taxonomy
✔Simpsons / Anita Harrow -- psychomotor domain
✔David Krathwohl -- affective domain
✔Jerome Bruner -- constructivist, spiral curr, instrumental conceptualism 
✔Lev Vygotsky -- socio-cultural theory of cognitive devt , linguistic theory, Scaffolding 
✔Edgar Dale -- cone of exp. (20% remember)
✔kohler,koffka, weirtheimer -- gestalt psychology
✔John Locke -- tabularasa , empiricism
✔Howard Gardner -- multiple int.
✔Noam Chomsky -- language acquisition theory , fr of linguistic, nativism 
✔David Ausubel -- meaningful learning, graphic organizer, assumption
✔Charles Cooley -- looking glass self theory
✔John Flavel -- metacognition
✔Sandra Bem -- gender schema theory
✔Elliot Turriel -- social domain theory
✔Robert Sternberg -- triachic theory of int.
✔Johm Watson -- behaviorial theory
✔Maria Montessory -- transfer of learning, kinder garten preparation of children.
✔Edward Tolman -- purposive behaviorism and goal oriented
✔Edward Torrance -- creative problem solving
✔Bernard Weiner -- attribution theory
✔Daniel Goleman/coleman? -- emotional intelligence
✔Wolfgang Ratke -- used vernacular for approaching the class.
✔mencius -- idealistic wing of confucianism
✔hzun tzu -- realistic wing of confusianism
✔taoism -- lao tzu 
✔Herbart spencer -- moral devt
✔Pestallozi -- symmetrical and harmonious devt of child
✔John Jacques Rosseau -- nature of child 
✔Arnold Gesell - maturation theory
✔John Dewey - Learning by doing
✔David Froebel - Father of kinder garten
✔John Bowly - Attainment Theory
✔Edward Boro - Six Thinking Hats Theory
✔Auguste Comte - Father of Sociology
✔Carlos Linnaeus - Father of modern taxonomy.
✔John Amos Comencius - Fr. of modern education.
✔Erasmus Desiderius - Fr. of humanism/ social humanism
✔William Kilpatrick - Project method.
IDEALISM -- plato
REALIAM -- aristotle
PERENNIALISM -- hutchins
BEHAVIORISM -- skinner or watson
STRUCTURALISM -- helmholts or wundt?
FUNCTIONALISM -- james,nugell, or carr?
✔NATURALISM -- only nature exist, nature is better than civilization (NATURALESA ng isang
✔IDEALISM -- spiritual, values, moral, socratic method
✔REALISM -- natural world, values arenatural and absolute, reality exist undercieved
✔PRAGMATISM/EXPERIMENTALISM -- practical, problem solving research, knowledge is what
works, values are related, truth is warranted assertion.
✔ESSENTIALISM -- 3r's (4r's ngayon), achievement test, certain knowledge&skills are essential for
rational being.
✔PROGRESSIVISM -- process of development, higher level of knowledge, the child's need and
interest are relevant to curriculum.
✔EXISTENTIALISM -- knowledge is subjective, man shapes his being as he lives, we are what we
do, deciding precedes knowing.
✔PERENNIALISM -- education that last for century, universalist, knowledge is eternally valid.
✔SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTIVISM -- for better society, community based learning
✔RECONSTRUCTUONALISM -- the school should help rebuild the social order thus social change.
✔BEHAVIORISM -- learning is change in behavior, S-R relationship
✔EMPIRICISM -- knowledge comes thru senses, 5 senses (observatory learning)
✔STRUCTURALISM -- complex mental exp. such as image,feeling and sensation
✔FUNCTIONALISM -- focus to motivation, thinking & learning.
✔PURPOSIVISM -- individual hormones are responsible for the motive to strive towards fulfillment
of his/her objective.
✔PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS -- reality is what verifiable, truth correspondes to reality, usage
determines meaning
9155 -- Governance of basic educ. act of 2001
6728 -- GASTPE
7722 -- creating CHED
7784 -- " " of center of excellence
7796 -- creating TESDA
6655 -- Free public secondary act of 1988
4090 -- creating a state scholarship council to intergrate, systematize, administer and implement all
program scholarships and appropriating funds.
5447 -- creation of a special educ. fund act enacted in 1968
-- organization and extension of classes
-- adding classroom to remote areas,barrios and provincial schools
6139 -- regulated the secretarian schools/private school in charging higher tuition fee
7687 -- science and technology scholarship act of 1994
7743 -- establishment of city and municipal libraries.
8292 -- higher educ. modernization act of 1997
6850 -- an act to grant Civil Service eligibility under certain conditions to Gov. employees appointed
under provisionap or temporary status who rendered 7 years of efficient service
8545 -- amending RA 7628 Expanded GASTPE Act
8525 -- Adopt a school program
8491 -- Flag and Heraldic code of the Ph.
7797 -- lengthen the school prog. to 200 days and not more than 220 days
8190 -- act of granting priority to residents of the brgy. where school is located in the appointment
and assignment of school.
6972 -- act of stablishing DAY CARE CENTER FOR EVERY BRGY.
7624 -- integrating of drug prevention and control in the intermediate & secondary curricula and
indigeneous learning system
7743 -- act providing libraries and reading centers throughout the Ph.
7877 -- anti-sexual harassment act of 1995
9163 -- NSTP of 2001
6193 -- regulation of tuition fees of private educ. institution
10627 -- anti-bullyinh act of 2013
10533 -- enhance basic educ. act of 2013 (K-12 PROGRAM)
9485 -- anti-red tape act
Executive Order (E.O.) 66 -- rule of cancellation of classes due to typhoon, flooding and other
Philosophers Related to Learners Development
✔SIGMUND FREUD -- "the mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk avove
ID -- pleasure center
EGO -- reality center
SUPER EGO -- conscience / judgment center.
ORAL -- thumb sucking, biting
ANAL -- toilet training, control of their bowel.
PHALLIC -- sexual interest, genital stimulation.
LATENCY -- sexual urges & interest were temporary 
GENITAL -- adult sexual interest and activities come to dominate.
Odipus complex - son vs father towards mother/wife feelings . (excessive attachment)(Phallic stage)
Electra complex - daugther vs mother towards father/husband feelings. (excessive attachment)
(Phallic stage)
Personality Dynamics
✔ERIK ERICKSON -- "healthy children will not fear in their elders have integrity enough to fear of
CRISIS -- a person goes through
MALADAPTATION -- result from failure to effectivity resolve the problem
VIRTUE -- emerges when balance & resolution of crisis attained.
Stage: Early Childhood (2 to 3 years)
Basic Conflict: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Important Events: Toilet Training
Outcome: Children need to develop a sense of personal control over physical skills and a sense of
independence. Success leads to feelings of autonomy, failure results in feelings of shame and
Stage: Preschool (3 to 5 years)
Basic Conflict: Initiative vs. Guilt
Important Events: Exploration
Outcome: Children need to begin asserting control and power over the environment. Success in this
stage leads to a sense of purpose. Children who try to exert too much power experience
disapproval, resulting in a sense of guilt.
Stage: School Age (6 to 11 years)
Basic Conflict: Industry vs. Inferiority
Important Events: School
Outcome: Children need to cope with new social and academic demands. Success leads to a sense
of competence, while failure results in feelings of inferiority.
Stage: Adolescence (12 to 18 years)
Basic Conflict: Identity vs. Role Confusion
Important Events: Social Relationships
Outcome: Teens need to develop a sense of self and personal identity. Success leads to an ability to
stay true to yourself, while failure leads to role confusion and a weak sense of self.
Stage: Young Adulthood (19 to 40 years)
Basic Conflict: Intimacy vs. Isolation
Important Events: Relationships
Outcome: Young adults need to form intimate, loving relationships with other people. Success leads
to strong relationships, while failure results in loneliness and isolation.
Stage: Middle Adulthood (40 to 65 years)
Basic Conflict: Generativity vs. Stagnation
Important Events: Work and Parenthood
Outcome: Adults need to create or nurture things that will outlast them, often by having children or
creating a positive change that benefits other people. Success leads to feelings of usefulness and
accomplishment, while failure results in shallow involvement in the world.
Stage: Maturity(65 to death)
Basic Conflict: Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Important Events: Reflection on life
Outcome: Older adults need to look back on life and feel a sense of fulfillment. Success at this stage
leads to feelings of wisdom, while failure results in regret, bitterness, and despair.
✔LEV VYGOTSKY -- "the teacher must orient his work not on yesterday's devt in the childs but on
SCAFFOLDING -- is the systematic manner of providing assistance of the learners to effectively
acquire skills.
MKO(More Knowledge Others) -- higher level of performance.
✔JEAN PIAGET -- " the school should be creating men & women who are capable of doing new
things not simply repeating what other generation have done.
SENSORY MOTOR (BIRTH - 2y/o) -- infants knowledge.
PRE-OPERATIONAL ( 2-7y/o) -- pretent to play but still struggle with logic,mental symbols interest.
CONCRETE OPERATIONAL (7-11) -- think logically, hypothetically and concepts, solve problems
FORMAL OPERATIONAL (11-UP) -- deductive reasoning and understanding of abstract ideas, think
✔LAWRENCE KOHLBERG -- "right action tends to be defined in terms of general individual rights
and standards that have been critically examined & agreed upon by the whole society.
PRE-CONVENTIONAL -- obidience & punishment (consequences) , individualism & exchange
CONVENTIONAL --interpersonal relationship, maintain social order.
POST-CONVENTIONAL -- social contract and individual rights , universal principles, set of values
and beliefs.
MICROSYSTEM -- sorroundings of individual: family, friends, neighborhood
MESOSYSTEM -- connections between context, school experiences to church experience.
EXOSYSTEM -- includes other people and places that the child herself may not interact with often
herself but that still have a large effect on her.
Stage: Early Childhood (2 to 3 years)
Basic Conflict: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Important Events: Toilet Training
Outcome: Children need to develop a sense of personal control over physical skills and a sense of
independence. Success leads to feelings of autonomy, failure results in feelings of shame and
Stage: Preschool (3 to 5 years)
Basic Conflict: Initiative vs. Guilt
Important Events: Exploration
Outcome: Children need to begin asserting control and power over the environment. Success in this
stage leads to a sense of purpose. Children who try to exert too much power experience
disapproval, resulting in a sense of guilt.
Stage: School Age (6 to 11 years)
Basic Conflict: Industry vs. Inferiority
Important Events: School
Outcome: Children need to cope with new social and academic demands. Success leads to a sense
of competence, while failure results in feelings of inferiority.
Stage: Adolescence (12 to 18 years)
Basic Conflict: Identity vs. Role Confusion
Important Events: Social Relationships
Outcome: Teens need to develop a sense of self and personal identity. Success leads to an ability to
stay true to yourself, while failure leads to role confusion and a weak sense of self.
Stage: Young Adulthood (19 to 40 years)
Basic Conflict: Intimacy vs. Isolation
Important Events: Relationships
Outcome: Young adults need to form intimate, loving relationships with other people. Success leads
to strong relationships, while failure results in loneliness and isolation.
Stage: Middle Adulthood (40 to 65 years)
Basic Conflict: Generativity vs. Stagnation
Important Events: Work and Parenthood
Outcome: Adults need to create or nurture things that will outlast them, often by having children or
creating a positive change that benefits other people. Success leads to feelings of usefulness and
accomplishment, while failure results in shallow involvement in the world.
Stage: Maturity(65 to death)
Basic Conflict: Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Important Events: Reflection on life
Outcome: Older adults need to look back on life and feel a sense of fulfillment. Success at this stage
leads to feelings of wisdom, while failure results in regret, bitterness, and despair.
✔LEV VYGOTSKY -- "the teacher must orient his work not on yesterday's devt in the childs but on
SCAFFOLDING -- is the systematic manner of providing assistance of the learners to effectively
acquire skills.
MKO(More Knowledge Others) -- higher level of performance.
✔JEAN PIAGET -- " the school should be creating men & women who are capable of doing new
things not simply repeating what other generation have done.
SENSORY MOTOR (BIRTH - 2y/o) -- infants knowledge.
PRE-OPERATIONAL ( 2-7y/o) -- pretent to play but still struggle with logic,mental symbols interest.
CONCRETE OPERATIONAL (7-11) -- think logically, hypothetically and concepts, solve problems
FORMAL OPERATIONAL (11-UP) -- deductive reasoning and understanding of abstract ideas, think
✔LAWRENCE KOHLBERG -- "right action tends to be defined in terms of general individual rights
and standards that have been critically examined & agreed upon by the whole society.
PRE-CONVENTIONAL -- obidience & punishment (consequences) , individualism & exchange
CONVENTIONAL --interpersonal relationship, maintain social order.
POST-CONVENTIONAL -- social contract and individual rights , universal principles, set of values
and beliefs.
MICROSYSTEM -- sorroundings of individual: family, friends, neighborhood
MESOSYSTEM -- connections between context, school experiences to church experience.
EXOSYSTEM -- includes other people and places that the child herself may not interact with often
herself but that still have a large effect on her.
MACROSYSTEM -- which is the largest and most remote set of people and places and things to a
child but which still has a great influence over the child.
: environment affects child's personality : learninh occurs by simply observing people, people learned
from what they see and the consequences of what they did
✔LEANING TO KNOW -- focuses on combining broad gen. knowledge and basic educ. with the
opportunity to work on a small number of subjects in the light of rapid changes brought about by
scientific progress ang new forms of economic and social acitivity.
❇Learning how to learn and to discover, as to benefit from ongoing educational opportunities
continuously arising throughout life.
❇Developing the faculties of memory, imagination, reasoning and problem solving.
❇Understanding about one's environment.
❇Communicating with others.
✔LEARNING TO DO -- emphasizes on the learning of skills necessary to practice a profession or
❇applying in practice what has been learned.
❇developing vocational / occupational and technical skills
❇developing social skills in building meaningful interpersonal relationships.
❇developing competence, social behavior, aptitude for teamwork
❇enhancing the ability to communicate and work with others
❇managing and resolving conflicts.
✔LEARNING TO BE -- prioritizes the development of the human potencial to the fullest.
❇tapping the talents hidden with individual.
❇developing personal commitment and responsibilty for the common good.
✔LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER -- emphasizes understanding of others, their history, tradition
and cultures, and also living and interacting peacefully together.
❇appreciating diversity of human race
❇being receptive to others and encounter others through dialogue and debate.
❇caring about others
❇working toward common objectives in cooperative undertakings.
❇managing and resolving conflicts.
✅German word means "whole, form, pattern or configuration"
✅ the focus of this theory is on Perception and how people assign meaning to visual stimuli "The
whole is more than the sum of all parts"
LAW OF PROXIMITY -- elements that are closer together be percieved as a coherent object.
LAW OF SIMILARITY -- similar will percieved as part of the same form.
LAW OF CLOSURE -- ignoring gaps in the figure.
LAW OF CONTINUATION -- patterns establish an impled direction, people tend a good continous
LAW OF PRAGNANZ -- stimulus will be organize into a good figure as possible.
LAW OF FIGURE/GROUND -- we tend to pay attention and percieved things in the foreground first.
INSIGHT LEARNING -- Gestalt adheres to the idea of learning takes place by discovery.
✔Ripple Effect -- spreading effect of series of consequences caused by singlr action or event.
✔Hawthorne Effect -- type of reactivity effect in which individuals improve an aspect of their
behavior in response to their awareness of being observed.
✔Halo Effect -- cognitive bias which an observer overall impression of a person, influences the
observers feeling and thoughts about the entity's character or property 
✔Pygmalion Effect -- Shows the teacher's expectation (self-fulfillment)
✔Golem Effect -- low expection leads to decrease in performance.
Positive -- presence of stimulus
Negative -- absence of stimulus
Escape -- removes stimulus
Avoidance -- prevents stimulus
Reinforcement -- increase of behavior
Punishment -- weakens response.

General Education
1. What muscle is described as involuntary, not striated, and have a single nucleus?
A. Smooth
B. Skeletal
C. Cardiac
D. Connective
2. Which of the following is not considered as a reproductive cell?
A. Gamete
B. Somatic cell
C. Egg cell
D. Sperm cell
3. It is combination of two glucose molecules
A. Maltose
B. Lactose
C. Sucrose
D. Starch
4. One of these planets has the greatest gravitational pull. Which one is it?
A. Mars
B. Earth
C. Mercury
D. Jupiter
5. Its discovery enabled geologist to date rocks accurately.
A. Global positioning system
B. Carbon- dating
C. Radio activity
D. Layering
6. If a woman were grouped by decade and ages, where will Mrs. Go of 87 years belong?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 6
D. 9
7. A ream of onion skin paper is 2.5 inches thick. If there are 500 sheets to each ream, how thick is
one sheet of paper?
A. . 002 in
B. .02 in
C. .005 in
D. .0125 in
8. What are the two missing numbers in this sequence?
1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, __, 29, ____, 46
A. 22, 35
B. 23, 36
C. 23, 38
D. 22, 37
9. Which of the following is the factorization of the binomial x square - 4 square?
A. ( x+4) ( x+2)
B. (X-4) raise to two
C. X ( x+2x+2)
D. ( x-4) ( x+4)
10. Which of the fractions has the least value?
A. 7/12
B. 8/9
C. 6/17
D. 7/8
11. Ikinalulungkot ko ang mga nangyari
A. Pagbati
B. Pagsagot
C. Pagbibigay impormasyon
D. Paghingi ng paumanhin
12. Tukuyin ang sugna na makapag-iisa
A. Kung magkakasundo tayo
B. Ako namang
C. Ang magiging tagasunod
D. Ikaw ang mamumuno
13. Alin ang dapat alisinsa pangkat
A. Kahali-halina
B. Kaakit-akit
C. Kaliga-ligaya
D. Kabighani-hani
14. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng " basal ang aking tinig"?
A. Busilak
B. Malakas
C. May takip ang bibig
D. Hindi Makinig
15. Anong supra segmental na ponema ang ipinapakita sa sumusunod na pahayag. "Pare, ang tatay
A. Kababawan
B. Liwayway
C. Saliwan
D. Antala
16. First feminist poet in the Phillipines
A. Kerima Polutan Tuvera
B. Leona Florentine
C. Aida Ruvera Ford
D. Carmen Guerrero Nakpil
17. What figure of speech is employed in this line from like the Molave, " O soul and spirits of the
martyred brave, arise?"
A. Metaphor
B. Apostrophe
C. Onomatopoeia
D. Personification
18. What figure of speech is used in the line, " I wondered lonely as a cloud?"
A. Onomatopoeia
B. Simile
C. Personification
D. Metaphor
19. A man out of clay means
A. Dust
B. Mortal
C. Immortal
D. Clay
20. The ____ you become, the less time you have for reading.
A. More busy
B. Busier
C. Busiest
D. More busier
21. Which country referred to as " Industrial Giant of Asia?"
A. Japan
B. Singapore
C. China
D. Korea
22. In economics, ____ is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy
over a period of time.
A. Mercantilism
B. Inflation
C. Free trade
D. Depression
23. The author of "flora de filipina" circa 1837 , the botanical illustrations of plant specimens that
grew into the Phillipines herbarium
A. Gov. Narciso Claveria
B. Fr. Manuel Blanco
C. Fr. Emmanuel Gonzales
D. Gov. Polavieja
24. An International convention where the Phillipines can validate its claim to the Spratly and other
territories in the West Phillipine Sea
A. Kyoto Protocol
B. Geneva Convention
C. United Nations Convention of the law of the sea ( UNCLOS)
D. Rio de Janeiro convention
25. When was the centennial celebration of Phillipines independence?
A. June 15, 1989
B. July 04, 1989
C. June 12, 1998
D. June 12, 1989
26. How many seconds are there in a 24 hour day?
A. 85,400
B. 1440
C. 86, 400
D. 1540
27. Which of the ff. Is exactly divisible by 3 and 11?
A. 357404
B. 114345
C. 991111
D. 135792
28. The school cafeteria raised price of a plate of rice from 8 to 10 pesos. If the same rate of
increase was applied to a regular order of viand which used to cost 20 pesos , how much does an
order of viand cost now?
A. 25
B. 26
C. 24
D. 22
29. Which of the ff. Illustrates physical change?
A. Butter melts
B. Milk turns sour
C. Iron nail rusts
D. Fruits ripen
30.Which element bus most responsible for depleting the ozone layer?
A. Hydrogen
B. Chlorine
C. Helium
D. Oxygen
Correct answer:

Prof Ed:10 items multiple choice

1. The right of an educational institution and its faculty to prescibe the methods/strategies of
teaching refers to
A. Building style
B. Choice of curriculum 
C. Academic freedom
D. Co and extra curricular programs
2. The 1987 constitution provides that religious instruction can be given
A. With the students' consent
B. With the parent/guardian approval
C. With the mayor's permit
D. With the school's support
3. A review lesson to be an effective tool for mastery learning must be
A. The repetition of old lesson
B. The drill lesson
C. Reteaching but presented in a different challenging way
D. In a test format
4. A good indication that effective classroom management is when
A. The learners are quiet
B. There is minimum teacher control
C. Everything in the room is in its proper order
D. Students come in and out in orderly lines
5. Encouraging competition between slow and superior students in class work
A. Encourages the slow ones to work hard
B. Encourages the bright ones to be better
C. Provides wholesome learning experiences to all learners
D. None of these
6. Which one of the following practices diminishes plateaus of learning?
A. Frequent drills 
B. Organized review excercises
C. Proper mental set
D. Teach to the point of over-learning
7. The hereditary traits acquired by a person in his lifetime;
A. Are transmissible to his offsprings
B. Reappear in his future grandchildren
C. Have no influence on the offspring at all
D. Become recessive traits
8. When students are given a chance to settle differences of opinion by discussion, they develop:
A. Fair play
B. Tolerance
C. Irritants
D. Sociability
9. The shool's responsibility towards teenagers "gang age" is:
A. Provide the gang all the freedom it needs
B. Gives classroom activities to give direction to out- of-school youth activities
C. Supervise gang activities
D. Set up norms of conduct for the members of the gang
10. Through the proper use of multi-sensory aids, a learner may live realistically and vicariously in places
remote from his immediate environment. These attests to the value of this aids to:
A. Arouse interest
B. Supplement knowledge
C. Enlarge ones' environment
D. Contribute to greater retention of learning
"The only education a man ever gets is the education he gives himself"
Correct answer:

1. Can paper-and-pencil tests diagnose students ability to organize thoughts?
A. Yes, by way of the essay test. ✔ ✔
B. No, unless the multiple choice type of tests is made situational
C. Yes, by way of the selected response type of test.
D. No, they are limited only to simple recall.
2. Which of the most reliable tool for seeing the development in your pupils ability to write?
A. Interview of pupils
B. Portfolio assessment ✔ ✔
C. Scoring rubrics
D. Self-assessment
3. I'd like to test whether a student knows what a particular word means. Which should I ask the
student to do?
A. Define the word ✔ ✔
B. Give the etymology of the word
C. Give the word a tune sing it
D. Spell the word and identify its part of speech
4. Here is a test item: DISTANT: NEAR, as GENUINE:_________. This test is a /an
A. Analogy ✔ ✔
B. Completion
C. Metaphor
D. Riddle
5. Teachers are encouraged to make use of authentic assessment. Which goes with authentic
A. Answering multiple choice test items
B. Del contextualized drill
C. Real world application of lessons learned ✔ ✔
D. Unrealistic performances
6. To ensure mastery of a cognitive lesson, which assessment tool is most appropriate?
A. Essay test
B. Objective test
C. Pre-test and post-test ✔ ✔
D. Summative test
7. "State a set of principles that can explain the following items" is a yes item on _____
A. Generalizing
B. Relating cause and effect
C. Predicting ✔ ✔
D. Summarizing
8. The results of National Achievement Test ( NAT ) are interpreted against a set of mastery level.
This means that NAT is categorized as / an _____ test.
I. Criterion-referenced 
II. Norm-referenced
A. I only ✔ ✔
B. Either I or II
C. II only
D. Neither I or II
9. The ff. Are used in writing performance objectives, except
A. Comprehend ✔ ✔
B. Delineate
C. Diagram
D. Integrate
10. In mastery learning, the definition of an acceptable standard of performance is called ____
A. Behavior
B. Condition ✔ ✔
C. Criterion measure
11. As a teacher, what do you do engage yourself in major task analysis?
A. Test if learning reached higher level of thinking skills.
B. Breakdown a complex task into sub-skills
C. Determine the level of thinking involved ✔ ✔
D. Revise lesson objectives
12. Teacher G's lesson objective has something to do with the skills of synthesizing. Which
behavioural term is most appropriate?
A. Appraise
B. Assess
C. Test
D. Theorize ✔ ✔
13. Which are direct measures of competencies?
A. Personality tests
B. Performance tests
C. Paper-and-pencil tests
D. Standardized tests ✔ ✔
14. Why should a teacher NOT use direct instruction all the time?
A. It requires much time
B. It requires use of supplementary materials
C. It reduces student engagement in learning ✔ ✔
D. It is generally effective only in the teaching of concepts and abstractions.
15.The following terms refer to performance objectives except _____ objectives.
A. Behavioral
B. Learners
C. Lesson
D. Teachers ✔ ✔
16. " using the six descriptions of elements of a good story, IDENTIFY IN WRITING THE SIX
ELEMENTS IN THE SHORT STORY BY O. HENRY, with complete accuracy." The words in capital
letters are referred to as the ____
A. Criterion of success
B. Condition ✔ ✔
C. Minimum acceptable performance
D. Performance statement
17. If teacher is concerned with the development of student's higher-order-thinking skills, then his
lesson objectives must go beyond______.
A. Analysis
B. Application ✔ ✔
C. Comprehension
D. Recall
18.The following terms refer to the alternative names for Authentic Assessment except
A. Alternative Assessment
B. Direct Assessment
C. Performance Assessment
D. Conventional Assessment ✔ ✔
19.This type of rubrics that estimates the overall quality of a performance by assigning a single
numerical value to represent a specific category of accomplishment
A. Analytic rubrics
B. Checklists
C. Holistic rubrics ✔ ✔
D. Combining scoring systems
20.Which of the following does not serve as organizer in the preparation of a portfolio?
A. Envelope
B. Clear book
C. Objective test ✔ ✔
D. Album

Professional Education
1. Which theory operates on the "stimulus-response principle", which means all behaviors are
caused by external stimuli?
a. Contextual theory
b. Behaviorist theory
c. Cognitive theory
d. Constructivist theory
Answer: B
2. Ms. Erika in her Biology class accompanies her discussion with interesting visual aids. She
strongly believes that students learn better when lessons are presented with images, real or
imagined aside from mere lecture method. Which learning theory does she upholds?
a. Dual-Coding Theory
b. Information Processing Theory
c. Meaningful Reception Learning Theory
d. Social Cognitive Theory
Answer: A
3. Miss Rita is an excellent Physical Education teacher. She started teaching volleyball to her Grade
2 class. Despite all her efforts, her class does not seem to learn how to play the game. What law of
learning was disregarded?
a. Law of Disuse
b. Law of Effect
c. Law of Exercise
d. Law of Readiness
Answer: D
4. Teacher jay, a physical education teacher, demonstrates the new skill to be learned so that his
students can watch him and later reproduce the skill. What learning theory is associated with the
a. Dual-Coding Learning Theory
b. Information Processing
c. Schema Learning Theory
d. Social Learning
Answer: D
5. Patrice is always fearful of freely roaming dogs but does not mind dogs in a pen or on a leash.
What feature of classical conditioning is exhibited?
a. Discrimination
b. Extinction
c. Generalization
d. Practice
Answer: A
6. A music teacher is careful in planning activities for each lesson. He praises liberally and rewards
correct answers. What view of learning is exhibited?
a. Classical conditioning
b. Meaningful learning
c. Operant conditioning
d. Social learning
Answer: C
7. Which of the theories of learning presents or states that learning skills are hierarchically
a. Cumulative Learning
b. Meaningful Learning
c. Social Cognitive Learning
d. Theory of Instruction
Answer: A
8. Which of the following best describes what meaningful learning is?
a. When what is to be learned is new and easy for the students
b. Materials presented are difficult and challenging to the students
c. When the materials to be learned is related to what students already know
d. Students find the lessons easy and relevant to what was assigned to them
Answer: C
9. Rita easily remember dates and events in history. What component of LTM does Rita have?
a. Creative thinking
b. Critical thinking
c. Reflective thinking
d. Logical thinking
Answer: C
10. An Earth Science has just completed a unit on the sun. As she recognizes her next unit on other
stars, she uses the sun as a frame of reference. What view of learning was used?
a. Discovery learning
b. Informative learning
c. Meaningful learning
d. Transfer learning
Answer: C
11. Which is an application of cognitive approach to motivation?
a. Explain the reasons for studying the topic
b. Create a supportive classroom climate for students
c. Provide clear and prompt feedback on assignments
d. Begin lessons with challenging questions and conflicting events
Answer: A
12. The first people power was held in February 25, 1986. What kind of knowledge is presented?
a. Conditional Knowledge
b. Cognitive Knowledge
c. Domain-Specific Knowledge
d. Procedural Knowledge
Answer: B
13. The students of Mrs. Reyes were not able to learn the concepts that she presented yesterday so
she taught the same concepts again but this time using a different teaching method. What principle
of learning was applied?
a. Concepts should be presented in varied and different ways
b. Effort was put forth when tasks are challenging
c. Learning by doing is more effective than just by sitting and listening
d. Learning is aided by formulating and asking questions
Answer: A
14. Alvin is a transferee and feels uneasy with his new school. His teacher is very accommodating,
warm and caring. Alvin felt comfortable with the teacher display of genuine warmth. The teacher is
consistent in his manner and Alvin began to associate school with the teacher's warmth. Which
theory is being illustrated?
a. Meaningful learning
b. Operant conditioning
c. Classical conditioning
d. Observational learning
Answer: B
15. After just being introduced to another guest in the party, Tom cannot remember the name of the
guest he was introduced to. In what memory stage was the information stored in?
a. Episodic memory
b. Semantic memory
c. Sensory memory
d. Working memory
Answer: C
16. Vygotsky claimed that social interaction is important for learning. What does this imply?
a. Children are independent problem solvers
b. Children learn from adults and other children
c. Children learn by passive presentation of information
d. Children in the crib has no learning yet, since they are not capable of interaction
Answer: B
17. How would you help a student who is intelligent but is underachieving in class?
a. Provide challenging activities which he/she can accomplish
b. Recognize his talents by asking him/her to help other students with their work
c. Identify the immediate causes of difficulties that cause his/her being an underachiever
d. Allow him/her to work with the slow learner group to cope with the academic needs of the lesson.
Answer: C
18. Mrs. Corpuz always makes sure that her pre-school classroom is well organized and clean. She
puts up interesting and colorful visuals on the bulletin boards. What principle of motivation was
a. Incentives motivate learning
b. Internal motivation is longer lasting and more self-directive than is external motivation
c. Motivation is enhanced by the way in which instructional material is organized.
d. The environment can be used to focus the student's attention on what needs to be learned.
Answer: D
19. For every correct answer, the teacher would give a star to her students. What schedule of
reinforcement was used?
a. Fixed interval
b. Fixed ratio
c. Variable interval
d. Variable ratio
Answer: B
20. Marga, a six year old, always asked her playmates to sit in front of her small black board and she
plays teacher. Her mother is a teacher. What theory explains Marga's behavior?
a. Classical Conditioning
b. Operant Conditioning
c. Social Learning
d. Information Processing
Answer: C
21. What should the teacher do to help students learn psychomotor skills?
a. Teacher uses verbal explanation and description of the movements in addition to live
demonstration of the movements
b. Teacher provides feedback to the learner about his/her progress
c. Teacher encourages the learner to practice, in order to maintain his/her sharpness of the
d. All of the above
Answer: D
22. The teacher presented a new lesson where in the students were asked to work on a new project
which was somewhat complicated. The students showed interest while working on the project. What
principle applies to the situation?
a. Effort was put forth when tasks are challenging
b. Lessons should be presented in varied and different ways
c. Meaningful materials are readily learned than nonsense materials
d. Teachers should provide opportunities for meaningful and appropriate practice
Answer: A
23. Maturation should precede certain types of learning. How is this applied in the classroom?
a. Concepts should be taught from simple to complex
b. Consider the age level of students in assigning tasks
c. Follow the interest of students in assigning tasks
d. Give the same task to all students in a particular grade level
Answer: A
24. Luz easily learns a lesson when she is working with laboratory equipment but hardly remembers
a lesson the teacher lectured on. What type of learner is Luz?
a. Auditory Learner
b. Kinesthetic Learner
c. Tactile Learner
d. Visual Learner
Answer: D
25. Which of the following statements about motivation is false?
a. External motivation is longer lasting and more self-directive than internal motivation
b. Internal motivation is fueled by one's goals or ambitions
c. Motivation is enhanced by the way in which the instructional material is organized
d. Motivation to perform is affected by expectancy and value
Answer: A
SIGMUND FREUD: Psychodynamic Theory
Henley, Ramsey, and Algozzine (2009) describe the interaction of id, ego, and superego with the
following example:
A teenager walks through a shopping mall and sees a Swiss Army knife on a counter. His im- pulse
(id) is to pick it up and stick it in his pocket. His conscience (superego) tells him it is wrong to steal,
but his id is winning the battle. “I’ll go to church and I will be forgiven,” he rationalizes. Meanwhile his
reality testing instinct (ego) tells him to look around. He sees several mirrors along the wall behind
the counter and he realizes that someone could be watching him. The teenager decides that stealing
the knife is not worth the risk of getting caught.
1. Samantha's eyes are blurred and her hands ached. She __ at the computer for 6 long hours.
Finally, she took a break.
A. was seated C. would have seated
B. has seated heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon D. had been seated
Rationalization: B - The second sentence is in the present perfect tense, and so the auxiliary verb
must be "has" plus the "past participal" form of the verb
2. After 7 depressing years, Mitch finally quit the job. She __ along with her superior for a long time
before she finally decided to look for a new position.
A. didn't get C. hasn't been getting
B. isn't getting D. hadn't been getting heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon
Rationalization: The sentence with missing parts is in the past perfect progressive tense since that
there are two past actions where the first action was still happening when the second transpired.
Therefore, the auxiliary verb must be "had" plus "been" and the -ing form of the verb. The answer is
letter D.
3. Five years of intensive language study are required for second language learners. Chun-Li ___
English for three years, but she will need more training to be more proficient.
A. has studied C. has been studying heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon
B. will have been studying D. will be studying
Rationalization: The second sentence is in the present perfect progressive tense because the action
started somewhere in the past, still happening at present and will continue to happen in the future.
The auxiliary verb must be "has" plus "been" and the -ing form of the verb.
4. The laborers are so happy that __ now reaping the fruit of __ efforts.
A. they're-their heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon C. there-their
B. they're-there D. their-their
Rationalization" "They" is a personal pronoun, "Their" is a possessive pronoun, while "They're" is a
combination of "they" and "are". The correct answer is letter A.
5. This seatwork is difficult for Paul and ___.
A. Myself C. Me heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon
B. I D. Himself
Rationalization: Tough choice would be between B and C, the answer is C "me" because "I" must
only be used if you are subject of the sentence or if you are the doer of the action, while "me" is used
is you are the object of the sentence or if you are the receiver of the action.
6. What is the biggest hindrance in learning in a second language?
A. grammar C. imagery
B. structure of language D. cross- cultural issues heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon
7. Which among these words has the (z) end sound?
A. Maps C. Laughs
B. Jokes D. Buys heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon
8. Which among these words has the starting voiced (th) sound?
A. Thank C. Think
B. These heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon D. Thing
9. Which among these words has the voiced (th) sound?
A. Mouth C. Teeth 
B. Breathe heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon D. Health
10. Which of the words below has the (zh) sound?
A. Ships C. She 
B. Shore D. Leisure heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon
11. Which among these words has the (id) end sound?
A. Praised C. Judged
B. Mailed D. Needed heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon
12. Manuel Arguilla is one of the most important Filipino writers of all time. He wrote the Juan Tamad
series and the short story "How my Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife." He is famous in injecting
themes with ___ in his story.
A. Urbanity C. Local Color heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon 
B. Cosmopolitanism D. Ranch Life
Rationalization: C is the answer. Manuel Arguilla's fiction depicts rural life in the Philippines
13. Loreto Paras Sulit's short story that revolves around the theme that beauty can be very
dangerous is titled ____.
A. The Harvest heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon C. Desire 
B. The Beautiful Stranger D. Beautiful Liar
Rationalization: The answer is letter A "The Harvest". Fidel and Vidal are brothers who both
attracted to Miss Francia and this attraction to Miss Francia led to heartaches of both brothers.
14. Roberts Frost's poems are commonly about ____.
A. Beautiful girls C. God and Faith 
B. Decision making and fate heart emoticon     D. End of the World ♥ ♥

Rationalization: The answer is letter B. His poems "Fire and Ice, The Road Not Taken", and
"Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening" are mainly about taking the risk decision making and
the power of choice.
15. F.Scott Fitzgerald's story that is about a boy who was born old and gets younger everyday is
titled ____.
A. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button        ♥ ♥ ♥

B. The Great Gatsby

C. The Innocent Boy
D. Growing Young
Rationalization: The answer is letter A. This story was adapted into film that stars Brad Pitt.
Benjamin was born old and died young as a baby.
16. In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, which tale talks about three friends who killed each other for the
chest filled with treasures?
A. Pardoner's Tale       C. Merchant's Tale  ♥ ♥ ♥

B. Knight's Tale D. The Nun Priest's Tale

Rationalization; The answer is letter A. The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories told by the
different pilgrims on their way to Canterbury.
17. Rabindranath Tagore's poem "Innermost One" is taken from the collection of devotional songs
titled ____.
A. Gitanjali       C. Ramayana 
♥ ♥ ♥

B. Shakuntala D.Mahabharata
Rationalization: The answer is letter A. Gitanjali means "Song of Offerings" which collection of
vespers and prayers.
18. Paz Marquez Benitez wrote a story about a love triangle amongst Alfredo, Esperanza, and Julia.
What is the title of this masterpiece?
A. Wedding Dance C. Desire 
B. Dead Stars       D. Tatsulok
♥ ♥ ♥

Rationalization: B - Dead Star is considered the first Filipino literary masterpiece written in English. It
is about Alfredo who loves not love itself but only the idea of it.
19. What makes the sentence below erroneous?
"I have a written a letter yesterday."
A. Yesterday       C. A 
♥ ♥ ♥

B. Have D. Letter
20. He is considered the father of essay.
A. Michel de Montaigne       C. William Shakespeare  ♥ ♥ ♥

B. Francis Bacon D. George Eliot

21. Which work of Leo Tolstoy is about the Napoleonic invasion in Russia?
A. War and Peace       C. God sees the Truth but Waits 
♥ ♥ ♥

B. Annakarenina D. Father and Sons

22. Read the poem below:
"That the wind seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me
That is the reason, not so long ago
In a kingdom by the sea
A wind blew out of a cloud
Chillin and killin my Annabel Lee?
What can be the cause of death of Annabel Lee?
A. Consumption       C. HIV 
♥ ♥ ♥

B. Dengue D. Hepatitis
Rationalization: Letter A is the answer as can be referred from the last two lines of the excerpt.
Consumption is also known as TB.
23. Who is considered as the father of detective stories?
A. Edgar Allan Poe       C. Robert Frost 
♥ ♥ ♥

C. William Shakespeare D. Shoguna

Rationalization: The answer is Letter A, Edgar Allan Poe. His story the Cask of Amontillado is one of
the examples of his detective stories.
24. In Carlos Bulosan's "My Father Goes to Court" what was the accusation of the rich father?
A. Stealing the aroma of the food.      ♥ ♥ ♥

B. Stealing the l\kitchen utensils 

C. Stealing the gold bars found under the bed of the rich family
D. Cheating on his wife
Rationalization: The answer is letter A. In the end of the story, the poor father was able to pay the
rich father by letting him hear the sound of tingling sounds of coins.
25. In Paz Latorena's story "Desire", the main character has a sexy body but a ____.
A. Homely Face       C. Scaly Skin 
♥ ♥ ♥

B. Twisted Mind D. Low I.Q

Rationalization: The answer is Letter A. The main character possesses a beautiful body but an ugly
face. The word "homely" is an euphemism for ugly.

Prof. Ed. Reviewer 

1. Authored the "TABULA RASA" theory of education.-John Locke
2.Established the "LABORATORY SCHOOL", He also wrote "Democracy and Education. - John
3. Advocated the education of the handicapped and underprivileged youth. - Maria Montessori
4. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers - Republic Act 4670
5. Heavily sanctioned folkway which no one dares to question because they embody moral laws are
called - Mores
6. The most valuable learning experience that is derived from the use of discussion procedures? -
Group Thinking
7. Type of Question would be most useful for starting a class discussion - Divergent Question
8. A Swiss scholar who studied children's intellectual development during the 1920's, he divided
intellectual development into four major period. - Jean Piaget
9. He believes that all human being pass through a series of Psychosexual Stages, (5 stages) -
Sigmund Freud

(Correct Form of the Verb)
1. I have always (A. keep B. keeped C. kept) my promises to you. 
2. Noel (A. binded B. bound C. bounded ) the package with string. 
3. Where has Bob (A. hung B. hanged C. hunged) the newly painting? 
4. Carl (A. layed B. laid C. lain) the money on the table. 
5. Last night, Aunt Sheena ( A. teached B. thought C. taught) us how to sing. 
6. Are you sure that Edith (A. hearded B. heard C. heareded) those girls speak nippongo? 
7. Has the program (A. begin B. began C. begun) already!
8. Because of fatique, father unconsciously (A. lay B. layed C. laid) himself on the couch. 
9. We (A. payed B. paid C. paided) our tuition fee a week before the exam. 
10. Had you (A. drove B. drived C. driven) Evita back home?
1. How does measurement differ from evaluation?
A. Measurement is assigning a numerical value to a given trait while evaluation is giving meaning to
the numerical value of the trait.
B. Measurement is the process of quantifying data while evaluation is the process of organizing
C. Measurement is a pre-requisite of assessment while evaluation is the pre-requisite of testing.
D. Measurement is gathering data while assessment is quantifying the data gathered.
2. Miss del Sol rated her students in terms of appropriate and effective use of some laboratory
equipment and measurement tools and if they are able to follow the specified procedures. What
mode of assessment should Miss del Sol use?
A. Portfolio Assessment
B. Journal Assessment
C. Traditional Assessment
D. Performance-Based Assessment
3. Who among the teachers below performed a formative evaluation?
A. Ms. Olivares who asked questions when the discussion was going on to know who among her
students understood what she was trying to stress.
B. Mr. Borromeo who gave a short quiz after discussing thoroughly the lesson to determine the
outcome of instruction.
C. Ms. Berces who gave a ten-item test to find out the specific lessons which the students failed to
D. Mrs. Corpuz who administered a readiness test to the incoming grade one pupils.
4. St. Andrews School gave a standardized achievement test instead of giving a teacher-made test
to the graduating elementary pupils. Which could have been the reason why this was the kind of test
A. Standardized test has items of average level of difficulty while teacher-made test has varying
levels of difficulty.
B. Standardized test uses multiple-choice format while teacher-made test uses the essay test
C. Standardized test is used for mastery while teacher-made test is used for survey.
D. Standardized test is valid while teacher-made tests is just reliable.
5. Which test format is best to use if the purpose of the test is to relate inventors and their
A. Short-Answer
B. True-False
C. Matching Type
D. Multiple Choice
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. C

5. Phases/Processes in Curriculum Development

a. Curriculum Planning
A process that involves situation analysis, goal setting and need identification, budget determination,
and decision-making regarding implementation and evaluation details.
A. Situation Analysis
Points to the need to examine the nature of the situation, or learning context, to justify the selection
of objectives and learning experiences
On the macro-level (societal, governmental), situation includes these factors
o Cultural and social changes and expectation (e.g. parental expectations, employer requirements,
community values, changing relationships and ideology)
o Educational system requirements and challenges (e.g., policies, examinations, research, local
authority and demands)
o The changing nature of the subject matter to be taught
o The potential contribution of teacher support systems
o Flow of resources in the school
On the micro level (school/classroom level) the factors that need to be analyzed
o Pupils: aptitudes, abilities, identified educational needs
o Teachers: values, attitudes, skills, knowledge, experience, special strengths and weaknesses,
o School organizational climate and structure: traditions, power distribution, authority relationships,
and dealing with other school stakeholder
o Material resources: buildings, plant, equipment and potential for enhancing these
o Perceived and felt problems in existing curriculum
b. Curriculum Organization and Design
Involves the “form” design, pattern, or simply the arrangement of elements of curriculum used; based
on one dominant source of curriculum content
Includes selection of content/subject matter/competencies/learning activities, grade placement, time
allotment, and sequence of content activities
Answer such questions as 1. What is to be done?, 2. What subject matter is to be included?; 
3. What instructional strategies, resources and activities will be employed? And 4. What methods
and instruments will be used to appraise the results of the curriculum?
o Selection of content of
Answers the question “What knowledge is most worth?”
Content is the subject matter of teaching-learning process; includes knowledge, skills, concepts,
attitudes, and values and significant only in so far as it transmitted to the student in some way
Validity – whether content is authentic and can achieve stated objective
Significance – whether content is fundamental to the subject in question; whether selected content
allows for breath and depth of treatment
Interest – whether content is easily learnable
Consistency with social realities: whether content represents most useful orientation
Integration- brings to a close relationship all concepts, skills and values contained in the curriculum
Utility – whether content is helpful to student in coping with real life
Scope – breadth of the curriculum at a given time; refers to the range of important ideas and
concepts included
Continuity and sequence – involved in the vertical organization of the curriculum; refers to
recurrence and repetition of content and depth with a skill or content building on the preceding ones.
o Elements of Curriculum content of
Sequence – may be from simple to complex, whole to part, chronological, concrete to abstract, from
part to whole, close to remote, expository order based on prerequisite learnings
Integration – horizontal (e.g., Math - Science) or vertical integration
Focus – determining which content items are more important to cover excessive number of facts
may hinder coverage of main ideas, appropriate relationship between facts and ideas has to be
o Grade placement of
Allocation of content to definite grade capable of learning
Factors to consider: child’s ability, difficulty of item, importance of content, maturation, mental age,
experiential background
o Time Allotment of
Specification of a definite time for subject/course; amount of time given to a subject
Factors to consider: importance of subject; child’s ability; grade level average number of days/hours
o Sequence of
Putting content into an order of succession for an orderly and productive learning contents
c. Curriculum Implementation 
A process by which curricula are used in schools; this is the instructional phase of curriculum
development process
Includes knowing the
o Scope and complexity of curricular changes
o How curriculum content is disseminated
o Professional development
o Identification of resources requirement
Requires planning and managing the major operations that occur in the curriculum in the classroom
A process by which curricula are used in schools; the instructional phase of curriculum development
process; includes knowing the:
o Scope and complexity of curricular changes
o How curriculum content is disseminated
o Professional development of stakeholders
o Identification of resource requirements
d. Curriculum Evaluation
The process of delineating, obtaining and providing useful information for judging decision
Refers to the formal determination of the quality, effectiveness, or value of a curriculum
Involves value judgment about the curriculum
Consist of process and product assessment
o Process evaluation – used to a. provide information about the extent to which plans for curriculum
implementation are executed and the wise use of resources; b. to provide assistance
o Product evaluation – used in gathering, interpreting and appraising curricular attainments, as often
as necessary, to determine how well the curriculum meets the needs of the students it is intended to
Procedures of Curriculum Evaluation:
a. Focusing
b. Preparing
c. Implementing
d. Analyzing
e. Reporting
Criteria to observe in curriculum evaluation
a. Consistency with objectives
b. Comprehensive scope
c. Sufficient diagnostic value
d. Validity
e. Unity of evaluative judgment
f. Continuity
Why evaluate? 1. Meet demands that current educational reforms have made; 2. Provide direction,
security and feedbacks to all concerned; 3. Determine appropriate and available resources,
activities, content, methods or whether curriculum has coherence, balance articulation, etc. in order
to meet curriculum goals/objectives
What curriculum qualities to evaluate? 1. Mission statement (philosophy); 2. Sequence (order); 3.
Continuity (without disruptions); 4. Scope (depth/variety of content) 5. Articulation (how parts fit); 6.
Balance (quantitative and qualitative aspects of content); 7. Coherence (relationships among
different components)
e. Curriculum Improvement or Curriculum Change: involves the decisions to make as evaluation
results are utilized in full extent:
Curriculum Improvement
o Refers to alteration of certain aspects of curriculum without changing the fundamental curriculum
Curriculum change
o Refers to the basic alteration in the structure and design of learning experiences based on new
conceptions, which may be at the school, district, or national level
o Involves the following tasks:
1. Identification of a particular need to change; may be based on evaluation results, or initiative from
concerned individuals or groups
2. Study of alternative and proposals for change
3. Selection of proposed change (either one subject only or in one school only)
4. Pilot study design 
5. Appraisal of data from pilot study, and the corresponding, necessary modification if any
6. Continuous study by concerned staff through adequate in-service activities and help of any
7. Decision to adapt, adopt or reject
8. Integration into the school system

*Theories of Ethics
-Consequentialism- claims that the morality of an action is determined by its consequences;
a. Hedoism-views that only pleasure is good as an end;pleasure is the highest good
b. Utilitarianism-believes that the greatest happiness of the greatest number is the test of right or
c. Self-realizationism-holds that the ultimate end and the full development or perfection of the self
-Non- Consequentialism-claims that the morality of an action depends on its intrinsic nature or on its
-Divine Command Theory-claims that the morality of an act depends on whether it is in accordance
with the will of God
- Categorical Imperative Theory-holds that for one's action to be morally right, she\he must be willing
to have everyone act in the same way
-Egoism- claims that an action is right only if it is in the interest of the agent
-Situation Ethics-claims that the morality of an action depends on the situation and not on the
application of the law
-Intuitionism- claims that one's knowledge of right and wrong is immediate and self-evident
-Emotive Theory- claims that moral judgements do not state anything that is capable of being true or
false but merely expresses emotions like oaths or exclamations
-Ethical Relativism- holds the view that there is no one correct moral code for all times and peoples,
that each group has its own morality relative to its wants.

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