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Activity 1
1. Time Management in School
✘ Goal:
As a student, we receive lots of activities, quizzes,
recitations. My priority to finish all my task so that I
can have time to do other stuffs and rest.

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

I want prioritize I will do 3-4 activities and My goal is attainable by This is relevant to me My goal is to finish work
activities so I don’t cram have 30 minutes for reviews having positive attitude and because this will help early (5-8 pm) so I have
and to pass it early as and readings. good mindset. me to have good review time to 9 or 10 pm.
possible and I want to mindset and as a
have time to study. student it will make me
smarter and

This goal is important because:
✘ This goal is important because it will help me to
finish all my task, also to avoid cramming. If I don’t
have a goal in managing my time my schedule could
be messy and for sure I will have missing task. So
time management is important to my goal so that I
will pass all my courses.

The benefits of achieving this goal will be:

✘ Benefits of this goal would be it will lessen my

pending activities and I’ll have time to spend time
with my family and I can take a rest.

Take Action!
✘ Potential Obstacles ✘ Potential Solutions
_____________________________ Always do early my activities so
__ Distractions that I can have time to other task
_____________________________ and be focused so I can finish them
_ Procrastination in a given time.

Who are the people you will ask to help you?

People that I would likely to ask help me is my family,

friends and classmates. They could help me by
motivating me and my friends will help me to release
stress by hanging out with them through online.

Specific Action Steps: What steps need to be taken to get you to
your goal?
✘ What? ✘ Expected ✘ Completed
Finish all my task early Completion It should be already
as possible. To avoid ✘ I will start it after finished before the
cramming. the class and the given due date.
____________________ expected ____________________
____________________ completion will be ____________________
________________ given by professors. __________

2. Healthy Eating
✘ Goal:
My goal is to gain weight while being healthy and
Eating appropriate food to have more nutrients and
avoid being sick.

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

I want to gain weight by I will eat healthy food 3 Yes it is achievable, it is It will help me to have This goal that I want is long
eating heqalthy foods times a day. by having discipline and energy and it will make term, I want it to do
and avoiding junk foods. consistency. me strong and healthy. everyday since it is
beneficial to me.

This goal is important because:

✘ This goal is important since our situation is in

pandemic, so we should always be healthy by
eating nutritious food.

The benefits of achieving this goal will be:
✘ One of the benefit of this goal is by having enough
energy to do all the work, and by eating healthy
foods it will strengthen our immune system and
protect my body from infections and disease

Take Action!
✘ Potential Obstacles ✘ Potential Solutions
tempted to eat unhealthy foods Having on cheat day to eat
and forgetting to have exercise. unhealthy food and after that it
should be consistent healthy

Who are the people you will ask to help you?
People that really helped me is my family since my
mother is the one who prepares our food, she really
likes cooking healthy foods for us. She will be a big
help to me by preapring healthy food.

Specific Action Steps: What steps need to be taken to get you to
your goal?
✘ What? ✘ Expected ✘ Completed
Eat healthy and Completion Date By doing this practice
nutritious food to gain since I want to be now and then, I
weight and exercise. long term, I want to completed almost a
do it everyday. year by eating healthy

3. Saving
✘ Goal:
My goal is to save money by determining my wants
and needs and by investing for my future.

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

I want to save money I will save at least 10, Yes it is achievable for This can help me in This goal is achievable
to invest it in 000 to invest me since it is a long term the future because in 1-2 years.
cryptocurrency and to goal saving money can
have stable future. serve as emergency

This goal is important because:
✘ This goal is so important for me because it will
secure my future, it will serve as emergency fund
for my family and I want to buy a house for them.
By saving money you will need to sacrifice your
wants and buy the needs.

The benefits of achieving this goal will be:
✘ The benefits of this is I will become responsible
person and become more knowledgeable when it
comes to spending money and having priority in
spending money.

Take Action!
✘ Potential Obstacles ✘ Potential Solutions
Temptation to order online such as ✘ Controlling self is my potential
things that hook my eyes and solution, it may be hard but it
when it is already delivered I is for the future use. Once I
always end up thinking how will I save enough money, then I
use it and why did I bought it. think I can buy my wants.

Who are the people you will ask to help you?
The people that I would likely to ask for help is my
family, because I still want to get their permission
before I buy things, next is my close friend which helps
me in understanding the purpose of saving and giving
me lecturrs regarding investments.

Specific Action Steps: What steps need to be taken to get you to
your goal?
✘ What? ✘ Expected ✘ Completed
I will save 30 pesos Completion Date This can be possible
everyday to make this goal is expected completed earlier if I
10,000 and not to spend to complete in 1-2 don’t spend it and just
it. years save it in bank.


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