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2020 – 2021

Electrical Cars
Prepared by Students: Supervisor by:
Abdulrahman Star Jabar Mr : Rebeen Star Othman
Muhamad Jamal said
Aram Jamil Aziz
Contents :
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………….…………
Introduction ……………………………………………………………….……..…………….
Results ………………………………………………………………………..…..……………
History …………………………………………………………………………….……….…….
Technical components of an electric car ………………..………….…….………….
Batteries for electric cars …………………………………………………….…………..
How electric Cars Work ……………………………………………………….……..……
Advantages of electric car ………………………………………...…………………….
Disadvantages of Electric Cars ……………………………………….….…………….
References ……………………………………………………………..…………………..
Background: Electric vehicles have been
identified as being a key technology in
reducing future emissions and energy
consumption in the mobility sector.
• Electric cars are automobiles, which are
powered by the electric engine and electric .
• The development oh the electric vehicles is
a very perspective and important process .
1- Lithium-ion battery technology has been developing rapidly, especially at the cell
level, but costs are still high, and the potential for dramatic reductions appears limited
2-Costs to a vehicle manufacturer for a PHEV-40 built in 2010 are likely to be about
$14,000 to $18,000 more than an equivalent conventional vehicle, including a $10,000
to $14,000 battery pack. The incremental cost of a PHEV-10 would be about $5,500 to
$6,300, including a $2,500 to $3,300 battery pack.
3- PHEV-40s are unlikely to achieve cost-effectiveness before 2040 at gasoline prices
below $4.00 per gallon, but PHEV-10s may get there before 2030.
4-At the Maximum Practical rate, as many as 40 million PHEVs could be on the road
by 2030, but various factors (e.g., high costs of batteries, modest gasoline
savings, limited availability of places to plug in, competition from other vehicles, and
consumer resistance to plugging in virtually every day) are likely to keep the number
• The history of the electric car began in the mid
19th century.
• 1834The first electric car built in the United States
in line Thomas Davenport
• The first ICEV (Internal Combustion Engine) was
developed in 1886 by Benz and Daimler in
• 1976 General Electric was chosen to construct a
parallel-hybrid sedan and Toyota built its first
hybrid car
Techical componenets of an electric car
1. Motor
2. Battery
3. Controller
4. Charger
5. DC/DS Converter
6. Contactors
Batteries for electric cars
Batteries capable of fully charging in five minutes have been produced in a factory
for the first time, marking a significant step towards electric cars becoming as fast
to charge as filling up petrol or diesel vehicles.

Electric vehicles are a vital part of action to tackle the climate crisis but running
out of charge during a journey is a worry for drivers. The new lithium-ion batteries
were developed by the Israeli company Store Dot and manufactured by Eve
Energy in China on standard production lines.
How Do All- Electrical Cars Work?
While most current highway – speed electric vehicle designs focus on lithium – ion and other
lithium – based variants a variety of alternative batteries can also be used in electric
Cars such as :

Lead acid batteries

Zinc-air batteries
Molten salt batteries
Nickel iron batteries
Under the hood, there are a lot of differences between
gasoline and electric cars :

• The gasoline engine is replaced by an electric motor.

• The electric motor gets its power from a controller.
• The controller gets its power from an array
of rechargeable batteries.
Here are the modifications that turned it into an electric car:
• Fifty 12-volt lead-acid batteries were placed in the battery
tray (two sets of 25 to create 300 volts DC).
• The range of this car is about 50 miles (80 km).
• The 0-to-60 mph time is about 15 seconds.
• It takes about 12 kilowatt-hours of electricity to charge the
car after a 50-mile trip.
• The batteries weigh about 1,100 pounds (500 kg).
• No gas is required, some electric cars have a battery range of
40 miles without any gas consumption.
• Electricity is much cheaper than gas, and you can plug the car
into any outlet of the proper voltage.
• Electric cars give off no emissions, they are better than
hybrids in this because the are 100% free of pollutants.
• Safety is a big concern with these vehicles. However, the fluid
batteries actually take impact better than a fully made gas
car, and can help even more in the event of an accident.
Disadvantages :
• The first disadvantage is the price. Electric car batteries are not
cheap a40 miles range vehicle sells for around 30,000$.
• These cares make no silence, so people won’t hear if one of this cars
is coming and an accident could occur.
• Most of the batteries of electric cars are slowly charged, it take you
hours to fully charge them.
• Mostly all the electric cars have a range of less than 25 miles and the
top speed of most models per hour, but this will improve in the
References :
1. Helmers E: Bewertung der Umwelteffizienz moderner Autoantriebe – auf dem Weg vom Diesel-PKW-Boom zu Elektroautos.
Umweltwiss Schadst Forsch. 2010, 22:564–578.
2. Angerer G, Marscheider-Weidemann F, Wendl M, Wietschel M: Lithium for future technologies - demand and supply with special
emphasis on electric vehicles (in German): Images/.
3. WHO: Air quality and health.: fs313/en/index.html.
4. German advisory council on global change (WBGU): World in transition: A social contract for
5. Helmers E: Bitte wenden Sie jetzt – das Auto der Zukunft. Weinheim: Wiley VCH; 2009:204.
6. UNEP: Hybrid electric vehicles. An overview of current technology and its application in developing and transitional
countries.:http://www.unep. org/transport/pcfv/PDF/HEV_Report.pdf.
7. Halderman JD, Martin T: Hybrid and Alternative fuel vehicles. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall; 2008:448.
8. Nemry F, Brons M: Plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles. EURdoc/JRC58748_TN.pdf.
9. Larminie J, Lowry J: Electric vehicle technology explained. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons; 2003:303.
10. Angerer G, Erdmann L, Marscheider-Weidemann F, Scharp M, Lüllmann A, Handke V, Marwede M: Raw materials for future
technologies (in German).
11. Podewils C: Power for good times (in German). Photon 2010, 2010:36–46.
12. Amirault J, Chien J, Garg S, Gibbons D, Ross B, Tang M, Xing J, Sidhu I, Kaminsky P, Tenderich B: The electric vehicle battery
landscape: opportunities and challenges.
13. Gerschler B, Sauer DU: Batterien für Elektrofahrzeuge – Stand und Ausblick. Presentation, Berliner Energietage 2010.
14. Kloess M: The role of plug-in-hybrids as bridging technology towards pure electric cars: an economic assessment. PubDat_191393.pdf.

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