Assignment 2.1 Writing of Role-Play Script: Group Members

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Assignment 2.

1 Writing of Role-play Script

GROUP MEMBERS: Avellanoza, Emmanuele Ann A.
Flores, Patricia Mae M.
Magbalot, Ma. Angelica Leonice B.

The exchange student from America to the United Kingdom is perplexed by the British terms she
Country:United Kingdom
At the school university, at the cafe
Rosie (american student)
Elouise (german student)
Florence (the cashier)



Rosie: Hey Eloise, let’s grab some snacks in the school cafeteria!
Elouise: Cafeteria? Oh you mean refectory?? (confused)
Rosie: Huh???!
Elouise: Yeah that is how we say it here hahaha
Rosie: Oh sorry my bad (laughs), so let’s go?
Elouise: Let’s go!

*Started walking…*


*Eloise and Rosie enter the cafeteria, student’s talking and laughing…*

Elouise: Let’s get in line, let’s think about what we’re going to order.
Rosie: hmm I’m thinking about getting coffee and cookies. Do you have anything to suggest?
(points out the biscuit)
Elouise: Do you mean biscuits?? Oh why don’t you try to partner your biscuits with tea?
Rosie: Okay then, I’ll give it a try.
Florence: Good Morning! What's your order, ladies?
Rosie: I’ll have cookies and tea. Can you give me the best-seller?
Florence: Okay, I'll give you the best one: Earl Grey tea. This uniquely British tea is normally a
black tea base flavored with oil from the peel of bergamot orange, a citrus fruit with the
appearance and flavor of an orange. (confused) Pardon, can you repeat your other order?
Rosie: I'd like some cookies, and I'd like the best one.
Florence: Cookies??
Elouise: She means biscuits miss.
Florence: Ah, Okay. Biscuits, Got it! Could you please wait a minute?
Eloise: Okay thank you.

*Rosie and Eloise start talking...*

Rosie: Hey Eloise, you know, I've noticed that there are a lot of British terms here that aren't the
same as English terms.
Elouise: Yeah that is why you should familiarize yourself with British terms since you’ll be
staying here for a long time. (taps Rosie’s shoulder)
Rosie: I'm still not used to it, perhaps by staying here for a long time I'll learn some terms
throughout time... I'm also considering taking a British class. What do you think?

*Orders arrived*

Rosie: Oooohh is that french frieesss??!!

Elouise: Oh yeah, here in the UK, french fries are referred to as chips. I believe you should take
a British class. (sighs - tap Rosie’s shoulder)

*They enjoy and chit chat as they eat their meals…*

*Eloise checked the time*

Elouise: I think we should go back now, our design class will start in a few minutes.
Rosie: Oh you’re right, we should hurry now!

*Elouise left her bonnet in the couch*

Florence: Heeeeeeyyy (as she catches her breath from running) ladiesss!!! Someone left this
bonnet on the couch, I think this is yours?
Elouise: oh yes that is mine, thanks!
Rosie: (becomes puzzled) bonnet? Wha…

*The bell rings and Rosie is left confused about what bonnet is…*

---------- THE END -----------

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