ICEP CSS - PMS Dawn 25 August, 2020 by M.usman and Rabia K

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Dated: 25 August 2020

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💬 To The Point
▪ Competitive Exams

▪ Essay Writing

▪ Current Affairs

▪ Pakistan Affairs

▪ Global Issues

▪ Geopolitics

▪ International Relations

▪ Foreign Policy

✍️Presented By:
Mohammad Usman & Rabia Kalhoro


Page Title Section/Category
04 Banning groups National Affairs
06 Pepco’s revival National Policies

08 Social security net National Affairs

09 India Agitated Securities Issues
11 Preventing the dreaded second wave Health Issues
23 The Indo-US relations and India’s engagement Global Affairs
with its neighbors
26 US-China trade war shattered world’s notion of a Global Affairs
global village


Red for Difficult Vocab

Green for Important Figures and contents

Others colours used where necessary




Banning groups |DAWN EDITORIAL

▪ Why in news?

Militant groups and non state actors are busy in devising plans to tarnish the
image of Pakistan and to destabilize the government specifically CPEC.
Baloch and Sindhi separatist groups have also joined the footsteps of anti-
Pakistan Militant groups.

▪ Militant groups kept growing since Afghan-Soviet War - Here is why?

THERE is no shortage of banned militant groups in Pakistan, and with the
proscription(prohibition) of a heretofore(before now) largely unknown outfit called Khatam-ul-
Ambia by the state, the grand total of such organisations comes to 77.

According to the government, the aforementioned group is an offshoot of Ansarul Hussain, a Shia
set-up reportedly formed to recruit fighters against the militant Islamic State group. Ansarul
Hussain was itself proscribed in 2016, which illustrates the problem with the state’s approach to
dealing with armed groups: the list of banned outfits grew largely because while the authorities
have proscribed groups and detained or kept a watch on some of their prominent figures, it could do
more to dismantle the structure that allows such groups to thrive. This has largely been the pattern
ever since the first noticeable efforts against armed groups in the country were made during the
Musharraf era.

▪ Historic overview of rise of militancy in Pakistan

Of course, the foundations for the infrastructure of militancy in Pakistan were laid during the Zia
era, when anti-Soviet jihadi groups were patronised(supported) by the state, and supported by
the US and the Saudis to do the needful in Afghanistan. A concomitant(associated) development
during this period was the rise of anti-Shia hate groups such as Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan and its
even deadlier offshoot, Lashkar-i-Jhangvi, which transformed into this country’s most feared
sectarian death squad. This unsavory(disreputable) situation gave rise to Shia vigilante groups,
such as Sipah-i-Mohammad, and the 1990s and 2000s saw armed sectarian and jihadi groups
multiply manifold, at one time posing a serious challenge to the writ of the state.

▪ Rise Baloch and Sindhi Separatist Outfits

Today, the list of banned groups is more varied, as it also features Baloch and Sindhi separatist
outfits. While the changed geopolitical situation in the aftermath of 9/11 made Pervez Musharraf
take action against some violent outfits(group) , the general failed to take measures to totally
uproot these groups. That is why banned groups remained active, mostly by changing names.

▪ Suggestions for Holistic uprooting of Terrorist outfits

As has been frequently stressed in these columns, action against violent actors needs to be

▪ Leaders and cadres of terrorist outfits need to be tried and convicted in court,
▪ while their financial and other assets must be seized to cut off sources of funding.

While action has been taken to meet FATF requirements, and measures against militancy have
weakened terrorist structures, stepping up its pace in this direction would be very much in
Pakistan’s own interest.

Heretofore (Adverb)

before now. “diseases that heretofore were usually confined to rural areas”

proscription (Noun)

The action of forbidding something; Banning. “the proscription of the party after the 1715

Militancy (Noun)

The use of confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause.

“there are signs of growing militancy among workers”

patronised (verb)

To support an activity or a public organization, especially by giving money:

For sale are objects d’art inspired and patronized by China’s emperors for 4,000 years.

Concomitant (Adjective)

something that accompanies or is collaterally connected with something else

unsavory (Adjective)

disagreeable and unpleasant because morally disreputable. “an unsavory reputation”

writ of the state

writ of the state means enforcing the general will of the people, which they express
through ballots in a well-defined territory. When the phrase ‘writ of state’ is used we think of
militants and their safe havens in various parts of the country.

Outfits (noun)

an organization, company, team, military unit, etc. He has recently set up his own research


Pepco’s revival | DAWN EDITORIAL
▪ Why in news?

The federal government has decided to reactivate Pakistan Electric Power

Company (PEPCO) in order to bring all the public sector power distribution
companies (DISCOs) under a centralised control.

The move is part of a process that may lead to the privatisation of Discos.

▪ Government’s move to handle Power Sector Issues

AROUND eight years after Pepco was ‘abolished’ — on paper the power company was not wound
up formally under the law — for failing to do its job, the government has decided to revive it to
bring erratic (unpredictable) power distribution companies (Discos) under centralised control.
This is being done as part of a power-sector reform project, which will ultimately lead to
privatisation of Discos and the creation of a competitive electricity market in the country.
According to the proposed plan, power distribution firms will be asked to hire Pepco as their
‘management agent’ through a 10-year, extendable agreement. In exchange, Discos will pay a fee
to finance Pepco’s expenditure. The management fee will reportedly be charged from power
consumers. The arrangement is expected to improve management and governance of the power
sector in general and Discos in particular. However, few expect the repetition of the experiment
to deliver the goal: improvement in the performance of distribution entities.

▪ Historical overview : energy sector inflicted with festering problems from

The power distribution firms were extracted from Wapda back in 1998 as part of a reform
programme aimed at corporatisation of the distribution entities under Pepco to prepare them for
sale to the private sector. The scheme didn’t work. Instead, experts point out, that the independence
allowed to Discos in the name of corporatisation without their privatisation spawned
festering(rotten) issues such

▪ as the growing circular debt,

▪ distribution losses,
▪ unrecovered electricity bills and
▪ the crumbling electricity distribution infrastructure.

▪ Critical Analysis
The solution to the issues is not to be found in repeating mistakes or reintroducing failed models.
These issues can only be resolved by allowing room to private companies to participate in the
business of electricity distribution, and creating a competitive market where both retailers and
customers have the option to terminate their agreements without hassle.

At present, the government is trying to evolve a model for a ‘competitive market’ to allow private
generation companies to enter into direct electricity sale/ purchase agreements with public-sector
distribution companies or bulk private consumers on a ‘take-and-pay’ basis. The purpose is to give
them and their customers a wider choice to sell or buy electricity at a mutually agreed price. This is
expected to create competition among generation companies and make the price affordable
for bulk buyers. Is this enough though?


▪ Suggestions for better implementation of Government’s plan
The government needs to take the debate towards privatisation of the retail electricity
business. It could consider issuing overlapping distribution licences to two or more private
companies competing for the same set of customers in the same area as is being practised in the UK
and several other countries. This model will preclude(prevent) the sale of assets of Discos, which
is hardly possible even in the distant future. The overlapping licences will ensure that companies
constantly strive to improve their services in addition to giving consumers the option to change
their service provider if they decide to do so for better services and rates.



Corporatization refers to the restructuring or transformation of a state-owned asset or

organization into a corporation. These organizations typically have a board of directors,
management, and shareholders.

The Privatization process in Pakistan (sometimes referred to as Denationalization


The transfer of ownership, property or business from the government to the private sector is
termed privatization. The government ceases to be the owner of the entity or business. The
process in which a publicly-traded company is taken over by a few people is also called


Becoming worse or more intense, especially through long-term neglect or indifference.

“they had ignored festering social problems”


Social security net | The Express Tribune

▪ Why in news?

National Assembly has passed a bill seeking to provide financial assistance to

all jobless Pakistanis and to recognize social security as a fundamental right.
This decision was taken due to rising unemployment brought by pandemic.

▪ Government’s take on initiating social security net

Never before was the need for a wider social security net covering the entire populace more
acute than at present when many Pakistanis are losing jobs as result of the coronavirus
pandemic. Realising the importance of a broader social security net, a bill has recently been
introduced in the National Assembly seeking to provide financial assistance from the government
to all jobless Pakistanis and to recognise social security as a fundamental right.

▪ Details of Constitution Amendment Bill, 2020 (Social Security and

Provision of Basic Necessities of life)
The bill seeks the inclusion of a new article namely 27-A (social security and provision of basic
necessities of life) in the Constitution. Known as the Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020, it
states that “the state shall provide for all the persons employed in the service of Pakistan, or
otherwise social security by compulsory social insurance or by other means .” The bill
recommends that the state shall provide basic necessities of life to all those who are temporarily or
permanently unable to work due to infirmity, sickness and unemployment.

▪ Lacking in our social security net

Now Pakistan has a limited a social security net under the old-age benefits scheme. Workers
contribute a certain amount from their salaries during their working life and the government too
contributes to a fund that indemnifies(compensate) workers after their retirement at age 60. There
is no provision for helping workers during their unemployment.

▪ What is a social security?

Social security system is present in many countries of the world. Under this system, the state
provides monetary help to workers and takes care of their medical needs during joblessness
and after retirement. This ensures fulfilment of workers’ want, though only partly or marginally.
During the period when workers are out of work, they are paid a certain sum of money for only a
limited period so that it might not lead them to laziness and indolence. These subsidies for the
unemployed have become necessary as a result of the decline in economy. Social security
payment has nothing to do with charity nor is it dole(unemployment benefit) , a word full of


India Agitated |Nation Editorial

▪ Why in news?

Cooperation of Pakistan and China as ‘all weather friend’ has agitated India.
Since India is isolated in the region, it has issued strong stance at Kashmir
Issue calling it ‘an Integral and unalienable’ part of its territory. But Pakistan
has an unconditional support from China to ensure the security of BRI’s
crown jewel (CPEC) and on International Forums.

The strategic dialogue between China and Pakistan, aimed at nurturing ties, is proving to be an
irritant for India. The defensive claims made by their government in regards to the united statement
against atrocities committed in Indian Illegally Occupied Kashmir (IIOK) goes to show that all
India is doing is clutching at straws.

▪ Indian statement on Kashmir

By calling Kashmir an ‘integral and inalienable’ part of India, the BJP-led government has only
invited scrutiny upon itself and its repressive rule within the region by the international community.
Ever since it stripped Kashmir from its status, violence and turmoil has ensued (result) at the
expense of the average individual. The lack of regard for upholding rights, maintaining law and
order or even adhering to the United Nations (UN) resolutions causes one to question their
entitlement over the disputed region. Surely, if Kashmir was as integral as they say, governance
wouldn’t be in shambles.

▪ Pakistan’s stance on India’s statement

While Pakistan refutes such comments as being ‘unwarranted’ and ‘historically incorrect’, the
main focus remains on the dialogue and how both China and Pakistan can work in unison—
rightfully so. Pertinent issues like China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), One Belt One Road
(OBOR) and resolving regional tensions remains a focus, and the situation in IIOK is crucial for the
stability of the region.

▪ Way forward for Kashmir Issue

At this stage, there is no way around the matter of IIOK. Pakistan and China have issued a
categorical(unconditional) joint statement according to which India is being encouraged to
withdraw from the region, organise the plebiscite ordered by the UN, put an end to state-sponsored
terrorism; unwavered(steadfast) support is being offered to Pakistan by China. In the face of
international displeasure on the matter, and the loss of thousands of lives over the course of
decades, it is essential that we are not misled or distracted

Idiom Illustration
To clutch at straws:


If you are clutching at straws or grasping at straws, you are trying unusual or extreme ideas
or methods because other ideas or methods have failed.

a badly thought-out scheme from a Government clutching at straws.


Preventing the dreaded second wave |Daily
Times Editorial
▪ Why in news?

The sudden outbreak of Covid-19 in Mansehra district, where all tourist

hotspots have had to be shut down in Shogran, Naran and Kaghan, underlines
just why it is so important to be extremely careful while suddenly opening up
something like the tourism sector so soon after the lockdown.

It turns out that 47 coronavirus cases have been reported in 19 private hotels in the area, and
since travel and business have just been opened, all this is the result of people mixing over the last
couple of weeks. And while the district administration has been quick to lock everything down and
quarantine all the affected people, who is to say just how many have also caught the infection and
then made their way home to their cities and offices?

▪ Tracking the affected people of second wave be effective

Now how long are relevant departments going to take to trace everybody that came in contact with
the infected people over the last few weeks, even if such a thing is really possible? Also, how long
before more frightening news comes out of the virus spreading because everybody celebrated
Independence Day by getting so dangerously close to each other? And now that Muharram is also
upon us, and there’s no telling yet if the faithful will indeed observe the strictest safety and
distancing protocols, we might really be in for a second wave just like so many other countries.

▪ Government’s effevtive handling of Covid-19 could turn to be shame

So far the government’s handling of the pandemic, especially the timing and manner of ending the
lockdown, has been exemplary, which is why it has quite rightly been appreciated by everybody all
over the world. Yet the government was advised, at the time it was slowly reopening the economy,
that taking the locks off the tourism sector so early might not be a good idea. Now it would be a big
shame if this miscalculation once again leads to a spike in coronavirus cases.

▪ Way forward
The economy has barely got back on its feet again, and all sorts of good news from increased
export earnings to record remittances, etc, is coming from all over the place. But if the virus
spreads once again, and more lockdowns are needed, much if not all of the good work done will be
wasted right before everybody’s eyes. So while the government must be careful about what it
reopens and when it does it, the people need to act even more responsibly and not behave in
ways that wastes all the gains. Hopefully things will begin improving again soon now that the
government has taken note of the matter and acted accordingly..


Mcqs Section

• When federal cabinet approved a new political map of Pakistan, which

includes the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) and other
disputed areas?
A. 27 July 2020

B. 2 August 2020

C. 3 August 2020

D. 4 August 2020

• Recently Which company removed 29,800 apps from its Chinese app store,
including more than 26,000 games?

A. Google

B. Apple Inc.

C. Samsung

D. Oppo

• Which Nine-year-old Pakistani girl beats Indian professor, sets world record
in chemistry by arranging all elements of periodic chart in just 2 minutes and
42 seconds?

A. Abiha Haider

B. Liba wahaj

C. Natalia Najam

D. None of these

• Who is Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on health?

A. Dr Zafar Mirza

B. Dr Faisal Sultan


C. Dr Yasmeen

D. None of Above

• What was the height of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of

A. 5 feet & 8 inches

B. 5 feet & 10 inches

C. 5 feet & 3 inches

D. 5 feet & 2 inches

• Current Hijri Year is _________?

A. 1439 AH

B. 1440 AH

C. 1441 AH

D. 1442 AH

• Where is the HQ of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organisation (UNESCO) located?

A. Paris

B. New York

C. Geneva

D. None of these

• Which country is going to host the 6th annual meeting of Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank (AIIB) in 2021?

A. Azerbaijan

B. Australia


D. Cambodia


• Where is the HQ of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

A. Geneva

B. Vienna

C. London

D. Budapes

• SABIC’s Polycarbonate facility in __________ is set to become the world’s

first large scale chemical production plant which will run entirely on
renewable power?

A. Spain

B. Saudi Arabia

C. Usa

D. France




Important Dawn + Vocabulary

542). Exorbitant
Meaning: extortionate, excessive, sky-high, inordinate, huge, enormous
Definition: (of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high..
Usage: Some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls

543). Frivolous
Meaning: flippant, glib, waggish, joking, jokey, non-serious.
Definition: not having any serious purpose or value.
Usage: Frivolous ribbons and lacy frills.

544). Unprecedented
Meaning: unparalleled, unequalled, unmatched,
unrivalled, without equal
Definition: never done or known before
Usage: The government took the unprecedented step of
releasing confidential correspondence

545). Dread
Meaning: fear, be afraid of, worry about
Definition: anticipate with great apprehension or fear
Usage: Jane was dreading the party.

546). Disparate
Meaning: contrasting, different, differing, unlike, dissimilar,
Definition: essentially different in kind; not able to be compared.
Usage: They inhabit disparate worlds of thought

547). Accentuate
Meaning: point up, heighten, stress, spotlight, foreground, frature
Definition: make more noticeable or prominent..
Usage: His jacket unfortunately accentuated his paunch

548). Exacerbate
Meaning: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame
Definition: make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
Usage: Rising inflation was exacerbated by the collapse of oil prices.

549). Credence
Meaning: acceptance, belief, faith, trust, confidence, reliance, traction
Definition: belief in or acceptance of something as true
Usage: Psychoanalysis finds little credence among laymen.

550). Suffice
Meaning: be enough, be sufficient, do, serve,
Definition: be enough or adequate.
Usage: A quick look should suffice.


551). Intrusive
Meaning: obtrusive, unwanted, interrupting, unwelcome
Definition: causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited.
Usage: That was an intrusive question

552). Hesitation
Meaning: pausing, delay, waiting
Definition: the action of pausing before saying or doing something.
Usage: She answered without hesitation.

553). Consequence
Meaning: result, upshot, outcome
Definition: a result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
Usage: Inflation is a consequence of a rapid growth in the money supply.

554). Envisage
Meaning: predict, forecast, foretell, expect
Definition: contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event.
Usage: The Rome Treaty envisaged free movement across frontiers.

555). Conventional
Meaning: normal, standard, regular, ordinary
Definition: based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed.
Usage: A conventional morality had dictated behaviour.

556). Rupture
Meaning: break, fracture, crack
Definition: (especially of a pipe or container, or bodily part such as an organ or membrane)
break or burst suddenly.
Usage: If the main artery ruptures he could die.

557). Bumpy
Meaning: uneven, rough, irregular
Definition: (of a surface) uneven, with many patches raised above the rest.
Usage: The car jolted on the bumpy road.

558). Emanate
Meaning: emerge, flow, pour
Definition: (of a feeling, quality, or sensation) issue or spread out from (a source).
Usage: Policy statements which emanate from government departments.

559). Consent
Meaning: agreement, assent, accord
Definition: permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
Usage: No change may be made without the consent of all the partners.

560). Ostensible
Meaning: apparent, seeming, outward, surface
Definition: stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so.
Usage: The real dispute which lay behind the ostensible complaint.
561). Bolster
Meaning: Pillow, cushion, pad, support
Definition: a long, thick pillow that is placed under other pillows for support.
Usage: Most of them were sitting on the floor which was strewn with cushions, bolsters, and

562). Hover
Meaning: be suspended, be poised, hang, float
Definition: remain in one place in the air.
Usage: Army helicopters hovered overhead.

563). Embark
Meaning: board ship, go on board,
Definition: go on board a ship or aircraft.
Usage: He embarked for India in 1817.

564). Recession
Meaning: economic decline, downturn, depression
Definition: a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial
activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive
Usage: the country is in the depths of a recession.

565). Metaphor
Meaning: figure of speech, image, trope, figurative expression
Definition: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to
which it is not literally applicable.
Usage: When we speak of gene maps and gene mapping, we use a cartographic metaphor.

566). Pacifism
Meaning: peacemaking, conscientious objection(s), passive resistance, love of peace
Definition: the belief that war and violence are unjustifiable and that all disputes should be
settled by peaceful means.
Usage: there remains a powerful undercurrent of pacifism.

567). Nuance
Meaning: fine distinction, shade, shading, gradation, variation
Definition: a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.
Usage: He was familiar with the nuances of the local dialect.

568). Unrelenting
Meaning: implacable, inflexible, uncompromising, unyielding
Definition: not yielding in strength, severity, or determination.
Usage: He was an unrelenting opponent of the Jacobite cause.

569). Camouflage
Meaning: disguise, hide, conceal, mask, screen


Definition: hide or disguise the presence of (a person, animal, or object) by means of
Usage: The caravan was camouflaged with netting and branches from trees.

570). Surmise
Meaning: guess, conjecture, suspect, deduce, infer
Definition: suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.
Usage: He surmised that something must be wrong.

571). Troupe
Meaning: group, company, band, ensemble, set, cast
Definition: a group of dancers, actors, or other entertainers who tour to different venues.
Usage: A dance troupe.

572). Avaricious
Meaning: grasping, acquisitive, covetous, greedy, rapacious, mercenary
Definition: having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
Usage: An avaricious, manipulative woman

573). Disconcert
Meaning: unsettle, nonplus, discomfit, confuse, perplex, ruffle, shake, worry.
Definition: disturb the composure of; unsettle.
Usage: The abrupt change of subject disconcerted her.

574). Harangue
Meaning: tirade, lecture, diatribe, homily, polemic, rant, fulmination, broadside, invective
Definition: a lengthy and aggressive speech
Usage: They were subjected to a ten-minute harangue by two border guards

575). Unsceupulous
Meaning: unprincipled, immoral, amoral, dishonest, cunning, furtive, sly, bad, evil, wicked
Definition: having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair.
Usage: Unscrupulous landlords might be tempted to harass existing tenants.

576). Preachy
Meaning: moralistic, didactic, dogmatic
Definition: having or showing a tendency to give moral advice in a tedious or self-righteous
Usage: His patriotic pictures had a preachy tone

577). Unabashed
Meaning: unashamed, shameless, brazen, confident, immodest, unshrinking, fearless
Definition: not embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed
Usage: He was unabashed by the furore his words provoked

578). Melodramatic
Meaning: histrionic, extravagant, overdone, overripe, overemotional, sentimental
Definition: characteristic of melodrama, especially in being exaggerated or overemotional.
Usage: He flung the door open with a melodramatic flourish.
579). Mimic
Meaning: imitate, copy, mock, parody, lampoon, caricature
Definition: imitate (someone or their actions or words), especially in order to entertain or
Usage: He mimicked Super Star Rajini voice.

580). Protagonist
Meaning: supporter, adherent, backer, proponent, advocate, promoter, exponent, prime
Definition: an advocate or champion of a particular cause or idea.
Usage: He's a strenuous protagonist of the new agricultural policy.

581). Jargon
Meaning: Slang, cant, idiom, argot, patter
Definition: special words or expressions used by a
profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.
Usage: legal jargon

582). Evocative
Meaning: Reminiscent, suggestive, redolent
Definition: bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind
Usage: Powerfully evocative lyrics

583). Beneath
Meaning: Underneath, below, further down, lower down
Definition: extending or directly underneath something.
Usage: A house built on stilts to allow air to circulate beneath.

584). Sheer
Meaning: utter, complete, absolute, total, pure, perfect, patent
Definition: nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis)
Usage: she giggled with sheer delight

585). Plague
Meaning: afflict, bedevil, torment, trouble, beset, dog, curse
Definition: cause continual trouble or distress to
Usage: He has been plagued by ill health

586). Archive
Meaning: file, log, catalogue, pigeonhole
Definition: place or store (something) in an archive.
Usage: The entire directory will be archived

587). Liberate
Meaning: set free, free, release, let out, let go, discharge, deliver
Definition: set (someone) free from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression.
Usage: The serfs had been liberated

588). Retreat
Meaning: withdraw, retire, draw back, pull back, pull out, fall back, give way
Definition: (of an army) withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or
after a defeat
Usage: The French retreated in disarray

589). Combat
Meaning: battle, fighting, action, conflict, war, warfare
Definition: fighting between armed forces.
Usage: Five Hurricanes were shot down in combat.

590). Retract
Meaning: Pull in, draw in, pull back, sheathe, put away
Definition: draw or be drawn back or back in
Usage: She retracted her hand as if she'd been burn.

Meaning: tolerance, bearing, sufferance
Definition: the ability to endure an unpleasant or
difficult process or situation without giving way.
Usage: She was close to the limit of her endurance.

Meaning: worry, concern, apprehension
Definition: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain
Usage: His anxiety grew as his messages were all left Unanswered

Meaning: uncommunicative, secret, silent
Definition: (of a person or an organization) inclined to conceal feelings and intentions or not
to disclose information.
Usage: She was very secretive about her past.

Meaning: invasive, obtrusive, unwanted
Definition: causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited.
Usage: That was an intrusive question.

Meaning: organizer, manager, producer
Definition: a person who organizes and often finances concerts, plays, or operas.
Usage: A theatrical impresario.

Meaning: flagrant, glaring, obvious, undisguised
Definition: (of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly.
Usage: A blatant lie.

Meaning: sacred, respected, inviolate
Definition: (especially of a principle, place, or routine)


The Indo-US relations and India's engagement with
its neighbors | Daily Times
Prof Dr Syed Hussain Shaheed Soherwordi

Introduction:The Indo-US relations and India’s engagement with its neighbors

The appeasement policy of the US towards India can very easily be equated
with the appeasement policy of the allies vis-à-vis Nazi Germany during mid
and late 1930s. By the time the allies realized enough is enough, it was
already too little too late


India's Policy Shift: History

During the Cold War, India was neglected by the major powers of the world except Russia
due to its anti-imperialist policies and leadership of the third world. Pakistan was its major
contender in the region as its sibling rival. 1962 Indo-China war also kept India as a country
of seclusion from others. However, after the Cold War, India broke its isolation and
insecurity with a paradigm shift in its foreign policy orientation. Emerging from seclusion
and gaining confidence, it transformed itself domestically as well as internationally (not
regionally). Thus, the affix like rising India and shining India were attached to its new
identity supported openly by the west.

Causes of India's Stability and emergence as Global Power

This historic shift took place due to a drastic change in its economic, political, foreign and
security policies. Economic reforms by successive governments; political stability and
successive change of governments democratically without any announcement of
“Emergency”; its policy of normalizing its relations with the West as well as its “Look East”
strategy; and strategic policy of overt nuclear country during May 1998 brought it to the
main stream of global politics. Needless to say, the US, for nuclear tests, sanctioned India
economically and China also took a stern note of declaring it ‘the enemy number one of
India’.But strangely, this mustered it more economic impetus.

The appeasement policy of the US towards India can very

easily be equated with the appeasement policy of the allies vis-
à-vis Nazi Germany during mid and late 1930s. By the time
the allies realized enough is enough, it was already too little
too late


The West Support to India thus helping it to belittle China
It was argued that India’s rise took place due to its domestic economic, political, foreign
policy and strategic reforms. This is too myopic approach. India’s interaction with other
states in balanced dynamic international contexts mattered a lot. Moreover, the west never
loved India. Rather it hated China more. Hence, to belittle China’s position globally and to
make India a regional and neighborly competitor, the west support India in all aspects vis-à-
vis China. World looked at India from the lens of China as a threatening global economic
power; rise of terrorism after 9/11 and Asian Economic crisis. Thus ‘Shining and Rising
India’ was in the interests of the west. The US instrumental engagement was very blatantly
and bluntly demonstrated diplomatically as well as militarily by signing ‘Indo-US Nuclear
Deal’ afterwards.

Inida-US Relationship:
No doubt the US engagement with India showed its serious intent after 1998. In fact, it, in
true sense, began with military approaches back in the 1980s. The Reagan administration
offered anti-tank missiles and howitzers to India that laid the underpinning for their future
1990s intimate relationship. The post-1998 era of relationship between India and the US was
interesting and alarming. Initially, the US condemned the 1998 nuclear tests with some force
and sanctions. Later on, Strobe Talbot negotiated with Jaswant Singh, the then foreign
minister of India to sign and ratify at least the CTBT, if not NPT. Interestingly, President
George Bush junior abandoned both positions in favor of a bilateral deal on nuclear energy
in (Indo-US Nuclear Deal) 2005 and a special waiver from the NPT in 2008. This reversal of
American foreign policy worked and facilitated in India’s favor.Thus, India rose to global
scene not because of itself but other states aided India’s rise in ways that may not have been
done by itself during the end of cold war.

Dehyphenation policy in South Asia:

The most important policy shift of the US in South Asia was to ‘dehyphenate’ Pakistan from
India. America supported Pakistan, after 9/11, to deal with the menace of terrorism,
militarily and economically. It reassured India that this support to Pakistan will not herald
zero-sum game in South Asia. It developed its relations with both countries on individual
basis and said good-bye to the past policies of ‘even-handedness’ and ‘strategic balance in
south Asia’. Thus an era of regional Indian dictation started. India acted more like a regional
police man than one of the partners of the region.

With dehyphenation policy in South Asia, Americans accepted serious violations of

international commitments and non-cooperation of India on international issues. After 9/11,
the US never talked about the issue of Indian Occupied Kashmir and its resolution in the
light of the UN resolutions. It came to this that last year, Kashmir was usurped by India and
the US remained mummed. No international mediated resolution of the issue was talked
about and no notice of the violation of human rights in the occupied Kashmir was taken,
despite Pakistan’s hue and cry. Not only this, India also declined CTBT. India was not party
to climate change treaty at Copenhagen. It also opposed western military action in Libya.
Such flippant policies were not in the interests of the US rather it damaged its global
position. But the US retorted very meekly. This boosted the Indian confidence.

The India’s Strategic blunders:

The boosted Indian confidence today is too arrogant and haughty. Usurping of Kashmir on
5th August last year is an episode of the same. India’s uncompromising attitude towards its
neighbors is noticeable. Its non-compliance with international treaties like India-Pakistan-
Iran gas pipeline (ultimately India’s deletion from the project), its expulsion from the
Chabahar project by Iran,its removal from the Chabahar-Zahedan Rail Link, and its violation
of border region of Galwan Valley of China located in Ladakh demonstrate that India is
moving towards a harder and violent era of its history. If its not stopped, the repercussions
will be detrimental to the interests of those who projected India in the region and accepted
all her good and bad demands.

The appeasement policy of the US towards India can very easily be equated with the
appeasement policy of the allies vis-à-vis Nazi Germany during mid and late 1930s. By the
time the allies realized enough is enough, it was already too little too late. India under Modi
is also following the Nazi Germany path and the US is acting like the allies of the 1930s.
Engagement is very important to keep the region from the horrors of the war.Annexation of
Kashmir on 5th August was a clear violation of international law. Good that Pakistan
remained calm. Galwan Valley was a grim episode. Good that China restrained. However,
no one can guarantee such cold peace but absence of war; resulting in the growing patience
getting thinner. It was the US which gave confidence to India for violating rules of
international relations. As Chairman Mao of China said, ‘A fish can swim only in a friendly
sea’, India is increasing its enemies in its neighborhood and increasing its friends far-off.
During the cold war, Pakistan also committed the same mistake by keeping its neighborhood
hostile and thousands of miles away situated-America happy. Pakistan paid and is still
paying the price of the past blunder. India must learn from Pakistan.


You can change friends but not neighbors. Engagement is important especially with
neighbors. Nepal, China, Pakistan, Iran and Bangladesh are having cautious or hostile
relations with India. An engagement for a friendly neighborhood and economic benefits is a
security for the people as well as for the physical borders of a country. All South Asian
countries especially India must learn.

About the author

The Author is the director of the institute of peace and conflict studies at the University of


US-China trade war shattered world’s notion of a
global village | Pak Observer
Shaukat Hayat Buneri

FOR almost two decades after the loss of Russia’s superpower status, the
United States emerged as the world’s only superpower without participation
and won the historic honor of fighting wars in the nooks and corners of the
world. But this journey of American supremacy is now slowly coming to an
end, and instead of Russia, China has now come up against the United States.
It is as if history has turned the page. In this new chapter, American
supremacy is dying. The trade war between China and the United States,
which began in 2018, has now entered a decisive phase.

Thesis statement

Introduction: Trump Era

When Trump came to power four years ago, his agenda was to stabilize the US economy and
reduce the US trade deficit, to strengthen the US domestic manufacturing sector so that more
Americans could find jobs. In response to this, the United States imposed a 15% tariff or
import tax on Chinese imports. In response, China also imposed a 5 to 25% tax on US
imports. In this context, the United States received 550 billion in tariffs.

Us-China Trade War:

But one will be surprised to know that US measures to stop China’s trade invasion have
failed. Despite heavy taxes, China’s exports to the United States increased and the trade
balance remained in China’s favor. The US trade deficit widened, while China’s trade
surplus widened. Trade head plus is an economic term that has little practical application,
but China has adopted it. A well-known Chinese video app company is currently in the
throes of a trade war between the United States and China. The US Secretary of State said in
a recent statement that President Trump has decided to impose sanctions on the United
States. Mike Pompeo says the app is owned by a Chinese company that is accused of having
data on 180 million American citizens and companies that the company shares with China’s
ruling Communist Party. The company has vehemently denied the allegations, but Donald
Trump fears that in the run-up to the election, the younger generation of Americans who are
addicted to TikTok will be mentally engineered to vote against Trump.

US strategies to weaken China:

Pompeo told Fox News that the company has become a “broad-based security risk” for the
United States. The US government believes that many more US companies owned by
Chinese-Americans are involved in US intelligence or espionage. Trump’s patience is
running out, he says. “Enough is enough. We’ve decided to arrange it,” he said. On the other
hand, Trump has instructed the American company Microsoft to buy the rights to operate
inside the United States. US Senator Lund says that the United States has an advantage in
this, on the one hand the local company will make a profit and on the other hand the
possibility of spying for China will be eliminated. It is also pertinent to mention here that in
the case of the Coronavirus, the United States is openly blaming China for the catastrophe
caused by China which is responsible for the catastrophe all over the world. When news
broke, Trump jokingly referred to the virus, and when asked, he said, “Now he says China is
responsible for more than 200,000 deaths in the United States because the United States
intends to take action against China and claim damages through the United Nations.

Critical Analysis:

The US-China trade war has shattered the world’s notion of a global village, and the world is
now moving back to the 1980s or earlier, drawing the line between the two factions of the
world. One faction will be from China and the other from the United States. Against this
background, the existence of the global supply chain network is in jeopardy. The world will
shrink back to the regional level and borders will be stronger. The perception of the world
will decline and the global supply chain will shrink. The supply chain originated with the
United States, which planned to take over world trade. We have the example of companies
like McDonald’s and Pepsi and Coca-Cola. In any case, the United States is concerned about
protecting its supply chain, which is spread around the world. The two trillion packages are
on Trump’s Trade Adviser’s desk, but the Chinese leadership’s confidence shows that it
knows what to do next.

—The writer is freelance columnist, based in Buner KP


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