Topic 9. Transport: I. Exercise A. Đánh giá độ phù hợp của những từ và cụm từ in đậm trong các câu sau

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Bùi Thanh Ngọc Bích – Sư phạm Anh K42A



A. Đánh giá độ phù hợp của những từ và cụm từ in đậm trong các câu sau.

1. Failing to carry out regular road maintenance will reduce road safety.Yes

2. One of the feasible solutions to reduce traffic congestion is promoting the use of
private vehicles in major cities. No

3. If the government introduce stricter traffic laws, the number of people who
violate traffic laws is likely to increase. No

4. Developed countries are witnessing an increase in traffic accidents due to

inadequate transport infrastructure. No

5. Imposing stricter punishments on people who have irresponsible driving habits

can be an effective way to improve road safety. Yes

6. Driving under the influence of alcohol is one of main contributors to traffic

accidents in Vietnam. Yes

B. Chọn đáp án phù hợp trong bảng sau để hoàn thành các câu dưới.

1.Excessive use of private cars during peak hours is considered one of the main
contributors do ________. F. traffic congestion

2. Speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol and running a red light are
major causes of _______, resulting in thousands of casualties every year. D.
traffic accidents

3. People who violate ________ such as running a red light should be severely
punished so as to protect other people’s lives. A. traffic laws

4. Vietnam aims to improve ________ to improve road safety and cope with heavy
traffic. E. road infrastructure
5. Vehicle horns with high levels of noise contribute greatly to ________ - one of
the biggest annoyances city citizens have to face every day. C. noise pollution

6. ________ such as heavier fines can certainly help to encourage people to drive
more safely. G. strict punishments


A. Sử dụng tối thiểu 1 trong những từ / cụm từ gợi ý để mở rộng các câu sau.

1. Regular road maintenance and building of road infrastructure which makes

it easier to access remote villages.

Gợi ý: Road infrastructure, transport networks, regular road maintenance

2. The government announced stricter punishments against people who often

violate traffic laws while participating in traffic such as driving under the
influence of alcohol or running a red light.

Gợi ý: violate traffic laws, driving under the influence of alcohol, running a red

3. The number of traffic accidents has been reduced because the government has
enacted stricter punishments in order to improve road safety and contribute
to reducing the number of traffic accidents caused by irresponsible driving

Gợi ý: stricter punishments, improve road safety, irresponsible driving habits

4. Although there have been stricter laws against irresponsible driving habits,
traffic accidents and illegal driving continue to occur.

Gợi ý: irresponsible driving habits, traffic accidents, driving offenses

5. One of the most effective method to improve road safety is regular road
maintenance such as patching potholes or investing in re-construction of
transport networks.

Gợi ý: Road infrastructure, transport networks, regular road maintenance

B. Xây dựng câu hoàn chỉnh chứa ít nhất một trong các cụm từ cho sẵn dưới đây.
1. Commute to work, public transport, traffic congestion.

 If more people commute to work by public transport, it is likely to reduce

traffic congestion.

2. Driving under the influence of alcohol, poor road infrastructure, traffic


 Poor road infrastructure and driving offences like driving under the
influence of alcohol are major causes for traffic accidents in Vietnam.

3. Private vehicles, exhaust fumes, air pollution.

 In big cities, private vehicles emit large amounts of exhaust fumes every
day, which contributes to increased levels of air pollution.

4. Stricter punishments, act as a deterrent, driving offenders.

 Stricter punishments such as vehicle confiscation can act as a deterrent to

driving offenders.

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