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Bùi Thanh Ngọc Bích – Sư phạm Tiếng Anh K42A

Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the

world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather
than understanding between people from different cultures. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

The tourist industry grew dramatically during the previous two decades. It is
currently regarded as one of the largest industries in the world but it fosters conflict
rather than connect people through a profound understanding. From my
perspective, I absolutely disagree with this view and argue that it promotes peace,
fraternity and love among nations.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why international travel evokes
conflicts. First, travelers frequently lack understanding of the local languages that
can increase the level of stress. For example, people in India get very offended
when someone shakes hands with women or passes the money with their left hand.
As a result, misunderstandings about customs and culture sometimes arise between
residents and tourists. Second, after the tourist season, there is a massive amount of
trash on the beach, particularly plastic debris, which is damaging to the water
ecosystem. Thus, natives exhibit unfavorable feelings toward tourists. Vietnam is
an excellent example of this circumstance.

On the other hand, tourism is undeniably vital in developing nation’s economies

and in promoting understanding between citizens from various nations. To begin
with, visiting a distant nation might help travelers learn more about core values and
lifestyles. While contemporary media, such as television and newspapers, provide
individuals with some exposure to various cultures, international travellers tend to
have more real and unique experiences that lead to a deeper knowledge. This is
crucial because accepting cultural diversity is essential for developing and
sustaining social interactions in this day and age. In addition, through culture
exchange, different places may teach travelers a lot about themselves. For instance,
many visitors travel to India to seek spiritual direction and to study yoga that they
may not be able to obtain in their country.
In conclusion, although international tourism's negative impacts are unavoidable, I
hold a strong belief that it is an excellent approach to explore and learn about
various cultures, as well as to popularize your own customs throughout the world.

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