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Propoziţii condiţionale

Condiţionalele au doua părţi: propoziţia condiţională, introdusă de if, şi

propoziţia principală. În propoziţia If it rains I shall stay at home, 'If it rains'
este propoziţia condiţională, iar '1 shall stay at home' este propoziţia principală.
Sunt patru tipuri de propoziţii condiţionale, iar regula principală este că după if nu
putem folosi will, would respectiv would have.
0) Propoziţia condiţională de tipul O exprimă o relaţie între cauză şi efect.
Prezent simple if Prezent simple.
e.g If it rains, the streets become icy.
If you don’t water the plants, they die.
1) Propoziţia condiţională de tipul 1 exprimă o acţiune probabilă, pentru
care există şanse de realizare:
Future Simple (Will + V1) if Present Simple
e.g If we have time, we’ll go for a walk.
If it doesn’t rain, we’ll go camping.
De la aceasta formă pot exista şi mai multe variaţii:
● In loc de viitor putem avea may/ might/ can/ could/ must/ should:
If the fog gets thicker, the plane might be diverted.
If your documents are in order, you may leave.
● După if putem avea present continuous, respectiv present perfect:
If you are waiting for the bus, you’d better join the queue.
If you are staying for another night, I’ll give you a better room.
If you have finished dinner, I’ll ask the waiter for the bill.

2) Condiţionala de tipul 2 exprimă o acţiune care are şanse mici de realizare:

Prezent Condiţional (S + Would + V1) if Past Simple (S + V2)
e.g. If I had a map I would lend it to you.
If someone threatened me, I would tell the police.
● În loc de would se pot folosi might/ could/ should:
If you tried again you would succeed.
If I knew her number, could ring her up.
● Forma de condiţional continuous, WOULD+ BE + VERB+ ING, poate fi
folosită în loc de forma de condiţional prezent:
If I were on holiday, I might be touring Italy, too.
● In loc de past simple se pot folosi past continuous sau past perfect:
If we were going by boat, I would feel much happier.
If my car was working, I would take you to the station.
If I had taken your advice, I would be a rich man now.
3) Propoziţia condiţională de tipul 3: exprimă o acţiune care este imposibil de
realizat deoarece momentul respectiv a trecut:
Past Condiţional (S + Would have + V3) if Past Perfect (S + Had + V3)

e.g. If I had known you were coming, I would have met you at the airport.
If he had tried to leave the country he would have been stopped at the border.
● În loc de would se pot folosi atât Could/ Might dar si Past Conditional
If Tom’ boy had not been there, I would have been sitting in the front.
If we had found him earlier he would have been saved.
If we had taken some time off, we might have solved all our problems.
● Putem folosi Past Perfect Continuous în loc de Past Perfect Simple.
If I hadn’t been wearing a seatbelt, I would have been seriously injured.

Will, respectiv would pot fi folosite după if numai daca exprimă o cerere
politicoasă, respectiv bunăvoinţa sau încăpăţânare:
e.g. If you would wait a moment, I will see if Mr. Jones is in.
If you’d please just sign in this register.
If he’ll listen to me, I will be able to help him.
If they won’t accept a cheque, we’ll have to pay cash.
If you will/ would play the drums all night, of course your neighbours will

Inversiuni în propoziţii condiţionale:

a) If + were se transformă în were + S + verb:

e.g. If she were to be offered the job, she would feel very happy.
Were she to be offered the job, she would feel very happy.
If I were in his shoes, I wouldn’t do that.
Were I in his shoes, I wouldn’t do that.
b) If + should se transformă în should + S + verb:
e.g If anyone should call, tell them I’m not in.
Should anyone call, tell them I’m not in.
If I should find out anything about that, I’ll tell you.
Should I find out anything about that, I’ll tell you.
c) If + had + V3 se transformă în Had +S +V3:
e.g If I had known, I would have told you that.
Had I known, I would have told you that.
If I had been there, I would have helped you.
Had I been there, I would have helped you.
Alternative pentru IF

1. Even if/ even though: You must go tomorrow even if you aren’t ready.
2. Whether….or/ If…..or: You must leave whether you are ready or not.
3. Unless + afirmativ = if + negativ: Unless you start at once, you will be
late/ If you don’t start at once, you will be late.

4. But for = if it weren’t for/ If it hadn’t been for: But for her help, we
wouldn’t be here/ wouldn’t have been here.
5. Otherwise: Her father pays her fees. Otherwise, she couldn’t finish her
6. Provided that/ On condition that: We’ll be there at seven provided that/ on
condition that we leave on time.
7. Suppose/ Supposing/ What if?: Suppose/ Supposing the plane is late, what
shall we do?

Condiţionale de tip mixt

1. If + Past Simple, Future Simple:

e.g If you told him, he will know what to do. (Dacă i-ai spus, va şti ce să facă.)
If you invited them, they will come to the party. (Dacă i-ai invitat, vor
veni la petrecere.)
2. If + Past Simple, Past Conditional:
e.g If you weren’t so absent minded, you wouldn’t have lost your wallet. (Dacă
n-ai fi atât de aiurit, nu ţi-ai fi pierdut portofelul.)
If he knew more Chemistry, he would have passed the exam. (Dacă ar şti
mai multa chimie, ar fi trecut examenul.)
3. If + Past Perfect, Present Conditional:
e.g If you had taken the map, we would know where you are. (Dacă ai fi luat
harta, am şti unde ne aflăm.)
If she had read the instructions, she wouldn’t be in hospital now. (Dacă ar
fi citit instrucţiunile, nu ar fi in spital acum.)

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