English: Quarter 2 - Module 8

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Quarter 2 – Module 8
Recognizing Positive and Negative
Messages Conveyed in a Text
English – Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 - Module 8
Recognizing Positive and Negative Messages Conveyed in a Text
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos,

brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their
respective copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and
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copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim
ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education - Region III

Secretary : Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary : Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Author : Angelo Anthony C. Villanueva
Language Reviewer : Melarina DL. Verano
Content Editor : Elygin C. Torres
Illustrator : Edmark L. Tonelete
Layout Artist : Angelo Anthony C. Villanueva

Management Team
Gregorio C. Quinto, Jr., EdD
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
Rainelda M. Blanco, PhD
Education Program Supervisor - LRMDS
Agnes R. Bernardo, PhD
EPS-Division ADM Coordinator
Jay Arr V. Sangoyo, PhD
EPS – English
Glenda S. Constantino
Project Development Officer II
Joannarie C. Garcia
Librarian II

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email address: lrmdsbulacan@deped.gov.ph
Quarter 2 – Module 8
Recognizing Positive and Negative
Messages Conveyed in a Text
Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

Welcome to the English Grade 8 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on
Recognizing Positive and Negative Messages Conveyed in a Text!

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by

educators from public institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator, in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their
personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims
to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration
their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body
of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners’ progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to the English Grade 8 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on
Recognizing Positive and Negative Messages Conveyed in a Text!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

This will give you an idea of the skills or competencies

What I Need to Know you are expected to learn in the module.

This part includes an activity that aims to check what you

What I Know already know about the lesson to take. If you get all the
answers correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link the current
lesson with the previous one.

In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced to you

What’s New in various ways, a story, a song, a poem, a problem
opener, an activity, or a situation.
This section provides a brief discussion of the lesson.
What is It This aims to help you discover and understand new
concepts and skills.
This comprises activities for independent practice to
What’s More solidify your understanding and skills of the topic. You
may check the answers to the exercises using the
Answer Key at the end of the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank sentence/paragraph to

be filled into process what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will help you
transfer your new knowledge or skill into real-life
situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your level of

mastery in achieving the learning competency.

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given to you to

enrich your knowledge or skill of the lesson learned.

Answer Key
This contains answers to all activities in the module.

At the end of this module you will also find:

References - This is a list of all sources used in developing this module.
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate
to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know
This module provides varied activities that will help you recognize the positive
and negative messages conveyed in a text. Different important activities are provided
to help you accomplish the objectives.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

• predict the gist of material based on the title, pictures, and excerpts;
• discern the positive and negative messages conveyed in the text;
• use appropriate signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea; and
• deliver a self-composed informative/entertainment speech.

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the statement that shows a more general idea.
1. a. The auditor is sending a letter to the company.
b. The auditor is sending an inquiry to the company.
2. a. The manager is driving a limousine.
b. The manager is driving a car.
3. a. A man is cleaning his motorcycle.
b. Paul is cleaning his motorcycle.
4. a. Reading books is her hobby.
b. Reading science books is her hobby.
5. a. The girl wants a toy.
b. The girl wants a small purple ball.

Directions: Choose the letter of the statement that shows a more specific or particular idea.
6. a. Reading a lot has some advantages.
b. Reading a lot helps us to be more informed and to be open minded.
7. a. She bought much fruit in the supermarket.
b. She bought pineapples, apples, watermelon, and grapes in Hero Supermarket.
8. a. There are many modern electrical tools of communication.
b. Television, Internet, radio, phone are tools of communication.
9. a. Studying abroad is expensive.
b. Studying in the United States needs much money not only for paying the school fee, but
also for living there.
10. a. Smoking cigarettes is hazardous.
b. Smoking cigarettes promotes cough, cancer, and heart attack.

Directions: Read the statements below then answer the questions that follow. Write it in the
Concept Map of ideas.

Many people think that Bulacan is an environmentally friendly and pollution-free place to
live. There are a lot of beautiful places to visit that are attracting a large number of tourists. It
is also famous for its delicious delicacies.

What is happening to the

11 province of Bulacan?

What do you think are the

12 reasons for tourists to visit

13 What is the main idea in

the selection?

Directions: Read the statements below and provide the cause and effect to the situations that
follow. Write your answer in the given shapes.

14 You played
online games
until midnight.

The student was awarded the highest honors
among all the students in their class.

What’s In

From your previous lesson, you have learned to assume or point out the message of
the author by reading the selection. Now, you will guess the idea of the material based on
the title, pictures, and excerpts of a selection. Write your predictions inside the crystal ball.

1 I


Don’t you worry, Harry. You’ll learn

5 fast enough. Everyone starts at the
beginning at Hogwarts, you’ll be just
fine. - Hagrid

Now that you are done answering what the pictures, titles, and excerpts expressed,
you will now read short text selections. You will now identify the positive and negative
messages of the authors.

What’s New
Directions: Read the given selection and answer the questions that follow.

Fable of the Young Moth

(An Excerpt)

“My mother began to read me the fable of the young

moth and the old one. She translated it into Tagalog a little
at a time.

My attention increased from the first sentence. I looked toward the light and fixed
my gaze on the moths which were circling around it. The story could not have been
better timed. My mother repeated the warning of the old moth. She dwelt upon it and
directed it to me. I heard her, but it is a curious thing that the light seemed to me each
time more beautiful, the flame more attractive. I really envied the fortune of the
insects. They frolicked so joyously in its enchanting splendor that the ones which had
fallen and been drowned in the oil did not cause me any dread.

My mother kept on reading and I listened breathlessly. The fate of the two insects
interested me greatly. The flame rolled its golden tongue to one side and a moth which
this movement had singed fell into the oil, fluttered for a time, and then became
quiet. That became for me a great event. A curious change came over me which I
have always noticed in myself whenever anything has stirred my feelings. The flame
and the moth seemed to go further away, and my mother's words sounded strange
and uncanny. I did not notice when she ended the fable. All my attention was fixed on
the face of the insect. I watched it with my whole soul... It had died a martyr to its

As she put me to bed, my mother said: ‘See that you do not behave like the young
moth. Don't be disobedient, or you may get burnt as it did.’ I do not know whether I
answered or not... The story revealed to me things until then unknown. Moths no
longer were, for me, insignificant insects. Moths talked; they know how to warn. They
advised just like my mother. The light seemed to me more beautiful. It had grown more
dazzling and more attractive. I knew why the moths circled the flame.”

◼ Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

1. Who is the speaker in the story?
2. What was the lesson learned by
young Rizal?
3. What was the feeling of young
Rizal in the story?
4. Why do you think her mother told
him that story?

Notes to Teacher
The activities in this module are arranged from simple to complex to help the learner
gradually master the desired learning competency. Give him/her the needed support and
guidance so that he/she will be able to perform the tasks to prepare him/her later on recognizing
positive and negative messages conveyed in a text.

What is It

Good writing benefits the readers when it comes to understanding a text material. One
way to do that is by using signal words or expressions. These will help your readers follow
without needing to stop and confuse out the relationships in your work.

How to Cook a Perfect Steak Meal

Angelo Anthony C. Villanueva

Many people love to eat steak, but few of them know how to cook and prepare them
because not all people can afford to buy it. Steak is an appetizing and a healthy meal yet too
much of this kind of food will increase your cholesterol level. Remember that when you eat a
lot of fatty foods, do not forget to have your exercises regularly. Yes, in this article we will be
cooking a fine dining steak meal that you can serve for your family. In fact, this menu is very
famous in the western countries. However, it is time for us to learn how to prepare this kind
of meal.

Here’s how to make it.

Do not forget to seek help from your

parents or guardians in using cooking

First, get your fine slices of steak. Nicely season it with salt and pepper and marinate it
for at least 3 to 5 minutes. Marinating can help a certain food reach its flavorful level that
makes a change in its taste. It gives a certain distinct flavor depending on how long you
marinate an ingredient. Make sure that you rest it from 10 to 20 minutes out of the refrigerator
so that it is not frozen when you cook it, because it will be overcooked on the outside and
undercooked inside.

Then, prepare a hot pan and put 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Put the steak in. The pan
should be in low heat so that the meat will cook slowly to avoid raw parts of the meat. In
addition, lay the steaks on the pan away from you so that you will avoid the splashing of oil.

Searing the steak for at least 30 to 40 seconds on each side will make it have some color
and absorb the seasoning. In other words, you will not fully cook it. It is a good way of cooking
meat if you want it to absorb the flavors from your spices evenly.

Afterwards, put at least 3 to 4 cloves of crushed garlic and some thyme leaves to the
pan. Let the steak absorb their flavor and aroma. Adding spices and herbs will give layers of
flavors to the meat but be careful because too many spices may overpower the meat’s flavor.
You may try to be playful with different spices to determine which distinct flavor your taste
buds prefer.

Alternately, flip it on each side so that you will have a well-done steak. Next, add some

butter and then baste it for at least 10 seconds more to completely absorb all the flavors into
that meat. Basting is another way of adding flavor to your steak by coating it with oil. When
the butter melts, you tilt the pan at an angle where you can scoop the butter. Scoop the oil
and let it drizzle to your meat, in that way the meat will render all the flavors you infuse to your
pan. Please be very careful in basting because you might get splashed by the hot oil.

Finally, turn off the gas and let the meat rest for at least 5 minutes and then serve. This
permits the juices to be reabsorbed into the fibers of the meat. If you skip resting, you will lose
more flavorful juices when the meat is cut.

You may now enjoy a sumptuous fine dining meal not only at restaurants but also at the
convenience of your home. Eat well!

Now that you can cook a perfect steak meal for your family, let’s see how well you understand
some information in the given text. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the benefit of eating a steak?

2. What is the negative effect of too much protein in our body?
3. What is the use of marinating?
4. How do spices and herbs help in cooking?
5. Why do we need to rest the meat before eating?

Use Appropriate Signals or Expressions

Suitable to Each Pattern of Idea

A. General to Particular/Specific Idea - Particular/Specific to General Idea



• Using appropriate signals and expressions is a way of writing a composition that

discusses the obvious topic using specific details that support the topic.
• The topic sentence should identify a general statement about the subject.
• The writer should make sure the reader can understand and relate specific
• General to specific organization follows a direct approach. It leaves very little to the
imagination of readers or listeners because the writer/speaker makes everything
clear at the beginning itself.
• Use of transitional words (first, second, third, next, etc.)
• Use of specification words (as an example, in addition to, for example, etc.)

Examples of Expressions that signals General Information (Major Details)

• first • another • next
• second • furthermore • also
• third • moreover • finally

Examples of Expressions that signals Specific Information (Minor Details)

• for example • to be specific • case in point
• an example • that is • to illustrate
• for instance • this means

B. Cause-Effect Relationship

Any event or
Any event or
condition that
condition that is
anticipates or
caused by another
precipitates another
event or condition
event or condition

• Cause – It is the reason why a phenomenon or event happens.

• Effect – It is the effect or result of the cause.
It is the relationship in which one event (cause) makes another event to happen (effect).

CRITERIA for Cause-Effect Relationship

• Temporal Precedence - Cause must happen first before the effect
• Whenever the cause happens, the effect will also happen.

Expressions that signals CAUSE

• because (because • for • as a result of
of) • caused by • the effect of
• since • due to • contributed by

Expressions that signals EFFECT

• as a result • as a consequence • therefore
• thus • hence • so/such that
• then • so
• for this reason • thereby

Expressions in stating NEGATIVE CLAUSES

• not • do not/ don’t • were not/ weren’t
• isn’t • will not/ won’t • unless
• was not/ wasn’t • are not/ aren’t • if not

What’s More

Independent Activity 1

Directions: Match the causes in Column A to the effects in Column B.

1. Anne's mom took her to the beach. a. He ate dinner.

2. My lawn mower was out of gas. b. She fell and scraped his knee.
3. Tyler was hungry. c. She had nothing to wear.
4. It was raining outside. d. I couldn't cut the grass.
5. The girl tripped on a rock. e. We pulled out an umbrella.

Independent Assessment 1

Directions: Provide the possible cause and effect of the given situations.

1. Cause: ______________________________________________________
Effect: We couldn't get in the car.

2. Cause: Nana plants seeds in the garden.

Effect: ______________________________________________________

3. Cause: ______________________________________________________
Effect: He got a belly ache.

4. Cause: Caren practiced kicking the ball.

Effect: ______________________________________________________

5. Cause: ______________________________________________________
Effect: The dog began to bark.

Independent Activity 2
Directions: Read each question and choose the letter which corresponds to the possible answer.

1. Which statement do not refer to a specific period of time?

2. Which statement do not refer to specific groups of students?

3. Which statement do not refer to a specific library?

4. Which statement is most specific?

5. Which statement is most general?

a. Most engineering students do not use libraries.
b. On October and November, only 37% of Engineering students used the University
c. On October and November, only 77% of students used the University library.
d. Most Engineering students do not use the University library.
e. The majority of students do not use libraries.

Independent Assessment 2

Directions: Create general or specific ideas based on the given sentences.

1. General: I really love watching movies.

Specific: _____________________________________________________

2. General: _____________________________________________________
Specific: You need to drink at least 8 – 10 glasses of water a day.

3. General: Someday I will buy my own car.

Specific: _____________________________________________________

4. General: _____________________________________________________
Specific: We play Mobile Legends, League of Legends, and Call of Duty during the

5. General: The world is now experiencing a pandemic.

Specific: _____________________________________________________

Independent Activity 3
Directions: Write down the positive and negative ideas in cooking a perfect steak meal.




Independent Assessment 3

Directions: Read the selections and answer the questions that follow.

Text 1

Nicotine has various effects on the body. In small doses nicotine serves as a nerve
stimulant, entering the bloodstream and promoting the flow of adrenaline, a stimulating hormone.
It speeds up the heartbeat and may cause it to become irregular. It also raises the blood pressure
and reduces the appetite, and it may cause nausea and vomiting. The known health risks
associated with cigarette smoking, such as damage to the lungs and lung cancer, are thought to
be caused by other components of cigarettes such as tars and other by products of smoking, and
by the irritating effects of smoke on the lung tissue. Addiction to smoking is caused by nicotine
itself. Stopping smoking produces withdrawal symptoms within 24 to 48 hours, which commonly
include irritability, headaches, and anxiety, in addition to the strong desire to smoke.

(taken from Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2003)

1. What is the general idea of the paragraph?


2. Where can you find the general idea?


3. Does the author present the details to support the general idea by using specific
facts or examples? Prove your answer.

Text 2

More than 50 different kinds of kangaroos are grouped together in two kangaroo families.
The large kangaroos include red kangaroos and gray kangaroos, wallabies, pademelons, and
quokka; they belong in the family Macropodidae. The other family, Potoroidae, is made up of
assorted smaller species, such as various rat-kangaroos, bettongs, and potoroos. The largest
kangaroos are the gray kangaroo and red kangaroo, which can stand up to 2 m (6.5 ft) tall and
weigh up to 85 kg (187 lb.). The smallest are the musky rat kangaroos, rat like animals measuring
about 30 cm (12 in), not including the tail.

(taken from Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2003)

1. What is the general idea of the paragraph?


2. Where can you find the general idea?


3. Does the author present the details to support the general idea by using specific
facts or examples? Prove your answer.

What I Have Learned

You are now aware of the use of appropriate signals or
expressions suitable for each pattern of an idea. What is the
importance of using these kinds of signals and expressions for your

What I Can Do

Directions: Create a 3 – 5 minute vlog

presenting an informative and entertaining
speech about your hometown. The Rubric is
provided as your guide.

ACTIVITY Exemplary Proficient Incomplete POINTS

Concept 10 – 15 5–9 0–4

Has a clear picture of Has a clear picture of Little effort has
what is trying to what is trying to been spent on
achieve. Adequate achieve but has refining the
description of what is trouble in describing content and
trying to present. of what is trying to goals of the
present. project.
Script 8 – 10 4–7 0–3
/Storyboard The presentation has The presentation has There is no
a good choice of a good choice of evidence of a
words, dialogues and words, dialogues and storyboard or
subtitles are included. subtitles are included. a script.
Clear audio and sound Clear audio but no
effects are included sound effects are
with transitions. used and has no
Content 10 – 15 5–9 0–4
/Organization The content includes The content includes The content
clear statement of clear statement of lacks central
purpose or theme and purpose or theme and theme, unclear
is creative. It has very is creative. It has point of view,
informative content limited information and sequence
and presented in a and not presented in of information.
logical order. a logical order.


A. Directions: Classify each statement if it shows a general idea or a specific/particular idea.

Then, write the letters of your answers in the boxes, correspondingly.

General Specific
1. a. The man walks slowly.
b. The man wobbles. 1.
2. a. The English teacher of Virgen Delas Flores High School.
b. The teacher of Virgen Delas Flores High School.
3. a. The visitor is sitting on the chair.
b. The visitor is sitting on the sofa.
4. a. Joan likes reading books very much. 3.
b. Joan likes reading true stories and books about real life
very much. 4.
5. a. The communication department students have a final
test this week. 5.
b. They have an examination this week.

B. Directions: Classify each statement if it signals a cause or effect. Then, write the letters of
your answers in the boxes, correspondingly.
Cause Effect
6. a. Tim forgot his math book.
b. He was unable to complete his homework. 6.
7. a. He skipped lunch.
b. Keegan was hungry. 7.
8. a. She called a tow truck.
b. Erin's car had a flat tire.
9. a. Gina couldn't find the cookies.
b. Papa hid them in the cupboard.
10. a. She got an A on the test. 10.
b. Kelly studied her spelling words.

C. Choose the letter of the statement that best describes the pictures, titles, and

a. The girl is following the old lady.
b. The old lady is being chased by the girl.
c. The old lady is guiding the girl across the street.
d. The girl is guiding the lady across the street.

a. The dog is angry at the man.
b. The man wants to adopt the dog.
c. The dog wants to adopt the man.
d. Nobody likes each other.

a. It says, “Give Up!”
Don’t b. It says, “Don’t Give Up!”
c. It doesn’t mean anything.
Give Up! d. It means give something to someone.

“Steak is an appetizing and a
a. It means steak is very cheap.
healthy meal yet too much of
b. It means steak needs to cook well.
this kind of food will increase
c. It means too much steak is bad for your health.
your cholesterol level.”
d. It means eat many steaks because it is delicious.

a. It means you can do anything you want.
“See that you do not behave
b. It means disobedience gives you reward.
like the young moth. Don't be
c. It means the moth is obedient.
disobedient, or you may get
d. It means disobedience may get you into trouble.
burnt as it did.”

Additional Activities

Directions: Write down a step-by-step process on proper handwashing using the

appropriate signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of an idea.

What I Know Independent Activity 3
1. a (Answers may vary)
2. b Independent Assessment 3
3. a Text 1
4. a 1. Nicotine has various effects on the body.
5. a 2. At the beginning of the sentence
6. a 3. Answers may vary
7. b Text 2
8. b 1. More than 50 different kinds of kangaroos are grouped
9. b together in two kangaroo families.
10. b 2. At the beginning of the sentence
11. 3. Answers may vary
12. There is a large number of health problems in Bulacan’s Assessment
citizens. 1. b - a
13. Answers may vary 2. b - a
14. Air Pollution 3. a - b
15. You woke up late. 4. a - b
16. The student studied well. 5. b - a
6. b - a
What’s In 7. a - b
Answers may vary from positive and negative 8. b - a
What’s New 9. b - a
1. Dr; Jose Rizal 10. b - a
2. Answers may vary 11. c
3. Answers may vary 12. b
13. b
Independent Activity 1 14. c
1. e 15. d
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. e
Independent Assessment 1
1. Jogging is good for your health.
2. Reading makes us intelligent.
3. Studying abroad is expensive for ordinary people.
4. Smoking is bad for our health.
5. The grade 8 students have an examination this week.
Independent Activity 2
1. c
2. d
3. a
4. e
5. b
Independent Assessment 2
1. Someone locked the car door.
2. She has many plants in her garden.
3. He ate a lot of food.
4. She won the soccer game.
5. Someone entered the house.
Answer Key

Ishwayuni, S. Pd. 2020. General and Specific Terms. Accessed October 25, 2020

Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library. 2003. © 1993- 2002 Microsoft Corporation.

Accessed October 25, 2020. http://repository.ut.ac.id/3806/1/PBIS4208-M1.pdf

Palero, JM. 2016. “English 8 - Pattern of Idea Development (General to Particular)”.

Accessed October 24, 2020. https://www.slideshare.net/jmpalero/english-8-pattern-of-

Palero, JM. 2016 “English 8 - Pattern of Idea Development (Cause-Effect Realtionship)”.

Accessed October 24, 2020. https://www.slideshare.net/jmpalero/english-8-pattern-of-

Rowling, JK. 2003. Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone. Accessed October 25, 2020.

The Life and Works of Rizal. “On The Story of the Moth” Accessed October 25, 2020.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan

Email Address: lrmdsbulacan@deped.gov.ph


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