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1. Analitică: SHOULD + VERB

3. Subjunctive Prezent: VERB LA FORMA A DOUA
4. Subjunctive Trecut: HAD + VERB LA FORMA A TREIA
1. După anumite verbe ca: to ask, to demand, to urge, to require, to command, to
request, to order, to insist, to suggest etc.
E.g. I demand that he should be here.
I demand that he be here.
He orders that she should come to the meeting.
He orders that she come to the meeting.
He suggested that a petition should be drawn up
2. După construcţii impersonale: It is important that, It is necessary that, it is
advisable that, It is certain that, It is obvious that etc.
E.g. It is important that the (should) come to the meeting.
It is advisable that we (should) compromise.
3. Forma sintetică în expresii ca:
Suffice it to say that….
Come what may.
Confound it! = Damn it!
Long live the Queen!
Be that as it may, Far be it from me to…
God bless you!
Heaven help us!
If need be we can always bring the car.
4. Condiţionalele de tip 2 şi 3
5. După had better şi would rather (atunci când subiectul lui would rather sau would
sooner şi cel al verbului care urmează după acesta sunt identice):
I would rather read than watch TV.
You had netter come here soon.
6. În construcţii ipotetice:
❖ As If/ As Though + Past Simple – referire la prezent
❖ As if + past perfect – referire la trecut
1. He behaves as if he owned the place. (Se poartă de parcă ar deţine postul)
2. He talks as if he knew where she was. (Vorbeşte de parcă ar şti unde se află)
3. He orders me around as if I were his wife.
4. He talked as though he knew where she was.
5. She talks about Rome as if/ though she had been there herself. (Vorbeşte
despre Roma ca şi cum ar fi fost ea însăşi acolo)

❖ IT IS TIME or IT IS HIGH TIME poate fi urmat de verb la forma a doua sau
had + verb la forma a treia
1. It’s time we went.
2. It’s time we had gone.
3. It’s high time started learning.
4. It’s high time I had started painting.

❖ WISH urmat de would + verb la forma întâi (referire la viitor, la o situaţie

negativă prezentă care se doreşte schimbată)
❖ WISH + verb la forma a doua ( referire la prezent)
❖ WISH + had + verb la forma a treia (referire la trecut regret, situaţie care nu
mai poate fi schimbată)
1. I wish that she wrote more regularly. (Imi doresc să scrie în mod regulat.)
2. I wish she would write more often. (Îmi doresc ca ea să scrie mai des.)
3. I wish he would wear a coat. (Îmi doresc ca el să poarte o haină)
4. I wish they changed the menu. (Îmi doresc ca ei să schimbe meniul.)
5. I wish they would stop making bombs. (Îmi doresc ca ei să nu mai facă
6. I wish Peter had studied art. (Îmi doresc ca Peter să fi studiat arta.)

❖ IF ONLY urmat de would + verb la forma întâi (referire la viitor, la o situaţie

negativă prezentă care se doreşte schimbată)
❖ IF ONLY + verb la forma a doua ( referire la prezent)
❖ IF ONLY + had + verb la forma a treia (referire la trecut, regret, situaţie care nu
mai poate fi schimbată)
1. If only we knew where to look for him! (Dacă am şti unde să-l căutăm)
2. If only she had asked someone’s advice! (Dacă ar fi cerut sfatul cuiva!)
3. If only they would study more!(Dacă el ar învăţa mai mult…)
4. If only I had told him the truth.
5. If only they were wiser.

1. Dacă subiectul lui would rather sau would sooner şi cel al verbului care urmează după
acesta sunt identice, pentru a ne referi la prezent folosim VERB LA FORMA ÎNTÂI, iar
pentru a ne referi la trecut folosim HAVE + VERB LA FORMA A TREIA
e.g. I would rather go to the theatre.
She would rather read than watch TV.
I would rather have seen that film myself.
She would rather have come to the party, but she couldn’t.
2. Dacă subiectele celor două sunt diferite, pentru a ne referi la prezent folosim VERB
LA FORMA A DOUA, iar pentru a ne referi la trecut folosim HAD + VERB LA FORMA A
e.g. I would rather you studied more.(Aş prefera ca tu să înveţi mai mult)

I would rather you didn’t go to that film. (Aş prefera să nut e duci la acel film)
I would rather you had told me the truth. (Aş prefera ca tu să-mi fi spus adevarul)
She would rather you hadn’t been late for that meeting. (Ea ar fi preferat ca tu să nu
fi întârziat la întâlnire)

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