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Topic: Technology

Describe your favourite gadget. You should say:

• What it is
• When you got it
• How often you use it
and say why it is so important to you

I'm going to talk about my smartphone, which is one of the most crucial technologies in my life.

Last month, for my 20th birthday, I spent my own money to buy myself a very valuable gift: an iPhone 13. Every
day, I've used it for study, work, and amusement.

My smartphone is one of my latest educational tools. Only with my phone linked to the Internet can I access and surf
the web to enhance my knowledge. For example, if there are lessons in class that I don't understand, I can utilize it to
look for lectures and videos online, which is quite useful.

Furthermore, I may download a large number of free games, books, music, and movies. As a consequence, after a
long day of classes, this will be a great method to de-stress and re-energize. For example, I routinely listen to my
favorite music while doing housekeeping with my mother. It also allows me to stay in touch with my family and
friends. When I wish to communicate with my students, I can send text messages or conduct video calls where we
can see each other's faces.

In conclusion, my phone has provided me with a variety of significant advantages in my everyday life. It would be
tough for me to contact my close friends and family members if I didn't have it.

Topic: Media

Describe a program on TV or radio you often listen to. You should say:
• What it is
• What is is about
• Why you listen to it
And say what you think could be improved about its output.

I don't watch television much anymore, although I did while I was a student. During that time, I was a big fan of a lot
of TV shows and would watch them on a daily basis. A documentary on the Discovery Channel left a lasting effect
on me.

"The Sacrifice of Genius" was the title of the TV show, which was a 10-part serial. Every episode was fantastic, and
I truly loved them all. This was mostly a documentary series that focused on the life sacrifices made by prominent
and brilliant scientists such as Marie Curie, Thomas Edison, and eight more scientists.

During my third year of highschool, I saw the TV show. Every Thursday at 9.00 p.m. in our time zone, the show
aired. It portrayed the prominent scientists' lives and labor, as well as the sacrifices they made for others in order to
make the world a better place. These tales were told in an enthralling manner, and each episode was meticulously
crafted. I had the sense that I was observing those outstanding scientists and their works live!

I've learnt a lot about these scientists' lives and the sacrifices they've made. Those sacrifices were incredible, and I
couldn't quit thinking about those legendary scientists and their unwavering commitment after seeing this

This curriculum has taught me to look at life in a new light. I realized that working hard to make a difference for
others might be more significant than our own personal accomplishments, such as riches and celebrity. Later, I
looked out additional information about those scientists and other well-known persons to understand more about
their lives and work. I was truly motivated by this presentation and began researching more about the people who
helped to make the globe a place where we no longer have to live in the dark or compete for food with wild

Topic: Entertainment
Describe a leisure place that you would like to have in your hometown.
You should say:
• What it is
• Where you would like it to be
• And explain why you would like to have it

Since you ask me a place of entertainment that I would like to have, I would really like to have a sports center in my
vicinity. As I am now living in the downtown area, it is really hard for us to have an easy access to sports facility
where we could maintain our physical fitness.

Although we have some fitness clubs in the very center of downtown area, they are mostly expensive and subtle to
reach that places especially in this heavy traffic congestion. So, I just thought that it would be really nice to have
some sports and entertainment club in my neighborhood..for example...the best place should be in the corner of our
street because there is a hospital with a wide compound wherein a lot of trees are grown to make the nice
environment. ..So this would be the best place for the sports centre to be situated. while you are playing or practicing
your sports skills, you could also enjoy fresh air, get entertained and relax at the same time by looking at the green,
nature, noise-free atmosphere and open field. I think., by even looking at this green color of that view could reduce
your stress, forget about your hectic and odd things during the day.

This sports centre would really motivate to do some physical exercises and enhance us practice productive skills.
This place should be mainly for families and people around in this area so that people in that community can come
together, spend their time by playing some sport together or doing exercise.That is why I think this place would be
important in my area in terms of entertainment and social gathering.

Topic: Invention

Describe an invention that changed people’s life. You should say:

• What it is
• Who invented it
• When it was invented
• And explain how it changed people’s life

I'd want to discuss the telephone, which I believe is one of the most innovative inventions that has revolutionized our

As far as I know, Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of this wonderful apparatus, which he created in the past
century after much trial and error.

It is not an exaggeration to claim that human existence has altered dramatically since the invention of the telephone.
People could only communicate across large distances a few centuries ago by writing letters, which may take months
to arrive. And, in the case of an emergency or secret information, sending letters was not an effective method of

So, one of the primary reasons I feel the telephone has changed people's life is that it has made communication
between individuals faster, simpler, and more convenient than ever before. When you need to call someone these
days, all you have to do is pick up the phone, dial a few digits, and wait for them to respond. And if they don't
respond, you can generally just leave a voice mail letting them know what you meant to say.

Furthermore, I feel that communication is at the heart of social progress, and that the introduction of the telephone
has made a significant contribution to this area of life.

So, whether the information is essential, sensitive, or even completely unneeded, I believe the telephone has made a
significant difference in people's lives and our communities.

Topic: Advertisement
Describe an advertisement you have seen. You should say:
• What the advertisement is about
• When you saw it
• Why you lilke it

Okay, I'm going to tell you about a remarkable commercial that I recall vividly, despite the fact that it ran many
years ago. Comfort, a brand of fabric softener manufactured by Unilever, is featured in the commercial.

To be honest, I'm not sure when I saw this commercial for the first time. If my memory serves me well, TV
advertising were at their peak a couple of years ago. Because the commercial is so memorable, I still watch it on
YouTube to teach my students what a successful advertising looks like.

The most intriguing aspect of this commercial is the message it conveys. Unilever devoted attention to the substance
and created a tale about Lily, a compassionate housewife, and Andy, a renowned rock musician, whereas other
advertisements at the time tended to be brief and focused on comedy to attract people.

Andy never forgets his family, despite his popularity and wealth, since the scent of Comfort's long-lasting freshness
reminds him of his partner's affection. To make the message more effective, the corporation prepared a series of
adverts rather than just one. I believe this was a pricey but successful tactic, since Comfort quickly became a
household name as a result of the marketing.

Topic: Sport

Describe a sport that you have learned. You should say:

• what sport it is
• when you learned it
• what you learned to do
and explain how you feel about this sport

In my spare time, I enjoy playing badminton because it improves my health, builds my confidence, and is joyful.

My mom enrolled me in local courses when I was eight years old. I enjoy watching badminton competitions and
other shows that include this sport.

First and foremost, I get a full day's worth of energy from playing badminton for around two hours each day. For
example, I can effectively complete my homework and housework, thus my mother often encourages me to play it
on a daily basis. The second point is that badminton allows me to break out from my shell.

This is the sport that I enjoy the most. This sport, however, demands a great deal of flexibility and handling abilities.
This sport may be played by everyone, from all ages, from youngsters to the elderly, for strength training, endurance,
and amusement. I enjoy playing badminton on weekends for pleasure, and it also helps me relax after a long week of
studying. Try this activity; I am confident it will help you relax and be joyful after a tough day at your workplace or

I'm not a big fan of sports in general, but badminton is an exception. That has always been a wonderful game for me
to play. I'd like to keep playing this sport as a hobby and have fun with it.

In today's fast-paced world, it's nearly hard to take a break, much alone engage in any leisure activities. But one thing
that I like doing anytime I have some free time is hanging out with a buddy.

By hanging out with friends, I mean a variety of activities such as dining out, having a drink in a bar, smoking and
chatting about anything, going to a cybercafé, watching a football match, and so on. We don't plan anything and just
go with the flow!

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