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From Green

Washing to CSR
and Cause
MARK1220, Spring 2020
Green Washing

´ Greenwashing is when companies and

institutions change their aims, products and
policies to be environmentally friendly for
various reasons such as to gain more
customers, hence get more sales and
eventually increase stock prices. This
practice is also known as Green Sheen,
Green PR or green marketing.
´ McDonalds Salad
Green Washing

´ Going green is becoming a profitable business strategy seeing the

environmental scenario today. Green business practices not only open a new
market of environment lovers, but also enjoy a favourable public sentiment
among existing customers, and supportive government policies to help the
company grow more
´ There are basically two types of greenwashing:
´ A company which claims credit for an existing production method as if they were
influenced by an eco-friendly directive. For example, a company may eliminate the
use of a part of the packaging to cut costs but portray it as a green initiative.
´ A company might lie about the eco-friendliness of a product by using phrases such as
“Best in class ecology”, “100% natural” showing green fields and flowers, certifications
from who know which institute; this is a more extreme form of greenwashing. In your
text book this appears as a part of MARKETING DECEPTIVE PRACTISES.
From Green Washing to
CSR (Corporate Social
Responsibility) Definition
´ Philip Kotler & Nancy Lee (2005) “a
(Brand/Business’) commitment to improve
Community well-being through discretionary
business practices and contributions of
corporate resources”
´ The CSR is a concept that offers to the
companies the opportunity to treat the
environmental and social problems as a
GENUINE part of them business operations.
The CSR is a sustainable development
modality, which help the companies to
respond in a positive manner to the present
needs without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.
The CSR turn the environmental protection
that was considered a costs and
vulnerabilities source for the companies,
into a new competitiveness growth
This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.
´ Seven years ago, Harvard’s Michael Porter and
FSG’s Mark Kramer made the bold statement
that SHARED VALUE— the idea that the purpose
of a company is to achieve both shareholder
profit and social purpose — would “reinvent
capitalism.” They encouraged companies to go
beyond CSR (corporate social responsibility)
and integrate social impact into companies’
competitive strategy; TO CREATE SHARED
´ In December 2015, Forbes magazine cover
claimed “Social Entrepreneurs will save the
world” featuring Mohammed Yunnus
(Grameen Bank), Bono (RED), Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf (altruistic Capitalism)…
´ In January 2020, the WEF releases de Davos
´ Who can explain to the class what does the
Davos Manifesto stand for?

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-ND.

Societal Marketing Purpose and Strategy
´ The purpose of Social Business is for a company to
meet its needs and the needs of a consumer while
considering the long-term good of society (also
known as Triple P bottom-line Business Strategy;
People, Planet, Profit).
´ In Societal Marketing, a company uses its socially
conscious stance as a way to attract consumers who
may appreciate the company's desire to market its
products with consideration for society. As a result,
the company's concern for society, seemingly over
profit, positions the company in a favorable light and
may help sell more products
´ Sense-of-Mission Marketing means that the
company should define its
mission in Social terms rather than in Product terms.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

Sense-of Mission

´ Cause Marketing today goes well beyond CSR (corporate

social responsibility)
´ Purpose is not just philanthropy; it is a source of Competitive
Advantage. Porter and Kramer emphasized
the external market opportunity of creating social impact and
the internal market gets empowered and motivated (“how
purpose created advantage internally by aligning and
energizing the organization”)
´ Purpose attracts, empowers and inspires employees.
Purpose has an impact on the kind of people we’ve been
able to attract. People are looking for a worthy purpose or
vision they can believe in. The more inspired your This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

employees are, the better the work they are going to do.
Why Companies with a Purpose -that it
isn’t profit/money- are more successful?
´ Star with WHY (Simon Sinek)
´ StartUps come with a Purpose organically
because they are created as a solution to a
problem in the first place. We are more likely to
connect emotionally with Spotify, Apple or
Starbucks than with P&G, Unilever or even

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
implications for Businesses: a Guide for
Brand Activism

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