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Let's start
Yes sir!
Alright class, with the
We're ready.
can you meaning of
present the
Hello, my classmates,
you prepared my name is Chris, A microwave is an
for today? and today's electric oven that
presentation is on heats and cooks food
how microwave by exposing it EM
ovens employ radiation in the
microwave frequency
microwaves to do
specific functions.

A microwave
generator, called
Through a conduit called a
a magnetron, is
placed inside the
wave guide, the magnetron
solid metal box. fires these waves into the
food compartment.
When you turn on
the oven, the
This is how
magnetron turns
microwave ovens
the electricity from
use microwaves the power socket
to do various into high-powered 12
tasks. Let's begin cm (4.7 inch) radio
with Aisha. waves.
Microwaves bounce back and Vibrating molecules generate heat,
The food is placed on a forth off the food compartment's therefore the hotter the meal
reflective metal walls, just like light becomes, the faster the molecules
platter that rotates slowly
bounces off a mirror. Microwaves vibrate. As a result, microwaves
in order for the
do not simply bounce off the food transfer their energy to the molecules
microwaves to evenly cook in the meal, quickly heating it up.
when they reach it.

Microwaves enter
the food in the same
way as radio waves
infiltrate the walls
of your house. They
cause the molecules
inside it to vibrate
faster as they pass
through it.

And that ends our presentation. We hope you

learned something about how microwave ovens use
Thank you. microwaves to perform different jobs, and we
thank you for your time.

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