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Data Analysis with Python and Django

About this course

Object-oriented programming is possible with Python, a computer language which is gaining

popularity and carving a niche for itself in the high performance computing space.
In 2014, Python was found to be the most popular language for teaching computer science
courses to beginners at leading US colleges. Almost eight out of ten Computer Science
departments and 27 of the top 39 were found to be teaching Python at the introductory level.
Owing to the fact that it is one of the easiest programming languages to learn, Python has
been gaining popularity and has the potential to become the programming language of choice
for both individuals and enterprises going forward. Today, a large number of organizations
are migrating and transitioning to Python. Google, for instance, has scores of engineers who
are using Python and the company is constantly looking for people with skills in the language.
Considering its rapid proliferation there is a great need for training that equips students with
Python skills, especially in India. Python training courses will acquaint the country’s students
with this simple language. Such Python training courses will also help India’s young people to
improve their employability quotient and job worthiness in the market.
Recognizing the growth of Python, ARDENT has introduced the Data Analysis using Python
course which has been structured in a way that even a student with no programming
knowledge can easily pick up the language.
Therefore learn Python programming at ARDENT and equip yourselves with skills that make
you a preferred resource for hirers.

Get hands-on experience

The program is well tuned to the needs of students who are acquainted with basics of
programming and are keen to learn another open source language. Students opting for this
course will:

 Learn to build the logic and write programs in Python using variables, operators, etc.
 Be able to develop a program block using functions, to store data to file, dictionaries etc.
 Know how to do data analysis using Python.
 Be able to identify basic building blocks of a programming language.
 Become proficient at handling files.
 Know how to store and manipulate data using dictionary and tuples.


Basic knowledge of Programming.

Get certified

Upon completion of the course, attendees are encouraged to continue their study and
register for the ARDENT, Microsoft and HPE Global Certification. Certification is a great
differentiator; it helps establish you as a leader in the field, providing employers and
customers with tangible evidence of your skills and expertise.

Course Contents
Module 1:- OVERVIEW

• History of Python
• Python Features
• Environment Setup
• Getting Python installing Python
• Setting up PATH
• Setting path at Windows
• Python Environment Variables
• Running Python


• Python Program
• Python Identifiers
• Python Keywords
• Lines and Indentation
• Multi-Line Statements
• Quotation in Python
• Python Comments in Python
• Multiple Statements on a Single Line
• Command Line Arguments
• Accessing Command-Line Arguments
• Parsing Command-Line Arguments


• Assigning Values to Variables

• Multiple Assignment
• Standard Data Types
• Python Numbers
• Python Strings
• Python Lists
• Data Type Conversion


• Types of Operators
• Python Arithmetic Operators
• Python Comparison Operators
• Python Assignment Operators
• Python Logical Operators
• Python Identity Operators
• Python Operators Precedence
• If…else Statement
• The elif Statement
• Single Statement Suites
• LOOPS While Loop
• Using else Statement with Loops
• Single Statement Suites
• For Loop
• Break Statement
• Continue Statement
Module 5:- FUNCTIONS

• Defining a Function
• Calling a Function
• Passing by Reference Vs Passing by Value
• Global vs. Local variables
• Locating Modules
• Packages in Python


• What is Exception
• Handling an Exception
• The except Clause with No Exceptions
• The except Clause with Multiple Exceptions
• The try-finally Clause
• Argument of an Exception
• Raising an Exception
• User-Defined Exceptions
Module 7: Introduction to Django

 What is Django?
 Django and Python
 Django’s take on MVC: Model, View and Template
 DRY programming: Don’t Repeat Yourself
 How to get and install Django
Module 8: Getting started with Django

 About the 3 Core Files:

 Setting up database connections
 Managing Users & the Django admin tool
 Installing and using ‘out of the box’ Django features
Module 9: Django URL Patterns and Views

 Designing a good URL scheme

 Generic Views

Module 10: Django Forms

 Form classes
 Validation
 Authentication
 Advanced Forms processing techniques
Module 11: Django & REST APIs

 Django REST framework

 Django-piston
Module 12: Unit Testing with Django

 Overview / Refresher on Unit Testing and why it’s good

 Using Python’s unittest2 library
 Test
 Test Databases
 Doctests
 Debugging Best Practices
Project Implementation

For feedback and suggestion reach out at or contact

(033 4007 3507) from 4pm. – 6pm.

We are happy to help you always

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