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in water and sanitation projects/programs, such as WSLIC2, IndII and IUWASH, that let m
e  in touch with the low income 
communities and also PDAMs (Water utility companies),

I have 20 years of professional experience in consultancy services in designing and implementing

projects and also construction services related to water supply and sanitation. I conducted my
consultant services in association with agencies including AusAID (in WSLIC-2, IndII-Financial Reforms
20 PDAMs), USAID (in ESP and IUWASH), The World Bank (in WSLIC-2), Ministry of Public Works and
PDAMs. Meanwhile in construction services, I worked with BUMN real estate and PDAMs. In addition
to the experiences, I also have work experience in EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction)
gas industry as site manager. My areas of expertise include feasibility studies, Detailed Engineering
Design, project management

Dedi Budianto has 20 years of experience in consultancy and construction services, including over 10
years experience as Team Leader/Water Supply Specialist on various projects. He conducted his
consultant services in association with agencies including the Asian Development Bank, World Bank,
Ministry of Public Works and Water Supply Enterprises (PDAMs). In the field of construction services,
Dedi worked with a number of private real estate and/or industrial estate firms and water
institutions. His areas of expertise include: master plan studies, feasibility studies, Detailed
Engineering Design, supervision, preparation of SOPsfor operations and maintenance, advisory
services, project and personnel management, environmental assessment, risk management, and
small-to-medium scale PPP formation.Dedi graduated from the Sanitary Engineering Department of
the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1990.

Ikabul Arianto has over 20 years of professional experience in designing, implementing, and managing
development projects related to water supply, sanitation, housing, and social and environmental
safeguards. Before joining IndII, he worked as an individual consultant with donors and NGOs such as
UNEP-Geneva, UNICEF, the Asian Development Bank, and World Bank (where he was involved in the
Water and Sanitation Program). In addition to this experience, he has also been a part time lecturer.
His current interest is in planning and decision making processes in urban infrastructure and the
environment. He obtained his first masters degree in Urban Planning from the School of City and
Regional Planning at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and his second masters degree in
Environmental Management from the Institute of Environmental Studies at the University of New
South Wales (UNSW), as an Australian Development Scholarship fellow. His Bachelor’s degree is in
Environmental Engineering from ITB.

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