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Types of OS:

1)Single user and Single task

single user: It allows you to login only one user at a time.To login to another
account then you need to logout from your previous account.

Single task: The logged in user can perfrom only one task at a time

Ex:MS-DOS(Microsoft Disk Operating System)

2)Single user and Multi task

Multitask: The logged in user can run diff programs/commands at a time.


3)Multi user and Multi task `

Multiuser:It allows you to switch to multiple user accounts at a time.



Flavours of UNIX

1)Solaris: Is developed by "Sun Micro System" for its "SPARC" processor.

2)AIX:Is developed by "IBM" for its "Mainframe Computers"

3)HP-UNIX:Is developed by "HP" for its "A-9000 SERIES" hardware

4)LINUX:Is an Opensource type OS.

UNIX Directory Structure


/ =Is the main parent dir below this al the files,dirs,hardwares,users everything

/sbin(Super user Binary Dir):It holds the "root user" executable commands
admin=root user Local user= Non-root user

/etc:It holds all the configuration files of your server

Ex:Network config file: /etc/network.conf

User config files:/etc/user.conf

/var(Variable):It holds all the log files of your server.

Ex: /var/log/network.log

/home:The default Login path for "Non-root" users in Linux

Ex:If i Login with the user name:vasanth(Non-root user) then my Login path would be

If i Login with the user name:nirmal(Non-root user) then my Login path would be

/root:The default Login path for "root user" /root/Desktop

/tmp:It contains junk files.

Shell/Command prompt

*It takes the inputs from the keyboard and it sent it to the kernel program and the
shell receives the inputs it will tranfer that in to the HLL and displays the
output on the console as LLL.

Types of Shells:

1)Bourne Shell(sh)


Sub Categ of Bourne shell:

*Bourne Again shell(bash)

*Korn shell(ksh)

Sub Categ of C-shell:

*Tenex shell(tcsh)

Note:"Bash" is the default Login shell for Both "root" and "Non-root" users in

Note:"Bourne" is the default Login shell for Both "root" and "Non-root" users in


Syntax to run the Commands


#<command> <-option> <argument>

argument:File/dir name

Note:After Login and opening the terminal if you see "#" prompt which indiccates
you have logged in as a "root" user

Note:After Login and opening the terminal if you see "$" prompt which indicates you
have logged in as a "Non-root" user

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