The Following Text Is For Questions Number 6

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1. Doni : Good morning, ...

Diva : Hi Doni. Tam Diva. All of my friends usually call me Iva.

a. How are you
b. See you next week
c. Nice too meet you
d. Thank you
e. Let me introduce myself. My name is Don.
2. Hari : “Let me introduce you to my friend, Salsa”
Kaka : “How do you do, Salsa? My name is Kaka”
Salsa : “How do you do. It's nice to meet you”
Kaka pa : ……….
a. It should be nice c. See you next time e. See you
b. It would be nice d. Nice to meet you too
3. From the text above we know that Randy...
a. Congratulate the sister
b. Invites his sister to the contest
c. Receive congratulation from the his relatives
d. Refause the card from the sister
e. Refuse the card from Amy
4. “We are proud of you” The word underlined has the synonym
a. Appreciate b. Indifferent c. Ignorant d. Wonder of e. Font of
5. Siska : “Mom what do you think of my new dress?”
Mother : “That’s wonderful dress. I like it.”
The underlined words express….
a. Sympathy
b. Blaming
c. Invitation
d. Compliment
e. Apologize
The following text is for questions number 6 .
Dear Kayla,

Ciongratulations on winning Independence day singing contest. I wish you’ll be abel

to archieve your ambition as a popular singer in the future. This greeting card is just
for you

6. From the text we know that…..
a. Both kayla and Aditya want to be a singer
b. Both kayla and Aditya want to be an author.
c. Aditya will join a singing contest.
d. Aditya is keen on singing
e. Kayla wants to be a singer in the future.
The following dialog is for questions 7.
Febri : Arya, have you had a group for the physics project ?
Arya : No, I haven't, and you”
Febri : Me neither. How about we work on the project together?
Arya : That's great! When will we do the project? '
Febri : What about tomorrow afternoon at my home?
Arya : O.K. I have all the materials needed.
Febri : Oh. that's good. We had better do it at your home.
You don't need to bring the materials to my house.
Arya : That's what I'm thinking.
Febri : I will come to your house at 4p.m
Arya : Ok.
7. From the dialog above we know that
Febri and Arya are going to....
A. Visit Febri's house. C. Attend a study club. E. Complete a physics project.
B. Study at Febri's house. D. Prepare the materials.
8. The relationship between the speakers is....
A. Siblings. B. Neighbors C. Classmates ” D. Cousin E. Playmates
The following dialogue is for guestions number 9 to 10.
Rendi : “What are your plans for the weekend, Sugeng?”
Sugeng : Well you know, our office is having a holiday picnic at Jakarta. I've decided to
go there.
Rendi : “That's a wonderful idea.”
Sugeng : “Why don't you come with me? You know almost everyone in my office are
your friends too/our friend.”
Rendi : “Thanks, Prasetyo, but I'm going to Surabaya for the weekend.”
Sugeng : “That’s a long trip just for the weekend from here."
Rendi :“Yes, I know. But I'm getting married and I don't want to miss my wedding.”
9. From the dialog above we know that Rendi has planning for ... .
A. Going to Get married C. Going to office. E. Going to Surabaya and Jakarta
B. Going to Jakarta. D. Journey to Surabaya
10. From the dialog above we know that Sugeng has planning for ... .
A. Going to Get married C. Going to office. E. Going to Surabaya and Jakarta
B. Going to Jakarta. D. Journey to Surabaya
11. "Well, you know. our office is having a holiday picnic at Jakarta.” The synonym of the word underlined is …..
A. Remaining B. Staying C. Delaying D. Holiday D. Resting
The following text is for questions number 12 and 13
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) or “Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park” (literally translated) is a culture-
based recreational area located in east Jakarta. Indonesia. It has an area of about 250 acres. The park is a synopsis
of Indonesian culture, with virtually all aspects of daily life in Indonesia's provinces encapsulated in separate
pavilions with the collections of architecture, clothing. dances and traditions are all depicted impeccably Apart
from that. there is a lake with a miniature of the archipelago in the middle of it cable cars. museum, a theater
called the Theatre of My Homeland ( Theater Tanah Airku) and other recreational facilities with make TMII one
of the most popular tourist destinations in the city.
12. The text above tells about....
A. The benefit of TMII C. The destination of TMII E. The history of TMII
B. Tourist destination in Jakarta. D. The location of TMII
13. How are the aspects of daily life of Indonesia's provinces exposed ? !
A. They are shown by cable cars D. They are positioned in the middle of the park.
B. They are placed at separate pavilions. E. They are put at a theatre.
C. They are represented in the forms of dances.

The following text is for questions 14 - 15

The ethnic groups in the mountain regions of southwest and central Sulawesi (Celebes) are known by the
name of Toraja, which has come to mean “those who live upstream” or“ those who live in the mountain”. Their
name is in fact derived from the word Raja, which in Sanskrit mean “King”. The society is hierarchically
structured: the noblemen are called rengnge. the ordinary people to makaka, and the slaves to kaunan: birth
determines which rank a person will
The distinctive features of the traditional house (tongkonan) or the Toraja are the “buffalo horns”. the roof
design and the rich decoration on the walls. The buffalo is a symbol of status. courage. strength and fighting spirit.
Designed as a representation of the universe, the tongkonan is constructed in three part: the upper world (the root.
the world of humans (the middle of the building), and the underworld (the space under the floor). The highly
roof is something of deep significance for the Toraja, and even today they build “modern” (in other words houses
built with cemen) houses with such roofs.
14. What is the text about....
A. The cultur of Toraja. D. The description of a traditional house of Toraja.
B. The society of Toraja. E. The ethnic groups of southwest and central Sulawesi.
C. The distinctive features of traditional houses.
15. Which of the following does not symbolize a buffalo?
A. Status B. Courage C. Strength D. Cowardice E. Fighting Spirit

The following text is for questions 16

My school is going to celebrate its anniversary next month. The committee is going to prepare the
celebration. We would like to hold several events such as a bazaar, community service and several competitions.
We also would like to have a cutting cone ceremony and school band performance on the day of the anniversary. I
believe all of us will enjoy it.
16. The text is about plans to....
A. A Have a cutting cone ceremony D. Attend several competitions
B. Perform school bands E. Celebrate the school anniversary
C. Hold a community service
The text is for questions 17-19
17. The announcement offered the reader …….
A. An apartment.
27 Dr. supomo Street (next to
B. A hotel
Imperemium Theathre)
C. A restaurant
Attractive menu. Reasonable D. An inn
prices. Friendly atmosphere E. A theater
Resevations 0231 77894

18. Whom is the announcement addressed to?

A. All the students of SMA Tunas Perkasa D. The chairperson of the Taekwondo Club
B. All X grade students of Tunas Perkasa E All the students' parents of SMA Tunas Perkasa
C. The members of Taekwondo Club
19. How can we get recruitment form?
A. By participating in the club D By coming to the Club's office
B. By visiting the club's booth in the school festival E. By gathering the club's office
C. By contacting the chairperson of the Taekwondo club

To: Students ot SMA Pelita Utama
The photography club of SMA Pelita Utama will hold a photography competition. The competition. is open for all
students of SMA Pelita Utama to participate In the competition, You only need to submit the picture you take to
the committee in the Photography Club's room The theme for the competition is “Back to Nature” the picture
submission starts on Monday. 1 October - Friday. 5 October. For further information, Please contact Handy in
The Chairman of the Competition Committee
20. Who mav join the competition”
A. Only photography club members. D. Students from other schools.
B. Students of Pelita Utama. E. Students' parents of Pelita Utama
C. The committee of photography competition.
21. The announcement tells us about...
A. Requirements for photography contest participants
B. Photography competition committee
C. Photography competition for students of SMA Pelita Utama
D. The prizes for photography competition
E. Student of photography gathering

The head of this regency, Mr. Harjono, is going to visit our school tomorrow, Tuesday. All student should wear
new batik uniforms and gather in the school hall at 9.30 to do the welcoming ceremony. The learning process
before and after ceremony is done as usual.
Indrawan (Headmaster)

22. Whati s the announcement about ?

A. The batik uniforms D. The visit of the head of the regency
B. To do the welcoming ceremony E. The teaching learning process
C. The program of the school
23. Below are the things the students should not do.....
A. Study in the class before and after the ceremony D. Wear batik uniform
B. Gather in the school hall at 9.30 am y E. Going to visit their school
C. Do a welcoming speech
24. What time all students should gather ? :
A. After learning process D. 9.30p.m. |
B. Before learning process E. Ouarter past nine
C. 9.3 10.
25. Ihsan : Hi Jojo ! Nice too meet you.
Jojo : Hi! Nice to meet you too.I'm sorry in a hurry, I have a meeting with my friend.
Ihsan : Okay, no problem. Next time we will talk again.
Jojo : See you!
Ihsan : ....
A. Goodbye C. Nice to meet you E. How do you do
B. Bye D. See you
26. Isyan : Hey, what a beautiful dress you are wearing. It matches with your shoes.
Raisa : Thanks a lot. My mom bought it for me last month.
Isyan : Wow ! That's wonderful.
A.. Sympathy D. Congratulating
B. Intention E. Complimenting
C. Plan
27. Bagja : …....! you look good on that dress.
.Enna : Really ? thanks.
A. How lovely D. Congratulation
B. That's your dress E. You look great
C. Well done
28. Rizki : This picture is excellent. You really did a great job.
Febian :' ……, You've inspired me to do this.
A. It was great, Febian D. It looks so different
B. Congratulation, Febian E. Thanks a lot, Rizki
C. Amazing, Febian
29. I’m going to visit my uncle. The underlined sentences show the expression of ....
A. Showing care C. Compliment E. Guessing
B. Intention D. Congratulating others
30. Lisa : Hello, my name is Lisa.
Tiara : Hi ! I`m Tiara
Lisa : ………
A. Thank you D. Oh, how are you doing?
B. Very well, thank you E. I`m fine, tank you
C. Glad to meet you
31. These are not the expression to ask for intention. :
A. What is your planning? |
B. What would you like to do on next holiday?
C. Do you have any plans?
D. Would you like to join me to?
E. What do you want to do?

Complete the following dialogues with the suitable expressions!
32. Bagas : We will have a long holiday what is your planning?
Deri : (a) ………………..
Bagas : Wow, That's interesting!
Deri : Would you like to join?
Bagas : “No. Thanks (b) ……………
33. Arrange the jumble sentences into good paragraph!!
N.A. The huge white tower looks like a ball cut in half.
B. And the mosque is the pride of Islam.
C. Jakarta has a historical building with beautiful architecture, namely the Istiqlal mosque.
D. It is also equipped with a tower describes the number of verses on the holy Quran.
E. had been the largest in Sousthest Asia
34. Make an annoucement about an event that will be held at your school!
35. Give as compliment about a good-looking girl / boy !

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