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Advertising Telling people publicly about Рекламирование

a product or service in order
to persuade them to buy it

Advertiser Аperson or an organization Рекламодатель

that puts out an

Advertising Media (medium) Ways of communicating or Средства (каналы) рекламы

trading: cinema, exhibitions,
internet, outdoor
advertising, point of sale,
press, radio, television

Methods of advertising Kinds of advertising: Методы (способы) рекламы

advertorials, banner ads,
billboards/ hoardings,
commercials, free samples,
leaflets/ flyers, pop-ups,
posters, product placement,
sponsorship, viral

Advertisement /advert/ ad A picture, piece of film or Реклама

piece of writing that is used
to tell people publicly about a

Eye-catching/ controversial/ Притягивающая взгляд/

teasing ad спорная/ дразнящая реклама

Commercial An advert on TV, radio or at Рекламный ролик на радио

the cinema или тв

Pop-up advert A window containing an Реклама внезапно

advert that suddenly appears появляющаяся на экране
on the computer screen компьютера

Ad blocker Software that blocks Блокировщик рекламы

unwanted advertising
Native advertising Type of disguised Естественная (нативная)
advertising, usually online, реклама
that matches the form and
function of the platform upon
which it appears.
Contextual ad The adverts appearing on Контекстная реклама
websites or other media are
selected and served by
automated systems based on
the identity of the user and
the content displayed
In-feed ad Advertisements are better In-feed реклама
integrated into the content of the
app which makes them less
annoying for the user and at the
same time can have better click
Pay per click Cost model implemented by Плата за клик
(PPC) search engines or other
websites to charge
advertisers for each time a
user clicks a specific link.

Mailshot Sending ads through the mail Рассылка рекламы по почте

to a large number of people большому количеству людей

Direct marketing/ mail Ads that are sent to people Адресная рассылка рекламы
who might be interested in потенциальным покупателям
the product

Junk mail A disapproving expression Спам

for letters/ads that are sent
by organizations to a large
number of people

Billboard/ hoarding A large sign used for Рекламный щит


Leaflet A small piece of printed Листовка, буклет

paper that gives information
or advertises

Point of sale advert An ad done at the place Реклама в местах продажи

where a product is sold товара

Word-of-mouth advert Receiving positive Устная реклама

information about a new Сарафанное радио
product from people
Advertorial An advert that uses a style of Реклама, написанная в форме
a newspaper or magazine статьи

Subvertising The practice of making parodies of Антиреклама, подрывающая

corporate and political влияние общеизвестной
Brief Official instructions that Изложение дела, инструкция
explain what sb’s job is

Creative brief A document which gives Договор, определяющий

details about how a product способ рекламирования
is to be advertised товара

Design brief A set of instructions about Договор, определяющий

what a new product should внешний вид товара и его
look like or what features it свойства
should have

To identify the brief Определить договор

Account An arrangement between a Договор о финансовых

buyer & a seller for payment обязательствах сторон;
to be made some time after;

An organization that is a Постоянный клиент

regular client of an рекламного агентства
advertising agency

Target audience The kind of people that Целевая аудитория

broadcasters try to reach
with a particular advert

Proliferation (of channels) Sudden increase in amount, Резкий рост количества

very fast growth (каналов)

Saturation (of the markets) More than needed goods on Полное насыщение (рынков)
the market

Reference An example of mentioning; Ссылка, сноска

a piece of information

Shared references Общеизвестные ссылки


Heyday The time of greatest power, Зенит, взлет славы

success, influence, etc.
Seductive Very desirable, hard to refuse Соблазнительный,

Seductive combinations Соблазнительные


Backlash A strong feeling of opposition Негативная реакция

among many people towards
a belief or practice

Subliminal At a level of the mind which Действующий на подсознание

the senses are not conscious

Revenue Money that a business Доход компании за

receives over a period of определенный период
time, especially from selling времени
goods or services
Loss of revenue Утрата/ потеря дохода

Expenditure The total amount of money Расходы, траты

that sb spends during a
particular period of time

Marketing strategy The process of skillful Планирование будущей

planning to make the future позиции компании на рынке
position of a company

To endorse To praise, promote a product Продвигать, давать

publicly положительный отзыв о
Endorsement When a well-known person Реклама, в которой
endorses a product in an знаменитый человек
advert продвигает товар
Viral ad/ campaign Using the Internet to spread Распространение рекламы в
messages интернете

Stunt A dangerous act of skill; Трюк

Publicity stunt An action which gains Публичный трюк с целью

attention, especially in привлечь внимание

To tune out To ignore or stop listening Игнорировать,

Выключать звук
To broadcast To send out radio or Транслировать
television programmes

Broadcaster Компания, транслирующая


To trail To advertise in advance by Рекламировать в кино или на

means of a trailer тв с помощью трейлеров

Trailer An ad for a new film or TV Реклама нового фильма или

show, usually consisting of шоу на тв или в кино
small pieces taken from it

To back up To support, especially Поддерживать, поощрять

in an argument

Intangible Not material, but Нематериальный

Vs known to be real

Tangible That can be felt by Материальный

touch, not imaginary

Intangible buzz of Неосязаемая устная

word-of-mouth реклама

Execution Performance or Исполнение,

completion of an order завершение
or work

Execution phase Фаза завершения

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