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Matric no.: Group:

Due Date: 18.4.2021

Unity and Coherence

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

1 1Project-based learning (PBL) involves completing complex tasks that typically

result in a realistic product, event or presentation to an audience. 2Jameson &
Paterson (2002) explain that effective project-based learning is vital in the
education system. 3He also mentioned that it leads students to encounter central
concepts or principles involving inquiry and knowledge building of the real world.
Research on PBL has also found that students who engage in this approach
benefit more than students who engage in traditional forms of instruction (Figgs,
2000). 5The goals of PBL are broader than simply the development of content
knowledge. 6This approach aims to take learning one step further by enabling
students to transfer their knowledge to new kinds of situations and problems.
Students who study in a traditional context have poor reading and mathematical
skills. 8Studies have shown that the implementation of PBL in the classroom can
benefit students in numerous ways.

2 9In one study conducted by Shepherd (1998), he studied the results of a group
of fourth and fifth graders who completed a nine-week project to define and find
solutions related to housing shortages in several countries. In comparison to
the control group, the students engaged in PBL demonstrated a significant
increase in scores on his or her critical-thinking test.11Another study by Boaler
(1997) followed students over three years in two British schools, one school
used the traditional curriculum and the other school used a project-based
curriculum. The traditional school featured teacher-directed whole class
instruction using texts, workbooks and tests, while the other school used open-
ended projects in the classrooms. Schools that do not apply new teaching and


learning practices in the curriculum have reported to have high dropout rate.
The study found that those who had participated in the project-based
curriculum did better on conceptual problems presented in the National Exam.

3 Other short-term, comparative studies of traditional vs. project-based
approaches have also demonstrated several benefits from projects, such as an
increase in the ability to define problems, improved ability to support reasoning
with clear arguments and enhanced ability to plan a project (Moore & Sherwood,
1996). Schools these days must be equipped with technological facilities to
enhance student and teacher interaction.17Moreover, additional studies have
documented positive changes for students in motivation, critical thinking skills
and problem-solving abilities. Interestingly, students who struggle in traditional
instructional settings have often been found to excel when you have the
opportunity to work in a PBL context.

Adapted from Barron, B. & Hammond, L. D. (2008). Teaching for meaningful learning: A
review of research on cooperative learning. San Francisco, CA: John wiley & sons inc.

1. Identify sentences that are off topic. Write the sentence number in the space

a. Sentence number: __________

b. Sentence number: __________

c. Sentence number: __________

2. Identify sentences that contain inconsistent pronouns. Write the sentence number
and rewrite the sentence using a consistent pronoun.

a. (i). Sentence number: __________

(ii). Correct sentence



b. (i). Sentence number: __________

(ii). Correct sentence


c. (i). Sentence number: __________

(ii). Correct sentence


3. Improve the coherence of the paragraphs below. Fill in the blanks with the most
appropriate transition signals.

I. A child leaving home

A child may leave home for a number of reasons, but three seem to be more

common than any others. (a)__________, a child may leave home because of

lack of parental affection, which can leave the child with emotional scars. When

parents are cold and uncaring, a child senses this and feels that he or she does

not belong in the home. The child will (b)__________ leave, seeking a home

where he or she at least feels wanted and a part of a family. (C)__________,

when a child feels that he or she is not given just recognition as a person and as

an individual, he or she may feel frustrated enough to leave home, especially if the

parents do not stop what they are doing long enough to really listen to him/her or

at least to respect some of the child’s opinions. (d)__________, severe

punishment by a child’s parents, which does not suit the child’s misconduct, may


cause him or her to leave home. (e)__________, severe punishment is child

abuse, and a child will normally feel that he or she is not safe in such a home.

(f)__________ for his or her own protection and for affection he or she may leave


II. Animals and colours

Animals use various means to protect themselves. Colour is one that is widely

used as a protective device. For instance, some birds display brightly coloured

feathers (a)__________ they are threatened. These are designed to frighten away

the enemy. (b)__________ to colour, some animals emit a peculiar smell for the

same purpose. (c)__________, form may be used to conceal the animal. Some

insects, (d)__________, conceal themselves by making themselves resemble

leaves or flowers. In this way, they are hardly visible because they can merge into

their surroundings. Other animals adopt regular patterns of behaviour when they

are frightened. Some pretend to be dead (e)__________ others just come forward

and stand still. (f)__________, buffaloes were almost eliminated in the 19 th

century (g)__________ their lack of resistance to hunters.

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