Forgiveness Letter

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Date : November 17, 2021

Miss Harianty

Dear Ms.Harianty
I, Romianus, am writing to you to say sorry and apologize for my misbehavior in class on other
day. Miss, I have utmost respect for you and the campus and what happen that day just my
incompetence, but not intentionally and not by choice. I hope that after reading this letter, you
will able to forgive me as I promise never to repeat the mistake again.

The day before class, we all discuss about the homework dialog about at the restaurant that we
will make it for one class but suddenly they say everyone must make their own dialog and I
didn't do the dialog task. I was disrespectful to you and ignore your words. Because didn't do the
homework and didn't prepare anything for your class, you was very upset to us and I feel very
sorry about that.

Though I displayed a bit of flippant at the time, I can now understand what you meant when you
talked about it being disrespectful and a waste of your time. I should have know better than to
no pay attention, I've always enjoy your teaching style and the class's topic, so that kind doubly
embarrassing for me.

By the same take, you there for teach. I'm sure seeing us show some disrespectful to you and
ignore your word had to annoy you a little, since I was try to be a good student, I was an
impulsive, dumb move to me.

I forget exactly what expresion we show to you, probably "annoying" or "whatever" something
disrespectful like that. But it's no the attitude we wish to convey to you. We was irritated about
being embarrassed we was caught.

I realize my mistake miss but I have no intention of going against you. Please give me another
chance and I will prove to be a sincere student.

Thanks again for baing OK and for giving our time to finish our homework give us chance. I just
want to let you know I was personally sorry for my stupid behavior. It won't be issue again.

I also apologize on behalf of entire Administrasi Bisnis 1C and request you to forgive us all just
once. We all are sorry from the bottom of our hearts.

Wait for you forgiveness,

Your sincerely,
Romianus and all student of Administrasi Bisnis 1C


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