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1. Choose elements or factors which you think may have affected your development of self.
2. Reflect and explain how they formed you as you.
3. Connect these factors together and form a Character Map of who you are.
4. You may choose to use a graphic organizer or other visual representations of who you are.


• Make your own title

• Use an infographic or other visual representation of your conception of self and how it is
• Explain the ideas related in this assessment. Justify your presentation and be mindful of clarity
of ideas.
• Format: infographic, Powerpoint Presentation/ or any digital platform
• Filipino or English
• You may use pdf, doc, docx, or pptx for your output
• Additional reference, aside from the assigned reading, can be used to accomplish this activity
(APA format, in-text citation and reference)
• Filename: Section Surname Course FA1

*Read the criteria for grading to understand how your paper will be graded
Character Map of SELF

Character Map
Criterion\Level Below Reflective Aware Reflective Score
Expectations Novice Practitioner Practitioner
1 2 3 4
Clarity Language is There are The language Abstract
15% unclear and frequent is clear and concepts are
confusing lapses in expressive. explained
throughout. clarity and The reader accurately.
Concepts are accuracy. can create a Explanation of
either not Minor, mental picture concepts
discussed or infrequent of the makes sense
are presented lapses in situation to an
inaccurately. clarity and being uninformed
accuracy. described reader
Relevance Most of the Student The learning The learning
20% reflection is makes experience experience
irrelevant to attempts to being being
student and/or demonstrate reflected upon reflected upon
course relevance, but is relevant is relevant and
learning goals. the relevance and meaningful to
is unclear to meaningful to student and
the reader. student and course
course learning goals.
Analysis and Reflection Student The reflection The reflection
Interconnections does not move makes demonstrates moves beyond
35% beyond attempts at student simple
description of applying the attempts to description of
the learning learning analyze the the
experience(s). experience to experience experience to
No attempt to understanding but analysis an analysis of
demonstrate of self, others, lacks depth. how the
connections to and/or course The reflection experience
previous concepts but demonstrates contributed to
learning or fails to connections student
experience. demonstrate between the understanding
depth of experience of self, others,
analysis. and material and/or course
There is little from other concepts.
to no attempt courses; past The reflection
to experience; demonstrates
demonstrate and/or connections
connections personal between the
between the goals, experience
learning and material
experience from other
and previous courses; past
other experience;
personal and/or
and/or personal goals
Clarity of Map shows Most key More than 2 Key concepts
Organization clarity of the concepts are key concepts are not
20% organization of clearly are not clearly organized
the key organized organized. clearly
concepts. Flow and Flow and Flow and
Flow and relationship of relationship of relationship is
relationships some key key concepts not seen
of key concepts are are unclear.
concepts are unclear.
Creativity No design or Some efforts Risks were Design and
10% innovation taken at
at creativity is innovation at
was shown for seen through innovations representing
the the design. for the the character
presentation. presentation map show a
Minimal efforts of the high level of
at creativity character creativity and
map. effort.
was seen.
Creativity is
apparent in
the design.
Total Score
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