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Insert the verb, add the ending ING

1.2. Put the number of the sentence next to
each picture.
watch/ clean/ study/ read/ listen

1. She is cleaning the house.

2. They are _____________ to music.

3. The boys are _____________ for school.

4. My sister is _____________a book.

5. He is _____________TV.

+ -



2. Insert am/ is/ are and choose the right verb.

1. I _____ listening/ reading a book.
2. They ____ watching/cleaning TV.
3. He _____ studying/ cleaning his desk.
3. Look and connect each sentence with a picture.
1. He’s feeding the fish.
2. She’s drinking lemonade.
3. He’s fishing.
4. They’re eating.
5. They’re planting a tree.
6. It’s flying.
7. She’s watering the flowers.

4. Complete the questions, then answer. See an

1. Is Mary watering the flowers?
Yes, she is.

2. _______ they ______________ water? (drink)


3. _______ the bird ______________? (fly)


4. _______ Ken ______________ ? (fish)


5._______ they ______________a tree? (plant)

5. Answer the questions. See an example.

1. Are they watering a tree?

No, they aren’t watering a tree.
They are planting a tree.
+ Yes, I am.
Yes, she/ he/it is.
Yes, we/you/they are.
- No, I am not.
2. Is Tom eating? No, she/he/it isn’t.
No, we/ you/ they aren’t.

3. Is Emma feeding the fish?



4. Are children fishing?


5. Have a look at pictures and write sentences. An example has been


sleeping/ having breakfast

Pat isn’t sleeping.
She is having a breakfast.

watching TV/studying
making a cake/ having lunch
Jane and Rita __________________

getting dressed/ feeding the fish

Tim __________________________
6. Read and answer the questions.
These are my brothers and sisters.
Fred is getting dressed and Jack is sleeping.
Kate and Lisa are having breakfast.
Kate is eating a banana and Lisa is drinking milk.
1. Is Jack sleeping?
2. Are Kate and Lisa having breakfast?
3. Is Fred eating?
4. Is Kate eating a sandwich?
5. Is Lisa drinking milk?
6. Are Jack and Fred watching TV?

What’s the time?

It’s three o’ clock. It’s half past one. It’s quarter past It’s quarter to four.

7. What’s the time?


8. Ask and answer.

What’s the time? It’s…

9. Read and draw the time.

1) It’s half past twelve.

2)It’s a quarter to four. 3) It’s a quarter to eight. 4) It’s eleven o’clock.

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