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Senior High School

Dasmariñas Campus
2nd Semester, Academic Year 2019-2020

Course Title: Physical Education & Health

Course Code: COR-PED 02
Instructor: Rodolfo D. Calindong
Date: February 5, 2020


Physical activity
 Is any bodily activity that enhance or maintains physical fitness, halth and wellness.
 Is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that rewuires energy expenditure.

Three types of physical activity

1. Aerobic physical activity
2. Muscle strengthening activity
3. Bone strengthening activity

Aerobic physical activity

 Activities that moves your large muscle, susch as those in your arms and legs.
 Make your heart beat faster than usual
 Strengthens your heart and lungs
Examples: walking, running, bicycling dancing, sports such as basketball and soccer

Muscle strengthening activity

 Activities that improves strength, power, endurance of the muscle
Examples: push-ups, pull- ups, sit-ups, lifting weights, climbing the stairs, digging the garden

Bone strengthening activity

 Activity that helps your bones grow and keeps them strong. When your feet or arms support your body’s weight,
and your muscle push against your bones, these are bone strengthening activities.
Examples: jumping, skipping, hopping

Guide questions:
1. Descibe aerobic physical activity physical
2. Give atleast two benefits of aerobic physical activity
3. What are muscle and bone strengthening physical activity?

Form No. BPM5-SHS 17 004-01 Page 1 of 3

Senior High School
Dasmariñas Campus
2nd Semester, Academic Year 2019-2020


The body needs energy to function, even during sleep and rest. During exercise, energy must be produced at faster rate
as compared to its resting rate. With different forms of activity, muscle are used, and the heart compensates by beating
faster to deliver oxygen to the whole body. For all this functions, energy is needed energy comes from what we eat in the
forms of:
1. Carbohydraes- our muscle live and store carbohydrates in what is known as glycogen. Glycogen is used as fuel by
the body when it broken down as glucose.
2. Fat- is stored under our skin or adipose tissue. It serves as insulation for the body to prevent heat loss. Fat, or
triglyceride, serves as fuel too when it is broken down into two types of molecules-glycerol and fatty acids. Energy is
released when these are broken down.
3. Protein- one of our fundamental building blocks is protein. This is used for the repair and growrh of body tissue. It is
not normally stored in the body the way carbohydrates and fat are. Only when in excess will protein be stored and
converted as fat. Energy can also be produced when protein is broken down, but this is only happens in prolonged
endurance events such as marathons.


When carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are broken down, they produced substance called adenosine triphosphate
(ATP). ATP is energy fuel of the body for all its functions, such as the manufacture and repair of tissue, production of
hormones, digestion, and transmission of nerve implulse. Among others. ATP is made up of adenosine and three phosphate
groups. As the three phospahtes are in a special high-energy bond, the breaking of one of the phosphate bonds results in
energy. When this occurs in a muscle cell, mevhanical work is generated and the muscle contracts. Heat is a by -product of
this process, and this is the reason one heats up in exercise. Losing a phosphate, ATP becomes ADP (adenosine
diphosphate). ADP is synthesized to ATP by gaining back a phosphate in a couple reaction. In this cycle which produces
energy for the body.
1. Phosphate energy system
2. Anaerobic Glycolysis energy system
3. Aerobic energy system

Phosphate Energy System

This system is used for instantaneous activity lasting several seconds. In this system, a fuel called creatine
phosphate is used to make ATP. Only limited amounts, when creatine phosphate is broken down, the energy from
this process is immediately used to reproduce ATP. This process is in use when you need an explosive action,
susch as dashing away from a mad dog. In sports, this system is used in the 100 and 200 meter dash, shor put,
and discus throwing. This energy system backs up ATP immediately, as it rapidly sysnthesizes ADP back to ATP.
However, since there is limited stock of creatine phosphate, ATP production will have to rely on other sources such
as glycogen and fat.

Anaerobic Glycolysis Energy System or Lactic Acid Energy System

When glycogen is used without oxygen to produced ATP, such system is called lactic acid system. The
muscl have glycogen store in small amounts, and this is broken down to substance known as pyruvate, and then to
ATP, leaving a by-product called lactic-acid. An excess in lactic acid leads to muscular fatigue. The lactic acid
system can sustain quick Burts of high intensity, up to 90 seconds. Activittes such as resistance training, or similar
activities with eight to twelve repititions until muscular failure, or running the 400 to 800 meter event, utilizes energy
system. There two limitatons of this energy system: one, limited glycogen stores in muscle; and two, the excessive
lactic acid build-up of converting glycogen to ATP without oxygen may lead to fatigue.

Aerobic Energy System

The aerobic energy system makes use of oxygen with glucose, fatty acids, and even amino acids to
produce energy. The process of energy production occurs in the mithocondria, which is inside the uscle cells.
Therefore, the mithocondria is dubbed the “powerhouse” of the cell. The mithocondria contain enzymes that enable
the cell to use the oxygen to produce ATP. In the aerobic system, large quatities of ATP are produced, and the by -
product are carbon dioxide and water. This energy stem sustains prolonged activities susch as walking, jogging,
swimming, cycling, and circuit-based weight training. With aerobic activities, the body adapts by producing a greater
number of mithocondria and fat-oxidizing enzymes; therefore, the body becomes efficient in transporting and
Form No. BPM5-SHS 17 004-01 Page 2 of 3
Senior High School
Dasmariñas Campus
2nd Semester, Academic Year 2019-2020

oxidizing fatty acids, aerobic activities, therefore, can help reduce control body fat.fat occurs in register quatities
than glycogen. Therefore, endurance activities are designed to be less intense, but prolonged, as the aerobic
energy takes longer for the ATP to be replenished.

Guide questions:
1. Three sources of energy come in the form of:
2. How does the phosphate energy system work?
3. What are the two-by-product of the aerobic energy system?
4. Descibe the ATP cycle
5. What are the three energy systems? Describe each one.

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