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Lesson Presentation

Introduction to Human Resource Management

The term “Human Resource Management” has been commonly used for about
the last ten to fifteen years. Before that, the field was generally known as “ personnel

Personnel administration, which emerged as a clearly defined field by the 1920s

was largely concerned with the technical aspects of hiring, evaluating, training, and
compensating employees and was very much of staff function in most organizations.
The field did not normally focus on the relationship of different employment practices on
overall organizational performance or the systematic relationships among such

Personnel or human resource management is a relatively new field in the

Philippines. It was only in the early 1950s that is gradually gained acceptance and
recognition in private business and industry.

Human resource management, developed in response to the substantial

increase in competitive pressures business organizations that gave rise to an enhanced
concern on the part of firms to engage in strategic planning- a process of anticipating
future changes in the environmental conditions and aligning the various components of
the organization in such a way as to promote organizational effectiveness.

Human resource management has changed in name various times was mainly
due to the change in social and economic activities throughout history.

What is Human
Human Resource Management is
the management of various activities designed to enhance the effectiveness of an
organization’s workforce in achieving organizational goals.

Human resource management involves management functions like planning,

organizing, directing, and controlling. It concerned with promoting and enhancing the
development of work effectiveness and advancement of the human resources in the
organization that are related to procurement,
development, motivation, and compensation of employees to achieve the goals of the

The evolution of HRM has evolved through the stage of the industrial revolution
in the 18th century to modern times. By doing a complete analysis of the evolution of
human resource management, the conclusion is there will be modern trends that will be
occurring in HRM like strategic human resource management. Every organization
must treat all employees in a good manner because they are the assets of an
organization which helps in achieving organizational goals.

The Central Functions of Human Resource Management

One way of learning HRM is to understand its central functions. They are
as follows:
1. Staffing – refers to that function which locates competent employees and
getting them to work for the organization. The major activities of staffing consist of
strategic human resource planning, recruitment, and selection.
2. Training and Development - is the acquisition of skills, knowledge, and
attitudes which enable people to achieve their current and future individual and
corporate objectives
3. Motivation - refers to the process of activating behavior, sustaining it and
directing it towards a particular goal
4. Maintenance - is the function of HRM that ensures employee retention and
the motivation for more and better productivity.

Stages of Human Resource Management

Stage 1 – Human Resource in the pre-industrial era, industrial evolution,

and factory system
 Industrial revolution
- replacement of human effort and skill by the work of machines
- a shift from subsistence agriculture to a commercial-based
 Development of a factory system
- displaced self-employment household and handicraft
- the necessity of supervision of a large number of workers

Stage 2 – Emergence of the modern corporation and managerial capitalism

- separation of the operation from the ownership of firms and
employment of salaried managers.
- transfer of employment from agriculture to industrial, from small
scale to large scale

Stage 3 - Scientific Management

- F.W. Taylor proposal for functional management called attention
to the need for a separate human resource function as a part of
scientific management

Stage 4 - World War and the Emergence of HRM as a profession

- personal management department was emerged
- labour turnover increased

Stage 5 - The Golden Age of Industrial Relations

- increase the need for the practice of human resource management as a
result of growth in union and collective bargaining

Stage 6 - Quality of Worklife Era

- policies and practices which maximized organization performance and
- series of efforts directed as satisfying the interests of both employees
and firms
- created more committed employees through employee participation

Stage 7 - Emergence of Contemporary Human Resource function

- the shift from manufacturing employment to service sector employment
- environmental changes occurred after world war 2

Stage 8 – Human Resource Management function today

- considering employee as the single most important organizational asset
- integration of the traditional personnel management activities and as well as human
resource management’s involvement in overall organizational planning and change.

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