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湖北工业大学 计算机学院

《Computer culture》


Common Office Tasks Score

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1. Decribe the process of converting Office 97–2010 files to 2013 in detail.

There are 3 different ways to convert or update Office file. Those are given below--

1.Using Word App Compatibility Mode

Find the old Word document. When found, right-click it and select ‘Open With’ > Word.

When the document opens, select the ‘File’ tab at choose ‘Info’ option from the left sidebar.

Select ‘Convert’ tile of the Compatibility mode. This mode becomes visible in the toolbar when using a
version of Word that’s newer than the version used to create your document. It temporarily disables new
or enhanced Word features.

Instantly, a popup will appear on your computer screen, prompting you to confirm your action.

Hit the OK button to complete the action. When you do so, your document will be upgraded to the
newest file format. The size of your file will also be reduced.

2. Using the ‘Save As’ option

The simplest way to upgrade your document is to use the Word’s ‘Save’ menu.

To use this method, open the document, click on the ‘File’ tab and select ‘Save As’ option.

After that, simply choose the Word Document (.docx) from the format drop-down menu and hit Save

3.Upgrade Word Documents to Microsoft Word Online

Open a modern web browser and head over to the Office online website. Once you’re there, sign-in to
your account if you aren’t already.

When the main interface loads-up, click on the option that says Start new and select Upload and open.
It’ll let you upload your old Word file from your computer.Navigate to the folder where your document
is and select it for it to be uploaded online.When the file is uploaded and is open on your screen, click
on the Edit Document option and then select Edit in Browser.Click on Convert in the prompt. click
on View. Else, click on Edit to start editing the document. To get a copy of the document for offline

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access, click on the File menu and select Save As followed by Download a Copy. Click on Download
on the following screen to start downloading the document to your computer. The downloaded
document should be the upgraded version of your old Word document

2. Decribe the way to change the font size of text in detail.

To change the font size of selected text in Word-

 Select the text or cells with text you want to change. To select all text in a Word document,
press Ctrl + A.On the Home tab, click the font size in the Font Size box

I can also type in any size you want, within the following limits: between 1 and 1638, in multiples
of .5 (such as 10.5 or 105.5)
When select text, a mini toolbar appears near your cursor.I can also change the text size in this
toolbar. I can also click the Increase Font Size or Decrease Font Size (Grow Font and Shrink
Font in some earlier versions of Office programs) icons until the size you want is displayed in the
Font Size box.

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