2019-Maon Et Al-The Dark Side of Stakeholder Reactions Tocorporate Social Responsibility - Tensionsand Micro-Level Undesirable Outcomes

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International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol.

21, 209–230 (2019)

DOI: 10.1111/ijmr.12198

The Dark Side of Stakeholder Reactions to

Corporate Social Responsibility: Tensions
and Micro-level Undesirable Outcomes

François Maon, Joëlle Vanhamme,1 Kenneth De Roeck,2 Adam Lindgreen3,4

and Valérie Swaen5,6
Department of Management, IÉSEG School of Management (LEM-CNRS - UMR 9221), Lille 59000, France,
Department of Marketing, Edhec Business School, Roubaix 59057, France, 2 Grossman School of Business,
University of Vermont, VT 05405, USA, 3 Department of Marketing, Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads 3,
2000 Frederiksberg C, Denmark, 4 Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria, Illovo, Johannesburg
2196, South Africa, 5 Université catholique de Louvain, LouRIM (Louvain Research Institute in Management and
Organizations), 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, and 6 IÉSEG School of Management (LEM-CNRS - UMR 9221),
Lille 59000, France
Corresponding author email: adli.marktg@cbs.dk

With a review of literature on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its micro-level
impacts, this paper proposes an integrative framework to map undesirable relational
outcomes of CSR activities on internal (employees) and external (customers) stakehold-
ers. By adopting a paradox-based perspective, the authors determine that unexpected,
adverse stakeholder reactions to CSR are driven primarily by either performing or
belonging tensions, related to exchange- and identity-based stakeholder concerns, re-
spectively. Specifically, contextual and personal influences can trigger and explain unde-
sirable relational outcomes of CSR. On this basis, this paper offers a research agenda for
developing a more refined understanding of CSR-related tensions and a more nuanced
perspective on the business case for CSR.

Introduction two decades, ‘from a narrow perspective, which

assumes only a direct relationship between CSR and
The impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR), economic performance, to a broader, more syncretic
or the ‘context-specific organizational actions and one, in which intermediate variables pertaining to
policies that take into account stakeholders’ expecta- stakeholders’ attitudes and behaviors are consid-
tions and the triple bottom line of economic, social, ered more likely to explain the CSR–performance
and environmental performance’ (Aguinis 2011, relationship’ (De Roeck and Maon, 2018, p. 611).
p. 855), on firm performance has been a central topic From this perspective, CSR influences organizational
of interest for management scholars and practitioners performance by reducing transaction and agency
for close to half a century (Carroll and Shabana costs for key stakeholders both within and beyond the
2010; Margolis and Walsh 2003). Yet, studies of organization, on which the organization depends for
the direct relationship between CSR and economic its survival and success (Jones 1995; Preston et al.
performance still offer mixed results. Accordingly, 1991). Research in marketing and organizational be-
the business case for CSR has evolved in the past havior also proposes that CSR might create value and

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Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
210 F. Maon et al.

increase organizational performance by establishing or organization-centric views (e.g. Hahn et al. 2015;
stronger relationships with these stakeholders (Gond Ozanne et al. 2016).
et al. 2017; Peloza and Shang 2011). The remainder of this article is organized as fol-
Some researchers, however, have highlighted the lows: First, we introduce key theoretical elements as-
threat of undesirable CSR impacts on stakeholders’ sociated with CSR and the impacts of CSR activities
attitudes and behaviors (e.g. Sen and Bhattacharya, and communication efforts at a micro-level, as well
2001). Management scholars posit that CSR might as the tensions associated with these activities and ef-
entail perceived incompatibilities or seeming irra- forts. Second, we detail our review approach, present
tionalities, which represent tensions associated with our framework, and offer a critical synthesis of our
the ever-changing, ambiguous, potentially paradox- conceptual investigation. Third and finally, we iden-
ical features of CSR activities and communication tify avenues for further research.
(Jones 2004; Van der Byl and Slawinski 2015; Yoon
et al. 2006). Such tensions seemingly might prompt
unexpected, adverse stakeholder reactions to CSR, Micro-level perspective on CSR
and yet they remain relatively poorly studied at a impacts on stakeholders
micro-level of analysis (De Roeck and Maon 2018;
Robinson and Wood 2018; Vanhamme et al. 2015). To date, research that adopts a syncretic, stakeholder-
In response, this paper provides a review of market- based perspective of CSR has focused primarily on
ing and organizational behavior studies that address psychological mechanisms and boundary conditions
undesirable stakeholder reactions to CSR activities that drive consumer and employee responses to CSR
and communications and their associated tensions. activities (e.g. El Akremi et al. 2018; Gond et al.
With the presumption that ‘tensions are integral to 2017; Peloza and Shang 2011; Sen et al. 2016). Ex-
complex systems’ (Smith and Lewis 2011, p. 397), isting studies tend to highlight the ‘numerous benefits
we adopt a paradox-based perspective to categorize (functional, psychosocial, and values) and how the
the undesirable stakeholder micro-level outcomes of type and extent to which a stakeholder derives these
CSR. These outcomes relate specifically to perform- benefits from CSR initiatives influence the quality
ing and/or belonging tensions for the organization of the relationship between the stakeholder and the
and its stakeholders (Lewis 2000; Smith and Lewis company’ (Bhattacharya et al. 2009, p. 257). For con-
2011); in turn, we can characterize CSR as an or- sumers, buying products or services from organiza-
ganizational phenomenon that entails, respectively, tions involved in CSR activities may seem simply the
exchange-related (Shore et al. 2006) and identity- ‘right thing to do’, because CSR activities trigger as-
related (Albert et al. 2000; Epstein 1973) strains for sociations with self-transcendent values of caring for
stakeholders. society (e.g. Torelli et al. 2012). For employees, this
By explicitly identifying, inventorying and map- perception might lead to an enhanced valuation of the
ping such undesirable outcomes of CSR activities on job or employer. As a 2017 Cone Communications
stakeholders, we emphasize some insufficiently ad- CSR Study shows, 87% of consumers say they would
dressed but relevant aspects of CSR at a micro-level, buy from an organization involved in CSR activities
pertaining to unexpected, adverse stakeholder reac- they consider relevant, and a 2016 Cone Communica-
tions – or the so-called dark side of CSR (Aguinis tions Millennial Employee Engagement Study reports
and Glavas 2012; Rupp and Mallory 2015). In turn, that more than 64% of respondents would opt to work
our findings highlight the need for scholars to develop for an organization they perceive as socially respon-
more nuanced, less univalent perspectives to address sible, even if their salary was lower, and 83% would
the stakeholder-mediated impact of CSR on corporate be more loyal to an organization that helps them con-
performance, such that we detail some avenues for re- tribute to social and environmental issues they hold
search according to this perspective. Furthermore, our dear.
review responds to calls for more research on individ- These insights indicate that CSR engagement
ual reactions to tensions and paradoxes in and around should generate positive returns for the organization,
organizations (Miron-Spektor et al. 2018). By focus- and thus, researchers focus mostly on highlighting
ing on impacts of CSR activities on internal and ex- how stakeholder reactions to CSR can support the
ternal stakeholders, we supplement other studies that alignment of economic, social and environmental
approach this phenomenon from a paradox-inspired dimensions (Margolis and Walsh 2003; Van der Byl
perspective, which typically adopt more meso-level and Slawinski 2015). According to this univalent

C 2019 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Stakeholder Reactions to CSR 211

approach, any improvement in one of these dimen- time, across interrelated elements that seem logical
sions increases, or at least does not harm, performance individually but inconsistent when combined, such
in the other dimensions. Yet, consumer and employee that their combination exposes seemingly irrational
reactions are inherently subject to contextual and or unsound processes, practices, and relationships
personal influences, which make them multifaceted (Lewis 2000; Smith and Lewis 2011). According
and hard to predict. Some empirical studies thus to Lüscher et al. (2006, p. 491), for organizations,
point to the undesirable effects of CSR initiatives ‘at best, paradoxes are brainteasers, challenging for-
and communications on stakeholder perceptions, mal logic. At worst, they are sources of organiza-
attitudes and behaviors (Carnahan et al. 2017; Luo tional paralysis, an anxiety-provoking tug-of-war fu-
and Bhattacharya 2006). These findings suggest eled by actors’ struggles to make sense of underlying
the need to add nuance to predictions of favorable tensions’.
outcomes of CSR and also reveal tensions related to Four generic sources of tensions stem from the cen-
the development and communication of CSR. tral activities of organizations (Smith and Lewis 2011;
Smith et al. 2013): organizing, learning, performing
and belonging. Organizing tensions emerge internally
Tensions in stakeholder CSR impacts when complex systems generate competing structures
and processes to achieve expected outcomes. Learn-
Tensions are ubiquitous in modern organizational ing tensions arise from the innovation and transfor-
settings; organizations that evolve in environments mation that surface when organizations seek to adjust,
marked by fast-paced change and uncertainty are nec- renew or change. These two sources of tensions can
essarily pluralistic, allowing for expressions of multi- be central to the development of CSR activities from
ple perspectives and opinions (Jarzabkowski and Fen- an organization-centric perspective (Fortis et al. 2018;
ton 2006). More generally, tensions relate to the ‘clash Hahn et al. 2018; Ozanne et al. 2016), but we focus on
of ideas, principles or actions and . . . the discomfort the performing and belonging tensions, which relate
that may arise as a result’ (Stohl and Cheney 2001, more directly to the stakeholder-centric, micro-level
pp. 353–354). When social actors confront contrast- focus that we adopt in this paper.
ing prospects, contradictory demands or divergent
components in a situation, tensions arise, though they
Performing tensions
may remain latent – ‘dormant, unperceived or ig-
nored’ (Smith and Lewis 2011, p. 390) – until envi- Tensions linked to performing arise for social actors
ronmental factors or cognitive efforts accentuate and (e.g. employees, consumers) when they seek conflict-
reveal their opposing and relational nature. ing objectives or endeavor to address conflicting ex-
Because they arise from the complexities and am- pectations. These tensions become salient at the mi-
biguousness of organizational systems (Lewis 2000; cro level when the actors ‘struggle to respond to either
Smith and Lewis 2011), tensions can be paradoxical. the conflicting demands embodied within their own
For example, the patchwork of intermingled, seem- roles or the conflicting demands arising from the roles
ingly opposite extrinsic (self-interested) and intrinsic of others’ (Jarzabkowski et al. 2013, p. 247). Such
(more altruistic) motivations for an organization’s par- conditions lead to contradictory interpretations and
ticipation in and communication about CSR, together actions, because actors pursue competing goals, in-
with the apparent inconsistency of the nature of the fluenced by their diverse conceptions of success and
organization’s CSR practices, which might encom- failure (Jay 2013; Smith and Lewis 2011); when it
pass both discretionary (peripheral) and integrated comes to CSR, we predict that these conceptions are
(strategically embedded) initiatives, represent poten- grounded fundamentally in exchanges between the
tial sources of paradoxical tensions. Hoffmann (2018) organization and its stakeholders, according to eco-
labels these paradoxical tensions, respectively, CSR nomic or social perspectives (cf. Shore et al. 2006).
motive and CSR practice paradoxes. Derived from Economic exchanges involve financial, commer-
the Greek adjective paradoxos, meaning “‘contrary to cial and tangible aspects of the organization–
expectation or opinion’, a paradox generally refers to stakeholder relationship; social exchanges imply that
a statement that contradicts itself or a situation that a stakeholders trade effort and support from the orga-
priori seems to question reason, but that can be true. nization for socio-emotional benefits such as esteem,
In management studies, paradoxical tensions are un- approvalor caring (Blau 1964). The two exchange pro-
derstood as tensions that are dynamic and persist over cesses typically rely on a norm of reciprocity, such

C 2019 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
212 F. Maon et al.

that ‘the receipt of benefits incurs an obligation to Identity is complex, composed of multiple elements
repay the donor’ (Armeli et al. 1998, p. 288). Stake- (Brewer 1991; Frable 1997) and reflective of a com-
holders assess the appropriateness, content and out- posite network of beliefs and values that character-
comes of the exchange relationship for themselves ize individuals and groups. In addition, the centrality
and for others, which represent key determinants of of any particular identity (e.g. gender-based, moral,
which designs and communications about CSR initia- employment-related) might shift over time (Weaver
tives drive positive stakeholder returns (Bhattacharya 2006). Owing to their intricate nature, such identity-
et al. 2009; Farooq et al. 2014). related factors can evoke uncalled-for thought pro-
What managers expect stakeholders to consider cesses and unexpected effects and uncertainties in an
valuable, however, might not be prized by a particular organization–stakeholder relationship context. The
constituency, or at least not in the way that managers extent to which CSR activities represent a source of
anticipated. In the specific context of CSR-related performing and belonging tensions within and across
organization–stakeholder exchange relationships, the organizational boundaries (see Schad et al. 2016)
terms of the exchange are often complex, ambiguous thus constitutes the central focus in our literature
and misconstrued, potentially leading to unexpected review.
strains and negative stakeholder reactions, erratic re-
turns, and diminished individual and organizational
performance. Literature review and organizing
Belonging tensions
For clarity and in accordance with our paradox-based
Belonging tensions pertain to the ‘complex relation- perspective, we use the encompassing term ‘tension’
ships between self and other, highlighting the prob- to designate a strain that is integral to complex (inter-
lematic nature of individuality and group and orga- )organizational systems and which a priori is unex-
nizational boundaries’ (Lewis 2000, p. 765). They pected and seemingly inconsistent, yet still makes
reflect questions that social actors encounter about sense. With this foundation, we conducted a struc-
their own aspirations and the strain they experi- tured, flexible, three-stage process to select articles
ence due to inconsistent demands on their identities for the literature review. First, we used a keyword
(Kreiner et al. 2006), related to their priorities, val- search of the ABI/Inform Global, Business Source
ues and beliefs (Lüscher and Lewis 2008; Smith and Complete, and ISI Web of Science search engines
Lewis 2011). Whether conscious or not, such iden- to generate a list of relevant literature contributions
tity tensions often become salient when social actors (Short 2009). Search terms in the keywords, abstracts
seek to connect with organizations through their par- or titles of the articles had to relate to CSR or sustain-
ticular identities or to confront divergent identities ability, negative consumer and employee reactions,
between or across subgroups (Ashforth and Reingen tensions, contradictions or paradoxes, which ensured
2014; Smith and Lewis 2011). the simultaneous extensiveness and focus of the liter-
Identity-related considerations are prominent in ature review.
stakeholder-mediated approaches to the business case Second, we applied several inclusion criteria. Only
for CSR, from both internal (Crane and Ruebottom research evoking CSR-driven, stakeholder-based ten-
2011; De Roeck et al. 2016) and external sions and reactions that influence organizational per-
(Bhattacharya and Sen 2003; Marin et al. 2009) per- formance, both significantly and detrimentally, could
spectives. These identity-related considerations con- be included. To maintain the consistency of our lit-
stitute a fundamental dimension of the psychologi- erature review effort – and noting the need to com-
cal mechanisms that can explain how organizations pare works that share the same epistemological basis
reap relational rewards from engaging in CSR. When and the great paucity of qualitative research address-
an organization behaves in a manner that stakehold- ing the type of tensions we study – we excluded
ers perceive as socially responsible, stakeholders are qualitative articles. Nor did we retain books or book
expected to ‘infer that it has certain desirable traits chapters. Articles that evoked tensions but took a non-
that resonate with their sense of self’ (Lichtenstein empirical perspective were disqualified too. Finally,
et al. 2004, p. 17) and to develop positive attitudes to ensure the quality of the articles included in our
toward the organization. Yet, the actual experience of literature review, we excluded any works published
identity is often diffuse and riddled with subtleties. in journals with an impact factor lower than 2 in the

C 2019 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Stakeholder Reactions to CSR 213

2017 Journal Citation Reports or journals rated 1 or 0 change/identity (belonging/performing) (Smith and
in the Academic Journal Guide (AJG) of the British Lewis 2011).
Chartered Association of Business Schools. Thus, we
ensured a consistent focus on quantitative research
efforts, which offer significant results, published in Exchange-related (performing)
high-quality business and management journals, with tensions
a coherent mapping effort.
Third, the keyword-based selection failed to in- Tensions and undesirable impacts of CSR activities on
clude some relevant contributions, because the ten- stakeholders, from an exchange-process perspective,
sions and stakeholder-related impacts at the center of depend on stakeholders’ perceptions of the economic
this paper might not appear explicitly in titles, key- and social CSR-related costs and rewards for them-
wordsor abstracts. Therefore, we deployed a snowball selves and other exchange parties. Generally in line
approach to trace references from articles already with Hoffman’s (2018) discussion of potential CSR
included in the article set. We also returned to the paradoxes, we characterize the sources of performing
databases with additional search terms and broadened tensions at the consumer and employee levels as re-
the research scope to include actual article content. lated to (1) attributions of corporate motivations for
Using Google Scholar, we sought articles published (and perceived appropriateness of) engaging in CSR
online first. The collaborative selection process was and (2) the perceived content and outcomes of such
marked by constant discussions among the authors CSR engagement.
(Combs et al. 2010).
Overall, we identified 26 articles from general busi-
CSR as a source of exchange-related and
ness and management, marketing, applied and envi-
consumer-based external tensions
ronmental psychology, and organizational behavior
journals, as well as some specialty publications in the Marketing is an exchange process (Bagozzi 1975a)
fields of business and society. Owing to their par- through which people, groups and organizations seek
ticular relevance, we decided to include one article to obtain ‘benefits and value, defined in their own
published in Journal of Applied Social Psychology terms’ (Roberts and Rowley 2004, p. 198). Market-
(impact factor = 1.439, below the inclusion threshold ing can encourage constructive, fruitful relationships
of 2) and one article published in Journal of Environ- between exchange parties (Palmer et al. 2005). For
mental Psychology (impact factor = 3.553, but not consumers to support organizations engaged in CSR,
included among journals rated at least 2 in the AJG ‘they must receive value from the exchange’ (Green
ranking list). Table 1 provides a full description of the and Peloza 2011, p. 48). This value can be functional
articles. or economic, or more relational and social (Bagozzi
Studies highlighting undesirable stakeholder reac- 1975b). In any case, it can be difficult to ascertain
tions to CSR activities have emerged progressively what consumers value and how, or which, CSR activ-
in the past two decades, with a relative acceleration ities provide consumers with the economic or social
in recent years (Table 2). This increased, converging value they consciously or unconsciously seek from the
emphasis echoes scholarly demands for research that exchange relationship. From this perspective, CSR
addresses CSR processes and impacts at a micro level activities may evoke exchange-related tensions.
(Aguinis and Glavas 2012), as well as the suspicion
that previous research may have been overly enthu- Performing tensions linked to attributed corpo-
siastic about the benefits of CSR, necessitating more rate motivations for CSR engagement. Marketing
consideration of its potentially negative consequences scholars seek to understand tensions by relying on
(Waddock 2008). persuasion-knowledge theory, which asserts that be-
To organize our analysis, we applied a two- cause consumers continuously interpret and cope with
dimensional organizing framework. The first dimen- marketing actions (e.g. sales attempts, advertising),
sion relates to the type of primary stakeholder in- they develop personal knowledge about the under-
vestigated, whether (1) consumers (external) or (2) lying persuasive tactics (Friestad and Wright 1994).
employees (internal). The second dimension entails With this knowledge, consumers can identify how,
the type of stakeholder-related tensions that CSR ini- when and why organizations try to influence them
tiatives trigger, whether (1) exchange (performing), and infer whether organizations’ actions, such as
(2) identity (belonging) or (3) combined ex- CSR activities and CSR communication, arise from

C 2019 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Table 1. List of articles included in literature review

CSR perceptions/ Mediating mechanisms/ Main conclusions related to object of
Authors attributions variables Outcome variables Sample Moderators our literature review
Articles about consumers

Sen and Bhattacharya CSR: diversity issues as CSR Organization–consumer Evaluation of organization, In study 1, 277 MBA CSR domain, Consumers’ intentions to purchase a
(2001) domain in study 1; diversity congruence purchase intention students; in study 2 CSR–consumer attitude high-quality product are lower for
issues and labor practices in (experiments), 345 students beliefs, CSR support high-CSR support consumers.
non-US operations (sweatshop)
in study 2
Ellen et al. (2006) CSR attributions: egoistic, CSR attributions Organization–cause fit, level 193 staff employees at a large – Egoistic and stakeholder-driven CSR
stakeholder driven, values of organizational university (experiments) attributions decrease purchase
driven, strategy driven commitment to the cause, intent.
purchase intent
Luo and Bhattacharya CSR (Fortune America’s Most Customer satisfaction Firm market value 339 organization-year Corporate abilities In organizations that are less
(2006) Admired Corporations observations across 113 (innovation capability innovative in nature, CSR may
[FAMA] ratings of CSR) organization from the and product quality) decrease customer satisfaction

2001–2004 period levels and ultimately reduce the
organization’s financial returns.
Simmons and Low-fit vs. high-fit sponsorships Clarity of positioning, Firm equity (affect, In study 1, 236 students in Message content and source Low-fit sponsorship leads to more
Becker-Olsen of a cause vs. control group (no attitude toward the intention) non-marketing professional negatively biased elaboration on the
(2006) sponsorship) sponsorship, cognitive seminars; in study 2 sponsorship, leading to less
elaboration (experiments), 120 favorable attitudes toward the
students in non-marketing sponsorship and diluting the firm’s
professional seminars equity (cf. control group).
Yoon et al. (2006) CSR in support of a cause Perceived sincerity of Evaluation of organization, In study 1, 128 undergraduate Benefit salience of the Consumers attribute the lowest
motives inferred motives students; in study 2, 124 cause, the source through sincerity to a CSR activity with
undergraduate students; in which consumers learn high benefit salience when they
study 3 (experiments), 139 about CSR, ratio of CSR learn about this activity through the
undergraduate students contributions and organization’s own advertising. This
CSR-related advertising lower sincerity leads to diminished
evaluations of the organization.
White and Willness Promotion of decreased usage of Cognitive elaboration, Evaluation of organization In study 1, 198 participants; Need for cognition, The presence of a decreased usage
(2009) the organization’s own core perceived incongruity in study 2, 163 cognitive load message that highlights incongruity
products undergraduates; in study 3 between the marketing message and
(experiments), 80 the organization’s goals leads to
undergraduates negative evaluations of the

C 2019 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
F. Maon et al.
Table 1. Continued

CSR perceptions/ Mediating mechanisms/ Main conclusions related to object of our
Authors attributions variables Outcome variables Sample Moderators literature review
Articles about consumers

Luchs et al. Sustainable brand vs. – Associations of ethicality, In study 1, 42 undergraduate students; in Product categories, portray Consumers associate higher product
(2010) less sustainable product preferences study 2, 148 undergraduate students; in of products as being ethicality with gentleness-related
brand (for sustainable vs. less study 3, 76 undergraduate students; in strong or not attributes and lower product ethicality
sustainable products) study 4 (experiments), 311 undergraduate with strength-related attributes. As a
students; in study 5 (observations), 51 consequence, the positive effect of
participants product sustainability on consumer
preferences diminishes when
strength-related attributes are valued,
Stakeholder Reactions to CSR

sometimes even resulting in preferences

for less sustainable product alternatives.
Torelli et al. Presence vs. absence Processing disfluency Evaluations of brand In study 1, 44 members of a consumer panel; Brand concept A luxury brand’s self-enhancement
(2012) of CSR in study 2, 279 undergraduate students (self-enhancement, concept (i.e. dominance over people and
information CSR from University of South Carolina; in openness, conservation), resources) is in conflict with CSR
of a luxury brand study 3, 182 undergraduate college abstract vs. concrete information’s self-transcendence
students from the University of consumer mindset, concept (i.e. protecting the welfare of
Minnesota; in study 4 (experiments), 218 informativeness of all), which causes disfluency and a
members of an online consumer panel disfluency decline in evaluations.
Barber et al. Pro-environmental – Consumers’ actual 98 customers of a local winery, retail store, Self-transcendence and Consumers motivated to enhance their
(2014) and non-pro- willingness-to-pay and a restaurant in western Connecticut self-enhancement; age, own self-interests over the benefits of
environmental were recruited randomly through the income, gender and society (i.e. high scores on
products intercept method education self-enhancement values and low scores
on transcendence values) pay less for a
product that is organic than for an

C 2019 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
identical non-organic product.
Vanhamme et al. CSR communication Persuasion knowledge Consumers’ attitude In study 1, 340 European participants Communication source Ex ante CSR communication through a
(2015) toward the organization recruited from the general population; in third-party source, compared with such
study 2, 403 European participants communication without mention of
recruited from the general population CSR, aggravates the drop in consumers’
attitude toward an organization when
unrelated allegations of irresponsibility
Brough et al. Product type: green – Femininity associations, In study 1, 127 students at Notre Dame Participant gender, gender The concepts of greenness and femininity
(2016) vs. non green social judgments, University; in study 2, 194 students at identity: control vs. are cognitively linked, and consumers
self-perceptions, Notre Dame and Seattle University; in masculinity affirmation, who engage in green behaviors are
preference for green study 3, 131 individuals recruited on branding (conventional stereotyped by others as more feminine
products MTurk; in study 4, 403 US men recruited vs. masculine), shopping and even perceive themselves as more
on MTurk; in study 5, 472 participants context (public vs. feminine; gender identity maintenance
recruited from MTurk; in study 6A, 322 private) therefore can reduce men’s likelihood of
individuals recruited on MTurk; in study adopting green behaviors.
6B (experiments), 73 customers who
visited one of three different BMW car
dealerships in northern China during the
same one-month period

Table 1. Continued
CSR perceptions/ Mediating mechanisms/ Main conclusions related to object of our
Authors attributions variables Outcome variables Sample Moderators literature review
Articles about consumers

Giebelhausen et al. Participation in Warm glow of participation Service encounter In study 1, 76 consumers in a field Type of incentives People are less satisfied with a service
(2016) voluntary green satisfaction setting; in study 2, 602 consumers (self-benefitting, experience when they choose not to
programs (e.g. of hotels (data from J.D. Power other-benefitting, mixed) participate in the provider’s voluntary
recycling) 2014 North American GSI Study); green program (e.g. recycling) – an
in study 3 (quasi-experimental effect mediated by the ‘warm glow’ of
design), 596 participants recruited participation. Incentivizing the program
from MTurk; in study 4 (i.e. compensating program
(quasi-experimental design), 552 participants) paradoxically increases
participants satisfaction for those who do not
participate, but decreases satisfaction
among those who do. Compared with no
incentive, an ‘other-benefiting’
incentive decreases warm glow and

satisfaction among non-participants.
Habel et al. (2016) Level (0/1) and type of Perceived CSR benefits, Perceived price fairness, In study 1, 1180 respondents; in study Intrinsic CSR attributions, Organizational CSR engagement reduces
organizational CSR perceived CSR price customer loyalty, 2, 1703 customers through an type of organizational CSR perceived price fairness (and revenues
engagement markup, perceived level customer revenue online survey; in study 3, 885 costs, framing of the CSR and loyalty) for low levels of intrinsic
(philanthropic vs. of organizational CSR consumers from a consumer panel; engagement budget as CSR attribution through a perceived
business-process) costs in study 4, 245 customers from a reallocated from CSR price markup.
consumer panel advertising budget,
executive salaries, profit
Shang and Peloza Ethical vs. non-ethical – Masculinity/femininity In study 1, 266 undergraduate Type of appeal (other-benefit, Consumers are viewed as less masculine
(2016) condition inferences, students; in study 2, 217 self-benefit), awareness of and more feminine when they consume
probability of undergraduate students; in study 3, gender role orientation ethical products. When male or female
choosing fair trade 165 undergraduate students; in inferences consumers are in the presence of
product study 4 (experiments), 228 observers of the same sex, they chose
undergraduate students the non-ethical brand over the ethical
brand if they are aware that ethical
consumption can signal their femininity/
Robinson and CSR – New product trial, In study 1, 89 consumers; in study 2, Type of brand priority (CSR Trial of the new product is higher in the no
Wood (2018) brand’s perceived 142 undergraduate students; in priority, product priority, CSR condition than in the CSR
product performance study 3, 178 undergraduate dual (product + CSR) condition; consumers perceive a new
students; in study 4 (experiments), priority); new vs. brand that has engaged in CSR to be
212 undergraduate students established (unfamiliar and less effective than when the brand does
familiar) brands not engage in CSR.

C 2019 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
F. Maon et al.

Table 1. Continued
CSR perceptions/ mechanisms/ Main conclusions related to object of our
Authors attributions variables Outcome variables Sample Moderators literature review

Articles about employees

Lin et al. Legal, ethical, and Social identity theory Organizational citizenship Survey of 421 employees from large – Perceived discretionary citizenship has
(2010) discretionary citizenship (not tested behaviors (altruism, firms in Taiwan negative effects on two dimensions of OCBs
(Carroll 1979) empirically) consciousness, (altruism and courtesy).
sportsmanship, courtesy
and civic virtue)
Vlachos et al. Egoistic, values, Trust Loyalty intentions, positive Survey of 63 sales force employees of a – Egoistic motives negatively influence
Stakeholder Reactions to CSR

(2010) stakeholder and strategic word of mouth large, global, Fortune 500 consumer salesperson trust in the organization.
attributions packaged goods organization Values-driven attributions have an inverted
U-shaped relationship with organizational
Evans et al. Economic, legal, ethical Social identity theory Work-role definition, Time-ordered cross-sectional design that Other-regarding value Perceived corporate citizenship has a negative
(2011) and discretionary (not tested organizational collected data at time 1 and time 2 orientation influence on organizational citizenship
citizenship (Maignan empirically) citizenship behaviors, about 184 employees (including behavior for persons with a low level of
and Ferrell 2000) organizational supervisor organizational citizenship other-regarding value orientation.
identification behavior ratings)
Ormiston and Kinder, Lydenberg, – CSI 49 publicly traded Fortune 500 Leaders’ moral identity There is a significant CSR–CSiR relationship
Wong Domini Inc.’s (KLD) organizations symbolization, or degree when CEOs are high on moral identity
(2013) social ratings Mixed-method study involving to which being moral is symbolization (the relationship is
organization-level ratings of analysts expressed outwardly to non-significant when CEOs are low on
at the KLD for CSR and CSI; judges’ the public through moral identity symbolization).
ratings of CEOs’ moral identity; actions and behavior

C 2019 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
archival organization-level data and
archival individual-level data for
CEOs from Dun and Bradstreet’s
Book of Corporate Managements
Erdogan et al. Perceived management – Organizational justice, 194 employees and 25 supervisors in a Perceived organizational Perceived management commitment to the
(2015) commitment to the organizational textile organizations in Turkey support ecological environment; organizational
ecological environment commitment, citizenship behavior related to the
organizational environment relationship is negative when
citizenship behaviors perceived organizational support is high.
targeting (related to) the
Singhapakdi Employee’s and – Employee’s higher-order Survey of 820 Thai employees from six – Incongruence between employee’s and
et al. organization’s CSR quality of work life organizations in different sectors organization’s CSR orientation is negatively
(2015) orientation associated with both lower- and higher-order
incongruence need satisfaction.
Thornton and CSR (triple bottom line of – Group prosocial Laboratory experiment on 326 students Group moral identity, Deviant behaviors are higher when justice
Rupp economic, social, and (volunteering) and from a large Midwestern US overall justice climate climate is unfair and CSR is favorable.
(2016) environmental deviant (stealing) university
performance; Carroll behaviors
and Shabana 2010)

Table 1. Continued
CSR perceptions/ Mediating mechanisms/ Main conclusions related to object of our
Authors attributions variables Outcome variables Sample Moderators literature review

Articles about employees

Carnahan et al. Provision of pro bono – Occupation change, Sample of 3293 New York City Employees leaving their Law firms with higher levels of CSR
(2017) legal services probability to found a metro-born attorneys and 28,084 occupation vs. experience higher rates of employee
start-up firm unique office mates, constituting employees moving departures to other law firms. Overall,
196,263 attorney-years elsewhere within their there is a null relationship between
occupation; organization’s CSR activities and
mortality-related shock organizations’ overall turnover rates (i.e.
in employees’ lives departure to any destination).
Donia, Sirsly, and Substantive and symbolic – Affective commitment, A sample of 175 employed students from – Symbolic CSR has a negative effect on
Ronen (2017) attributions of CSR, perceived organizational a large Canadian public university; affective commitment,
and CSR attributions support, two samples of 227 and 222 full-time person–organization fit, perceived
(Vlachos et al. 2010) person–environment fit, employees across a broad range of organizational support and relationship

leader–member organizations in North America quality with leaders.
exchange, social
Donia et al. (2017) Substantive and symbolic Person–organization fit, Individual performance: A time-lagged sample of 371 North CSR importance When CSR is perceived as important,
attributions of CSR work-related attitudes in-role performance and American individuals working full symbolic CSR is negatively related to
(Donia et al. 2017) (organizational five dimensions of time in a wide range of industries, perceptions of fit with the organization.
attractiveness, organizational occupations, and levels
organizational citizenship behaviors
identification, perceived
organizational support,
trust in top management,
pride in the organization,
job satisfaction, and
meaningfulness of work)
Scheidler et al. Internal CSR Perceptions of corporate Emotional exhaustion, In study 1, a cross-industry survey on – Inconsistency between internal and external
(2018) (employee-directed) hypocrisy turnover 3410 employees; in study 2, a CSR can disrupt positive social and moral
and external CSR (e.g. multisource secondary data set of identification dynamics in employees by
philanthropic) 1902 observations including 623 evoking hypocrisy perceptions and
unique companies from 50 countries leading to emotional exhaustion,
over a period of 10 years culminating in a higher intention to quit.
Notes: Papers are listed by date of publication.

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F. Maon et al.
Stakeholder Reactions to CSR 219

Table 2. Distribution of reviewed articles over time stakeholder-driven or egoistic. In other words, or-
Years No. of articles ganizations face tensions if consumers believe they
engage in CSR solely because consumers expect it
2000–2004 1 (CB: 1; OB: 0) (stakeholder motive) or to gain a tax write-off (ego-
2005–2009 5 (CB: 5; OB: 0)
istic motive). In such cases, doing good leads to de-
2010–2014 7 (CB: 3; OB: 4)
2015– . . . a 13 (CB: 6; OB: 7) creased sales, in conflict with the organization’s eco-
Total 26 (CB: 15; OB: 11) nomic goals. Consumers’ perceptions of fit also may
a Prior to August 2018, including online publications available before
influence perceived motives, as we address more fully
the print versions.
in the next section. For example, attributions to egois-
Notes: CB, consumer behavior research; OB, organizational behavior tic motives are more prevalent when consumers per-
research. ceive a poor fit between the organization’s core busi-
ness and the cause it supports (Ellen et al. 2006). In
addition, Habel et al. (2016) show that, if consumers
ulterior motives. For example, consumers use per- believe that an organization is extrinsically motivated
suasion knowledge to determine whether the primary to engage in CSR (i.e. strategic or financial motives)
motivation for an organization’s philanthropic activity and also infer that it charges higher prices to cover
is self-serving (e.g. raising brand awareness, improv- the costs of its CSR (price markup), the impact of
ing brand or corporate reputation) or public-serving CSR activities on perceived price fairness is nega-
and altruistic (e.g. actually helping people). With this tive, which lowers both revenues and loyalty.
inference, consumers can cope more effectively with An unexpected detrimental effect of CSR also
persuasion episodes (Campbell and Kirmani 2000) may arise for less innovative organizations (Luo and
and respond adaptively to those episodes to achieve Bhattacharya 2006), if consumers use poor innova-
their own goals (Friestad and Wright 1994). tiveness capability as a cue of inferior organization
In general, consumers express little confidence or competitiveness – which signals weaker future per-
trust in businesses (Ellen et al. 2006), so CSR ef- formance – and assume that CSR investments are
forts to create an appearance as a good organiza- opportunistic or manipulative, disguising a selling
tion might lead to more scrutiny of the organization’s purpose. In this case, consumers attribute the orga-
‘true’ motivations (Fein 1996). The activation of per- nization’s CSR activities to an ulterior (self-serving)
suasion knowledge then might induce perceptions of motive and express less satisfaction with it, which
organization hypocrisy or lack of sincerity, attribu- harms the organization’s market value.
tions of egoistic (or extrinsic) motives for engaging The second group of studies, related to the combi-
in CSRor consumer skepticism about true corporate nation of CSiR/CSR, highlights that CSiR actions es-
motivations. These views, in turn, might prompt neg- tablish a negative context that triggers consumer sus-
ative consumer behaviors. For example, Leonidou picion, against which CSR activities are contrasted.
and Skarmeas (2017) show that consumer skepticism Such suspicion might arise from a perceived connec-
about CSR activities sparks negative word of mouth tion between CSR and CSiR domains (Yoon et al.
to friends and acquaintances and increases reluctance 2006), the budget spent on advertising CSR activi-
to buy green products. We identify two broad types ties (Yoon et al. 2006), or the sources used for CSR
of studies in this context: those that investigate moti- communication (Vanhamme et al. 2015). To some
vations inferred from CSR activities only; and those extent, all these factors induce corporate motivation-
that integrate both corporate social irresponsibility related attributions. When organizations with a bad
(CSiR) and CSR. CSR reputation engage in CSR activities, they might
In the first group of studies, we find two contextual suffer an even more negative image than if they had
factors that are likely to trigger an attribution-related not invested in CSR activities at all, especially if
backlash for organizations involved in CSR activi- they support a cause that benefits an entity that re-
ties: the basic attributions that consumers make about flects the organization’s ‘evil’ core business (e.g. a
motives for CSR activities (Ellen et al. 2006; Habel tobacco producer giving money to a cancer organi-
et al. 2016) and a perceived lack of innovativeness zation and then openly publicizing these contribu-
of the organization involved in CSR activities (Luo tions) or spend more to advertise their CSR activi-
and Bhattacharya 2006). As Ellen et al. (2006) show, ties than on the actual activities (Yoon et al. 2006).
consumers respond negatively (express decreased Consumers attribute self-serving motives to such
purchase intent) to efforts that they perceive as initiatives. White and Willness (2009) confirm the

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220 F. Maon et al.

detrimental effects for organizations with an ‘evil’ fare). As a result, consumers’ perceptions of luxury
core business, such as cigarette manufacturers that in- brands diminish when they become aware of CSR
vest in CSR activities and whose messages advocating activities. A luxury brand that positions itself on self-
reduced consumption of cigarettes create a backlash enhancement values will suffer if consumers become
(i.e. negative cigarette manufacturer evaluations). Fi- aware of the brand’s CSR activities. Robinson and
nally, even when perceived CSiR and CSR involve Wood (2018) further highlight that, in consumers’
different domains, backfiring effects can arise, de- eyes, new brands promoting their good deeds are
pending on the sources that communicate the CSR associated with a lack of priority or focus on the
activities. As Vanhamme et al. (2015) highlight, more product, which leads to a decrease in consumers’
negative consumer attitudes emerge when CSR mes- interest in trying the new product. Another example,
sages are communicated through third-party sources, from Simmons and Becker-Olsen (2006), reveals that
owing to the stronger activation of persuasion knowl- low fit between an organization’s specific associations
edge that these messages induce. and the cause the organization sponsors decreases
the clarity of the organization’s positioning, even if
Performing tensions linked to the content and out- the cause is well liked and the organization indicates
comes of CSR engagement. From a content-based its sincere interest in the cause. The lack of clarity
view, which addresses the type of CSR initiatives then generates more unfavorable thoughts (negative
studied, we find that undesirable impacts of CSR ini- elaboration) and attitudes, leading to lower firm
tiatives on consumers are often described as emerging equity than a situation in which no social sponsorship
from inadequate perceived fit. That is, the content of takes place. Thus, a poor choice (i.e. low fit) of a
the CSR initiatives fails to match the positioning of cause to support harms the organization’s equity.
the organization’s operations, products or brands. Fit
between the organization and its CSR activities mat-
CSR as a source of exchange-related and
ters because it affects the clarity of the organization or
employee-based internal tensions
brand positioning. Brand positioning, or the distinc-
tive position that the brand takes in consumers’ minds, Employees engage in ongoing exchange relationships
relates directly to consumer loyalty, consumer-based with their employers. From an economic exchange
brand equity and willingness to purchase (Kotler and perspective, employees perform formal, task-related
Keller 2016). Consumers maintain associations with behaviors in exchange for fair economic rewards and
CSR and with various brands in their minds, and the other contractual obligations. From a social exchange
associations that are most salient depend on the con- perspective, employees tend to reciprocate their or-
text or specific situation. ganization’s good deeds through extra-role behav-
For example, laundry detergents may be associated iors that go beyond their formal job descriptions and
with cleaning power in general, but the most salient that facilitate the smooth functioning of the organi-
association could shift if a detergent is position- zation as a social system (i.e. interpersonal and or-
ed as a green or ethical product, because consumers ganizational citizenship behaviors; Cropanzano and
associate product ethicality with other attributes such Mitchell 2005). Organizational behavior research re-
as gentleness, whether accurately or not. As Luchs veals how CSR activities can prompt increased em-
et al. (2010) show, for product categories for which ployee trust in, and commitment toward, the orga-
strength is favored over gentleness, consumers might nization, which then encourage favorable employee
prefer a non-sustainable brand over a sustainable one behaviors (Gond et al. 2017). Yet, CSR can also be a
because they perceive sustainable products as less source of employee-related tensions.
powerful than non-sustainable products. This trend
reflects the low fit between the key benefit sought Performing tensions linked to attributed corporate
(e.g. cleaning strength) and spontaneous associations motivations for CSR engagement. Echoing Ellen
with sustainability (e.g. gentleness). Organizations et al.’s (2006) results for consumers, Vlachos et al.
selling products presented as sustainable in such (2010) find that egoistic CSR attributions by front-
categories thus perform badly. Torelli et al. (2012) line sales employees disrupt their organizational trust
offer another example: Because luxury brands evoke and positive word of mouth. Similarly, Donia et al.
associations of dominance, they are in direct conflict (2017) report a negative impact of employees’ percep-
with the self-transcendence values that consumers tions that the organization adopts CSR practices for
associate with CSR (e.g. protecting everyone’s wel- self-serving purposes on their affective commitment,

C 2019 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Stakeholder Reactions to CSR 221

relationship quality with leaders, and perceptions of expected effects, including retention-related ones.
the extent to which the organization values their con- Scheidler et al. (2018) show that, when employees
tributions or cares about their well-being. Thus, in- sense that external stakeholders’ well-being is favored
vesting in CSR initiatives that employees are likely over their own, they perceive corporate hypocrisy,
to attribute to self-serving corporate motives might which leads to greater emotional exhaustion and em-
harm the employee–organization exchange relation- ployee turnover. In this line, Thornton and Rupp
ship and subsequent work outcomes. However, Donia (2016) observe more deviant behaviors (i.e. steal-
et al. (2017) also suggest that this effect holds only if ing) when the overall justice climate appears unfair
CSR is important to employees. Thus, identity-based and external CSR is highly developed. According
dynamics may be critical for understanding CSR at- to Erdogan et al. (2015), when employees perceive
tribution processes, as we discuss subsequently. organizational support – such that ‘the organization
When employees perceive value-driven, altruistic values their contributions and cares about their well-
motives for CSR though, an unexpected, inverted U- being’ (Eisenberger et al. 1986, p. 501) – increased
shaped effect may emerge for organizational trust, engagement in external CSR can diminish their or-
implying ‘too much of a good thing’ (Vlachos et al. ganizational citizenship behaviors related to the en-
2010). In this sense, managers might need to limit vironment. When extrapolated, these counterintuitive
their communication of value-driven motives to avoid results might signal that, when employees feel sup-
giving employees the impression that the organization ported by the organization but also see that their or-
is pursuing social performance at the expense of its ganization is not involved enough in environmental
financial health. Specifically, too much values-driven CSR, they reciprocate by engaging in more green be-
CSR may make employees believe that their organi- havior to compensate for the organization’s lack of
zation is naı̈ve and not competent enough to take care investment in this cause. Conversely, when employ-
of its business and, consequently, of its employees ees perceive that their organization is highly involved
(Vlachos et al. 2010). in environmental CSR, they will not feel the need to
reciprocate this support and even engage in less green
Performing tensions linked to the content and out- behavior.
comes of CSR engagement. The type and content Thus, the expected positive outcomes of an organi-
of CSR initiatives can also generate unexpected out- zation’s investment in external CSR depend on the or-
comes at the micro (employee) level of analysis. For ganization’s investment in internal CSR. Perceptions
example, Lin et al. (2010) show that employees’ per- of inconsistencies between internal and external CSR
ception of CSR initiatives as discretionary (Carroll among employees can evoke backfiring effects in the
1979) can negatively affect employees’ altruism and organization–employee exchange relationship.
courtesy, weakening their propensity to help or be
mindful of how their behaviors affect others in a job
context. Because the public typically does not require Identity-related (belonging) tensions
discretionary CSR initiatives, employees might re-
gard these efforts as a waste of organizational re- Belonging tensions involve questions of identity
sources, acting against their interests. and arise among stakeholders who strive for self-
With regard to employee turnover, Carnahan et al. expression or group affiliation. These tensions can
(2017) reveal, in the specific context of law firms, surface especially when people encounter opposing
that organizational members may grow more likely to or inconsistent demands on their identity, which fos-
leave and join a competing organization if their cur- ter contradiction and strains in terms of their values,
rent employer engages more in specific CSR-related beliefs or priorities.
initiatives (in this case, promoting employee pro bono
work). They offer a potential explanation: CSR orga-
CSR as a source of identity-related and
nizations might attract more talented employees and
consumer-based external tensions
offer them better training, so that they then become
preferential targets for competing organizations. Consumers prefer organizations or brands whose per-
Studies that address the interaction between ini- sonality traits appear congruent with their own (Sirgy
tiatives to support external stakeholders’ well-being 1982). They also see themselves as good, decent
(external CSR) and those oriented toward employees’ and moral (Janoff-Bulman 1992; Rimé 2005). Thus,
well-being (internal CSR) suggest some other un- consumers should perceive at least some congruence

C 2019 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
222 F. Maon et al.

between themselves and socially responsible brands. ger strains related to factors such as values and be-
However, identity is complex and composed of mul- liefs or actual organizational membership. For exam-
tiple elements, which may lead to unexpected effects. ple, Singhapakdi et al. (2015) highlight that, when
For example, Brough et al. (2016) determine that men employees’ CSR beliefs (i.e. expectations about the
and women perceive consumers who engage in green role of business in society) differ from their percep-
behaviors as more feminine than consumers who tions of the extensiveness of their organization’s CSR
exhibit non-green behaviors. As a result, men may engagement, they sense ‘CSR incongruence’, which
be less likely to adopt green behaviors, to preserve negatively affects the quality of their work life and
their masculine identity, particularly if they wish to can hinder their work performance. At a manage-
avoid being stereotyped as feminine. Organizations rial level, Ormiston and Wong (2013) indicate that
targeting men might perform badly if they position greater prior engagement in CSR ironically predicts
themselves as green. Shang and Peloza (2016) go a CEOs’ increased propensity to engage in CSiR when
step further to show that both male and female con- they are characterized by high moral identity symbol-
sumers prefer non-ethical products in the presence ization (i.e. extent to which they outwardly express
of other consumers of their own gender if they are being moral). Consistent with moral licensing theory,
aware that ethical consumption signals their feminin- Ormiston and Wong (2013) suggest that CSR strategy
ity/masculinity. This effect, therefore, might relate to implementation provides moral credit to these CEOs,
sexual selection and a desire to communicate attrac- which leads them to engage in less ethical stakeholder
tive qualities to potential romantic partners (Shang treatments afterward. Therefore, contrary to what we
and Peloza 2016). might expect, CEOs who actively attempt to put forth
Another facet of consumers’ identity relates to their a moral image for their organization are more likely
values, which influence the extent to which consumers to engage in CSiR, which potentially hinders their
support CSR activities and the type of CSR activi- organization’s performance.
ties they support. Sen and Bhattacharya (2001) show
that consumers who are highly supportive of the spe-
cific type of CSR activities in which the organization Combining exchange-/identity-related
engages display lower intentions to purchase high- (performing/belonging) tensions
quality products from this organization, as a result
of contrast effects during the product evaluation pro- Tensions at the crossroads of exchange-related and
cess. Therefore, organizations producing high-quality identity-related considerations represent the last set of
products might perform badly if their target con- stakeholder-based tensions that arise from CSR. Re-
sumers truly support their CSR actions; in that case, search pertaining to these tensions is relatively scarce
their CSR efforts actually decrease the appeal of their though.
high-quality products. Barber et al. (2014) show that
consumers who are motivated to enhance their self-
CSR as a source of exchange-/identity-related and
interests over the benefits of society (i.e. high scores
consumer-based external tensions
on self-enhancement values and low scores on tran-
scendence values) are willing to pay less for a product Giebelhausen et al. (2016) address the positive feel-
that is organic than for an identical, non-organic prod- ing (warm glow) that consumers often experience
uct. Organizations targeting this type of consumers when engaging in prosocial behavior (e.g. recycling,
would thus perform badly if they were to sell organic reusing towels in a hotel) and how incentives might
products. influence such prosocial behaviors. Incentives as ex-
trinsic motivators can affect consumers’ true or per-
ceived motivation to perform a behavior. If the incen-
CSR as a source of identity-related and
tives directly benefit the consumers, the incentives
employee-based external tensions
reduce the perceived value of the prosocial behavior,
On the employee side, various studies note how including the warm glow, because the incentives cre-
identity-related processes lead to positive returns ate individual doubts about the consumers’ own true
from CSR investments. In particular, such invest- motivations for the good deed, leaving the consumers
ments can increase employees’ identification with less satisfied. Self-benefitting incentives for voluntary
the organization (De Roeck and Maon 2018; Gond participants paradoxically reduce the fit between the
et al. 2017). However, identity processes might trig- organization’s CSR initiatives and consumers’ values

C 2019 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Stakeholder Reactions to CSR 223

(as an important facet of their identity). In turn, these research, the current review substantiates the more
incentives are detrimental to the prosocial initiative complex implications of corporate ‘do-goodism’.
and can adversely affect the organization. Studying the relational outcomes of CSR activities
requires more careful consideration of how individ-
ual and contextual aspects, identity-related features
CSR as a source of exchange-/identity-related and and exchange-related elements all influence the re-
employee-based internal tensions lationship of CSR and individual evaluations with
Donia et al. (2017) assert that perceptions of CSR subsequent organizational performance.
activities as more self-serving negatively influence Second, by adopting a stakeholder-centric perspec-
employees’ sense of fit with the organization and tive and focusing on micro-level CSR-driven tensions
their subsequent attitudes and behaviors, though only experienced by social actors, our study extends ex-
if CSR is important to employees. Evans et al. isting organization-centric and meso-level research
(2011) also show that, for employees with low other- on CSR-related tensions and paradoxes (e.g. Hahn
regarding value orientations (i.e. extent to which they et al. 2018; Ozanne et al. 2016; Smith et al. 2013;
consider being helpful and compassionate toward oth- Van der Byl and Slawinski 2015). In particular, our
ers important), CSR perceptions have negative influ- study underlines that CSR-driven tensions experi-
ences on the extra-role behaviors they undertake to enced by stakeholders within and beyond organiza-
support the social and psychological work environ- tional boundaries often take a latent form, such that
ment and their co-workers. they may remain unnoticed by the organization or its
leaders, thereby hindering understanding of the ways
in which these tensions can eventually affect organi-
Discussion and research avenues zational performance.
Overall, our conceptual investigation indicates that
Using a tension-based, paradox-inspired perspective, specific future research efforts are required to delin-
we propose a framework to map the undesirable CSR- eate the nature of CSR-driven tensions experienced
driven reactions of both internal and external stake- by internal and external stakeholders and the mecha-
holders. In particular, we detail how engaging in CSR nisms that underlie these tensions. With this perspec-
can generate tensions at the micro level, leading to tive, we identify specific research areas at the cross-
adverse reactions, which conflicts with the expected roads of consumer behavior, organizational behavior
outcomes of enhanced individual and organizational and cross-disciplinary CSR research.
performance that tend to be a priori associated with
CSR activities. Thus, our study contributes to extant
Research avenues in consumer behavior
literature in two main ways.
First, we contribute to emerging research at the Compared with the vast research on the positive in-
micro level of analysis on the potential detrimental fluence of CSR activities on consumers’ behaviors,
influence of CSR on stakeholders’ attitudes and be- relatively few studies analyze their harmful effects.
haviors, often characterized as a ‘dark side of CSR’ We encourage more studies that replicate and extend
(Aguinis and Glavas, 2012; Luo and Bhattacharya the current results in this area. In particular, the stud-
2006). Recent reviews of the literature in micro CSR ies that we reviewed imply that consumers hold spon-
highlight the paucity of studies that analyze the po- taneous associations with socially responsible prod-
tentially harmful influence of CSR activity on stake- ucts (e.g. gentle for green detergents) that represent
holders’ attitudes and behaviors (De Roeck and Maon huge hurdles to overcome before the socially respon-
2018; Gond et al. 2017; Rupp and Mallory 2015). sible initiatives can be effective. Being aware of such
The present conceptual effort, which produced rela- perceptions is a first necessary step toward trying to
tively few articles that could be included in the sam- change such associations and alleviating the undesir-
ple, confirms this assertion. These previous reviews able tensions. Thus, we call for research that investi-
and ours together suggest that research addressing the gates how to shift the associations into versions that
stakeholder-mediated business case for CSR typically do not trigger tensions.
adopts a univalent approach, whereby CSR engage- The sources of performing tensions that we high-
ment only creates positive (micro-level) outcomes. By light also relate to consumers’ inferences that orga-
combining disparate inter-related studies published nizations’ good deeds arise from ulterior motives;
in different disciplines into an integrated body of consumers are suspicious because they hold an a

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224 F. Maon et al.

priori perception that organizations’ primary goal is can be measured and, in such a case, valid causality
economic. Such a priority may be the day-to-day re- effects are difficult to demonstrate.
ality for many organizations, but as an increasing
range of success stories offer descriptions of organi-
Research avenues in organizational behavior
zations that truly consider social and economic goals
as equally important (Haigh et al. 2015), consumers Similarly to our findings in the marketing literature,
might become progressively less likely to infer spon- we find a dominance of research efforts focused on
taneously that organizations’ good deeds reflect hid- exchange-related tensions in organizational behavior
den motives and serve economic priorities. This shift literature, along with the later emergence of these
might relieve some performing tensions. studies relative to studies of consumers. In many stud-
Moreover, our review highlights a dominance of ies, undesirable results are never anticipated or hy-
research related to exchange-related tensions. Very pothesized (e.g. Carnahan et al. 2017; Erdogan et al.
few studies highlight undesirable effects that relate 2015; Lin et al. 2010), but the surprising findings
to consumers’ identities, which represents a research appear in the a posteriori discussions. A key avenue
gap to investigate further. In the studies reviewed, for research into CSR and organizational behavior
consumers try to make sense of why organizations are thus is to try to replicate unanticipated findings with
investing in CSR (and infer their ‘true’ motivation) or appropriate theoretical frameworks and research de-
evaluate CSR activities using marketing lenses (i.e. signs. More generally, research should investigate the
are the CSR activities coherent with the brand po- processes and potential boundary conditions to ex-
sitioning?). Consumers are presented as able to de- plain why, how and when CSR generates undesirable
construct marketing activities as if they were mar- employee reactions.
keters (Baker 2003), meaning that consumers might Research efforts also should address inconsistent or
tend to put on their ‘marketer’s hat’ when they evalu- unconfirmed results related to (1) the role of employ-
ate organizations’ marketplace behaviors. Because of ees’ attributions for CSR and (2) employees’ assess-
their so-called marketing literacy, consumers might ments of internal and external CSR. Regarding the
regard CSR activities as another ‘marketing activ- role of attributions, Vlachos et al. (2010) highlight
ity’ and evaluate them as such. However, would con- negative effects of self-serving CSR attributions on
sumers without such marketing literacy react differ- employees’ attitudes and behaviors, but other studies
ently? The extent to which marketing literacy informs are inconclusive (Vlachos et al. 2017). This differ-
CSR-related, stakeholder-based tensions thus should ence might result from the type of employees, such as
be investigated further. Other unexplored identity- non-boundary-spanning employees vs. salespeople in
related variables also might be worth considering. direct contact with consumers. On the one hand, sales-
The view that the sole purpose of business is to make people may anticipate that their job will become more
money is related to a short-term focus on maximiz- difficult if their organization has self-serving motives
ing profit. The occurrence of performing tensions for engaging in CSR, because consumers usually re-
might, therefore, be particularly prevalent among con- act negatively to such CSR attributions (Ellen et al.
sumers who tend to focus on the short term, with 2006). On the other hand, self-serving motives might
a present-oriented temporal orientation. In a similar not be negatively perceived or prompt negative reac-
vein, consumers who are more optimistic (optimism tions from non-boundary-spanning employees, who
bias) might be worth considering; optimism reduces probably regard their employer’s signal that it in-
risk perceptions inherent in a short-term focus on tends to remain profitable as a necessary condition
economic goals at the expense of social goals. for keeping their jobs. Further research on attribu-
Finally, most research into the harmful effects tions thus should investigate whether and how in-
of CSR uses experimental methods; these experi- dividual characteristics (e.g. self-regarding vs. tran-
ments enable researchers to detect valid causality scendence values, cultural and religious affiliations,
effects. To unearth the causes of harmful effects family composition and age) influence employees’
of CSR activities, this methodology is well suited. responses to extrinsic CSR attributions. In addition,
However, studying identity-related tensions requires most studies of employees’ CSR attributions ignore
quasi-experiments, because respondents cannot be potential interactions with other CSR appraisals such
randomly assigned to different identities, nor can as employees’ CSR awareness or perceptions of the
identities be manipulated validly, such as we might level of the organization’s CSR engagement and CSR
manipulate the type of CSR activity. Identities only fit, which might have led to incomplete conclusions

C 2019 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Stakeholder Reactions to CSR 225

about the potential effect of extrinsic CSR attribu- research (e.g. undesirable impact of perceived self-
tion on employees (Jones in press). For example, De serving or egoistic motives).
Roeck and Delobbe (2012) find that the positive rela- The thin boundaries marking traditional stake-
tionship between employees’ perceptions of their or- holder groups seem increasingly porous, such that
ganization’s engagement in environmental CSR and we need an individual-oriented, wide-ranging ap-
employee trust is stronger among employees who hold proach to understanding stakeholders and their reac-
more self-serving motives. In summary, more studies tions (Greenwood and Freeman 2011; Hejjas et al.
are warranted to understand the potentially damag- 2018). For example, a consumer might react to a
ing impact of CSR attribution on employees’ work specific CSR initiative in the marketplace with bad
outcomes. word of mouth or reduced purchasing, or else en-
Regarding employees’ assessments of internal and gage in other behaviors such as avoiding employment
external CSR, some research efforts indicate that with the organization (Greening and Turban 2000).
external CSR is more likely to invoke negative re- In other words, strains experienced in one stakeholder
sponses if employees perceive lower levels of in- role may affect other stakeholder roles, thus highlight-
ternal CSR (less favorable employee treatment; De ing the need for cross-disciplinary conceptual frame-
Roeck et al. 2016; Scheidler et al. 2018). Other re- works. Cross-disciplinary research could also provide
search suggests instead that external CSR prompts a more comprehensive view of stakeholder-based ten-
responses that are more undesirable when employ- sions at not just consumer or employee levels, but also
ees perceive higher levels of internal CSR (Erdogan potentially at investor and local community levels. We
et al. 2015; Rupp et al. 2013). Further research should focused on reviewing consumer- and employee-based
seek to specify the conditions in which employees studies, which represent the most developed research
are more likely to prioritize the interests of others or efforts for stakeholder-mediated business cases. Yet
not. more efforts are needed to understand CSR-related
Three other research gaps suggest avenues for re- belonging and performing tensions and the undesir-
search. First, insufficient studies use experimental or able impacts of CSR initiatives at the micro level for
longitudinal designs to assess the presumed causality other stakeholders, too.
involved in the reported findings. Second, our review Researchers might also unearth more complex,
reveals an overall lack of conceptual clarity and multilayered tensions and contradictions within in-
consistent measurement of CSR perceptions and dividuals; each person can represent several stake-
CSR attributions, making any effort at consolidating holder categories, be guided by different goals, and
knowledge very difficult (Gond et al., 2017; Rupp be affected by various opposing forces (Crane and
and Mallory 2015). Using more robust measurement Ruebottom 2011), all of which might account for dif-
tools for CSR appraisals (e.g. Donia et al. 2017; ferent micro-level sources of tensions related to the
El Akremi et al. 2018) can support the production same CSR initiative. How do people cope with those
of more comparable findings across studies. Third, sources of tension? Which stakeholder role dominates
the majority of CSR studies have been conducted in and drives the resulting effects? Does some kind of
western, developed countries; differences in cultural balance emerge across different roles, and if so, how?
values and economic conditions across nations could Identifying the tensions related to potential stake-
be useful to consider (Farooq et al. 2014; Jamali and holder role conflicts, along with the coping mech-
Karam 2018). Broadening the contextual scope of anisms that people use to deal with them, represents
investigation could lead to more nuanced insights a promising avenue for cross-disciplinary research.
into why, how and when CSR leads to undesirable
employee-based outcomes.
Cross-disciplinary research efforts
Managers often make CSR decisions expecting pos-
The stakeholder-based impact of CSR initiatives and itive stakeholder-based impacts, but they too rarely
the associated tensions that they can trigger require step back to ask, ‘What else might happen?’ or ‘What
cross-disciplinary research efforts. Our review re- else is happening?’ (Wilburn and Wilburn 2016).
veals that research in organizational behavior and By examining booming consumer- and employee-
consumer behavior has developed mostly indepen- focused streams of research on the micro-level in-
dently, despite commonalities in the themes that they fluence of CSR activities, we underline the need to

C 2019 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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