Soviets: Discard 0-2 Cards To Activate Areas

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Turn Option Combat

Complete a RESUPPLY, STRATEGY, or OPERATIONS Turn—then Impact starts on 0 for both players. Rumours in the battle area
resolve any combat. are removed. Then, the attacker must commit a block.
The losing side then holds the initiative until they take the
STRATEGY Play 1 strategy card to resolve its effect
OPERATIONS Discard 0-2 cards to activate areas lead. Battle ends when the side with the initiative passes.
RESUPPLY 1. Discard half your hand (round up) Victor is the player with higher impact total, Soviets win Ties.
2. Make your Disordered blocks Mobilized
3. Draw 5 cards Orientation Location Card? Notes
Consecutive Resupply

4. Soviets: Discard 1 card to add 1 Mobilized MOBILE Battle Yes

Turns prohibited

DRAF/Rumour in a Soviet Controlled City; DISORDERED Battle Yes

up to once per Soviet Controlled City FORTIFIED Battle Yes
Insurgents: Discard 1 card to place all AMBUSH Battle No
Rumours + ½ (round up) Lashkar Mobilized, AMBUSH Adjacent Yes Defender only
max 1 per Village; OR Discard 3 cards to Attacker only, not over
place 1 Disordered Mujahideen (randomly mountain borders
Shia/Sunni) in an area with your blocks FIRE SUPPORT Battle Yes

Area Activation & Movement Adjacent Ambush & Fire Support blocks remain in their areas.
Operation Card Cost Effect
If the Insurgents win, may replace a Lashkar with a Captured
URGENT 0 Activate 1 non-disordered block
Artillery (Disordered) in the battle area.
ESSENTIAL 1 Activate 1 area
RESTRICTED 1 Activate 3 areas, no combat
MAJOR 2 Activate 6 areas
Player which lost the battle must reveal all blocks in the battle
When an area activates, each non-Disordered block may: do area and take casualties equal to difference in impact.
nothing, move (& become Mobilized) in a group, OR change its Each block can absorb casualties up to its current impact
orientation. Each block may be activated once per turn. factor. Any block which absorbs at least 1 casualty is
Blocks move in groups. A group is 1-9 blocks which start & end eliminated.
their move together. Owner chooses which blocks absorb casualties, subject to
following priorities:
Each border may only be crossed once per turn before
combat. Insurgents groups must stop upon crossing an 1. Disordered blocks in the battle area
2. Committed Fortified blocks in the battle area
international boundary. A group must stop upon entering an
3. Any other committed blocks in the battle area
area containing enemy blocks, unless an Overrun occurs.
4. Committed blocks in adjacent areas
Type Move Notes 5. Uncommitted blocks in the battle area
ONLY HIGHWAY +1 / +2 Insurgents/Soviets All blocks committed by the losing player, and all their
FORCE MARCH +1 Must discard a card from hand uncommitted blocks in the battle area, then become
ONLY ARMOR +1 Exception: Mountain borders Disordered.
Exceptions: Groups with only
MOUNTAIN BORDERS -1 All blocks committed by the victor become Mobilized.
Lashkar; single block groups
4-6 BLOCKS -1
7-9 BLOCKS -2 RETREATS Retreat Limits Blocks
AIRBRIDGE Soviet special move, 2 blocks The player which lost the battle MOUNTAIN 1
max (not DRAF) must retreat all blocks from the LOCAL ROADS 2
Overruns battle area to adjacent areas, HIGHWAYS 3
If a moving group has 4x blocks than enemy blocks in an area subject to border limits.
(or 3x, if all Soviet Armor), the enemy blocks are eliminated
(no combat). If the moving group is Insurgent, may replace a The Soviet player cannot retreat into Village/City areas,
Lashkar in that group with a Captured Artillery (Disordered). unless already controlled. If defender lost, they cannot retreat
to areas which the enemy attacked from. Insurgents cannot
retreat into Iran, Pakistan, or USSR areas.
1. Check Soviet Decisive victory (ii) condition
2. Advance Reshuffle token (end game if now on 7) Retreating blocks that cannot retreat are instead eliminated.
3. +1 Soviet Fatigue for each Insurgent controlled
4. From each City, a Soviet Infantry/Armor must be moved
Both sides discard all cards played & may up to draw an equal
to the USSR Airbase area (and become Mobilized)
the number of cards, plus 1 for each block eliminated during
5. Add 2 strategy cards to your deck, reshuffle, & finish
drawing cards; Soviets must choose identical cards the battle (may choose to draw fewer).
Setup Victory
1. SOVIETS and INSURGENTS: Choose and add 1 copy of a (*) (i) No Insurgent blocks in any Afghanistan
strategy card to your deck, without revealing it to SOVIETS area, OR (ii) Control every city, & trace a path
opponent. Shuffle your deck, draw 6 cards, discard any Decisive from USSR to each city by highway, when a
number, then draw back up to 6 cards reshuffle occurs (3 times)
2. SOVIETS: Place 2 random Infantry/Armor/Rumour in each SOVIETS Control 3 cities when game ending reshuffle
southern USSR areas, place your remaining Minor occurs
Infantry/Armor/Rumours in the USSR airbase area, and INSURGENTS (i) Reach 9 on the Soviet Fatigue track, OR
place 1 DRAF in Kabul (all Mobilized) Decisive (ii) Control Kabul at any point
3. INSURGENTS: Place 1 Lashkar (any orientation) in any INSURGENTS Control 1 city when game ending reshuffle
Village and the Warlord stronghold in any Village Minor occurs
4. SOVIETS: Remove a random pair of strategy cards from the
game, without revealing it to opponent Start & End of Game
5. INSURGENTS: Remove 2 random strategy cards from the • Play begins with the SOVIETS
game without revealing it to opponent • Game ends with a Decisive victory or the 7th reshuffle

Force Pool Reference

Blocks Cards Unit Mobilized Ambush Fortified Fire Support Disordered
11 12 LASHKAR 1 1+ 2 1
7 8 SUNNI 2 2(3) 4 1
7 8 SHIA 2 2(3) 4 1
4 - CAP. ART. 3 2 1
5 7 SOVIET ARMOR 3 5 3 1
9 10 SOVIET INFANTRY 2 4 2 1
14 15 DRAF 2 3 1
1 - SPETSNAZ 2 4 3 1

Strategy Card Reference

Play during your opponent's turn, after they play 'Soviet Air Strikes' or 'Enhanced Border Patrols' but before being
resolved. Their card is discarded without effect, then increase Soviet Fatigue by 1
WESTERN MEDIA Play during your opponent's turn, after they Overrun, or in reaction to ‘Land Minds’. Increase Soviet Fatigue by 1
IRANIAN TRAINING Place 2 Disordered Shia Mujahideen in the Iran area |OR| Replace any number of Lashkar in the Iran area with an equal
CAMPS number of Shia Mujahideen (any orientation)
PAKISTANI TRAINING Place 1 Disordered Sunni Mujahideen in each Pakistan area |OR| Replace any number of Lashkar in the Pakistan areas
CAMPS with an equal number of Sunni Mujahideen (any orientation) in the same areas
INSURGENT TRIBAL Remove the 'Warlord stronghold' (if in play). Then, place it in any village area that's free of enemy blocks |OR| Place a
WARLORDS* Disordered Captured Artillery in the area with the 'Warlord stronghold'
Play at the end of a battle, which you lost, when choosing casualties. The Soviet player must take 1 casualty. Then,
permanently remove this card from the game, instead of discarding it, if a Soviet Infantry or Armor was taken as the
Take an URGENT turn. Then, if you have at least 1 block in Panjshir, target a non-city area adjacent to Panjshir. All Disordered
LION OF PANJSHIR* blocks in that area are eliminated and all other blocks become Disordered. | OR | Your opponent cannot take a Resupply turn
on their next turn. You may immediately take another turn.
OCCUPATION AND Place 2 Disordered Lashkar in a Village area controlled by a single enemy block to eliminate that block. | OR | Your
UNREST* opponent must discard half their cards (round down). Then, set any non-Disordered blocks in Afghan areas to 'Ambush'
Place an eliminated Soviet Infantry (Mobilized) in the Soviet Airbase area |OR| Play immediately after your opponent
plays ‘Defectors’ or ‘Warriors of God’—it’s discarded without effect and your opponent must eliminate one block from
the battle area (impact total not reduced)
LANDMINES Play at the start of a battle, when defending. Your opponent must immediately eliminate 1 block in the battle area.
POLICY OF NAT’L Remove a Soviet Armor from the board to reduce Soviet Fatigue by 1, then perform a RESTRICTED Operations Turn
RECONCILIATION (without discarding another card). On their next turn, your opponent cannot move into areas you control.
You may place a Mobilized DRAF in each Soviet controlled city and your opponent must remove all their Rumours from
the board. On their next turn, your opponent cannot perform a Resupply turn
ENHANCED Play during in your opponent's turn, after they've finished moving groups but before any battles are resolved. Target
BORDER PATROLS a group that crossed an international boundary this turn. Eliminate all blocks in that group
SOVIET AIR Target any Afghan area. If there are Insurgent blocks there, your opponent must eliminate any which are not Fortified.
STRIKES* If there is an Afghan village there, place a Destroyed Village marker over it
Remove the Spetsnaz block (if in play). Place the Spetsnaz (any orientation) in any Afghan or USSR area that’s free of
Insurgent blocks. Then, take an URGENT Operations Turn
Your opponent must discard half their cards (round down). Then, set any non-Disordered blocks to 'Fire Support'. | OR
NORMATIVE FIRE* |Target a non-city highway area that has adjacent Soviet blocks. All Insurgent blocks in the targeted area become
Disordered and must retreat

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