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Civ2 Notes_VEM


Atty. CAUribe,
Second Semester, AY 2019-2020

FORMS OF CONTRACT An oral donation requires the simultaneous

delivery of the thing or of the document
ART. 1356. Contracts shall be obligatory, in representing the right donated.
whatever form they may have been entered
into, provided all the essential requisites for If the value of the personal property donated
their validity are present. However, when the exceeds five thousand pesos, the donation and
law requires that a contract be in some form in the acceptance shall be made in writing,
order that it may be valid or enforceable, or otherwise, the donation shall be void. (632a)
that a contract be proved in a certain way, that
requirement is absolute and indispensable. In Art. 749. In order that the donation of an
such cases, the right of the parties stated in the immovable may be valid, it must be made in a
following article cannot be exercised. (1278a) public document, specifying therein the
property donated and the value of the charges
Modern law recognizes the autonomy of the will which the donee must satisfy.
over strict formalism in the execution of contracts.
It is only in very rare cases now that the form is The acceptance may be made in the same deed
still essential to the validity of the juridical act. of donation or in a separate public document,
but it shall not take effect unless it is done
Under the present code, the foundation is stull the during the lifetime of the donor.
“spiritual system”, providing for the validity of the
contract in whatever form it may have. If the acceptance is made in a separate
instrument, the donor shall be notified thereof
However, the article provides for 2 cases where
in an authentic form, and this step shall be
form is absolute and indispensable:
noted in both instruments. (633)
a. when the law requires that a contract be
in some form in order that it may be valid Art. 1744. A stipulation between the common
or enforceable carrier and the shipper or owner limiting the
b. when the contract is unenforceable liability of the former for the loss, destruction,
unless it is in certain form. (1403, to be or deterioration of the goods to a degree less
discussed later) than extraordinary diligence shall be valid,
provided it be:
These exceptions are calculated to avoid litigation.
Oral contracts frequently lead to fraud in the (1) In writing, signed by the shipper or owner;
fulfillment of the obligations or to false testimony. (2) Supported by a valuable consideration other
Formalities required by Law than the service rendered by the common
carrier; and (3) Reasonable, just and not
These formalities may be grouped into e: contrary to public policy.

a. those which are required for the validity Art. 1773. A contract of partnership is void,
of the contract ad esentia, ad whenever immovable property is contributed
solemnitatem; thereto, if an inventory of said property is not
b. those to make the contract effective as made, signed by the parties, and attached to
against 3rd parties such as those in 1357 the public instrument. (1668a)
and 1358.
c. Those which are required for the purpose Art. 1874. When a sale of a piece of land or any
of proving the existence of the contract or interest therein is through an agent, the
formalities as probationem such as those authority of the latter shall be in writing;
in 1403. otherwise, the sale shall be void. (n)

a. For validity of the Contract Art. 1956. No interest shall be due unless it has
Some provisions of the civil code: been expressly stipulated in writing. (1755a)

Art. 748. The donation of a movable may be Art. 2134. The amount of the principal and of
made orally or in writing. the interest shall be specified in writing;
otherwise, the contract of antichresis shall be

Civ2 Notes_VEM
Atty. CAUribe,
Second Semester, AY 2019-2020

void. (n) form. The cause of action for both cases would be
the same, that is the existence of a valid contract.
Section 22 of Act No. 1147, enacted May 3,
1904, provides that, "No transfer of large cattle Cause of action
shall be valid unless registered, and a certificate This article does not impose an obligation, but
of transfer secured as herein provided.” confers a privilege upon both parties, and the fact
(Contract of Sale: nowhere in the Civil Code is that the plaintiff has not made use of the same
there a requirement of a specific form for a does not bar his action on the contract. Neither
contract of sale. However, under special laws, this article or 1358 requires that the exercise of
such as the one above, transfer of large cattle the action to compel the execution of the deed
need to be in a public instrument, registered must precede the bringing of the action derived
and there must be a certificate of transfer.) from the contract. Hence, in the same complaint,
the plaintiff may ask for the compliance with the
required formalities in one cause of action, and the
enforcement of the contract in another cause of
Where the validity of a contract is made to depend
upon a particular formality, an action under 1357
cannot be brought to compel the other party to b. Enforceability
execute such formality. Art. 1357 presupposes that
existence of valid contract and cannot possibly Note: the contracts here are valid but cannot be
refer to the form required to make it valid, but enforced until ratified.
rather to that required simply to make it effective.
Art. 1403. The following contracts are
Article 1357. If the law requires a document or unenforceable, unless they are ratified:
other special form, as in the acts and contracts
enumerated in the following article, the (1) Those entered into in the name of another
contracting parties may compel each other to person by one who has been given no authority
observe that form, once the contract has been or legal representation, or who has acted
perfected. This right may be exercised beyond his powers;
simultaneously with the action upon the
contract. (2) Those that do not comply with the Statute of
Frauds as set forth in this number. In the
following cases an agreement hereafter made
This article grants to each contracting party the shall be unenforceable by action, unless the
power to compel the other to execute the same, or some note or memorandum, thereof,
formalities required by law, as soon as the be in writing, and subscribed by the party
requisites for the validity of the contract are charged, or by his agent; evidence, therefore, of
present. the agreement cannot be received without the
Far from making the enforceability of the contract writing, or a secondary evidence of its contents:
depend upon any special extrinsic form, this article
recognizes its enforceability by the mere act of (a) An agreement that by its terms is not to be
granting to the contracting parties an adequate performed within a year from the making
remedy whereby to compel the execution of a thereof; (b) A special promise to answer for the
public writing, or any other special form, whenever debt, default, or miscarriage of another; (c) An
such form is necessary in order that the contract agreement made in consideration of marriage,
may produce the effect which is desired, according other than a mutual promise to marry; (d) An
to whatever may be its object. agreement for the sale of goods, chattels or
things in action, at a price not less than five
This, in substance, is equivalent to establishing as hundred pesos, unless the buyer accept and
an implied condition of the very contract, that receive part of such goods and chattels, or the
these formal requisites shall be complied with, evidences, or some of them, of such things in
notwithstanding the absence of any express action or pay at the time some part of the
agreement by the contracting parties to that purchase money; but when a sale is made by
effect, but does not subordinate the principal auction and entry is made by the auctioneer in
action to the secondary action concerning the his sales book, at the time of the sale, of the
amount and kind of property sold, terms of sale,

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Atty. CAUribe,
Second Semester, AY 2019-2020

price, names of the purchasers and person on renunciation of hereditary rights or of those of
whose account the sale is made, it is a sufficient the conjugal partnership of gains; (3) The power
memorandum; (e) An agreement of the leasing to administer property, or any other power
for a longer period than one year, or for the sale which has for its object an act appearing or
of real property or of an interest therein; (f) A which should appear in a public document, or
representation as to the credit of a third person. should prejudice a third person; (4) The cession
of actions or rights proceeding from an act
(3) Those where both parties are incapable of appearing in a public document.
giving consent to a contract.
All other contracts where the amount involved
Art. 1878. Special powers of attorney are exceeds five hundred pesos must appear in
necessary in the following cases: writing, even a private one. But sales of goods,
chattels or things in action are governed by
(1) To make such payments as are not usually Articles, 1403, No. 2 and 1405. (1280a)
considered as acts of administration; (2) To
effect novations which put an end to obligations
This article enumerates certain contracts that must
already in existence at the time the agency was
appear in public or private documents. This
constituted; (3) To compromise, to submit
provision does not require for such form in order
questions to arbitration, to renounce the right
to validate the act or contract but to require its
to appeal from a judgment, to waive objections
to the venue of an action or to abandon a
prescription already acquired; (4) To waive any The reduction to writing in a public or private
obligation gratuitously; (5) To enter into any document, required by this article is not an
contract by which the ownership of an essential requisite for the existence of the
immovable is transmitted or acquired either contract but to simply a coercive power granted
gratuitously or for a valuable consideration; (6) to the contracting parties by which they can
To make gifts, except customary ones for reciprocally compel the observance of these
charity or those made to employees in the formal requisites.
business managed by the agent; (7) To loan or
borrow money, unless the latter act be urgent Contracts enumerated by this article are therefore,
and indispensable for the preservation of the valid as between the contracting parties, even
things which are under administration; (8) To when they have not been reduced to writing.
lease any real property to another person for Except in certain cases where the public
more than one year; (9) To bind the principal to instrument and registration are required for the
render some service without compensation; validity of the contract itself, the legalization of
(10) To bind the principal in a contract of the contract by means of public writing and its
partnership; (11) To obligate the principal as a entry in the register are not essential solemnities
guarantor or surety; (12) To create or convey or requisites for the validity of the contract as
real rights over immovable property; (13) To between the contracting parties, but are required
accept or repudiate an inheritance; (14) To for the purpose of making it effective as against
ratify or recognize obligations contracted before third person.
the agency; (15) Any other act of strict
dominion. (n)
Does the law require a particular form for the
validity and enforceability of contracts? As a rule,
c. Greater Efficacy or Convenience
the law does not require a particular form, except
Art. 1358. The following must appear in a public when the law requires that a contract must be in a
document: certain form to be valid and enforceable then this
requirement is absolute and indispensable.
(1) Acts and contracts which have for their When the law requires a particular form and the
object the creation, transmission, modification parties failed to comply, the contract is void? Not
or extinguishment of real rights over immovable necessarily. If the law requires a particular form,
property; sales of real property or of an interest the contract need not be void if the law did not
therein a governed by Articles 1403, No. 2, and provide for nullity of contract.
1405; (2) The cession, repudiation or

Civ2 Notes_VEM
Atty. CAUribe,
Second Semester, AY 2019-2020

What contracts would be void if the parties failed 1403. Contracts covered by Art. 1878 -- e.g. agent
to comply? must have SPA to be enforceable against the
Donation of real property must be in a public
instrument in order to be valid, even between the Sale of public land, if not in a public instrument
donor and the donee (Art. 749), otherwise if is would that be valid and enforceable? It depends
void. If the value of the personal property donated on whether the contract of sale was only a verbal
exceeds 5 thousand pesos , the donation and the sale or in writing but not in a public instrument. If
acceptance shall be made in writing, otherwise the verbal sale it will be unenforceable because it will
donation shall be void (Art. 748). be covered by the Statute of Frauds. If in writing,
even if not in a public instrument, that will already
In antichresis, the agreement as to the principal be valid and binding at least between the parties.
and interest must be in writing, otherwise it is If in a public instrument, it may also bind 3rd
void. persons because only public instruments may be
Contribution of a partner ins a partnership of an registered in the register of deeds. If private
immovable property, must be in writing, instrument, the register of deeds has no business
otherwise, void (Art. 1773). of registering the instrument.

Sale of land through an agent, the authority of the Note: The requirement of the law whereby a
agent to sell must be in writing, otherwise void public instrument is required is only for
(Art. 1874). convenience and to bind 3rd persons, not for
validity and enforceability. The contract remains to
A creditor can only demand interest if it is in be valid, the right of the parties is to compel each
writing. other to execute a public instrument if made in a
private instrument.
A stipulation reducing the degree of diligence
required that should be observed by the common Case Doctrines:
carrier should be in writing.
1. Lao Sok vs. Sabaysabay
Oral sale of large cattle, is the sale valid? The sale
is void because the anti-cattle rustling law requires Lao Sok made an offer which was duly accepted by
that it must be in a public instrument and must be the private respondents. There was, therefore, a
registered. meeting of the minds between two parties
whereby one bound himself with respect to the
S sold orally to B a parcel of land for 10,000. B other, to give something or to render some service
needed a public instrument to register the sale at (Article 1305, Civil Code). By the unconditional
the register of deeds. Can B compel S to execute a acceptance of the offer that they would be paid
public instrument of sale? No, because the separation pay, a contract was therefore
contract is unenforceable because the same is not perfected. As held in the case of Herrera v. Auditor
in writing. The requirement that a party may General, (102 Phil. 875):
compel the other to execute the necessary form is
when the contract is valid and enforceable. Since “x x x the Government, through the Quezon City
in this case the contract is unenforceable, although Engineer had as late as 1955 acknowledged the
valid, the right to execute the required form financial obligation of the Government, and even
cannot be enforced. offered to pay it, and what is more, the offer was
duly accepted by Herrera, thereby constituting a
S sold to B in writing a parcel of land for 10,000. contract, and a renewal of the obligation.”
Later, B wanted to register the sale with the
Register of Deeds, but registration requires a Petitioner contends that the contract though orally
public instrument. B, therefore, requested S to made is unenforceable since it does not comply
execute the public instrument of sale but the with the Statute of Frauds. This contention has no
latter refused. Can B compel S to execute the merit. Contracts in whatever form they may have
public instrument of sale? Yes, because the been entered into are binding on the parties
contract is valid and enforceable. unless form is essential for the validity and
enforceability of that particular contract. (See
In what contracts would the law require a Lopez v. Auditor General, 20 SCRA 655). We held in
particular form for enforceability of contract? Shaffer v. Palma (22 SCRA 934):
Contracts covered by statute of fraud under Art.

Civ2 Notes_VEM
Atty. CAUribe,
Second Semester, AY 2019-2020

“x x x Whether the agreement is in writing or not is entered, provided all the essential requisites for
a question of evidence. Nevertheless, even their validity are present. The next sentence
granting that the agreement is not in writing, this provides the exception, requiring a contract to be
circumstance does not militate against the validity in some form when the law so requires for validity
or enforceability of said agreement, because or enforceability. Said law is Section 127 of Act 496
contracts are binding upon the parties in whatever which requires, among other things, that the
form they may have been entered into unless the conveyance be executed "before the judge of a
law requires otherwise. (Article 1356, Civil Code; court of record or clerk of a court of record or a
Lopez v. The Auditor General et al., L-25859, July notary public or a justice of the peace, who shall
13, 1967; Pilar Gil Vda. de Murciano v. The Auditor certify such acknowledgment substantially in form
General, et al., 103 Phil. 907). It is true that Article next hereinafter stated."
1358 of the Civil Code provides that contracts
involving more than P500.00 must appear in Such law was violated in this case. The action of
writing, but nothing is said therein that such the Register of Deeds of Laguna in allowing the
requirement is necessary for their validity or registration of the private deed of sale was
enforceability. It has been held that the writing unauthorized and did not lend a bit of validity to
required under Article 1358 is merely for the defective private document of sale.
convenience, (Thunga Chui v. Que Bentac, 2 Phil.
561; Ng Hoc v. Tong Ho, 52 O.G., 4396) and so the Section 127 of the Land Registration Act, Act
agreement alleged in the amended complaint in 496 states:
the present case can be enforced even if it may
not be in writing.”
Sec. 127. Deeds of Conveyance, ... affecting lands,
The requirement of writing for the offer made by whether registered under this act or unregistered
Lao Sok is only for convenience and not shall be sufficient in law when made substantially
enforceability. In fact, the petitioner could be in accordance with the following forms, and shall
compelled to put the offer in writing, a step no be as effective to convey, encumber, ... or bind the
longer necessary now because of this petition. lands as though made in accordance with the more
prolix forms heretofore in use: Provided, That
2. Gallardo vs. IAC every such instrument shall be signed by the
person or persons executing the same, in the
Petitioners claim that the sale (of parcel of lot
presence of two witnesses, who shall sign the
registered under the Torrens System) although not
instrument as witnesses to the execution
in a public document, is nevertheless valid and
thereof, and shall be acknowledged to be his or
binding citing this Court's rulings in the cases
their free act and deed by the person or persons
of Cauto v. Cortes, 8 Phil. 459, 460; Guerrero v.
executing the same, before the judge of a court of
Miguel, 10 Phil. 52, 53; Bucton v. Gabar 55 SCRA
record or clerk of a court of record, or a notary
499 wherein this Court ruled that even a verbal
public, or a justice of the peace, who shall certify
contract of sale of real estate produces legal
to such acknowledgement substantially in the form
effects between the parties. The contention is
next hereinafter stated. 
It is therefore evident that Exhibit " E " in the case
As the respondent court aptly stated in its
at bar is definitely not registerable under the Land
Registration Act.

True, as argued by appellants, a private

Likewise noteworthy is the case of Pornellosa
conveyance of registered property is valid as
and Angels v. Land Tenure Administration and
between the parties. However, the only right the
Guzman, 110 Phil. 986, where the Court ruled:
vendee of registered property in a private
document is to compel through court processes
the vendor to execute a deed of conveyance The deed of sale (Exhibit A), allegedly executed by
sufficient in law for purposes of registration. Vicente San Jose in favor of Pornellosa is a mere
Plaintiffs-appellants' reliance on Article 1356 of the private document and does not conclusively
Civil Code is unfortunate. The general rule establish their right to the parcel of land. WhiIe it
enunciated in said Art. 1356 is that contracts are is valid and binding upon the parties with respect
obligatory, in whatever form they may have been to the sale of the house erected thereon, yet it is
not sufficient to convey title or any right to the

Civ2 Notes_VEM
Atty. CAUribe,
Second Semester, AY 2019-2020

residential lot in litigation. Acts and contracts charged, or his agent, suffices to make the verbal
which have for their object the creation, agreement enforceable, taking it out of the
transmission, modification or extinguishment of operation of the statute. 1403 par. 2 states:
real rights over immovable property must appear
in a public document. The following contracts are unenforceable, unless
they are ratified: xxx (2) Those that do not comply
Upon consideration of the facts and circumstances with the Statute of Frauds as set forth in this
surrounding the execution of the assailed number. In the following cases an agreement
document, the trial court found that said private hereafter made shall be unenforceable by action,
document (Exhibit "B") was null and void and that unless the same, or some note or memorandum
it was signed by somebody else not Pedro thereof, be in writing, and subscribed by the party
Villanueva. Such findings of fact besides being charged, or by his agent; evidence, therefore, of
based on the records, were sustained by the Court the agreement cannot be received without the
of Appeals. writing, or a secondary evidence of its contents:
xxx (e) An agreement for the leasing for a longer
3. Paredes vs. Espino period than one year, or for the sale of real
property or of an interest therein.
Appellant Cirilo Paredes had filed an action to
compel defendant-appellee Jose L. Espino to In the case at bar, the complaint in its paragraph 3
execute a deed of sale and to pay damages. The pleads "that the deal had been closed by letter and
complaint alleged that the defendant "had entered telegram" and the letter referred to was evidently
into the sale" to plaintiff of Lot No. 67 of the the one copy of which was appended as Exhibit A
Puerto Princesa Cadastre at P4.00 a square meter; to plaintiff s opposition to the motion to dismiss.
that the deal had been "closed by letter and This letter, transcribed above in part, together
telegram" but the actual execution of the deed of with that one marked as Appendix B, constitute an
sale and payment of the price were deferred to adequate memorandum of the transaction. T hey
the arrival of defendant at Puerto Princesa; that are signed by the defendant-appellee; refer to the
defendant upon arrival had refused to execute the property sold as a lot in Puerto Princesa, Palawan,
deed of sale altho plaintiff was able and willing to covered by T.C.T. No. 62; give its area as 1826
pay the price, and continued to refuse despite square meters and the purchase price of four
written demands of plaintiff; that as a result, (P4.00) pesos per square meter payable in cash.
plaintiff had lost expected profits from a resale of We have in them, therefore, all the essential terms
the property, and caused plaintiff mental anguish of the contract, and they satisfy the requirements
and suffering, for which reason the complaint of the Statute of Frauds. We have ruled in Berg vs.
prayed for specific performance and damages. Magdalena Estate, Inc., 92 Phil. 110, 115, that a
Defendant filed a motion to dismiss upon the sufficient memorandum may be contained in two
ground that the complaint stated no cause of or more documents.
action, and that the plaintiff's claim upon which
the action was founded was unenforceable under Defendant-appellee argues that the authenticity
the Statute of Frauds. Plaintiff opposed in writing of the letters has not been established. That is
the motion to dismiss and annexed to his not necessary for the purpose of showing prima
opposition a copy of a letter purportedly signed by facie that the contract is enforceable. For as ruled
defendant. The court below dismissed the by us in Shaffer vs. Palma, L24115, March 1, 1968,
complaint on the ground that there being no whether the agreement is in writing or not, is a
written contract, under Article 1403 of the Civil question of evidence; and the authenticity of the
Code of the Philippines. writing need not be established until the trial is
held. The plaintiff having alleged that the contract
Whether the dismissal proper? No. is backed by letter and telegram, and the same
being a sufficient memorandum, his cause of
The Statute of Frauds, embodied in Article 1403 of action is thereby established, especially since the
the Civil Code of the Philippines, does not require defendant has not denied the letters in question.
that the contract itself be in writing. The plain text At any rate, if the Court below entertained any
of Article 1403, paragraph (2) is clear that a doubts about the existence of the written
written note or memorandum, embodying the memorandum, it should have called for a
essentials of the contract and signed by the party

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Atty. CAUribe,
Second Semester, AY 2019-2020

preliminary hearing on that point, and not conveyance in his favor within thirty (30) days
dismissed the complaint. from the finality of the decision. NO

4. Sps. Aguinaldo vs. Torres In the present case, the complaint was filed
assailing the validity of the 1979 deed of sale, the
o n March 3, 2003, petitioners filed a complaint6 execution of which was denied by both parties.
for annulment of sale, cancellation of title, and However, while the CA found that petitioners'
damages against respondent before the RTC. They signatures on the said deed were manifestly
claimed that they are the registered owners of different from their signatures on other pertinent
three (3) lots covered by Transfer Certificates of documents before it, and thus, declared the said
Title (TCT) Nos. T-93596, T-87764, and T-87765 deed as spurious and did not validly transfer title
situated in Tanza, Cavite (subject properties).7 to the subject properties, it failed to nullify the
Sometime in December 2000, they discovered that subject certificates of title issued pursuant to the
the titles to the subject properties were said deed. Settled is the rule that a forged deed of
transferred to respondent who, in bad faith, and sale is null and void and conveys no title. 37 Notably,
through fraud, deceit, and stealth, caused the the complaint prayed for the nullification of the
execution of a Deed of Absolute Sale8 dated July said certificates of title based on the spurious 1979
21, 1979 (1979 deed of sale), purportedly selling deed of sale.38 Hence, finding the foregoing in
the subject properties to him, for which he was order, the CA's ruling must be modified
issued TCT Nos. T-305318, T-305319, and T- accordingly.
3053209 (subject certificates of title). Respondent
filed his Answer with Counterclaim,10 denying Nonetheless, save for the above modification, the
participation in the execution of the 1979 deed of Court agrees with the CA's conclusion that a valid
sale, and averring that the subject properties were conveyance of the subject properties to
validly sold by petitioners to him through a Deed respondent was established.
of Absolute Sale11 dated March 10, 1991 (1991
deed of sale).12 He claimed that petitioners While respondent denied participation in the
caused the registration of the 1979 deed of sale execution of the 1979 deed of sale, he claimed
with the Register of Deeds of Trece Martires City, that the subject properties were validly sold by
and the transfer of title in his name, hence, they petitioners to him through the 1991 deed of
are estopped from impugning the validity of his sale.39 On the other hand, petitioners denied the
title. Moreover, the action has prescribed, having existence and due execution of the said deed,
been filed beyond four (4) years from discovery of claiming that they could not have signed the same
the averred fraud, reckoned from the registration as they were in the USA when it was supposedly
of the said deed on March 26, 1991.13 He further executed.40
alleged that petitioners only filed the instant
baseless suit to harass him in view of their Thus, central to the resolution of the instant
acrimonious relationship, and thus, interposed a controversy is the determination of the
counterclaim for moral damages and attorney's authenticity of the 1991 deed of sale which,
fees. however, is a question of fact rather than of
law.41 It bears to stress that it is not the function of
in a Decision18 dated January 21, 2010, the RTC the Court to re-examine, winnow, and weigh anew
dismissed the complaint, holding that petitioners the respective sets of evidence of the
failed to establish their claim by preponderance of parties,42 absent a showing that they fall under
evidence.19 It found that petitioners validly sold certain recognized exceptions,43 none of which are
the subject properties to respondent,20 present here.
considering too Nelia's admission of the sale in her
letter21 dated November 12, 1998 (November 12, At the outset, it should be pointed out that the
1998 letter) to respondent. Upheld by the CA. 1991 deed of sale was improperly notarized,
having been signed by respondent and witness
Bucapal in Makati City and by petitioners in the
Issue: The essential issue for the Court's resolution
USA, but notarized in Tanza, Cavite, 44 which is in
is whether or not the CA committed reversible
violation of the notarial officer's duty to demand
error in ruling that there was a valid conveyance of
that the party acknowledging a document must
the subject properties to respondent and directing
appear before him,45 sign the document in his
petitioners to execute a registrable deed of

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Atty. CAUribe,
Second Semester, AY 2019-2020

presence,46 and affirm the contents and truth of forgery to establish his case by a preponderance of
what are stated therein.47 As aptly observed by the evidence, or evidence which is of greater weight or
CA, the evidence on record amply shows that Nelia more convincing than that which is offered in
could not have been in the Philippines at the time opposition to it.56 In this case, the claimed forgery
the said deed was signed.48 was ruled out by a comparison of petitioners'
questioned signatures with their standard/sample
The improper notarization of the 1991 deed of sale signatures, but other than their own declaration
stripped it of its public character and reduced it to that their signatures on the 1991 deed of sale
a private instrument.49 Hence, it is to be examined were forged, petitioners failed to present any
under the parameters of Section 20, Rule 132 of evidence to corroborate their claim.
the Rules of Court (Rules) which pertinently
provides that "[b]efore any private document Although the improper notarization of the 1991
offered as authentic is received in evidence, its deed of sale did not affect the validity of the sale
due execution and authenticity must be of the subject properties to respondent, the same,
proved either: (a) [b]y anyone who saw the however, rendered the said deed unregistrable,
document executed or written; or (b) [b]y since notarization is essential to the registrability
evidence of the genuineness of the signature or of deeds and conveyances.57 Bearing in mind that
handwriting of the maker."50 Emphases supplied. the legal requirement that the sale of real property
must appear in a public instrument is merely a
In relation thereto, Section 22, Rule 132 of the coercive means granted to the contracting parties
same Rules provides the manner by which the to enable them to reciprocally compel the
genuineness of handwriting may be proved, i.e.: observance of the prescribed form,58 and
(a) by any witness who believes it to be the considering that the existence of the sale of the
handwriting of such person because he has seen subject properties in respondent's favor had been
the person write; or he has seen writing purporting duly established, the Court upholds the CA's
to be his upon which the witness has acted or directive for petitioners to execute a registrable
been charged; (b) by a comparison, made by the deed of conveyance in respondent's favor within
witness or the court, with writings admitted or thirty (30) days from finality of the decision, in
treated as genuine by the party against whom the accordance with the prescribed form under
evidence is offered, or proved to be genuine to Articles 135759 and 135860 (1) of the Civil Code.
the satisfaction of the judge. Notably, if petitioners fail to comply with this
directive within the said period, respondent has
In this case, the CA made an independent the option to file the proper motion before the
examination of petitioners' signatures on the 1991 court a quo to issue an order divesting petitioners'
deed of sale (questioned signatures), and title to the subject properties under the
concluded that they are the same signatures found parameters of Section 10 (a),61 Rule 39 of the Rules
on other pertinent documents (standard/sample of Court.
signatures),51 which is the same conclusion arrived
at by the NBI.52 The due execution and authenticity To be sure, the directive to execute a registrable
of the said deed having been ostensibly deed of conveyance in respondent's favor - albeit
established by the finding that the signatures of not specifically prayed for in respondent's Answer
petitioners thereon were genuine, the burden was with Counterclaim - is but a necessary
shifted upon the latter to prove by contrary consequence of the judgment upholding the
evidence that the subject properties were not so validity of the sale to him, and an essential
transferred53 - especially in light of Nelia's measure to put in proper place the title to and
admission of the sale54 in her November 12, 1998 ownership of the subject properties and to
letter to respondent, as well as respondent's preclude further contentions thereon. As aptly
payment of the real property taxes for the same 55 - explained by the CA, "[t]o leave the [1991 deed of
which petitioners, however, failed to discharge sale] as a private one would not necessarily serve
convincingly. the intent of the country's land registration laws[,
and] resorting to another action merely to compel
The Court has held in a number of cases that the [petitioners] to execute a registrable deed of
forgery cannot be presumed and must be proved sale would unnecessarily prolong the resolution of
by clear, positive, and convincing evidence, and this case, especially when the end goal would be
the burden of proof lies on the party alleging the same."62 In this relation, case law states that a

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judgment should be complete by itself; hence, the The action for such relief rests in the theory that
courts are to dispose finally of the litigation so as the parties came to an understanding, but in
to preclude further litigation between the parties reducing it to writing, through mutual mistake,
on the same subject matter, thereby avoiding a fraud or some other reason, some provision was
multiplicity of suits between the parties and their omitted or mistakenly inserted and the action is to
privies and successors-in-interests.63 change the instrument so as to make it conform to
the contract agreed upon.
As a final note, it must be clarified that while the
Court has declared TCT Nos. T-305318, T-305319, Requisites of Reformation
and T-305320 null and void, the duty to process
the cancellation of the said titles devolves upon 1. There must be meeting of the minds upon
respondent's heirs. Likewise, it is the latter's duty the contract
to register the new deed of sale as herein
compelled so as to secure the issuance of new
2. The instrument or document evidencing
certificates of title over the subject properties in
the contract does not express the true
their names.
agreement between the parties

3. The failure of the instrument to express

the agreement must be due to mistake,
REFORMATION OF CONTRACTS fraud, inequitable conduct or accident.

Equity dictates that reformation of instrument in Distinguished from Annulment

order that the true intention of the contracting
parties may be expressed. The courts by the
Action for reformation presupposes that there is a
reformation do not attempt to make a new
valid existing contract between the parties and the
contract for the parties but to make the
document signed by them evidencing the contract
instrument express their real agreement. This is
does not correctly express the terms of their
because it would be unjust to allow the
enforcement of a written instrument which does
not reflect or disclose the real meeting of the
On the other hand, if the minds of the parties did
minds of the parties.
not meet, or if the consent is vitiated, so that there
is no real and valid contract was made, the action
Art. 1359. When, there having been a meeting is for annulment rather that reformation.
of the minds of the parties to a contract, their
true intention is not expressed in the
Annulment involves a complete nullification of the
instrument purporting to embody the
contract while reformation gives life to it upon
agreement, by reason of mistake, fraud,
certain corrections.
inequitable conduct or accident, one of the
parties may ask for the reformation of the
instrument to the end that such true intention Retroactive effect
may be expressed.
Upon the reformation of an instrument, the
If mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct, or general rule is that it relates back to, and takes
accident has prevented a meeting of the minds effect from the time of its original execution.,
of the parties, the proper remedy is not especially as between the parties.
reformation of the instrument but annulment of
the contract. Art. 1360. The principles of the general law on
Once the minds of the parties meet, a valid the reformation of instruments are hereby
contract exists, whether the agreement is reduced adopted insofar as they are not in conflict with
to writing or not. There are instances, however, the provisions of this Code.
where in reducing the agreement to writing, the Self-explanatory
true intention of the parties are not correctly
expressed in the document either by reason of Art. 1361. When a mutual mistake of the parties
mistake or fraud or accident. In such cases, causes the failure of the instrument to disclose
reformation of instrument is proper.

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their real agreement, said instrument may be matter or principal conditions of the agreement,
reformed. the latter case an action for annulment is the
Requisites of mistake under this Article proper remedy.

a. The mistake of one of fact Art. 1363. When one party was mistaken and
the other knew or believed that the instrument
b. That it was common to both parties did not state their real agreement, but
concealed that fact from the former, the
c. The proof of mutual mistake must be instrument may be reformed.
clear and convincing. Self-explanatory.

There is a mistake of fact when the written Art. 1364. When through the ignorance, lack of
evidence of the agreement includes something skill, negligence or bad faith on the part of the
which should not be there, or omits something person drafting the instrument or of the clerk or
that should be there, or expresses their agreement typist, the instrument does not express the true
that it sets forth something different from what intention of the parties, the courts may order
was intended. that the instrument be reformed.
Mistake must be mutual. It must appear that by
reason of the mistake something is to be done Art. 1365. If two parties agree upon the
which neither party intended; that is, the contract mortgage or pledge of real or personal
must be written in terms which violate the property, but the instrument states that the
understanding of both parties, and the mistake property is sold absolutely or with a right of
must be in reference to the same matter. The repurchase, reformation of the instrument is
parties must have come to an oral agreement proper.
before they attempted to reduce it in writing, Self- explanatory
which attempt failed by reason of mistake, and
reformation enforces the original agreement. Art. 1366. There shall be no reformation in the
Parties must show that there was a valid contract following cases: (1) Simple donations inter vivos
between them, which contract is not correctly set wherein no condition is imposed; (2) Wills; (3)
forth in writing to be reformed. When the real agreement is void.
Both donations and wills are gratuitous
Art. 1362. If one party was mistaken and the dispositions of property. There reason for this
other acted fraudulently or inequitably in such a article is that an action to reform a written
way that the instrument does not show their instrument is in the nature of an action for
true intention, the former may ask for the specific performance and requires a valuable
reformation of the instrument consideration, an element lacking between the
An instrument may be reformed as where one donor and donee, and between the testator and
party to an instrument has made a mistake and beneficiary.
the other party knows it and conceals the truth
from him. Such mistake and fraud must be at the Art. 1367. When one of the parties has brought
time of the execution of the instrument and must an action to enforce the instrument, he cannot
be clearly shown. subsequently ask for its reformation.
Action for enforcement and reformation are two
Inequitable conduct consists in doing acts, or inconsistent remedies, one in affirmance of the
omitting to do acts, which the court finds to be written contract and the other in disaffirmance.
unconscionable; as in taking advantage of one The party suing under the written contract may
party’s illiteracy, in drafting or having drafted an be said to have ratified the same.
instrument contrary to the previous understanding
of the parties and making such party believe the Art. 1368. Reformation may be ordered at the
instrument to be other that what actually is. instance of either party or his successors in
interest, if the mistake was mutual; otherwise,
The mistake under this article must refer to the upon petition of the injured party, or his heirs
content of the instrument, and not the subject

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and assigns. 1. Simple donations inter vivos wherein no

condition is imposed since the intentions
Art. 1369. The procedure for the reformation of of the donor will prevail, because
instrument shall be governed by rules of court donations reflect the liberality of the
to be promulgated by the Supreme Court. benefactor.
2. Wills because the testator is already dead,
May a verbal agreement be the subject of and the will reflect his personal
reformation? No. Only instruments may be intentions.
reformed and the reason for reformation is that
the instrument does not reflect the real intention 3. When the real agreement is void. Void
of the parties. contracts are inexistent, so there is
nothing to reform.
Requisites for reformation of instruments in a
contract? In case of conflict between intention and the
words or phrases which shall prevail? The real
1. Meeting of the minds of the parties intention of the parties prevail even if the words
and phrases are clear as to their meaning.
2. Instrument does not express the real
intention of the parties INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACTS

3. Failure of intention due to mistake, fraud, Art. 1370. If the terms of a contract are clear
inequitable conduct or accident. and leave no doubt upon the intention of the
contracting parties, the literal meaning of its
4. There must be clear and convincing proof. stipulations shall control.

Note: If the mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct or If the words appear to be contrary to the
accident has prevented the meeting of the minds evident intention of the parties, the latter shall
of the parties, the proper remedy is annulment of prevail over the former.
contract and not reformation of the instrument. When the contract is reduced into writing, the
contents shall be the sole repository of the terms
of the agreement between the parties. Whatever
A delivered a sum of money to B which was
is not found in the writing must be understood to
accepted by B. One year thereafter, A went back
have been waived and abandoned. Hence there
to B and demanded the return of the money plus
can be no evidence of the terms of the contract
interest. B asked why should I return the money,
other than the contents of the writing, unless it
it was a donation. A told him it is not a donation
can be proved that the intention of the parties is
but a loan. Is reformation a remedy? It will not be
otherwise. Note that a contract is what the law
a remedy. Reformation presupposes a meeting of
defines it to be, and not what it is called by the
the minds. Since there is no meeting of the minds
parties. The title of a contract does not
because the parties does not know whether it is a
necessarily determine its nature.
sale or donation, and secondly there is no
instrument to be reformed, reformation shall not
be a remedy. Interpretation of Terms

If the plaintiff asked for reformation of the The language of the writing is to be interpreted
instrument where it was stated “cocaine”, but the according to its legal meaning it bears in the place
real intention was morphine, may reformation of its execution.
prosper? Yes because the real contract is not a
void contract. The content of the instrument is When the terms of the agreement are so clear and
being reformed. explicit that they do not justify an attempt to read
into any alleged intention of the parties, the terms
What instances where reformation cannot are to be understood literally as they appear on
prosper? the face of the contract.

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Intention of the parties subsequent acts shall be principally considered.

For the proper construction of an instrument, the
In the construction of an instrument, the intention circumstances under which it was made,
of the parties is to be pursued. The true agreement including the situation of the subject thereof and
of the parties may be proved as against the terms of the parties to it, may be shown. The court may
and stipulations appearing in a written contract also consider the relations existing between the
where a mistake or imperfection of the writing or parties, their respective situations, the
its failure to express the true intent of the parties, surrounding circumstances and the purpose and
is put in issue in the pleadings or there is an tenor of the whole contract.
intrinsic ambiguity in the writing. When the true
intent and agreement of the parties is But where the parties themselves placed an
established, it must be given effect and prevail interpretation to their contract or its terms, the
over the bare words of the written contract. court must follow such interpretation as indicating
the intention of the parties.
The important task in contract interpretation is
always the ascertainment of the intention of the Art. 1372. However general the terms of a
contracting parties, and that task is to be contract may be, they shall not be understood
discharged by looking to the words they used to to comprehend things that are distinct and
project that intention in their contract. cases that are different from those upon which
the parties intended to agree. (1283)
Proof of Intention Particular provision in a contract is paramount
over the general provision in the construction of
In order that the intention of the parties prevail an instrument. So a particular intent will control a
against the terms of the contract, such intention general one that is inconsistent with it.
must be clear or, in other words, besides the fact
that such intention should be proved by The contract cannot be construed so as to include
competent evidence, it must be of such character matters distinct from those with respect to which
as to carry in the mind of the judge an inequivocal the parties intended to contract.
Art. 1373. If some stipulation of any contract
See discussion in Reformation. should admit of several meanings, it shall be
understood as bearing that import which is
Case Law: Republic vs. Castelvi most adequate to render it effectual. (1284)
Where the instrument is susceptible of two
Intention cannot prevail over the clear and express interpretations, one making it invalid and the
terms of the lease contract. Intent is to be other will make it valid, the latter interpretation
deduced from the language employed by the should be adopted.
parties, and the terms of the contract, when
unambiguous, are conclusive in the absence of Art. 1374. The various stipulations of a contract
averment and proof of mistake or fraud—the shall be interpreted together, attributing to the
question being not what the intention was, but doubtful ones that sense which may result from
what is expressed in the language used. Moreover, all of them taken jointly. (1285)
in order to judge the intention of the contracting A contract cannot be construed by parts, but its
parties, their contemporaneous and subsequent clauses should be interpreted in relation to one
acts shall be principally considered. another. The whole contract must be interpreted
or read together in order to arrive at its true
However general the terms of a contract may be, meaning.
they shall not be understood to comprehend
things that are distinct and cases that are different Certain stipulations cannot be segregated and then
from those upon which the parties intended to made to control; neither do particular words or
agree. phrases necessarily determine the character of the
contract. The legal effect of the contract is not
Art. 1371. In order to judge the intention of the determined alone by any particular provision
contracting parties, their contemporaneous and disconnected from the others, but in the ruling

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intention of the parties as gathered form all the —Considering the admitted fact that the contract
language they have used and form their of sale (Exhibit “A”) was prepared in the office of
contemporaneous and subsequent acts. respondent company by Generoso Bongato,
Assistant to the Manager of the company, upon
Provisions of the contract are to be given a instruction of General Manager Emiliano L. Abalos
reasonable and practical interpretation so as to be who is a lawyer, and We are now confronted with
efficacious. Titles given to sections of a contract the varying or conflicting interpretations of the
may be resorted to in interpreting its scope. An parties thereto, the respondent company
interpretation that gives effect to the contract as contending that the stipulation “Terms: Cash upon
a whole should be adopted. signing of this contract” does not mean that the
agreement was a cash transaction because no
Art. 1375. Words which may have different money was paid by the petitioner at the time of
significations shall be understood in that which the signing thereof whereas the petitioner insists
is most in keeping with the nature and object of that it was a cash transaction inasmuch as he paid
the contract. (1286) cash amounting to P142,975.00 upon the signing
When there is a doubt as to the meaning of any of the contract, the payment having been made at
particular language, it should be determined by a around 1:30 in the afternoon of November 13,
consideration of the general scope and the 1970 to the cashier, Teodoro Garcia, and Manager
purpose of the instrument in which it occurs. Abalos although the sale was agreed to in the
morning of the same day, November 13, 1970, the
conflicting interpretations have shrouded the
Art. 1376. The usage or custom of the place
stipulation with ambiguity or vagueness. Then, the
shall be borne in mind in the interpretation of
cardinal rule should and must apply, which is that
the ambiguities of a contract, and shall fill the
the interpretation shall not favor the party who
omission of stipulations which are ordinarily
caused the ambiguity (Art. 1377, New Civil Code).
established. (1287)
We rule that in the instant case, the interpretation
An instrument may be construed according to the to be taken shall not favor the respondent
usage, in order to determine its true character. company since it is the party who caused the
Where the contract for the lease of services did ambiguity in its preparation.
not provide for the amount of compensation, the
rate can be determined by the rate customarily
The above facts show contemporaneous and
paid in the place where the services was rendered.
subsequent acts of the parties in relation to the
transaction between them as embodied in the
Art. 1377. The interpretation of obscure words Contract of Sale of Sugar (Exh. “A”) from which the
or stipulations in a contract shall not favor the intention of the contracting parties may be judged
party who caused the obscurity. (1288) correctly. The trial court was correct in subsequent
If one of the party caused the obscurity in certain to the agreement for the sale of the sugar in
terms of the instrument, such terms must be question, and we sustain the trial court, applying
construed against him. Art. 1371, New Civil Code.

When the terms of the agreement have been Eastern Shipping vs. Margarina
intended un a different sense by the different
parties to it, that sense is to prevail against either
There is a clear and irreconcilable inconsistency
party in which he supposed the other understood
between the York-Antwerp Rules expressly
it, and when different constructions of a provision
adopted by the parties as their contract under the
is are otherwise equally proper, that is to taken
bill of lading which sustains respondent’s claim and
which is the most favorable to the party in whose
the codal article cited by petitioner which would
the favor the provision was made.
bar the same. Furthermore, as correctly contended
by respondent, what is here involved is a contract
See discussion in “Contract of Adhesion” in of adhesion as embodied in the printed bill of
fundamental characteristics. lading issued by petitioner for the shipment to
which respondent as the consignee merely
Case Law: Lim vs. CA adhered, having no choice in the matter, and
consequently, any ambiguity therein must be
construed against petitioner as the author.

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Art. 1378. When it is absolutely impossible to Transcribed

settle doubts by the rules established in the
preceding articles, and the doubts refer to If the terms of the contract is clear, the literal
incidental circumstances of a gratuitous meaning shall control? Not necessarily. If the
contract, the least transmission of rights and stipulation is contrary to the intention of the
interests shall prevail. If the contract is parties, the intention shall prevail and the literal
onerous, the doubt shall be settled in favor of meaning will not bind the parties.
the greatest reciprocity of interests .
How to determine the real intention of the
If the doubts are cast upon the principal object parties? The contemporaneous and subsequent
of the contract in such a way that it cannot be acts of the parties, such as the subsequent
known what may have been the intention or payments and the subsequent execution of real
will of the parties, the contract shall be null and estate mortgage shows that there is no dation in
void. (1289) payment.
Construction which amount to impairment or loss
of right is not favored; conservation and A stipulation in a contract of sale that payment is
preservation, not waiver, abandonment or deemed made upon the signing of the contract.
forfeiture of a right, is the rule. Despite such stipulation, seller filed an action for
recovery of purchase price. Will the action
So between a commodatum and donation, which prosper? Yes. because there is no presumption
has the least transmission of rights? that payment is made. By the contemporaneous
Commodatum, why? Because there is no transfer and subsequent acts of the parties, it was shown
of ownership in commodatum. Whereas if it were that indeed payment was not made.
a donation, the property has left the patrimony of
the donor forever. Usufruct or the donation? Rules in the interpretation of words and phrases
Usufruct, because the usufructuary is under shall not favor who? The party who caused the
obligation to return the property. ambiguity. In the case of ESL vs, Margarine, the
shipper who prepared the bill of lading, it was
Now, what if the contract is onerous? The doubt stipulated as to the extent of the liability of the
shall be resolved in favor of the greatest common carrier in case damage is sustained. The
reciprocity of interest. So a person giving a ring to SC held that it will be interpreted against the
the other person, and the other person gives shipper who prepared the document.
money. What is the presumption? Pledge, because
that would fall under the greatest reciprocity of In a sale of one of the cars, the seller, despite the
interest. Between pledge or mortgage? If there is application of the rules on interpretation of
doubt, mortgage. Why? Because there is no contracts and the circumstances surrounding it,
transfer of possession, but the creditor still enjoys there is ambiguity as to which car is the object of
the interest on the money that was loaned. the sale. What is the effect? The contract is void
Between antichresis and mortgage? Mortgage when it is absolutely impossible to settle the
parin. doubt.

In the last paragraph of this article, where the A obliged himself to deliver and transfer
intention of the parties relative to the objects of ownership over a specific car. During the
the exchange cannot be definitely ascertained, the negotiation B already saw the car with stereo.
deed of exchange is null and void. When the car was delivered, there was no stereo.
B demanded delivery of stereo. If the claim of B a
Art. 1379. The principles of interpretation valid claim? It depends on what contract was
stated in Rule 123 of the Rules of Court shall entered into. If gratuitous, the doubt refers only to
likewise be observed in the construction of the incidental circumstance pertaining to the
contracts. contract, and because the principle of least
When an instrument consists partly of written transmission of rights shall prevail. If it is an
words and party of a printed form, and the two are onerous contract, the he will be entitled to the
inconsistent, the former controls the latter. stereo because in onerous contracts the greatest
reciprocity of interest shall govern.

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KINDS OF CONTRACTS AS TO VALIDITY 2. Voidable Contracts; Valid until annulled.

Annullable unless ratified. If ratified, the
a. Valid and Binding contract is cleansed of its defect. This
contract is effective now, but may be
b. Valid but Defective invalidated.

c. Void and Inexistent 3. Void Contracts is one that has no effect at

all; it cannot be ratified or validated. This
is called inexistent contracts
Defective Contracts

Distinguish Rescission under Art. 1191 and

a. Rescissible- a contract that has caused a
Rescission under Rescissible Contracts?
particular damage to one of the parties
or to a third person, and which for
equitable reasons may be set aside even if 1.In 1191 there must be a breach while in
it is valid. Rescissible Contracts there may or may not be a
breach. 2.The prescriptive period under 1191 is 1
years while rescission under 1380 and 1381 should
b. Voidable/Annullable- a contract in which
be filed within 4 years from the date of the
the consent if one party is defective,
contract. 3.The breach under Art. 1191 should be a
either because of want of capacity or
substantial breach or fundamental breach. Slight
because it is vitiated, but which is valid
breach or casual breach cannot be the basis on an
until set aside by a competent court.
action for rescission under 1191. 4.Under 1191 it is
a principal remedy, while in 1380 and 1381, it is a
c. Unenforceable- a contract that for some subsidiary remedy.
reason cannot be enforced, unless it is
ratified in the manner provided by law.
May the defect of the contract be void and
voidable at the same time? No, because void
d. Void and Inexistent- an absolute nullity contracts are inexistent while voidable contracts
and produces no effect, as if it had never exist.
been executed or entered into.
May rescissible, unenforceable and voidable
Relative Ineffectiveness- Those which are contracts be ratified? Unenforceable contracts
ineffective only with respect to certain parties, but and voidable contracts may be ratified. Rescissible
are effective as to other persons. contracts cannot be ratified because it has no
inherent defect as to the requisite.
May a void contract be ratified? Yes, under Art.
Is defective contracts a good classification under 1898 the principal can ratify the contract as when
this title? No. Because the term defective contract the agent acted in excess of authority and the 3rd
mean that there is an existing contract. In Void person was aware that the agent acted in excess of
Contracts there is no contract to speak of. authority. However, the enumeration under Art.
1409 cannot be ratified for they are void and
May a contract be rescissible, voidable and inexistent from the beginning.
unenforceable all at the same time? Yes because
the defects differ depending on the status of the Rescissible Contracts
Art. 1380. Contracts validly agreed upon may be
What are the four kinds of defective contracts? rescinded in the cases established by law

1. Rescissible Contracts; Valid until

rescinded; the defect is extrinsic defect Rescission is a remedy granted by law to the
consisting of an economic damage or contracting parties and even third persons to
lesion. secure the reparation of damages caused by them
by a contract even if this should be valid, by

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means of restoration of things to their condition 5. The action for rescission must be brought
at the moment prior to the celebration of the said within the prescriptive period of four
contract. years.

It implies a contract which, even if initially valid, Art. 1381. The following contracts are
produces a lesion or pecuniary damage to rescissible:
someone. It sets aside the act or contract for
justifiable reasons of equity. (1) Those which are entered into by guardians
whenever the wards whom they represent
Rescission is not limited to contracts which are suffer lesion by more than one-fourth of the
valid. It does not require that the contract to be value of the things which are the object thereof;
rescinded in valid. Hence, a voidable contract can
be rescinded. (2) Those agreed upon in representation of
absentees, if the latter suffer the lesion stated
Rescission in Reciprocal Obligations in the preceding number;

See notes in 1191. The rescission in 1191 is (3) Those undertaken in fraud of creditors when
different to rescission of contracts. the latter cannot in any other manner collect
the claims due them;
They differ in the following respects
(4) Those which refer to things under litigation if
1380 1191 they have been entered into by the defendant
Based on lesion or Based on without the knowledge and approval of the
fraud upon creditors nonperformance or litigants or of competent judicial authority;
nonfulfillment of the
obligation (5) All other contracts specially declared by law
The action is instituted Action may be to be subject to rescission. (1291a)
by either of the instituted only by the Contracts with lesion
parties or by third injured party to the
parties; contract;
Courts cannot grant a In some cases, the
period or term w/in courts may grant a Lesion if the injury which one of the party suffers
w/c to comply term by virtue of a contract which is disadvantageous
Non-performance by Non-performance by for him. To give rise to rescission, the lesion must
other party is other party is be known or could have been known at the time of
immaterial important making the contract, and not due to circumstances
Requisites of Rescission subsequent thereto or unknown to the parties.

1. The contract must be a rescissible The idea is to establish parity between the value of
contract, such as those mentioned in the thing and its price, so that if the price is less
articles 1381 and 1382 than the true value of the thing at the time of the
perfection of the contract, there is lesion.
2. The party asking rescission must have no
other legal means to obtain reparation Contracts of Guardians/Representatives
for damages suffered by him
As a rule, before the guardians enter into a
3. The person demanding rescission must be contract disposing the property of the ward, he
able to return whatever he may be must secure approval of the court. He is only
obliged to restore if rescission is granted authorized to manage the properties of the ward,
hence he has no power to dispose any portion
4. The things which are the subject of thereof without such approval. Hence, if they
rescission must not have passed legally enter into contracts disposing a property of the
to the possession of third person acted in ward without prior approval of the court, the
good faith. contract is unenforceable.

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What then is the article pertaining to? The law must be proved as one of the basis of the judicial
here must be limited to contracts which pronouncement setting aside the contract; without
constitutes acts of administration. Example is the prior existing debts, there can be no injury nor
purchase of equipment for cultivation of land fraud.
belonging to the ward, the sale of the harvest from
such land, repairs of buildings. They do not require At the time of the accion pauliana is brought, the
prior approval of the court because they are made credit must already be due. Therefore, credits with
in the ordinary course of the management of the suspensive condition or term are excluded,
estate of the ward. If the required lesion exists, because AP presupposes a judgment and
the contract is rescissible. But even if such lesion unsatisfied execution, which cannot exist when
exists, the contract cannot be rescinded if the the debt is not yet demandable at the time the
guardian secured the approval of the court for rescissory action is brought.
such contract.
Rescission is a subsidiary action, which
Contracts in Fraud of Creditors presupposes that the creditor has exhausted the
property of the debtor, which is impossible in
These contracts are executed with the intention to credits which cannot be enforced because of the
prejudice the rights of the creditors, and should term and condition.
not be confused with those entered into without
such intention. The existence of the intention to While it is necessary that the credit of the plaintiff
prejudice the creditor should be determined. in the AP must be prior to the fraudulent
alienation, the date of the judgment enforcing it is
Accion Pauliana (AP) immaterial. But it is recognized that the availability
of the AP, even when the alienation is prior to the
The action to set aside contracts in fraud of credit, when the debtor purposely and in bad
creditors is called accion pauliana. The requisites faith deprives himself of the ability to meet the
are: consequences of obligation he intends to incur in
the future. The alienation can be rescinded if it
a. The plaintiff asking for rescission has a was made precisely in view of such future
credit prior to the alienation, although obligation and for the purpose of depriving in
demandable later. advance the creditor of the guaranty on which he
could have relieved.
b. That the debtor has made a subsequent
contract conveying a patrimonial benefit The remedy of rescission is available to all
to a third person. creditors who were already such at the time of
the fraudulent alienation, when they cannot
collect what is due them. Even secured creditors
c. That the creditor has no other legal
or lienholders are entitled to the AP.
remedy to satisfy his claim, but would
benefit by the rescission of the
conveyances to the third person Fraudulent Conveyance

d. The act being impugned is fraudulent It must be shown that the conveyance was
fraudulent or with intent to prejudice the
creditors of the party making the conveyance.
e. The 3rd person who received the property
The fraud may be established by presumption
conveyed, if it is by onerous title, has
(1387) or on the whole of the evidence
been an accomplice in the fraud.
independent of such presumption. Even if there
are circumstances giving rise to the presumption
Existence of Credit/Priority of the Credit of fraud, is such presumption is overcome by a
sufficient evidence, the creditor must prove facts
Only creditors can ask for the rescission of the showing actual fraudulent intent on the part of the
contract. debtor.

Rescission requires the existence of creditors at

the time of the fraudulent alienation, and this

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Without such proof of fraudulent intent, the 6. The fact that the transfer is made
contract cannot be rescinded. Hence, a sale made between father and son when there are
by a debtor to one of this creditors for the purpose present aby of the above circumstances
of cancelling his indebtedness, is valid, even if it
may be prejudicial to the other creditors. And 7. The failure of the vendee to take exclusive
when the alienation is for sufficient consideration, possession of all the property
it cannot be said that it is fraudulent, where no
judgment or attachment exists against the debtor. As to the transferee

Test of Fraud As to the transferee, a distinction must be made.

When the alienation is gratuitous, the good faith
The question to ask is whether the conveyance of the transferee will not protect him because he
was a bona fide transaction or a trick or gave nothing and so he is not prejudiced by the
contrivance to defeat creditors, or whether it rescission. But if the alienation is by onerous title,
conserves to the debtor a special right. It is not the transferee must be a party to the fraud, if he
sufficient that it is founded on good consideration acts in good faith, there is no rescission, because
or is made with bona fide intent; it must have having given something his position would be
both. The test as to whether or not a conveyance similar to that of the creditor, and being already in
is fraudulent is, does it prejudice the rights of the possession his acquisition will be respected.
No other Remedy
Tolentino: Such intention is not necessary, that it is
enough that the debtor knows he would cause It is necessary that the complaining creditors must
injury, that is, he can foresee injury to creditors prove that they cannot recover in any other
because he knows of his own solvency which manner what is due to them. The action for
would result from the alienation. The fraud that rescission is essentially subsidiary. The alienation
justifies AP is not characterized by the intention must have been prejudicial to the creditor, it must
to injure creditor, but by knowledge that damage had the effect of making the creditor insolvent
would be inflicted. This knowledge exists when having diminished his property to such extent that
the debtor knows that his property cannot be he cannot pay the debt.
alienated without producing injury to his
creditors with existing claims, whether they be
Creditors to be Benefitted
due or not.
As a rule, the rescission should benefit only the
Signs of Fraud
creditor who obtained the rescission because the
rescission is to repair the injury caused to him by
1. The consideration of the conveyance is the fraudulent alienation. But there may be other
inadequate creditors who could also bring AP, the should be
given benefit of the rescission instead of requiring
2. A transfer was made after the suit has them to bring other rescissory actions, if a balance
begun and while it is pending against the is left after satisfying the claim of the creditor who
debtor. brought the action for rescission. However,
creditors who became such only after the
3. A sale upon credit by an insolvent debtor fraudulent alienation, and who themselves cannot
ask for rescission cannot benefit from rescission.
4. Evidence of large indebtedness or They cannot get indirectly what they cannot get
complete insolvency directly.

5. The transfer of all or nearly all of his Contracts in Litigation

property by a debtor, especially when he
is insolvent or embarrassed financially This refers to contract executed by the defendant
in a suit involving the ownership or possession of a
thing, when such contract is made without the

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knowledge and the approval of the plaintiff or obtain reparation for the same. (1294)
court. The plaintiff asking rescission must prove that he
has no other legal means to obtain reparation.
The remedy in this case is given to a third person
who is not a party to the contract. The purpose is Art. 1384. Rescission shall be only to the extent
the same in both cases, it is to prevent injury to necessary to cover the damages caused. (n)
the plaintiff. But while rescission of a contract in The rescission is only in favor of the plaintiff
fraud of creditors a personal right protected by creditor; not all of the creditors. The extent of the
giving it the guaranty of the debtor’s property, in revocation is only to the amount of the prejudice
rescission of a contract on things in litigation a real suffered by the creditor. As to the excess, the
right is rendered effective with respect to alienation is maintained. And if the transferee is
particular property. willing to pay the amount of such credit, rescission
will not lie.
Right of the Transferee
Under the present article, only the creditor who
Where the claim of the plaintiff in pending brought the action can benefit from the rescission,
litigation has not been registered, the transferee of and only to the extent of his unsatisfied credit. S
the property in litigation who acquired the same in
good faith and for a valuable consideration Who may bring the Action
without knowledge of such litigation or claim if the
plaintiff, cannot be deprived of such property by a 1. Person who is injured by the fraudulent
rescissory action. The good faith of the transferee alienation
protects him.
2. Their heirs
In case the transfer is gratuitous, transferee losses
nothing by the rescission and the contract may be
3. The creditors by virtue of 1177.
rescinded even if he acted in good faith.

Art. 1385. Rescission creates the obligation to

Art. 1382. Payments made in a state of
return the things which were the object of the
insolvency for obligations to whose fulfillment
contract, together with their fruits, and the
the debtor could not be compelled at the time
price with its interest; consequently, it can be
they were effected, are also rescissible. (1292)
carried out only when he who demands
When the debtor transfers property to a creditor
rescission can return whatever he may be
allegedly in payment of the debt which has not yet
obliged to restore.
matured, at the time the debtor is insolvent, and
the consideration of the transfer is grossly
Neither shall rescission take place when the
inadequate compared to the actual value of the
things which are the object of the contract are
property, the transfer is fraudulent and can be set
legally in the possession of third persons who
aside by creditors prejudiced thereby. If the debt
did not act in bad faith.
was due at the time of the transfer, the
conveyance will not fall under the article.
In this case, indemnity for damages may be
demanded from the person causing the loss.
The insolvency referred to in this article is
insolvency in fact, not requiring any judicial
proceeding on insolvency. Mutual Restitution

It is a matter of evidence and can be established by The only possible application of the rule is that the
proving that the debtor did not have properties party seeking rescission must offer to restore that
with which to satisfy his creditor except that which which he had received from the other, is in
was given in payment. contracts executed by guardians or
administrators in Nos. 1 and 2 in 1381. The rule
also applies in 1191.
Art. 1383. The action for rescission is subsidiary;
it cannot be instituted except when the party
Transfer to third person
suffering damage has no other legal means to

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Third person under this article include not only In addition to these presumptions, the design to
one who is not a party to the rescissible contract defraud creditors may be proved in any other
but also one who is a party thereto. manner recognized by the law of evidence.
To be an obstacle to rescission, the following This article presumes the existence of fraud made
circumstances must be present: by a debtor. In the absence of evidence to the
contrary, the alienation was held fraudulent
a. That such TP is in lawful possession of the because it was made after the judgment had been
realty, that he is protected by law against rendered against the debtor making the alienation.
said action by the registration of the If the alienation was made before, the
transfer to him in the registry presumption will not lie.

b. He did not act in bad faith. In order to overcome the presumption, it is

necessary to establish affirmatively that the
Thus, a valid transfer to the TP who acquires the conveyance was made in good faith and for a
property in good faith is sufficient to defeat the sufficient consideration. Proof of these
action for rescission. But if the TP acted in bad circumstances is sufficient to negate the existence
faith and he cannot return the thing upon the of fraud, and the presumption created will be
rescission of the contract, he will be liable for the considered overthrown.
value of the property to the party entitled to the
rescission. Proof of Fraud

Right of transferee See 7 items in discussion in 1381, supra

As to the transferee, a distinction must be made. Effect of Fraud

When the alienation is gratuitous, the good faith
of the transferee will not protect him because he Fraud does not necessarily make the alienation
gave nothing and so he is not prejudiced by the rescissible. Fraud is only one of the requisites of
rescission. But if the alienation is by onerous title, AP. If the debtor is in fraud but the transferee
the transferee must be a party to the fraud, if he acquired the thing in good faith and for sufficient
acts in good faith, there is no rescission, because consideration, rescission will not be allowed.
having given something his position would be
similar to that of the creditor, and being already in Art. 1388. Whoever acquires in bad faith the
possession his acquisition will be respected. things alienated in fraud of creditors, shall
indemnify the latter for damages suffered by
Art. 1386. Rescission referred to in Nos. 1 and 2 them on account of the alienation, whenever,
of Article 1381 shall not take place with respect due to any cause, it should be impossible for
to contracts approved by the courts. (1296a) him to return them.
If there are two or more alienations, the first
Art. 1387. All contracts by virtue of which the acquirer shall be liable first, and so on
debtor alienates property by gratuitous title are successively. (1298a)
presumed to have been entered into in fraud of The creditor can have an action against
creditors, when the donor did not reserve subsequent transferees only when the action lies
sufficient property to pay all debts contracted against the first transferee. If the first transferee
before the donation. acquired the thing in good faith, he is not liable.

Alienations by onerous title are also presumed If the first transferee acted in bad faith and then
fraudulent when made by persons against he alienates the property to another, the
whom some judgment has been issued. The rescissible character of the second transfer
decision or attachment need not refer to the depends upon how the second transferee acquired
property alienated, and need not have been the thing. If in good faith, the transfer to him
obtained by the party seeking the rescission. cannot be rescinded, and since the property
cannot be returned, the first transferee will be

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liable for damages, the subsequent transferee is How to determine whether a contract is entered
not liable for damages. But if the second into in fraud of creditors? 1.There must be an
transferee also acts in bad faith, he can be intention to defraud creditors. 2.There must be a
required to return the property the first transferee pre-existing obligation at the time it was entered
cannot be held liable for damages where such into. Note: Even if the contract was entered into
return is possible. before the obligation arose, it is still in fraud of
creditors when the purpose is really to defraud
In order to be in bad faith, it is not necessary that creditors. 3.The existence of fraud or bad faith on
he connived with the transferor to commit fraud. the part of the debtor which can either be
It is enough that the transferee knows of the presumed or proven; and 4. The creditors cannot
intention of the transferor to defraud creditors. recover their credits in any other manner.

Art. 1389. The action to claim rescission must In what instance may a contract be said to be in
be commenced within four years. fraud of creditor even before the obligation
arose? In a contract of loan where a person is
For persons under guardianship and for supposed to mortgage his property as security for
absentees, the period of four years shall not the loan. Here the debtor owns the property at the
begin until the termination of the former's time of the loan but before the money to be
incapacity, or until the domicile of the latter is loaned was released by the Bank, the person
known. (1299) disposed of the property. There was no perfected
Self-explanatory loan but there was already fraud of creditors, even
before the money was released, the titles will
already be delivered to the bank.
How to prove fraud in (contracts in fraud of
How may contracts be considered rescissible?
creditors)? Creditor may prove fraud by invoking
Contracts may only be considered rescissible
the presumptions provided for by law. It may be
because the law so provides. If there is no law
proved by proving badges of fraud.
declaring the contract to be rescissible, it is not.
What are some instances considered by the Court
What contracts are considered rescissible?
as badges of fraud? 1.The fact that the
1.Those which are entered into by guardians
consideration of the conveyance is fictitious or
whenever the wards whom they represent suffer
inadequate; 2.A transfer made by a debtor after
lesion by more than 1/4 of the value of the things
suit has begun and while it is pending against him;
which are the object thereof; 2.Those agreed upon
3.A sale on credit by an insolvent debtor;
in the representation of absentees, if the latter
4.Evidence of large indebtedness or complete
suffer the lesion stated in the preceding number.
insolvency; 5.Transfer of all or nearly all if his
3.Those undertaken in fraud of creditors when the
property by a debtor especially when he is
latter cannot in any manner collect the claims due
insolvent or greatly embarrassed financially; 6.The
them; 4.Those which refer to things under
fact that the transfer is made between father and
litigation if they have been entered into by the
son, when the above circumstances are present;
defendants without knowledge and approval of
7.The failure of the vendee to take exclusive
the litigants or competent judicial authority. 5.All
possession of all the property.
other contracts specially declared by law to be
subject to rescission (Art. 1381).
May a contract be considered rescissible even
without badges of fraud? Yes, in:
What other contracts declared by law to be
rescissible? 1.The right to rescind as provided
under Art. 1189 in case of deterioration of the 1. Gratuitous contracts - Contracts entered
thing delivered. 2.The right to rescind given an into by the debtor when he did not
unpaid seller as provided for in Art. 1526. 3.The reserve sufficient property to pay his
right to rescind given to a vendee in sale of real debts before donation are considered
property per unit of measure or lump sum price. fraudulent.
4.Violation of warranty against hidden defects
under Art. 1567. 2. Onerous contracts:

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a. Made by a person against whom What is the prescriptive period for rescission?
some judgment has been rendered
even if not yet final. A. General Rule Within 4 years from the date
it was entered into:
b. Made by person against whom some
writ of attachment has been issued. 1.If the person is under guardianship,
The decision or attachment has been within 4 years from the time the
issued. The decision or attachment guardianship ceases;
need not refer to the property
alienated. Note: Even if the order of 2.In case of absentees, within 4 years
attachment is not yet final and the from the time the domicile is known.
executor 2 days after the issuance
disposed of it, the presumption
B. In certain contracts of sale which are
would still arise. It is not necessary
specially declared by law to be rescissible,
that the order becomes final.
the period is 6 mos. or even 4 days
counted from the day of delivery (Arts.
A donated a property worth 5M to X, and the 1543, 1571, 1577).
debt is 500k, is there a presumption that the
donation is in fraud of creditors? Not necessarily
Who are the persons who can bring the action for
because A may have reserved sufficient property
rescission? 1.the injured party 2.the heirs of the
to pay his debts.
injured party 3.the creditors if the transaction is
Does it matter whether the debtor was aware of
the order? It does not mater.
Two parcels of land are alienated in fraud of
creditors in one contract, may the contract be
Are the presumptions conclusive or disputable? rescinded? The contract may be rescinded by the
The presumptions are merely disputable and the restitution of both properties is not required
debtor can prove good faith. But with respect to because the restitution may only be to the extent
donations, the fraud of creditors should be to recover damages caused.
conclusive because debts should be satisfied first
before any gratuitous transactions should be made
Case Laws
by the debtor.
1. Cabaliw vs. Sadorra
Because there was lesion of 25%, is it rescissible?
Not necessarily. It is void if the guardian is the
Facts: Petitioner Isidora Cabaliw was the wife of
buyer. It is valid if it is made with judicial authority.
Benigno Sadorra by his second marriage, they had
a child, herein petitioner Soledad Sadorra. During
Because there was lesion of 25%, is rescission a
their marriage, the spouses acquired two (2)
remedy? No because there are requirements for
parcels of land situated in Iniangan, Dupax, Nueva
rescission to prosper. Rescission is merely
subsidiary and there must be prior exhaustion of
all legal remedies.
Having been abandoned by her husband, Isidora
Cabaliw instituted an action for support, which
If there is rescission, should there be a return of
required Benigno Sadorra to pay herein petitioner
what has been received? Not necessarily because
Cabaliw the amount of P75.00 a month in terms of
if the thing which is the object of the contract is
support as of January 1, 1933, and P150.00 in
legally in the possession of another who did not
concept of attorney's fees and the costs.
act in bad faith, rescission will not prosper.
Due to the failure of Benigno to comply with the
May a 3rd person pay for the damage or
judgment of support, petitioner Cabaliw filed
indebtedness of the debtor who is the seller in
another action which authorized her to take
fraud of creditors? No. The creditor can no longer
possession of the conjugal property, to administer
the same, and to avail herself of the fruits thereof
in payment of the monthly support in arrears.

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Unknown to petitioner Cabaliw, Benigno executed about seven months after a judgment was
two deeds of sale and sold the subject properties rendered against him in Civil Case No. 43192 of the
to herein private respondents. Such was fact only Court of First Instance of Manila and without
discovered after the judgment which authorized paying any part of that judgment, Benigno Sadorra
her to manage the same, sold the only two parcels of land belonging to the
conjugal partnership to his son-inlaw. Such a sale
Petitioners filed an action with the trial Court to even if made for a valuable consideration is
recover the subject properties, which was ruled in presumed to be in fraud of the judgment creditor
their favor. The trial Court held that the deeds of who in this case happens to be the offended wife.
sale executed by Benigno Sadorra to be simulated
and fictitious. Article 1297 of the old Civil Code which was the
law in force at the time of the transaction
On appeal, the CA reversed the decision of the trial provides:
Court, hence this petition.
Contracts by virtue of which the debtor alienates
Petitioner contend that the Honorable Court of property by gratuitous title are presumed to be
Appeals gravely erred in holding that the fraud made in fraud of creditors.
could not be presumed in the transfer of the lots in
question by the late Benigno Sadorra to his son-in- Alienations by onerous title are also presumed
law Sotero Sadorra, even if this transfer was done fraudulent when made by persons against whom
shortly after judgment was rendered against the some judgment has been rendered in any instance
former and in favor of your petitioner Isidora or some writ of attachment has been issued. The
Cabaliw. decision or attachment need not refer to the
property alienated and need not have been
Respondent Court of Appeals sustained the validity obtained by the party seeking rescission.
and efficacy of the deeds of sale executed by
Benigno Sadorra in favor of his son-in-law (Exhibits The above-quoted legal provision was totally
I and I-1) on the ground that these are public disregarded by the appellate court, and there lies
documents and as such are presumed by law to its basic error.
have been fair and legal; that the vendee Sotero
Sadorra, is presumed to have acted in good faith, We agree with petitioners that the parties here do
citing Art. 44, Spanish Civil Code, Art. 627 New Civil not stand in equipoise, for the petitioners have in
Code; that fraud is never presumed, and it is their favor, by a specific provision of law, the
settled in this jurisdiction that strong and presumption of a fraudulent transaction which is
convincing evidence is necessary to overthrow the not overcome by the mere fact that the deeds of
validity of an existing public instrument. The sale in question were in the nature of public
appellate court continued that inasmuch as under instruments. As well said in the dissenting opinion
the old Civil Code in force at the time of the sale, of Justice Magno Gatmaitan, the principle invoked
the husband was empowered to dispose of the by the majority opinion that to destroy the validity
conjugal property without the consent of the wife, of an existing public document "strong and
the sales made by Benigno Sadorra were valid, and convincing evidence is necessary", operates
the wife Isidora cannot now recover the property "where the action was brought by one party
from the vendee. against the other to impugn the contract but that
rule cannot operate and does not, where the case
ISSUE: WON respondent Court of Appeals erred is one wherein the suit is not between the parties
when it reversed the decision of the trial Court and inter se but is one instituted by a third person, not
held that fraud cannot be presumed in the a party to the contract but precisely the victim of it
transaction of Benigno and herein private because executed to his prejudice and behind his
respondents? YES back; neither law, nor justice, nor reason, nor
logic, should so permit, otherwise, in such a suit,
The facts narrated in the first portion of this the courts would be furnishing a most effective
Decision which are not disputed, convincingly shield of defense to the aggressor."
show or prove that the conveyances made by
Benigno Sadorra in favor of his son-in-law were Furthermore, the presumption of fraud
fraudulent. For the heart of the matter is that established by the law in favor of petitioners is

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bolstered by other indicia of bad faith on the part this point, counsel for petitioners rightly claims
of the vendor and vendee. Thus (1) the vendee is that the lack of consent of the wife to the
the son-in-law of the vendor. In the early case of conveyances made by her husband was never
Regalado vs. Luchsinger & Co., 5 Phil. 625, this invoked nor placed in issue before the trial court.
Court held that the close relationship between the What was claimed all along by plaintiff, Isidora
vendor and the vendee is one of the known badges Cabaliw now petitioner, was that the conveyances
of fraud. (2) At the time of the conveyance, the or deeds of sale were executed by her husband to
vendee, Sotero, was living with his father-in-law, avoid payment of the monthly support adjudged in
the vendor, and he knew that there was a her favor and to deprive her of the means to
judgment directing the latter to give a monthly execute said judgment. In other words, petitioner
support to his wife Isidora and that his father-in- seeks relief not so much as an aggrieved wife but
law was avoiding payment and execution of the more as a judgment creditor of Benigno Sadorra.
judgment. (3) It was known to the vendee that his Art. 1413 therefore is inapplicable; but even if it
father-in-law had no properties other than those were, the result would be the same because the
two parcels of land which were being sold to him. very article reserves to the wife the right to seek
The fact that a vendor transfers all of his property redress in court for alienations which prejudice her
to a third person when there is a judgment against or her heirs. The undisputed facts before Us clearly
him is a strong indication of a scheme to defraud show that, the sales made by the husband were
one who may have a valid interest over his merely a scheme to place beyond the reach of the
properties. wife the only properties belonging to the conjugal
partnership and deprive her of what rightly
Added to the above circumstances is the belongs to her and her only daughter Soledad.
undisputed fact that the vendee Sotero Sadorra
secured the cancellation of the lis pendens on 2. HSBC vs. Pauli
O.C.T. No. 1, which was annotated in 1940 at the
instance of Isidora Cabaliw, and the issuance of a FACTS: In Civil Case No. 32799 dated June 14,
transfer certificate of title in his favor, by executing 1957, appellant filed an action against appellee
an affidavit, Exhibit H, on June 7, 1948, wherein he Pauli, in which its trial Court rendered in its favor.
referred to Isidora as "the late Isidora Cabaliw' However, the writs of execution were returned
when he knew for a fact that she was alive, and unsatisfied because no leviable assets of Pauli
alleged that Civil Case 449 of the Court of First could be located by the sheriffs. Unknown to
Instance of Nueva Vizcaya was decided in his favor herein appellant, Pauli had on January 8, 1957
where in truth there was no such decision because purchased from the Philippine National Bank (PNB)
the proceedings in said case were interrupted by a sugar cane plantation known as Hacienda
the last world war. Such conduct of Sotero Sadorra Riverside. To avoid discovery of the transaction by
reveals, as stated by the lower court, an "utter lack his creditors, he did not register the deed of Sale.
of sincerity and truthfulness" and belies his Six years later, on March 1, 1963, he fraudulently
pretensions of good faith. sold the hacienda to his daughter, defendant-
appellee Sally Garganera, and her husband Mateo
On the part of the transferee, he did not present Garganera. The sale was registered on March 5,
satisfactory and convincing evidence sufficient to 1963. Transfer Certificate of Title No. 34425 was
overthrow the presumption and evidence of a issued to the Garganeras.
fraudulent transaction. His is the burden of
rebutting the presumption of fraud established by In Civil Case No. 626, another creditor of Pauli, the
law, and having failed to do so, the fraudulent sale to the Garganera spouses was declared
nature of the conveyance in question prevails. fictitious for being in fraud of creditors by the trial
Court. In Civil Case No. 75319 dated January 13,
The decision of the Court of Appeals makes 1969, having discovered the hidden property of
mention of Art. 1413 of the old Civil Code which herein appellant filed for the revival of Civil Case
authorizes the husband as administrator to No. 32799, which was granted by the trial Court.
alienate and bind by onerous title the property of
the conjugal partnership without the consent of On February 17, 1971, in Civil Case No 465, herein
the wife, and by reason thereof, concludes that appellant filed another action against appellee
petitioner Isidora Cabaliw cannot now seek Pauli, praying for the annulment of Conditional
annulment of the sale made by her husband. On Sale as well as the Deed of Sale, of Hacienda

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Riverside to the Garganeras and also for Voidable Contracts

annulment of Garganera's Certificate of Title No. T-
34425. However, appellee Pauli filed a motion to Art. 1390. The following contracts are voidable
dismiss on the grounds of res judicata, or annullable, even though there may have
prescription, waiver and abandonment of claim, been no damage to the contracting parties:
which was granted by the trial Court on the ground
of prescription, hence this appeal. (1) Those where one of the parties is incapable
of giving consent to a contract; (2) Those where
ISSUE: WON the trial Court erred when it the consent is vitiated by mistake, violence,
dismissed Civil Case No. 465 on the ground of intimidation, undue influence or fraud.
prescription? No
These contracts are binding, unless they are
The Court held that the trial Court did no err when annulled by a proper action in court. They are
it dismissed Civil Case No. 465. Has the action for susceptible of ratification. (n)
annulment of the sale of Lot 693 to the Garganeras Voidable or annullable contracts are existent, valid
prescribed? Did prescription of the action the binding, although they can be annulled
commence to run from the registration of the sale, because of want of capacity or vitiated consent of
or from the discovery of the transaction by the one of the parties. But before annulment, they are
Bank? When a transaction involves registered land, effective and obligatory between the parties.
the four-year period fixed in Article 1391 within Hence, it is valid until it is set aside and its validity
winch to bring an action for annulment of the may be assailed only in an action for that purpose.
deed, shall be computed from the registration of They can be confirmed or ratified.
the conveyance (March 5, 1963) on the familiar
theory that the registration of the document is Difference between Annulment and Rescission
constructive notice of the conveyance to the
whole world (Armentia vs. Patriarca, 18 SCRA
Annulment Rescission
1253; Avecilla vs. Yatco, 103 Phil. 666).
Basis is vitiated Basis is lesion
consent or incapacity (damage)
Plaintiff's submission that the four-year period
to consent
commenced to run from the date when the Bank
Defect is Defect is
obtained actual knowledge of the fraudulent sale
internal/intrinsic (in external/extrinsic
of Pauli's land to the Garganeras (sometime in
the meeting of mind)
1969) and that hence the fouryear period for
Action is principal Action is subsidiary
bringing an action to annul the sale had not yet
It is a sanction It is a remedy
expired when it filed the action for annullment on
February 17, 1971, is unacceptable. That theory Law predominates Equity predominates
would diminish public faith in the integrity of Plaintiff must be a Plaintiff may be party
torrens titles and impair commercial transactions party to the contract or 3rd person
involving registered lands for it would render Damage is immaterial There is damage
uncertain the computation of the period for the Indemnity is not a bar If plaintiff is
prescription of such actions. Civil Case No. 465, the to the action indemnified;
action for annulment of the Sale is not barred by rescission will not
res judicata, specifically, the prior judgment in Civil prosper
Case No. 75319, for revival of the judgment in the Defect is presupposed Compatible w/ perfect
collection suit, Civil Case No. 32799, for the subject validity
matter and causes of action in the two cases are To prevent To prevent rescission,
different. The three (3) Identities required for the annulment, ratification is not
application of the bar by prior judgment: Identity ratification is required. required.
of parties, of subject matter and causes of action,
are lacking.
Grounds for Annulment
Nevertheless, as the plaintiff's right of action in
Civil Case No. 465 had already prescribed, the trial See discussion in “Consent” element of a contract.
court did not err in dismissing the case. supra

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How annulment is obtained Confirmation or ratification under this article is the

same. Confirmation is the act by which a person
a. Directly by an action for that purpose entitled to bring an action for annulment, with
knowledge of the cause of annulment and after it
b. Indirectly by way of defense to an action has ceased to exist, validates the contract either
to enforce the same. expressly or impliedly. Ratification on the other
hand is the act of approving a contract entered
into by another without the authorization of the
It is not enough that the court declare the contract
person in whose name it was entered into, or
is voidable and relieve the defendant of its effects;
beyond the scope of the authority of the former.
it must annul or set aside the contract and other
In other words, confirmation is properly applicable
the mutual restitution in accordance with 1398.
only to annullable contracts while ratification
apples to unenforceable contracts or contracts
In an action for annulment, the court has to set where the consent is totally absent.
aside and render ineffective by its judgment the
contract which theretofore is valid and producing Confirmation or ratification cures a defect of
legal effect before the defendant can be exempt nullity.
from compliance therewith; hence the attack
against its validity must be directly made in an Requisites
action or in a counterclaim for the purpose with
the consequences flowing from the declaration of 1. The contract is voidable or annullable
nullity. contract, or one in which the consent of
one party is defective or was vitiated.
Art. 1391. The action for annulment shall be 2. That the ratification is made with the
brought within four years. This period shall knowledge of the cause of nullity.
begin: 3. That at the time the ratification is made,
the cause of nullity has already ceased to
In cases of intimidation, violence or undue exist.
influence, from the time the defect of the Art. 1393. Ratification may be effected expressly
consent ceases. or tacitly. It is understood that there is a tacit
ratification if, with knowledge of the reason
In case of mistake or fraud, from the time of the which renders the contract voidable and such
discovery of the same. reason having ceased, the person who has a
right to invoke it should execute an act which
And when the action refers to contracts entered necessarily implies an intention to waive his
into by minors or other incapacitated persons, right. (1311a)
from the time the guardianship ceases. (1301a)
Express- Any oral or written manifestation of the
If the period of prescription has already expired, person entitled to ask for annulment the he agrees
the nullity of the contract can no longer be set up to be bound by the contract or he will not seek its
as a defense to an action to enforce the same. The annulment would be express ratification.
contract can no longer be set aside.
Implied- the ratification may be implied from the
The period in this article apply to the parties to the acts of the party entitled to annul the contract. it
contract but not to third person. may take a diverse forms such as silence,
acquiescence, act showing approval or adoption of
If what is being assailed is a registered document, the contract, or by acceptance and retention of
the period should be reckoned on the date of benefits flowing therefrom.
registration since registration is a notice to the
whole world. Art. 1394. Ratification may be effected by the
guardian of the incapacitated person. (n)
Art. 1392. Ratification extinguishes the action to
annul a voidable contract. (1309a) Self-explanatory

Art. 1395. Ratification does not require the

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conformity of the contracting party who has no matter of the contract, with their fruits, and the
right to bring the action for annulment. (1312) price with its interest, except in cases provided
by law.
Self- Explanatory
In obligations to render service, the value
Art. 1396. Ratification cleanses the contract thereof shall be the basis for damages. (1303a)
from all its defects from the moment it was
constituted. (1313) Mutual Restitution

After ratification, no action to annul the same can The effect of annulment of contract is to wipe out
be maintained based upon the defects relating to of existence, and to restore the parties, in so far
its original validity. as legally and equitably possible, to their original
situation before the contract was entered into.
Ratification is merely declaratory of the waiver of
the right to ask annulment. The effect of If one or both parties have already performed,
ratification retroacts to the moment the contract each must return to the other whatever he may
was entered. But this retroactivity does not have received by reason of the contract.
prejudice the rights of third persons acquired
before the ratification. The restitution may be only invoked by the parties
who are in privity with the contract.
Art. 1397. The action for the annulment of
contracts may be instituted by all who are Mutual restitution cannot be applied to all
thereby obliged principally or subsidiarily. contracts. The principle of unjust enrichment shall
However, persons who are capable cannot be taken into account. For example, in a lease
allege the incapacity of those with whom they contract. If the lease contract is annulled, the
contracted; nor can those who exerted lessee should return the leased premises but the
intimidation, violence, or undue influence, or lessor is not obliged to give back the rents received
employed fraud, or caused mistake base their by him for the period the lessee used the leased
action upon these flaws of the contract. (1302a) premises.
Requisites for the Exercise of Action for
Annulment of Contracts Restitution of Fruits and Interest

a. The plaintiff must have an interest in the When the cause of the nullity is illicit, such as fraud
contract. Hence, a person who is not and violence, the party who employed those
principally or subsidiarily bound cannot means must be considered as possessor in bad
attack the validity of an annullable faith, and must be obliged to restore not only the
contract, he has no legal capacity to fruits received but also those which might have
challenge the validity of the contract. been received; on the other hand, if the possessor
is in good faith, he should not be required to
b. The victim and not the party responsible return the fruits or pay interest.
for the defect is the person who must
assert the same. Hence, the successor in Liability for Damages
interest of one who has contracted with a
minor cannot avoid the contract on the As a rule, annulment of contracts resulting to
ground of minority. mutual restitution eliminates the possibility of
damage suffered. But there are cases where losses
If the incapacitated person has acted with fraud in occasioned by the contract cannot be erased or
order to induce the other party to the contract, compensated by it annulment. For example,
neither he or his legal representative can ask for Gianna, before discovering the fraud has already
the annulment of the contract, unless he is of incurred expenses which became useless by
tender age and wanting of discretion. annulment, she should be entitled to recover
indemnity for damages.
Art. 1398. An obligation having been annulled,
the contracting parties shall restore to each
other the things which have been the subject

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In the interest of justice and equity these damages Art. 1402. As long as one of the contracting
should be allowed under our law, particularly Arts. parties does not restore what in virtue of the
20 and 21 of the civil code. decree of annulment he is bound to return, the
other cannot be compelled to comply with what
Art. 1399. When the defect of the contract is incumbent upon him. (1308)
consists in the incapacity of one of the parties,
the incapacitated person is not obliged to make
any restitution except insofar as he has been Loss of the thing by the plaintiff
benefited by the thing or price received by him.
If the loss is due to his fault or fraud, he cannot ask
A person entering into a contract must see to it for annulment, because of Art. 1401, the action for
that the other party has sufficient capacity to bind annulment is extinguished in such case. The
himself. For while the general rule is that the provisions of 1400 cannot be applied.
parties are bound to restore or return the thing, if
the nullity is on account of incapacity of one of
What if the thing received was lost through
the contracting parties, the party suffering from
fortuitous event? Evidently the action for
such incapacity is only bound to return what he
annulment is not extinguished because of 1401
has profited by the thing sold or by the price
limits the extinguishment of the action to the case
where the loss is due to fault or fraud of the
plaintiff. But the defendant cannot be obliged to
The profit referred to here is not necessarily a
make restitution to the plaintiff. Until the
material and permanent increase in fortune, but
annulment of the contract, it is valid and produces
any prudent and beneficial use by the
effect. Hence, the plaintiff who was in possession
incapacitated of the thing he received, for his
of the thing at that time must still be considered as
necessities or discharge of duties to others. Thus,
the owner thereof and he must bear the loss by
there is benefit even without increase in fortune if
fortuitous event, res perit domino. In this case,
the thing received is used for food, clothing,
1402 must apply.
dwelling, etc.
But if the plaintiff offers to pay the value of the
However, where the thing is still existing in the
thing at the time of loss, the defendant shall be
patrimony of the incapacitate at the time the
obliged to make restitution by applying 1400,
incapacity ceases, he will be deemed to have
except that the plaintiff need not pay interest on
benefited from it. If he asks annulment, he must
the value of the thing
return it to the other party. If he alienates it, he is
deemed to have ratified the contract.
Loss of the thing by the defendant
Art. 1400. Whenever the person obliged by the
decree of annulment to return the thing can not 1400 applies, he will return the fruits received, the
do so because it has been lost through his fault, value of the thing at time of the loss, with interest
he shall return the fruits received and the value from the same date.
of the thing at the time of the loss, with interest
from the same date. (1307a) If the thing is lost through fortuitous event, there
can be annulment of contract because 1401
applies only if the loss is due to the fault of
Art. 1401. The action for annulment of contracts
plaintiff. In this case, the defendant is required to
shall be extinguished when the thing which is
pay the value of the thing at the time of its loss by
the object thereof is lost through the fraud or
fortuitous event but without interest. 1400 is also
fault of the person who has a right to institute
applicable. The defendant must suffer the loss
the proceedings.
because he is still the owner of the thing at the
If the right of action is based upon the
time of the loss.
incapacity of any one of the contracting parties,
the loss of the thing shall not be an obstacle to
Transcribed (Voidable Contracts)
the success of the action, unless said loss took
place through the fraud or fault of the plaintiff.
What are voidable contracts? Those which
possess all the essential requisites of a valid
contract but one of the parties is INCAPABLE OF

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GIVING CONSENT, or CONSENT IS VITIATED by during the marriage and within ten years from the
mistake, violence, intimidation, undue influence or transaction questioned. (Art. 173, Civil Code.)
The voidable contract of Gimena was subject to
Who may avail of the remedy of annulment of a annulment by her husband only during the
voidable contract? Only those principally and marriage because he was the victim who had an
subsidiarily obliged can be a party. The capacitated interest in the contract. Gimena, who was the
person cannot invoke the incapacity of the other party responsible for the defect, could not ask for
party. Only the incompetent party may avail of this its annulment. Their children could not likewise
remedy. seek the annulment of the contract while the
marriage subsisted because they merely had an
May a 3rd party who is subsidiarily obliged have inchoate right to the lands sold.
the contract annulled? An action for annulment by
3rd person may be allowed if that person can show The termination of the marriage and the
to the court damages that he may incur if the dissolution of the conjugal partnership by the
contract is not allowed. Guardians, guarantors or death of Maximo Aldon did not improve the
pledgors are subsidiarily liable, they will be situation of Gimena. What she could not do during
benefited if annulled and prejudiced if not the marriage, she could not do thereafter. The
annulled. case of Sofia and Salvador Aldon is different. After
the death of Maximo they acquired the right to
Do void contracts produces no legal effect? Void question the defective contract insofar as it
contracts produces no legal effect whatsoever. deprived them of their hereditary rights in their
father’s share in the lands. The father’s share is
An action to recover from a void contract, can it one-half (1/2) of the lands and their share is two-
prosper? If so, there is an effect of a void contract? thirds (2/3) thereof, one-third (1/3) pertaining to
It can prosper, there is a right to recover in case the widow.
the parties are in par delicto (Art. 1411, 1412,
1414, 1416). There is right to recover because the This actuation clearly indicated that the appellees
law so provides. It is not an effect of contracts. knew the lots did not still belong to them,
otherwise, why were they interested in a
Case Laws: document of sale in their favor? Again why did
Vicente V. Felipe tell Gimena that the purpose of
1. Felipe vs. Aldon the document was to obtain Gimena’s consent to
the construction of an irrigation pump on the lots
In the instant case, Gimena, the wife, sold lands in question? The only possible reason for
belonging to the conjugal partnership without the purporting to obtain such consent is that the
consent of the husband and the sale is not covered appellees knew the lots were not theirs. Why was
by the phrase “except in cases provided by law.” there an attempted improvement (the irrigation
The Court of Appeals described the sale as tank) only in 1970? Why was the declaration of
“invalid”—a term which is imprecise when used in property made only in 1974? Why were no
relation to contracts because the Civil Code uses attempts made to obtain the husband’s signature,
specific names in designating defective contracts, despite the fact that Gimena and Hermogena were
namely: rescissible (Arts. 1380 et seg.), voidable close relatives? All these indicate the bad faith of
(Arts. 1390 et seq.), unenforceable (Arts. 1403, et the appellees. Now then, even if we were to
seq.), and void or inexistent (Arts. 1409 et seq.) consider appellees’ possession in bad faith as a
The sale made by Gimena is certainly a defective possession in the concept of owners, this
contract but of what category? The answer: it is a possession at the earliest started in 1951, hence
voidable contract. the period for extraordinary prescription (30 years)
had not yet lapsed when the present action was
The view that the contract made by Gimena is a instituted on April 26, 1976.
voidable contract is supported by the legal
provision that contracts entered by the husband As to the second question, the children’s cause of
without the consent of the wife when such action accrued from the death of their father in
consent is required, are annullable at her instance 1959 and they had thirty (30) years to institute it

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(Art. 1141, Civil Code.) They filed action in 1976 without them, he would not have agreed to."
which is well within the period. However, not all instances of fraud enable the
voiding of contracts. Article 1344 clarifies that in
2. House International vs. IAC order to make a contract voidable, the fraud
"should be serious and should not have been
As bases for a declaration that the conditional sale employed by both contracting parties."43
between GSIS and CENTERTOWN is null and void
for being contrary to law or public policy, the Thus, Tankeh v. Development Bank of the
constitutional provisions are inapposite. Not one Philippines44 explained, "There are two types of
of those provisions render unlawful the contract in fraud contemplated in the performance of
question. Except for the prohibition against the contracts: dolo incidente or incidental fraud
taking of private property for public use without and dolo causante or fraud serious enough to
just compensation, the other provisions require render a contract voidable."45 The fraud required
implementing legislation to confer a legal right and to annul or avoid a contract "must be so material
impose a legal duty which can be judicially that had it not been present, the defrauded party
invoked. would not have entered into the contract."46 The
fraud must be "the determining cause of the
P.D. 1517 which confers a preferential right to contract, or must have caused the consent to be
tenants of long standing to acquire leased land on given."47
which they have constructed their houses. This has
no application to the present case where the Petitioner's contention on how crucial the
property involved is land and building belonging to dimensions and area of the Unit are to his decision
the lessor. to proceed with the purchase is well-taken. The
significance of space and dimensions to any buyer
The main thrust of the petitioner’s challenge on of real property is plain to see. This is particularly
the validity of the conditional sale is that the significant to buyers of condominium units in
contract is ultra vires because the respondent urban areas, and even more so in central business
CENTERTOWN is not qualified to acquire districts, where the scarcity of space drives vertical
properties under its Articles of Incorporation. The construction and propels property values. It would
petitioner has confused a void contract with an be immensely guileless of this Court to fail to
ultra vires contract which is merely voidable. appreciate how the advertised area of the Unit
was material or even indispensable to petitioner's
Petitioner is neither a party nor a privy to the Deed consent. As petitioner emphasized, he opted to
of Conditional Sale and the assignment thereof: register for and participate in the auction for the
thus, it cannot assail the validity of the said Unit only after determining that its advertised area
contracts. was spacious enough for his residential needs.48

3. Poole Bauden vs. Union Bank Xxx

Article 1542 has nothing to do with annulling
For there to be a valid contract, all the three (3) fraudulently made sales. What it is concerned with
elements of consent, subject matter, and price is the proportionate reduction of the purchase
must be present.41 Consent wrongfully obtained is price in relation to the measurable units of the
defective. The party to a contract whose consent thing sold. Petitioner does not seek a reduction of
was vitiated is entitled to have the contract the purchase price. He seeks judicial relief to have
rescinded. Accordingly, Article 1390 of the Civil the entirety of his purchase annulled, his consent
Code42 stipulates that a contract is voidable or having been fraudulently obtained. By filing an
annullable even if there is no damage to the action under Article 1390 of the Civil Code,
contracting parties where "consent is vitiated by petitioner declared that his consent to the entire
mistake, violence, intimidation, undue influence or subject matter of the contract was vitiated. What
fraud." suffices as relief is the complete annulment of the
sale, not the partial reimbursement upon which
Under Article 1338 of the Civil Code "[t]here is Article 1542 is premised.
fraud when, through insidious words or
machinations of one of the contracting parties, the Likewise, Article 1542 does not contemplate the
other is induced to enter into a contract which, seller's delivery to the buyer of things other than

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the agreed object of the sale. While it is true that consequences without exerting any effort to avoid
petitioner did not buy the unit on a per-square- them.
meter basis, it remains that what he bought was a
condominium unit. A condominium unit's bounds In order for gross negligence to exist as to warrant
are reckoned by "the interior surfaces of [its] holding the respondent liable therefor, the
perimeter walls, floors, ceilings, windows and petitioners must establish that the latter did not
doors."60 It excludes common areas. Thus, when exert any effort at all to avoid unpleasant
petitioner agreed to purchase the Unit at a lump- consequences, or that it wilfully and intentionally
sum price, he never consented to including disregarded the proper protocols or procedure . . .
common areas as part of his purchase. Article and in selecting and supervising its
1542's concern with a ratable reduction of the employees.65 (Emphasis supplied)
price delivered by the buyer assumes that the
seller correctly delivered, albeit deficiently, the Banks assume a degree of prudence and diligence
object of the sale. higher than that of a good father of a family,
because their business is imbued with public
In any case, for Article 1542 to operate, "the interest66 and is inherently fiduciary.67 Thus,
discrepancy must not be substantial."61 Article banks have the obligation to treat the accounts of
1542 remains anchored on a sense of what is its clients "meticulously and with the highest
reasonable. An estimate given as a premise for a degree of care."68 With respect to its fiduciary
sale should be "more or less" the actual area of the duties, this Court explained:
thing sold.62 Here, the area advertised and
stipulated in the Contract to Sell was 95 square The law imposes on banks high standards in view
meters but the actual area of the unit was only of the fiduciary nature of banking. Section 2 of
74.4 square meters.63 By no stretch of the Republic Act No. 8791 ("RA 8791"), which took
imagination can a 21.68% deficiency be discounted effect on 13 June 2000, declares that the State
as a mere minor discrepancy. recognizes the "fiduciary nature of banking that
requires high standards of integrity and
By definition, fraud presupposes bad faith or performance." This new provision in the general
malicious intent. It transpires when insidious banking law, introduced in 2000, is a statutory
words or machinations are deliberately employed affirmation of Supreme Court decisions, starting
to induce agreement to a contract. Thus, one could with the 1990 case of Simex International v. Court
conceivably claim that respondent could not be of Appeals, holding that "the bank is under
guilty of fraud as it does not appear to have obligation to treat the accounts of its depositors
crafted a deceptive strategy directed specifically at with meticulous care, always having in mind the
petitioner. However, while petitioner was not a fiduciary nature of their relationship.
specific target, respondent was so callously remiss
of its duties as a bank. It was so grossly negligent This fiduciary relationship means that the bank's
that its recklessness amounts to a wrongful obligation to observe "high standards of integrity
willingness to engender a situation where any and performance" is deemed written into every
buyer in petitioner's shoes would have been deposit agreement between a bank and its
insidiously induced into buying a unit with an depositor. The fiduciary nature of banking requires
actual area so grossly short of its advertised space. banks to assume a degree of diligence higher than
In Spouses Carbonell v. Metropolitan Bank and that of a good father of a family. Article 1172 of
Trust Company,64 this Court considered gross the Civil Code states that the degree of diligence
negligence, in relation to the fiduciary nature of required of an obligor is that prescribed by law or
banks: contract, and absent such stipulation then the
diligence of a good father of a family. Section 2 of
Gross negligence connotes want of care in the RA 8791 prescribes the statutory diligence
performance of one's duties; it is a negligence required from banks — that banks must observe
characterized by the want of even slight "high standards of integrity and performance" in
care, acting or omitting to act in a situation where servicing their depositors.69 (Citations omitted)
there is duty to act, not inadvertently but wilfully
and intentionally, with a conscious indifference to The high degree of diligence required of banks
consequences insofar as other persons may be equally holds true in their dealing with mortgaged
affected. It evinces a thoughtless disregard of real properties, and subsequently acquired

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through foreclosure, such as the Unit purchased by diligence in investigating the Unit offered as
petitioner. In the same way that banks are security before accepting it. This negligence is so
"presumed to be familiar with the rules on land inexcusable; it is tantamount to bad faith.
registration," given that they are in the business of
extending loans secured by real estate Even the least effort on respondent's part could
mortgage,70 banks are also expected to exercise have very easily confirmed the Unit's true area.
the highest degree of diligence. This is especially Similarly, the most cursory review of the
true when investigating real properties offered as Condominium Act would have revealed the proper
security, since they are aware that such property reckoning of a condominium unit's area.
may be passed on to an innocent purchaser in the Respondent could have exerted these most
event of foreclosure. Indeed, "the ascertainment elementary efforts to protect not only clients and
of the status or condition of a property offered to innocent purchasers but, most basically, itself.
it as security for a loan must be a standard and Respondent's failure to do so indicates how it
indispensable part of a bank's operations":71 created a situation that could have led to no other
outcome than petitioner being defrauded.
When the purchaser or the mortgagee is a bank,
the rule on innocent purchasers or mortgagees for The Regional Trial Court and the Court of Appeals
value is applied more strictly.1âwphi1 Being in the gravely erred in finding that causal fraud is not
business of extending loans secured by real estate attendant in this case. Quite the contrary, it is
mortgage, banks are presumed to be familiar with evident that respondent orchestrated a situation
the rules on land registration. Since the banking rife for defrauding buyers of the advertised unit.
business is impressed with public interest, they are Therefore, the assailed Decision and Resolution
expected to be more cautious, to exercise a higher must be reversed, the Contract to Sell between
degree of diligence, care and prudence, than petitioner and respondent be annulled, and
private individuals in their dealings, even those petitioner be refunded all the amounts he paid to
involving registered lands. Banks may not simply respondent in respect of the purchase of the Unit.
rely on the face of the certificate of title. Hence,
they cannot assume that, simply because the title Unenforceable Contracts
offered as security is on its face free of any
encumbrances or lien, they are relieved of the An UC is one which cannot be enforced unless it is
responsibility of taking further steps to verify the first ratified in the manner provided by law. It is
title and inspect the properties to be mortgaged. compared with rescissible and annullable contracts
As expected, the ascertainment of the status or in that the two produces effect unless set aside,
condition of a property offered to it as security for UC cannot be enforced unless ratified.
a loan must be a standard and indispensable part
of a bank's operations. It is of judicial notice that Art. 1403. The following contracts are
the standard practice for banks before approving a unenforceable, unless they are ratified: (1)
loan is to send its representatives to the property Those entered into in the name of another
offered as collateral to assess its actual condition, person by one who has been given no authority
verify the genuineness of the title, and investigate or legal representation, or who has acted
who is/are its real owner/s and actual beyond his powers;
possessors.72 (Citations omitted)
(2) Those that do not comply with the Statute of
Credit investigations are standard practice for Frauds as set forth in this number. In the
banks before approving loans and admitting following cases an agreement hereafter made
properties offered as security. It entails the shall be unenforceable by action, unless the
assessment of such properties: an appraisal of same, or some note or memorandum, thereof,
their value, an examination of their condition, a be in writing, and subscribed by the party
verification of the authenticity of their title, and an charged, or by his agent; evidence, therefore, of
investigation into their real owners and actual the agreement cannot be received without the
possessors.73 Whether it was unaware of the writing, or a secondary evidence of its contents:
unit's actual interior area; or, knew of it, but
wrongly thought that its area should include (a) An agreement that by its terms is not to be
common spaces, respondent's predicament performed within a year from the making
demonstrates how it failed to exercise utmost thereof;

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(b) A special promise to answer for the debt,

default, or miscarriage of another; Validity of Contracts
(c) An agreement made in consideration of
marriage, other than a mutual promise to A contract falling under the SOF cannot be proved
marry; (d) An agreement for the sale of goods, without writing or a memorandum (memo)
chattels or things in action, at a price not less thereof. The SOF, however, simply provides for
than five hundred pesos, unless the buyer the manner in which contracts under it shall be
accept and receive part of such goods and proved. It does not attempt to make such
chattels, or the evidences, or some of them, of contract invalid if not executed in writing, but
such things in action or pay at the time some only makes ineffective the action for specific
part of the purchase money; but when a sale is performance. The contract exists and is valid,
made by auction and entry is made by the though it may not be clothed with the necessary
auctioneer in his sales book, at the time of the form, and the effect of noncompliance with SOF is
sale, of the amount and kind of property sold, simply that no action can be proved unless the
terms of sale, price, names of the purchasers requirement is complied with.
and person on whose account the sale is made,
it is a sufficient memorandum; Action to Enforce
(e) An agreement of the leasing for a longer
period than one year, or for the sale of real SOF is applicable to executory and not to
property or of an interest therein; completed or executed contracts. Performance of
(f) A representation as to the credit of a third the contract takes it out of the operation of SOF.
SOF is not applicable to contracts which are either
(3) Those where both parties are incapable of totally or partially performed on the theory that
giving consent to a contract. there is a wide field for the commission of frauds
in executory contracts which can only be
prevented by requiring them to be in writing, a
Unauthorized Contracts fact which is reduced to a minimum in executed
contracts because the intention of the parties
When a person enters into a contract in the name becomes apparent by their execution, and the
of another, without authority to do so, the execution concludes, in most cases, the rights of
contract does not bind the latter, unless he ratifies the parties. The partial performance must be
the same. Such person is liable to third persons proved. It may be proved by either documentary
upon the contract. or oral evidence.

Statutes of Fraud (SOF) Note or Memorandum

It requires certain classes of contracts to be in It is the evidence of the agreement and us used to
writing. SoF does not deprive the parties of the show the intention of the parties. No particular
contract with respect to the matters therein form or language is necessary to constitute a
involved, but merely regulates the formalities of memo or note as a writing under the SOF. It may
the contract necessary to render it enforceable. consist of any kind of writing. It meets the
requirements of SOF if it contains the names of the
It does not apply to actions which are neither for parties, the terms and conditions of the
specific performance of the contract nor for agreement, description of the subject matter, date
violation thereof. and place of the making of the agreement, and the
signature of the of the party assuming the
Purpose of the SOF obligation.

To prevent fraud and perjury in the enforcement Performance within One Year
of the obligations depending on their evidence
upon the unassisted memory of the witness by The one year period is reckoned in the day the
requiring certain enumerated contracts and contract is entered into and not from the time
transactions to be evidenced by a writing signed by that the performance of it is entered upon.
the party to be charged.

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A contract is within the SOF if the time for the full the marriage. Thus, a promise made by the father
performance of the contract exceeds one year, of a prospective bride to give a gift to the
although the excess is ever so little. prospective husband is covered by the SOF.

Where no time is fixed for the performance of Where the woman and her father promised
their agreement, and there is nothing in the marriage to the man and his father provided that
agreement itself to show that it cannot be the latter would improve the former’s house and
performed within a year according to its terms and spend for the wedding and other needs of the
the understanding of the parties, the agreement is bride, and the groom and his father complied,
not within the SOF. made improvements and spent P700, it was held
that the man could sue the woman for damages
Guaranty of Another’s Debt for breach of promise to marry, even if the
promise was already made. But the father of the
There must be a debt or obligation of one other man cannot sue on the oral contract, which as to
than the promissor for whose default the latter him, is not a mutual promise to marry.
undertakes to be responsible.
Sale of Personal Property
The special promise need not state the
consideration. It is presumed that the contract is This covers both tangible and intangible. It also
supported by a consideration. covers the assignment of choses of action. Hence,
an assignment of credit over 500 pesos is governed
The term default or miscarriage include liability for by the SOF which requires that the sale of choses
tort and are not to be restricted to defaults and in action over a certain amount to be in writing.
miscarriages arising out of contracts.
In case of a contract for the sale of goods, chattels
The test of guaranty is WON the promise is an and things in action at a price not less than 500 is
original or a collateral one. If the promise is removed from the operation of the statute of
original or an independent one, that is if the frauds where the buyer accepts and receives part
promissor becomes primarily liable thereby, the of such goods and chattels. Neither will the SOF
promise is not within the SOF. If the promise is a applies where there has been part payment of the
collateral one and the promissor becomes thereby purchase price.
merely a surety, the promise must be in writing.
Lease or Sale of Real Property (RP)
In Consideration of Marriage
Evidence to prove an oral contract of sale of RP
Any verbal executory promise or agreement other must be disregarded if timely objections are made
the mutual promise to marry, made in to its introduction. But the SOF does not forbid
consideration of marriage, is embraced within the oral evidence to prove a consummated sale of RP.
provisions of the SOF requiring such agreements This provision law refers only to executory
made upon consideration of marriage should be in contracts and not to executed contracts.
writing, and signed by the party to be charged
therewith. It is well settled that the memo in case of a
contract to sell land, must describe the land sold.
Where the marriage is a mere incident, and not If an insufficient description is given, or there is no
the end to be attained by the agreement, the description, oral evidence is not admissible in aid
contract is not in consideration of marriage, and of memorandum.
oral evidence can prove the agreement. Even
when the marriage is a consideration, but in In case of lease agreement, the memo must
addition thereto there is some other consideration designate the length or duration of the term and
sufficient to support the oral agreement, this may the time when it is to begin.
be proved without the writing required by the
statute. Representation of Credit

The requirement also applies to promises by a A representation made by a stranger to the

third person to one of the parties contemplating contract with the intent that the person for whom

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it is made should obtain credit thereby, must be in Art. 1408. Unenforceable contracts cannot be
writing to be a basis on action for damages against assailed by third persons.
the party who made the representation if this
turns out to be false or incorrect. The defense of SOF is personal to the party to the
agreement. It can be relied upon only by the
The representation must not be made to with parties to the contract or their representatives and
intent to defraud. SOF does not embrace cannot be set up by strangers to the agreement.
representations that are deceitfully made for it
was not intended to protect wrongdoers. It was Transcribed (Unenforceable Contracts)
designed to protect persons who are honestly and
in good faith make assurances respecting the These contracts cannot be enforced through court
credit or standing of another. action unless ratified. If there is a proper objection
there is obviously no ratification. One kind of
Art. 1404. Unauthorized contracts are governed ratification is when there is failure to properly
by Article 1317 and the principles of agency in object, when oral evidence is presented to prove
Title X of this Book. the existence of a contract.

Ratification validates a contract made by a person If both parties are incapacitated and one of the
without authority of the principal (owner of the parties ratified, what is the status of the
property). contract? Voidable because by then only one party
is incapacitated.
See notes on 1317, supra
If a person entered into a contract in
Art. 1405. Contracts infringing the Statute of representation of another but does not have the
Frauds, referred to in No. 2 of Article 1403, are authority of that person, is the contract
ratified by the failure to object to the unenforceable? Not necessarily because such
presentation of oral evidence to prove the person may have entered into a contract through
same, or by the acceptance of benefit under legal representation (authorized by law or by the
them. court), even if he is not authorized by the person
If the oral evidence to support a contract covered
by SOF was not objected to, and thereby permit Is the Statute of Frauds applicable only in
such contract to be proved orally, it will be just as Contracts of Sale and/or Lease? No. Under Art
binding upon the parties as if it had been reduced 1403 it was provided that any agreement under its
to writing. terms is not to be performed within 1 year and it is
not in writing would be unenforceable. Thus a
Art. 1406. When a contract is enforceable under contract for piece of work or contract of agency, or
the Statute of Frauds, and a public document is any contract for that matter may be covered by
necessary for its registration in the Registry of the Statute of Frauds if under the terms of such
Deeds, the parties may avail themselves of the contract, is not to be performed within 1 year. It
right under Article 1357. will be unenforceable if not in writing.
Art. 1407. In a contract where both parties are What is the purpose of the law in requiring a
incapable of giving consent, express or implied contract to be in writing if it is to be performed
ratification by the parent, or guardian, as the within 1 year, is it to prevent fraud from being
case may be, of one of the contracting parties committed? It is not necessarily to prevent fraud
shall give the contract the same effect as if only from being committed but rather because that
one of them were incapacitated. even honest men may commit mistakes.

If ratification is made by the parents or An oral partnership is valid? True, even if one of
guardians, as the case may be, of both the parties contributed an immovable property.
contracting parties, the contract shall be What the law requires is that the partnership itself
validated from the inception. should be in writing, which require to have an
inventory of such immovable property, to be
These articles are self-explanatory signed by all the contracting parties. There is no
debate to the fact that the provision under ARt.

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1771 where it provides that where immovable

property or real rights are contributed thereto, a Does the law require that for the statute of fraud
public instrument shall be necessary. In relation to to apply it had to be in a public instrument? No. It
Art. 1773 where it provides that whenever an merely require that it be in writing to be a valid
immovable property or real rights is contributed, if and binding contract.
an inventory is not made, the contract of
partnership is void. Nowhere in these two If the contract of sale involves an immovable
provisions that would tell that whenever the property, and it is not in writing, it will be
contract of partnership is entered and a unenforceable? In sale of an immovable property
contribution of real property is made, if not in a as long as it is in writing, it would be a valid and
public instrument, it is void. What is void is when binding contract between the parties. But it will
there is no inventory of the real property, that not bind 3rd persons, because a private
would make the contract of partnership void. It is instrument cannot be registered except if such 3rd
valid, the purpose of inventory is to notify third person have actual knowledge of this contract.
persons who would enter into contracts with the
partnership. Does it matter if the purchase price of the
immovable property is only 300 pesos? No. The
Oral promise of guarantee is valid? An oral price in sale of immovable is irrelevant.
guarantee is always entered into by a 3rd person.
The guarantor here is not the principal debtor. This If A sold a bag to B, which bag he purchased 3
would fall under the statute of frauds, a special days ago for 3500 but he sold it to a friend today
promise to answer for the debt of another. Since it and it is not in writing, is it covered by the statute
is not in writing, it is merely an oral promise of of frauds? Not necessarily. Even if the value of the
guaranty, it cannot be a valid and binding contract, bag is 3500, and he sold it merely for P350, it will
it will be unenforceable under Art. 1403. not be covered by the statute of frauds. The law
on sales follow the principle that lesion does not
Cabagui vs. Roxillo The father and his son had a affect the validity of contracts.
verbal agreement with another father with his
daughter, that the son and the daughter will get
A contract of sale involving a movable property,
married, but the father and the son will cause the
wort P300, may that contract still be covered by
repair of the house of the father and the
the statute of frauds? Yes it may still be covered
daughter. Pursuant to this agreement the father
when under the terms of the contract, it is not to
and the son had the house of the father and the
be performed within one year.
daughter repaired. They spent 700 pesos.
However, after the house of the father and the
In a contract of lease which is for a period of 3
daughter repaired, the daughter refused to marry
years, it is merely a verbal contract, would that
the son. The father and the son filed an action for
be covered by the statute of frauds? Not
damages against the father and the daughter.
necessarily. Under the law an agreement for
Will the action prosper? As to the cause of action
leasing for a longer period than one year, must be
the father as against the father and the daughter,
in writing to be enforceable pertains to a real
this would be an action based on an agreement, in
property or an interest therein. If the subject of
consideration of marriage. Therefore, under the
the lease is a personal property, then it cannot be
statute of frauds it should be in writing, since this
subject to the provision of the statute of fraud
is merely a verbal agreement, that agreement is
pertaining to lease contracts.
unenforceable. The action should be dismissed.
(Art. 1403) However, as to the son, the cause of
action pertains to an action under a mutual In a contract of lease entered into by an agent,
promise to marry which is not covered by the and the contract will involve a real property and
statute of frauds. Under the law, An agreement the period is more than 1 year. What is required
made in consideration of marriage other than a for this to be enforceable? It has to be in writing
mutual promise to marry. (Art. 1403). Note: A and the agent should have a special power of
mere breach of a mutual promise to marry is not attorney.
actionable, but the manner by which the breach of
promise to marry may be the basis of an action for X came across an advertisement in the Manila
damages. Daily Bulletin about the rush sale of three slightly
used Toyota Corollas model 1989 for 200k pesos

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each. Finding the price to be very cheap and in been performance of the obligation by one of the
order to be sure he gets 1 of the unit ahead of the parties. The reason why a person can invoke the
others, X immediately phoned the advertiser and Statute of Frauds is because the contract is still
placed an order for 1 car. Y accepted the order wholly executory thus there is no proof of the
and promised to deliver the ordered unit on July existence of the contract. If there had been
15, 1989. On the said date, however, Y did not performance already of the contract, even if
deliver the unit. X brings an action to compel Y to partial, it presupposes there has been a contract in
deliver the unit. Will such action prosper? This the first place.
action will not prosper if there is a proper
objection on the part of Y. But if oral evidence is One half of a parcel of land belonging to A and B
presented to prove the existence of the contract, was sold by X to Y for the amount of 1500. The
and there is no proper objection on the part of Y, sale was executed verbally. One year later A and
then the action may prosper to prove the B sold the entire land to X. Is the sale executed
existence of the contract. As stated under the verbally by X to Y, valid and binding? The sale
facts, the contract is a sale of a movable property between X and Y being a verbal sale which involves
valued more than 500 pesos, hence covered by the a parcel of land. On its face it appears to be
Statute of Frauds which require that the contract covered by the Statute of Frauds.
be in writing. In this case there is only a verbal
contract. Alt. 1 But the answer would be, as suggested by
the UP Law Center, the sale is valid and binding
A and B entered into a verbal contract whereby A because of the payment, and that took the
agreed to B to sell his only parcel of land for 20k contract outside the operation of the Statute of
pesos. B agreed to buy the land on the Frauds. Accdg. to Professor Uribe, under the facts
aforementioned price. B went to the bank to there was no payment. There was no mention that
withdraw the money to be paid to A and Y paid X 1500.
immediately returned A for the consummation of
the contract. A however, changed his mind and Alt.2 Even if X was not the owner at the time of the
refused to go through with the sale. Is the sale, when he thereafter acquired ownership
agreement valid? Will the action by B against A for because A and B sold the entire land to X, by
specific performance prosper? The agreement is operation of law, ownership passes to his own
valid but this cannot be enforced through court buyer (Y). The basis of which is Art. 1434. Accdg. to
action because the facts involve a parcel of land Professor Uribe however, the above basis cannot
which is required to be in writing to be also apply because for Art. 1434 to apply the law
enforceable. The action for specific performance further requires there must have been delivery of
may prosper if there is no proper objection on the the thing by the seller to the buyer, even if the
part of A when B offered his evidence to prove the seller was not the owner and no right to sell, he
existence of the contract, otherwise such action must deliver the thing to the buyer in order that
will not prosper. This action may also prosper ownership to automatically pass to the buyer, the
notwithstanding the failure on the part of A to moment the seller acquires ownership over the
object to the evidence when B raises the defense thing. Under the facts, there was no mention of
of partial fulfillment. However, under the facts delivery.
there is no partial fulfillment. B just went to the
Bank and withdraw the money and returned to A.
Alt. 3 Since this a sale of an immovable property
Such fact does not prove partial performance, but
and this is a verbal sale, there being no partial
merely an act preliminary to the fulfillment of the
fulfillment of any obligations arising from this
obligation to pay. He only planned to pay.
contract, this is unenforceable under the Statute
of Frauds. (proper answer)
In an oral contract which by its terms is not to be
performed within 1 year from the execution
An agreement or contract which involves a Real
thereof, One of the contracting parties already
Property is covered by the Statute of Frauds? Not
complied within the year with the obligation
necessarily. An agreement as to the partition of a
imposed upon him by said contract. Can the other
parcel of land, but that agreement is not covered
party avoid fulfillment of those incumbent upon
by the Statute of Frauds. The Statute of Frauds
him by invoking the Statute of Frauds? No. He can
would be applicable if the action filed is to enforce
no longer invoke the Statute of Frauds had there

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a contract which is covered to claim damages testimony that indeed there was partial fulfillment.
because of breach of that contract. On the other hand the Statute of Frauds does not
pertain to the weight of evidence. The Statute of
Where an ejectment suit was filed and the Frauds affects the admissibility of the evidence. In
plaintiff was about to testify as to the existence other words if the contract is covered by the
of a contract in relation to the land to prove his Statute of Frauds, the testimony may not even be
right to evict the occupant. The lawyer of the allowed under this objection. It goes into the
defendant invoked the Statute of Frauds. Should admissibility of the evidence.
the judge sustain the objection of the defendant? How shall unenforceable contracts be ratified?
No. The action was not an action to enforce an 1.By acceptance of the benefits under such
unenforceable contract, nor an action covered by contract. 2.For failure to object to the presentation
the Statute of Frauds, nor an action to claim of oral evidence at the proper time.
damages based on an unenforceable contract. This
involves a third person. A third person under the Case Laws:
law cannot assail an unenforceable contract.
1. Ortega vs. Leonardo
If there is no partial payment or no partial
delivery, the doctrine of part performance shall While, as a general rule, an oral agreement to sell
not apply, which will bring the contract outside a piece of land is not provable, however, where
the coverage of the Statute of Frauds? No True. there is partial performance of the sale contract,
Partial fulfillment may pertain to any obligation the principle excluding evidence of parol contracts
arising from a verbal contract. For example in a for the sale of realty will not apply. Some
case decided by the Supreme Court involving a sale circumstances indicating partial performance of an
of a parcel of land, as verbally agreed upon buyer oral contract of sale of realty are: relinquishment
paid the real property taxes. The buyer also had of rights, continued possession, building of
the property surveyed. The buyer also constructed improvements, tender of payment rendition of
a building, more or less permanent in character. services, payment of taxes, surveying of the land at
These obligations does not have anything to do the vendee's expense, etc.
with payment or delivery, but nonetheless the S.C.
ruled that because of partial fulfillment of the 2. Carbonel vs. Poncio
obligations arising from that contract, the contract
was taken out of the Statute of Frauds. Fulfillment The Statute of Frauds is applicable only to
does not necessarily be related to payment or executory contracts, not to contracts that are
delivery. totally or partially performed. The reason is simple.
In executory contracts there is a wide field for
fraud because, unless they be in writing there is no
If a contract is covered by the Statute of Frauds,
palpable evidence of the intention of the
and the plaintiff would want to present a witness
contracting parties. However, if a contract has
who would testify without any document at
been totally or partially performed, the exclusion
hand. In other words, oral testimony is being
of parol evidence would promote fraud or bad
presented, and there is an objection under the
faith, for it would enable the defendant to keep
Statute of Frauds, does it necessarily mean that
the benefits already derived by him from the
the judge should sustain the objection, because
transaction in litigation, and, at the same time,
the contract is covered by the Statute of Frauds?
evade the obligations, responsibilities or liabilities
It depends on the purpose of the testimony. If the
assumed or contracted by him thereby. So that
purpose of the testimony is to prove partial
when the party concerned has pleaded partial
fulfillment, then the Statute of Frauds is not
performance, such party is entitled to a reasonable
applicable. Partial fulfillment may be proven
chance to ,establish by parol evidence the truth of
wholly by oral testimony. No documentary
this allegation, as well as the contract itself. "The
evidence is required in relation to partial
recognition of the exceptional effect of part
fulfillment. Hence, the judge should not sustain
performance in taking an oral contract out of the
the objection. Moreover, even if three (3)
statute of frauds involves the principle that oral
witnesses would testify in court as to partial
evidence is admissible in such cases to prove both
fulfillment. The court should not automatically
the contract and the part performance of the
conclude that there was in fact partial fulfillment.
The court should satisfy itself base on the

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clear that the full performance has been made by

For obvious reasons, it is not enough for a party to one party within one year, as otherwise the
allege partial performance in order to hold that statute would apply.
there has been such performance and to render a
decision declaring that the Statute of Frauds is Where the contract is vague and ambiguous, the
inapplicable. But neither is such party required to doctrine of part performance cannot be invoked to
establish such partial performance by take the case out of operation of the statute of
documentary proof before he could have the frauds. Obviously, there can be no part
opportunity to introduce oral testimony on the performance until there is a definite and complete
transaction. Indeed, such oral testimony would agreement between the parties. In order to
usually be unnecessary if there were documents warrant the specific enforcement of a parol
proving partial performance. Thus, the rejection of contract for the sale of land, on the ground of part
any and all testimonial evidence on partial performance, all the essential terms of the
performance, would nullify the rule that the contract must be established by competent proof,
Statute of Frauds is inapplicable to contracts which and shown to be definite, certain, clear and
have been partly executed, and lead to the very unambiguous. (Cuyugan vs. Santos, 34 Phil., 100,
evils that the statute seeks to prevent. 101.)

"The true basis of the doctrine of part 4. Cabague vs. Auxilio

performance according to the overwhelming
weight of authority, is that it would be a fraud According to the Rules of Court parol evidence is
upon the plaintiff if the defendant were permitted not admissible to prove an agreement made upon
to escape performance of his part of the oral the consideration of marriage other than a mutual
agreement after he has permitted the plaintiff to promise to marry.1 This litigation calls for
perform in reliance upon the agreement. The oral application of that rule. In the justice of the peace
contract is enforced in harmony with the principle court of Basud, Camarines Norte, Felipe Cabague
that courts of equity will not allow the statute of and his son Geronimo sued the defendant Matias
frauds to be used as an instrument of fraud. In Auxilio and his daughter Socorro to recover
other words, the doctrine of part performance was damages resulting from defendants' refusal to
established for the same purpose for which the carry out the previously agreed marriage between
statute of frauds itself was enacted, namely, for So corro and Geronimo. The complaint alleged, in
the prevention of fraud, and arose from the short: (a) that defendants promised such marriage
necessity of preventing the statute from becoming to plaintiffs, provided the latter would improve the
an agent of fraud for it could not have been the defendants' house in Basud and spend for the
intention of the statute to enable any party to wedding feast and the needs of the bride; (b) that
commit a fraud with impunity." (49 Am. Jur., 725- relying upon such promises plaintiffs made the
726; italics supplied.) When the party concerned improvement and spent P700; and (c) that without
has pleaded partial performance, such party is cause defendants refused to honor their pledged
entitled to a reasonable chance to establish by word. The defendants moved to dismiss, arguing
parol evidence the truth of this allegation, as well that the contract was oral, unenforceable under
as the contract itself. "The recognition of the the rule of evi dence hereinbefore mentioned. And
exceptional effect of part performance in taking an the court dismissed the case.
oral contract out of the statute of frauds involves
the principle that oral evidence is admissible in On appeal to the Court of First Instance, the
such cases to prove both the contract and the part plaintiffs reproduced their complaint and
performance of the contract" (49 Am. Jur., 927). defendants re-iterated their motion to dismiss.
From an order of dismissal   this  appeal   was
3. Babao vs. Perez perfected   in  due  time.

Contracts which by their terms are not to be

performed within one year may be taken out of It should be observed preliminarily that, under the
the Statute of Frauds through performance by one former rules of procedure, when the complaint did
party thereto. In order, however, that a partial not state whether the contract sued on was in
performance of the contract may take the case out writing or not, the statute of frauds could be no
of the operation of the statute, it must appear ground for de murrer. Under the new Rules

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"defendant may now present a motion to dismiss (See Federation of United Namarco Distributors,
on the ground that the contract was not in writing, Inc. v. National Marketing Corporation, 4 SCRA
even if such fact is not apparent on the face of the 884). With the contract being partially executed,
complaint. The fact may be proved by him." the same is no longer covered by the requirements
(Moran Rules of Court 2d ed. p. 139 Vol. I.) There is of the Statute of Frauds in order to be enforceable.
no question here that the transaction was not in (See Khan v. Asuncion, 19 SCRA 996). Therefore,
writing. The only issue is whether it may be proved with the contract being valid and enforceable, the
in court. petitioner cannot avoid his obligation by
interposing that Exhibit A is not a public document.
The understanding between the plaintiffs on one On the contrary, under Article 1357 of the Civil
side and the defendants on the other, really Code, the petitioner can even be compelled by the
involves two kinds of agreement. One, the respondent to execute a public document to
agreement between Felipe Ca bague and the embody their valid and enforceable contract.
defendants in consideration of the mar riage of
Socorro and Geronimo. Another, the agreement The reasons given by the petitioner cannot
between the two lovers, as "a mutual promise to operate against the validity of the contract in
marry". For breach of that mutual promise to question. A contract is valid even though one of
marry, Geronimo may sue Socorro for damages. the parties entered into it against his better
This is such action, and evidence of such mutual judgment. (See Lagunzad v. Vda. de Gonzales, 92
promise is admissible.2 However Felipe Cabague's SCRA 476; citing Martinez v. Hongkong and
action may not prosper, because it is to enforce an Shanghai Bank, 15 Phil. 252).
agreement in consideration of marriage. Evidently
as to Felipe Cabague and Matias Auxilio this action Finally, we agree with the lower court’s holding
could not be maintained on the theory of "mutual that although as a co-owner, the petitioner cannot
promise to marry".3 Neither may it be regarded as dispose of a specific portion of the land, his share
action by Felipe against Socorro "on a mutual shall be bound by the effect of the sale.
promise to marry." Consequently, we declare that
Geronimo may continue his action against Socorro 6. Bisaya Land vs. Sanchez
for such damages as may have resulted from her
failure to carry out their mutual matrimonial
What then is the status of the Contracts which
Receiver Amor entered into with Sanchez, without
the approval of the court which appointed him
5. Clarin vs. Rulona receiver? Even the petitioners noticeably waver as
to the exact status of these Contracts. The
While it is true that Exhibits A and B are, in petitioners alleged in their Memorandum
themselves, not contracts of sale, they are, submitted to this Court that they are void
however, clear evidence that a contract of sale contracts under Article 1409(1) of the Civil Code,
was perfected between the petitioner and the whereas, in their Petition, they labelled the
respondent and that such contract had already contracts as unenforceable under Article 1403(1)
been partially fulfilled and executed. A contract of of the Civil Code. The determination, therefore, of
sale is perfected at the moment there is a meeting whether the questioned contracts are void or
of minds upon the thing which is the object of the merely unenforceable is important, because of the
contract and upon the price. (Article 1475, Civil settled distinction that a void and inexistent
Code; Phil. Virginia Tobacco Administration v. De contract can not be ratified and become
los Angeles, 87 SCRA 210). Such contract is binding enforceable, whereas, an unenforceable contract
in whatever form it may have been entered into. may still be ratified and, thereafter, enforced. The
(Lopez v. Auditor General, 20 SCRA 655). petitioners allege that the Contracts are void,
citing Article 1409(1) of the Civil Code which
Hence, it cannot be denied that there was a provides that contracts whose cause, object or
perfected contract of sale between the parties and purpose is contrary to law, morals, good customs,
that such contract was already partially executed public order or public policy, are inexistent and
when the petitioner received the initial payment of void from the beginning. In the case at bar, the
P800.00. The latter’s acceptance of the payment contracts of agency were entered into for the
clearly showed his consent to the contract thereby management and operation of BISTRANCO's
precluding him from rejecting its binding effect. business in Butuan City. Said Contracts necessarily

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imposed obligations and liabilities on the Benjamin G. Roa in effect recognized and gave
contracting parties, thereby affecting the efficacy to the Contracts in question. The
disposition of the assets and business of the declaration of Benjamin G. Roa that BISTRANCO
company under receivership. But a perusal of the did not have any knowledge about the Contracts
Contracts in question would show that there is before the complaint was filed on 28 December
nothing in their cause, object or purpose which 1979 is contradicted by his own testimony that, as
renders them void. The purpose of the Contracts early as 14 December 1979, he was already looking
was to create an agency for BISTRANCO with for the contract, after he saw Exhibit "NN",
Marciano Sanchez as its agent in Butuan City. Even wherein Sanchez requested the company "to abide
as to the other provisions of the Contracts, there is with the terms of the contract which will expire on
nothing in their cause or object which can be said July 1981". Besides, the pretended lack of
as contrary to law, morals, good customs, public knowledge of Benjamin G. Roa can not be equated
order or public policy so as to render them void. with BISTRANCO's. It should be noted that Roa
On the other hand, paragraph 1, Article 1403 of started to work for BISTRANCO only on 27 April
the Civil Code provides that contracts "entered 1979, whereas, the Contracts were executed in
into in the name of another person by one who 1976. The people who were more in a position to
has been given no authority or legal know about the Contracts, like the company
representation, or who has acted beyond his officers and members of the board of directors at
powers" are unenforceable, unless they are the time the Contracts were entered into,
ratified. In the case at bar, it is undisputed that especially Antonio V. Cuenco, were never
Atty. Adolfo Amor was entrusted, as receiver, with presented as witnesses. Aside from this, the
the administration of BISTRANCO and its business. company cannot deny its ratification of the
But the act of entering into a contract is one which Contracts even before the time of Benjamin G.
requires the authorization of the court which Roa, because when Atty. Fulveo Pelaez succeeded
appointed him receiver. Consequently, the Atty. Adolfo Amor as Receiver, he was represented
questioned Contracts can rightfully be classified as by BISTRANCO's shipping manager as having taken
unenforceable for having been entered into by one cognizance of these Contracts and sanctioned the
who had acted beyond his powers, due to Receiver acts of Sanchez as shipping agent of BISTRANCO in
Amor's failure to secure the court's approval of Butuan City. This is shown by a letter, dated 15,
said Contracts. February 1977, written by Capt. Federico Reyes,
the shipping manager of BISTRANCO at that time.
Private respondent Sanchez filed his complaint in The letter states that "the Receiver (Atty. Fulveo
the lower court on 28 December 1979. But on 10 Pelaez) maintains that the previous agency
January 1980, co-petitioner Benjamin G. Roa, as contract remains and (sic) basically the same
Executive Vice-President of BISTRANCO, still sent except that the rates of the agency commission
Sanchez three (3) separate letters with the were modified". Furthermore, it is clear that
following contents: (1) reducing his passage BISTRANCO received material benefits from the
commission from 10%, as he used to receive in the contracts of agency of Sanchez, based upon the
previous years, to 7½% "as stated in the agency monthly statements of income of BISTRANCO
contract dated 27 July 1976;" (2) advising Sanchez upon which the commissions of Sanchez were
that in view of "his failure to post a bond or such based A perusal of the Contracts will also show
other securities acceptable to the company in the that there is no single provision therein that can be
sum of P5,000.00 pursuant to par. 8 of the said as prejudicial or not beneficial to BISTRANCO.
Contract executed by Sanchez the plaintiff with
BISTRANCO on 27 July 1976, we are recalling all Void or Inexistent Contracts
unused passage tickets issued your agency" and
reminding him (Sanchez) also that "pursuant to Art. 1409. The following contracts are inexistent
par. 2 of aforementioned Contract, solicitation of and void from the beginning:
cargo and passengers shall be undertaken by you
strictly in accordance with the scheduled rates of (1) Those whose cause, object or purpose is
the Company"; and (3) informing Sanchez that "we contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
(petitioners) are abiding strictly with the terms of order or public policy;
the contracts executed between Marciano C. (2) Those which are absolutely simulated or
Sanchez and Atty. Adolfo V. Amor in behalf of fictitious;
BISTRANCO, etc. etc." The three (3) letters of (3) Those whose cause or object did not exist at

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the time of the transaction; a. The contract produces not effect

(4) Those whose object is outside the commerce whatsoever against or in favor of anyone,
of men; hence, it does not create, modify, or
(5) Those which contemplate an impossible extinguish the juridical relation to which it
service; refers
(6) Those where the intention of the parties b. No action for annulment is necessary,
relative to the principal object of the contract because nullity exists ipso jure, a
cannot be ascertained; judgment of nullity would be merely
(7) Those expressly prohibited or declared void declaratory
by law. c. It cannot be confirmed or ratified
d. If it has been performed, the restoration
These contracts cannot be ratified. Neither can of what has been given is in order.
the right to set up the defense of illegality be
waived. Any person may invoke the inexistence of a
contract whenever juridical effects founded
Void or inexistent contract is one which has no thereon are asserted against him.
force and effect from the very beginning, as if it
had never been entered into, and which cannot be Note however that even if the contract is void, an
validated either by time or ratification. action is necessary to declare its inexistence, when
it is already been fulfilled. Nobody can take the
Voidable and Void Contracts law into his hands; hence intervention of a
competent court is necessary to declare the
Voidable Void absolute nullity of the contract and to decree the
May be ratified Cannot be ratified restitution of what have been given under it. The
Produces effect until No Effect judgment will retroact to the very day when the
annulled contract was entered.
Defect: incapacity/ Defect is ordinarily
vitiated consent against public policy If the contract is still executory, no party need to
bring an action to declare its nullity. And if any
Valid until annulled Void from the very
party should bring action to enforce it, the other
beginning; no action is
party can simply set up the defense of nullity.
required to set aside,
UNLESS contract has
The nullity of the contract is definite and cannot be
been performed
cured by ratification. The nullity is permanent even
May be cured by Cannot be cured by
if the caused thereof has ceased to exist or even
prescription prescription
when the parties have complied with the contract
Defense may be Available to anybody-
spontaneously. The ratification may however, take
invoked only by 3rd persons provided
the form of a new contract, in which case its
parties or their that their interests are
validity shall be determined only by the
successors-ininterest affected
circumstances at the time of execution of the new
contract. The causes of nullity which have ceased
to exist cannot impair the validity of the new
contract. thus, the object which was illegal at the
Unenforceable and Void time of the first contract may have already
become lawful. The ratification or second contract
Unenforceable Void would then be valid from its execution, however, it
May be ratified Cannot be ratified does not retroact from the date of the first
There is contract but it No contract at all contract.
is unenforceable;
Cannot be assailed by Can be assailed by Art. 1410. The action or defense for the
third parties anybody directly declaration of the inexistence of a contract does
affected not prescribe.

Characteristics of Void Contracts

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The defect of inexistence of a contract is These article presupposes the existence of cause,
permanent and incurable, hence it cannot be although such cause may be vitiated and may only
cured either by ratification or by prescription. render the contract void.

There is no need of an action to set aside a void Illegality common to both parties
contract; in fact, such action cannot logically exist.
However, an action to declare a contract void can Where the illegality is common to both parties,
be maintained and in the same action, the plaintiff was when both are co-participants, neither one of
may recover what he has given by virtue of the them can recover damages from the other arising
contract. from the illegal act, or plead the same as a cause
of action or defense. Each must bear the
The power to ask for declaration of non-existence consequences of his own act. This is the so called
of a contract cannot be assigned. pari delicto principle.

Art. 1411. When the nullity proceeds from the Where the parties are not equally guilty, and
illegality of the cause or object of the contract, where the public policy is considered as advanced
and the act constitutes a criminal offense, both by allowing more excusable of the two to sue for
parties being in pari delicto, they shall have no relief against the transaction, relief is given to him.
action against each other, and both shall be
prosecuted. Moreover, the provisions of the Art. 1413. Interest paid in excess of the interest
Penal Code relative to the disposal of effects or allowed by the usury laws may be recovered by
instruments of a crime shall be applicable to the the debtor, with interest thereon from the date
things or the price of the contract. of the payment.

This rule shall be applicable when only one of Usury law repealed
the parties is guilty; but the innocent one may
claim what he has given, and shall not be bound Art. 1414. When money is paid or property
to comply with his promise. (1305) delivered for an illegal purpose, the contract
may be repudiated by one of the parties before
Art. 1412. If the act in which the unlawful or the purpose has been accomplished, or before
forbidden cause consists does not constitute a any damage has been caused to a third person.
criminal offense, the following rules shall be In such case, the courts may, if the public
observed: interest will thus be subserved, allow the party
repudiating the contract to recover the money
(1) When the fault is on the part of both or property.
contracting parties, neither may recover what
he has given by virtue of the contract, or Art. 1415. Where one of the parties to an illegal
demand the performance of the other's contract is incapable of giving consent, the
undertaking; (2) When only one of the courts may, if the interest of justice so demands
contracting parties is at fault, he cannot recover allow recovery of money or property delivered
what he has given by reason of the contract, or by the incapacitated person.
ask for the fulfillment of what has been
promised him. The other, who is not at fault, Art. 1416. When the agreement is not illegal per
may demand the return of what he has given se but is merely prohibited, and the prohibition
without any obligation to comply his promise. by the law is designated for the protection of
(1306) the plaintiff, he may, if public policy is thereby
enhanced, recover what he has paid or
These articles are not applicable to fictitious delivered.
contracts because they refer to contracts with an
illegal cause of subject matter, whether it Art. 1417. When the price of any article or
constitutes an offense or whether the cause is only commodity is determined by statute, or by
rendered illegal or to contracts which are void ab authority of law, any person paying any amount
initio. in excess of the maximum price allowed may
recover such excess.

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Art. 1418. When the law fixes, or authorizes the The cause or object of the contract need not exist
fixing of the maximum number of hours of as long as such cause has the potentiality of
labor, and a contract is entered into whereby a existence? False. The object is not a thing, the
laborer undertakes to work longer than the object is the subject matter of the contract. Such
maximum thus fixed, he may demand additional view may be right in a contract of sale, where the
compensation for service rendered beyond the contract of sale may be valid even if the thing is
time limit. not yet in existence as long as it has the
potentiality of existence. But in contracts, there
Art. 1419. When the law sets, or authorizes the has to be a cause or object at the time of the
setting of a minimum wage for laborers, and a transaction. If there will be no subject matter, it
contract is agreed upon by which a laborer lacks one of the essential requisite of a contract.
accepts a lower wage, he shall be entitled to
recover the deficiency. What other contracts expressly prohibited or
declared void by law? The following persons
Self- explanatory provisions cannot acquire by purchase, even at public or
judicial auction, either in person or through the
Art. 1420. In case of a divisible contract, if the mediation of another: 1.The guardian, the
illegal terms can be separated from the legal property of the person or person who may be
ones, the latter may be enforced under his guardianship; 2.Agents, the property
whose administration or sale may have been
As a general rule, the article applies if there are intrusted to them, unless the consent of the
several stipulations in the contract, some are valid principal have been given; 3.Executors and
and some are void. If the stipulation can be administrators, the property of the estate under
separated from each other, then those which are administration; 4.Public officers and employees,
void will not have any effect, but those which are the property of the State or of any subdivision
valid will be enforced. In case of doubt, the thereof, or of any government owned and
contract must be considered as divisible or controlled corporation, or institution, the
separable. However, the rule of divisibility will not administration of which has been intrusted to
apply if: them; this provision shall apply to judges and
government experts who, in any manner
a. When the nature of the contract requires whatsoever take part in the sale; 5.Justices, judges,
indivisibility prosecuting attorneys, clerks of superior and
b. When the intention of the parties is that inferior courts, and other officers and employees
the contract be entire. connected with the administration of justice, the
property and rights in litigation or levied upon an
The rule on divisibility under this article must yield execution before the court within whose
to the contrary intention of the parties. jurisdiction or territory they exercise their
respective functions; this prohibition includes the
Art. 1421. The defense of illegality of contract is act of acquiring by assignment and shall apply to
not available to third persons whose interests lawyers, with respect to the property and rights
are not directly affected. which may be the object of any litigation in which
they may take part by virtue of their profession;
The right to set up the nullity of the contract as a 6.Any others specially disqualified by law (Art.
defense is not limited to the parties, it extends to 1491 - law on sales).
the third persons who are directly affected
thereby. A void contract produces no legal effect
whatsoever? True, a void contract produces no
Transcribed legal effect whatsoever. Under Art. 1352,
Contracts without cause, or with unlawful cause,
Are relatively simulated contracts void? The produce no effect whatsoever. Secondly, a void
relatively simulated contract is void but they will contract is being categorized as inexistent. If a
be bound to the contract or transaction which the contract is inexistent, how can it produce any legal
parties actually entered into. effect.

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If an action is filed to enforce a void contract, will an action to recover the homestead from B on the
the action prosper? No. Any action to enforce a ground that the sale of A (their father) to B is void
void contract will never proper because there is under sec. 118 of the Public Land Law. B contends
nothing to be enforced. however, that the heirs of A cannot recover the
homestead from him because their action has
prescribed, and furthermore, A was in pari
If the contract is void, and pursuant to that delicto. Decide. As to prescription, it is not a good
contract, one of the parties delivered a sum of defense because the sale made within 3 years
money or a thing to the other party, may he be from the grant under the Public Land Law is a void
able to recover what he delivered to the other sale. Any alienation of the land under this law
party? Ordinarily if a contract is an illegal contract, within the 5 year prohibitory period is a void
meaning the object or the cause is contrary to law, alienation. A contract which is null and void and an
morals, good customs, public order or public action to recover from such void contract does not
policy, he can no longer deliver under the prescribe.
principle of in pari delicto. The court should leave
the parties as they are, and no aid should be given However, into the second defense that the heirs
to either party to this contract. cannot recover under the in pari delicto rule, as
provided in Art. 1416, that when a law declares a
However, under Art. 1411, 1412 , 1414, 1415 and contract null and void but there is no inherent
1416. The exceptions: illegality (not illegal per se) in the contract and the
declaration of nullity by law is intended or
1. If one of the parties to this illegal contract designed to protect one of the parties to that
was incapacitated at the time the contract, that person in whose favor the law would
contract was entered into, he may be so provide its nullity may recover what he sold to
allowed to recover what he delivered to the other party. The prohibition under the Public
the other party. Therefore, even if the Land Law is intended to protect the grantee and
contract is illegal and therefore void, still his family because if he sell or alienate the
he should be allowed to recover if public property within that period he would have nothing
interest warrants what he delivered more to cultivate himself and his family. That is
pursuant to the void contract. why he would still have the right to recover the
property as the contract is a void contract and the
in pari delicto rule is not applicable under the
2. Despite the fact that the contract is an
illegal contract, a party to such contract
may be allowed to recover what he
delivered if he repudiated the contract What defense could have been proper by B under
before the consummation of the contract the facts? The proper defense should have been
or before damage is caused to a third laches. In this case almost 40 years had elapsed.
person. The grantee, the seller slept on his rights, and
therefore he and his heirs may not recover, under
the principle of laches.
What is the distinction between an inexistent
contract and annullable contract? Inexistent are
void contract while annulable contracts are valid M an unwed mother gave her child for adoption
contracts until annulled. Inexistent contracts to a childless couple, BC for which the latter paid
cannot be ratified; while annulable contracts can 20k. In the civil register of birth, the father was
be ratified. Inexistent contracts are void because listed as father unknown. Two years later after BC
one of the essential elements is lacking or maybe learned to love the child as their own, the
because the contract is contrary to law, morals, adoption proceedings commenced with required
good customs, public order or public policy. publication. F the father of the child appeared to
Annulable contracts is a defective contract oppose the adoption and to seek custody of the
because of defect in the consent either child. M sided with BC claiming that F had
incapacitated or there is vitiation as to his consent. abandoned her when he was pregnant
declararing that she wanted BC to keep the child.
Could BC recover the twenty thousand (20,000)
In 1950, the Bureau of Lands issued a homestead
they had paid for either F or M? Reasons. No they
patent to A. Three (3) years later A sold the
cannot recover. Effectively, M sold the child to the
homestead to B. A died in 1990 and his heirs filed

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spouses BC and obviously the sale is a void sale Ureta, Sr. v. Heirs of Liberato M. Ureta47 is
because the object is contrary to law, morals, good instructive on the matter of absolute simulation of
customs, public order or public policy. The contracts, viz:
contract being an illegal contract , the in pari
delicto rule would be applicable and whatever was In absolute simulation, there is a colorable
delivered by the party to the other may no longer contract but it has no substance as the parties
be recovered, as the court cannot give aid to have no intention to be bound by it. The main
either party to such contract. characteristic of an absolute simulation is that the
apparent contract is not really desired or intended
Case Laws to produce legal effect or in any way alter the
juridical situation of the parties. As a result, an
1. Clemente vs. CA and Jalandoon absolutely simulated or fictitious contract is void,
and the parties may recover from each other what
Simulated contract they may have given under the
contract...48 (Emphasis supplied)
The Civil Code defines a contract as a meeting of
minds between two persons whereby one binds In short, in absolute simulation there appears to
himself, with respect to the other, to give be a valid contract but there is actually none
something or to render some service.43 Article because the element of consent is lacking.49 This
1318 provides that there is no contract unless the is so because the parties do not actually intend to
following requisites concur: be bound by the terms of the contract.

(1) Consent of the contracting parties; In determining the true nature of a contract, the
primary test is the intention of the parties. If the
words of a contract appear to contravene the
(2) Object certain which is the subject matter of
evident intention of the parties, the latter shall
the contract; and
prevail. Such intention is determined not only from
the express terms of their agreement, but also
(3) Cause of the obligation which is established. from the contemporaneous and subsequent acts
of the parties.50 This is especially true in a claim of
All these elements must be present to constitute a absolute simulation where a colorable contract is
valid contract; the absence of one renders the executed.
contract void. As one of the essential elements,
consent when wanting makes the contract non- 2. Hernandez vs. CA
existent. Consent is manifested by the meeting of
the offer and the acceptance of the thing and the
Given the weight they deserve, the recorded facts
cause, which are to constitute the contract.44 A
prove Hernandez’s entitlement to the relief
contract of sale is perfected at the moment there
sought. The respondents’ reliance on the Statute
is a meeting of the minds upon the thing that is the
of Frauds to secure a contrary judgment is
object of the contract, and upon the price.45
misplaced. The Statute of Frauds finds no
application to this case. Not every agreement
Here, there was no valid contract of sale between “affecting land” must be put in writing to attain
petitioner and Adela because their consent was enforceability. Under the Statute of Frauds, Article
absent. The contract of sale was a mere 1403(2) (e) of the Civil Code, such formality is only
simulation. required of contracts involving leases for longer
than one year, or for the sale of real property or of
Simulation takes place when the parties do not an interest therein. Hernandez’s testimony is thus
really want the contract they have executed to admissible to establish his agreement with Fr.
produce the legal effects expressed by its Garcia as to the boundary of their estates. It is also
wordings.46 Article 1345 of the Civil Code provides to be noted that the presence of Hernandez’s
that the simulation of a contract may either be tenants on the land within his side of the border,
absolute or relative. The former takes place when were this to be reckoned from the “mojones,”
the parties do not intend to be bound at all; the further buttresses his claim. The foregoing
latter, when the parties conceal their true considerations demonstrate more than adequately
agreement. The case of Heirs of Policronio M. that the inclusion of the 220-square-meter area in

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the Original Certificate of Title No. 8664 of the valid from its execution; however, it does not
Register of Deeds of Rizal is null and void. retroact to the date of the first contract.

3. Rubias vs. Batiller 4. Javier vs. de Cruz

Article 1491 of the Civil Code of the Philippines Contracts; Nullity of; Lack of consent and
(like Article 1459 of the Spanish Civil Code) consideration; Where circumstances indicate that
prohibits in its six paragraphs certain persons, by alleged vendor did not voluntarily affix his
reason of the relation of trust or their peculiar thumbmark on the deed of sale and did not
control either directly or indirectly and "even at a receive any consideration for said sale; Case at bar.
public or judicial auction," as follows: (1) —Eusebio Cruz could not talk, was very ill and was
guardians; (2) agents; (3) administrators; (4) public about to die when his thumbmark was affixed on
officers and employees; (5) judicial officers and the deed of sale. Delfin Cruz did not have any
employees, prosecuting attorneys, and lawyers; means of livelihood. He was only the houseboy of
and (6) others specially disqualified by law. Eusebio Cruz. It is obvious that on January 17,
1941 Delfin Cruz could not have raised the amount
of P700.00 as consideration of the land supposedly
Castan's rationale for his conclusion that
sold to him by Eusebio Cruz. Although the deed of
fundamental considerations of public policy render
sale purports to convey a parcel of land with an
void and inexistent such expressly prohibited
area of only 26,577 square meters, defendants, as
purchases (e.g. by public officers and employees of
heirs of Delfin Cruz, claim a much bigger land
government property intrusted to them and by
containing an area of 182,959 square meters
justices, judges, fiscals and lawyers of property and
assessed at P4,310.00. The consideration of
rights in litigation submitted to or handled by
P700.00 is not only grossly inadequate but is
them, under Article 1491, paragraphs (4) and (5) of
shocking to the conscience. No sane person would
the Civil Code of the Philippines) has been adopted
sell the land claimed by the defendants for only
in a new article of the Civil Code of the Philippines,
about P40.00 per hectare. In view of the foregoing,
viz, Article 1409 declaring such prohibited
this Court finds that Eusebio Cruz did not
contracts as "inexistent and void from the
voluntarily affix his thumbmark on the deed of sale
and did not receive any consideration for said sale.
The nullity of such prohibited contracts is definite 5. Menil vs. CA
and permanent and cannot be cured by
ratification. The public interest and public policy It cannot be claimed that there are two contracts:
remain paramount and do not permit of One which is undisputably null and void, and
compromise or ratification. another, having been executed after the lapse of
the 5-year prohibitory period, which is valid. The
The permanent disqualification of public and second contract of sale executed on March 3, 1964
judicial officers and lawyers grounded on public is admittedly a Confirmatory deed of sale. Even the
policy differs from the first three cases of petitioners concede this point. Inasmuch as the
guardians, agents and administrators (Article 1491, contract of sale executed on May 7, 1960 is void
Civil Code), as to whose transactions, its has been for it is expressly prohibited or declared void by
opined, may be "ratified" by means of and "in the law [CA 141, Section 118], it therefore cannot be
form of a new contract, in which case its validity confirmed nor ratified.
shall be determined only by the circumstances at
the time of execution of such new contract. The Further, noteworthy is the fact that the second
causes of nullity which have ceased to exist cannot contract of sale over the said homestead in favor
impair the validity of the new contract. Thus, the of the same vendee, petitioner Potenciano Menil,
object which was illegal at the time of the first is for the same price of P415.00. Clearly, the
contract, may have already become lawful at the unvarying term of the said contract is ample
time of ratification or second contract; or the manifestation that the same is simulated and that
service which was impossible may have become no object or consideration passed between the
possible; or the intention which could not be parties to the contract. It is evident from the
ascertained may have been clarified by the parties. whole record of the case that the homestead had
The ratification or second contract would then be long been in the possession of the vendees upon

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the execution of the first contract of sale on May inexistence or absolute nullity of a contract cannot
7, 1960; likewise, the amount of P415.00 had long be invoked by a person whose interests are not
been paid to Agueda Garan on that same occasion. directly affected.
We find no evidence to the contrary.
Considering the law and jurisprudence on
6. Director of Lands vs. Alba simulated or fictitious contracts as aforestated, the
within action for reconveyance instituted by herein
This contention is without merit. Article 1491 respondents which is anchored on the said
prohibits only the sale or assignment between the simulated deeds of transfer cannot and should not
lawyer and his client, of property which is the be barred by prescription. No amount of time
subject of litigation. As WE have already stated: could accord validity or efficacy to such fictitious
“The prohibition in said article applies only to a transactions, the defect of which is permanent.
sale or assignment to the lawyer by his client of
the property which is the subject of litigation. In There is no implied trust that was generated by
other words, for the prohibition to operate, the the simulated transfers; because being fictitious or
sale or assignment of the property must take place simulated, the transfers were null and void ab
during the pendency of the litigation involving the initio—from the very beginning—and thus vested
property.” no rights whatsoever in favor of Luis Tongoy or his
heirs. That which is inexistent cannot give life to
In the instant case, the attorney’s fees of Atty. anything at all.
Fernandez, consisting of one half (1/2) of whatever
Maximo Abarquez might recover from his share in Considering that the implied trust resulted from
the lots in question, is contingent upon the success the simulated sales which were made for the
of the appeal. Hence, the payment of the purpose of enabling the transferee, Luis D. Tongoy,
attorney’s fees, that is, the transfer or assignment to save the properties from foreclosure for the
of one-half (1/2) of the property in litigation will benefit of the co-owners, it would not do to apply
take place only if the appeal prospers. Therefore, the theory of constructive notice resulting from
the transfer actually takes effect after the finality the registration in the trustee’s name. Hence, the
of a favorable judgment rendered on appeal and ten-year prescriptive period should not be counted
not during the pendency of the litigation involving from the date of registration in the name of the
the property in question. Consequently, the trustee, as contemplated in the earlier case of Juan
contract for a contingent fee is not covered by vs. Zuniga (4 SCRA 1221). Rather, it should be
Article 1491. counted from the date of recording of the release
of mortgage in the Registry of Deeds, on which
7. Tongoy vs. CA date— May 5, 1958—the cestui que trust were
charged with the knowledge of the settlement of
A void or inexistent contract is one which has no the mortgage obligation, the attainment of the
force and effect from the very beginning, as if it purpose for which the trust was constituted.
had never been entered into, and which cannot be
validated either by time or by ratification. A void Consequently, petitioner Francisco A. Tongoy as
contract produces no effect whatsoever either successor-in-interest and/or administrator of the
against or in favor of anyone; hence, it does not estate of the late Luis D. Tongoy, is under
create, modify or extinguish the juridical relation obligation to return the shares of his co-heirs and
to which it refers. co-owners in the subject properties and, until it is
done, to render an accounting of the fruits thereof
The following are the most fundamental from the time that the obligation to make a return
characteristics of void or inexistent contracts: 1) As arose, which in this case should be May 5, 1958,
a general rule, they produce no legal effects the date of registration of the document of release
whatsoever in accordance with the principle “quod of mortgage.
nullum est nullum producit effectum.” 2) They are
not susceptible of ratification. 3) The right to set 8. Lita Enterprises vs. IAC
up the defense of inexistence or absolute nullity
cannot be waived or renounced. 4) The action or Unquestionably, the parties herein operated under
defense for the declaration of their inexistence or an arrangement, commonly known as the “kabit
absolute nullity is imprescriptible. 5) The system”, whereby a person who has been granted

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a certificate of convenience allows another person 9. Arsenal vs. IAC

who owns motor vehicles to operate under such
franchise for a fee. A certificate of public Being void, the foregoing principles and rulings are
convenience is a special privilege conferred by the applicable. Thus, it was erroneous for the trial
government. Abuse of this privilege by the court to declare that the benefit of the prohibition
grantees thereof cannot be countenanced. The in the Public Land Act “does not inure to any third
“kabit system” has been identified as one of the party.” Such a sweeping declaration does not find
root causes of the prevalence of graft and support in the law or in precedents. A third person
corruption in the government transportation who is directly affected by a void contract may set
offices. In the words of Chief Justice Makalintal, up its nullity. In this case, it is precisely the
“this is a pernicious system that cannot be too petitioners’ interest in the disputed land which is
severely condemned. It constitutes an imposition in question.
upon the good faith of the government.” Although
not outrightly penalized as a criminal offense, the As to whether or not the execution by the
“kabit system” is invariably recognized as being respondents Palaos and Suralta of another
contrary to public policy and, therefore, void and instrument in 1973 cured the defects in their
inexistent under Article 1409 of the Civil Code. It is previous contract, we reiterate the rule that an
a fundamental principle that the court will not aid alienation or sale of a homestead executed within
either party to enforce an illegal contract, but will the five-year prohibitory period is void and cannot
leave them both where it finds them. Upon this be confirmed or ratified. This Court has on several
premise, it was flagrant error on the part of both occasions ruled on the nature of a confirmatory
the trial and appellate courts to have accorded the sale and the public policy which proscribes it.
parties relief from their predicament. Article 1412
of the Civil Code denies them such aid. In this case, there is substantial evidence to sustain
the verdict of bad faith. We find several significant
Ex pacto illicito non oritur actio” [No action arises findings of facts made by the courts below, which
out of an illicit bargain] is the timehonored maxim were not disputed by the petitioners, crucial to its
that must be applied to the parties in the case at affirmance. First of all, we agree with the lower
bar. Having entered into an illegal contract, neither court that it is unusual for the petitioners, who
can seek relief from the courts, and each must have been occupying the disputed land for four
bear the consequences of his acts. years with respondent Suralta to believe, without
first verifying the fact, that the latter was a mere
The defect of inexistence of a contract is mortgagee of the portion of land he occupies.
permanent and incurable, and cannot be cured by Second, it is unlikely that the entire 8.7879
ratification or by prescription. As this Court said in hectares of land was sold to them for only P800.00
Eugenio v. Perdido, “the mere lapse of time cannot in 1967 considering that in 1957, a four-hectare
give efficacy to contracts that are null and void.” portion of the same was sold to the respondent
Suralta for P819.00. The increased value of real
The principle of in pari delicto is well known not properties through the years and the disparity of
only in this jurisdiction but also in the United the land area show a price for the land too
States where common law prevails. Under inadequate for a sale allegedly done in good faith
American jurisdiction, the doctrine is stated thus: and for value.
“The proposition is universal that no action arises,
in equity or at law, from an illegal contract; no suit Third, contrary to the usual conduct of good faith
can be maintained for its specific performance, or purchasers for value, the petitioners actively
to recover the property agreed to be sold or encouraged the respondent Suralta to believe that
delivered, or damages for its violation. The rule has they were coowners of the land. There was no
sometimes been laid down as though it was dispute that the petitioners. Without informing the
equally universal, that where the parties are in pari respondent Suralta of their title to the land, kept
delicto, no affirmative relief of any kind will be the latter in peaceful possession of the land he
given to one against the other.” Although certain occupies and received annual real estate tax
exceptions to the rule are provided by law, We see contributions from him. It was only in 1973 when
no cogent reason why the full force of the rule the respondent Suralta discovered the petitioners’
should not be applied in the instant case. title to the land and insisted on a settlement of the
adverse claim that the petitioners registered their

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deed of sale and secured a transfer certificate of by estoppel if it is prohibited by law or is against
title in their favor. public policy (19 Am. Jur. 802). It is not within the
competence of any citizen to barter away what
—At first blush, the equities of the case seem to public policy by law seeks to preserve (Gonzalo
lean in favor of the respondent Suralta who, since Puyat & Sons, Inc. v. De los Amas and Aliño, supra).
1957, has been in possession of the land which Of course, this pronouncement covers only the
was almost acquired in an underhanded manner previous transactions between the respondents.
by the petitioners. We cannot, however, gloss over We cannot pass upon any new contract, between
the fact that the respondent Suralta was himself the same parties involving the same land if this is
guilty of transgressing the law by entering, in 1957, their clear intention. Any new transaction,
into a transaction clearly prohibited by law. It is a however, would be subject to whatever steps the
long standing principle that equity follows the law. Government may take for the reversion of the
Courts exercising equity jurisdiction are bound by property to it.
rules of law and have no arbitrary discretion to
disregard them. Equitable reasons will not control 10. Manotok vs. IAC
against any well-settled rule of law or public policy We are, therefore, led to the inevitable conclusion
(McCurdy v. County of Shiawassee, 118 N.W. 625). that the sale between Don Vicente Legarda and
Thus, equity cannot give validity to a void contract. the private respondent is void ab initio, the former
If, on the basis of equity, we uphold the being neither an owner nor administrator of the
respondent Suralta’s claim over the land which is subject property. Such being the case, the sale
anchored on the contracts previously executed we cannot be the subject of the ratification by the
would in effect foe giving life to a void contract. Philippine Trust Company or the probate court.

There is another observation worthy of After the appointment of Don Vicente Legarda as
consideration. This Court has ruled in a number of administrator of the estate of Dona Clara
cases that the reversion of a public land grant to Tambunting, he should have applied before the
the government is effected only at the instance of probate court for authority to sell the disputed
the Government itself (Gacayan v. Leano, 121 property in favor of the private respondent. If the
SCRA 260; Gonzalo Puyat & Sons, Inc. v. De las probate court approved the request, then Don
Ama and Aliño, 74 Phil. 3), The reversion Vicente Legarda would have been able to execute
contemplated in the Public Land Act is not a valid deed of sale in favor of the respondent.
automatic. The Government has to take action to Unfortunately, there was no effort on the part of t
cancel the patent and the certificate of title in he administra tor to comply with the above-
order that the land involved may be reverted to it quoted rule of procedure nor on that of the
(Villacorta v. Ulanday, 73 Phil. 655). Considering respondent to protect his interests or to pay the
that this is an ordinary civil action in which the balance of the installments to the court appointed
Government has not been included as a party and administrator.
in view of the settled jurisprudence, we rule
against the automatic reversion of the land in 11. Portugal vs. IAC
question to the State.
More than these, the alleged contract of sale is
We see, however, a distinguishing factor in this vitiated by the total absence of a valid cause or
case that sets it apart from the above cases. The consideration. The petitioners in their complaint,
original owners in this case, the respondent Palaos assert that they, particularly Cornelia, never knew
and his wife, have never disaffirmed the contracts of the existence of the questioned deed of sale.
executed between them and the respondent They claim that they came to know of the
Suralta. More than that, they expressly sustained supposed sale only after the private respondent,
the title of the latter in court and failed to show upon their repeated entreaties to produce and
any interest in recovering the land, Nonetheless, return the owner’s duplicate copy of the transfer
we apply our earlier rulings because we believe certificate of title covering the two parcels of land,
that as in pari delicto may not be invoked to defeat showed to them the controversial deed. And their
the policy of the State neither may the doctrine of claim was immeasurably bolstered when the
estoppel give a validating effect to a void contract. private respondent’s co defendant below, his
Indeed, it is generally considered that as between brother Emiliano Portugal, who was allegedly his
parties to a contract, validity cannot be given to it co-vendee in the transaction, disclaimed any

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knowledge or participation therein. If this is so, petition. The petitioner’s action remains to be
and this is not contradicted by the decisions of the seasonably instituted.
courts below, the inevitable implication of the
allegations is that contrary to the recitals found in 12. Yanas vs. Acaylar
the assailed deed, no consideration was ever paid
at all by the private respondent. Applying the We hold that the sale was fictitious and
provisions of Articles 1350, 1352, and 1409 of the fraudulent. Among the badges of fraud and
new Civil Code in relation to the indispensable fictitiousness taken collectively are the following:
requisite of a valid cause or consideration in any (1) the fact that the sale is in English, the alleged
contract, and what constitutes a void or inexistent vendor being illiterate; (2) the fact that his wife did
contract, we rule that the disputed deed of sale is not join in the sale and that her name is indicated
void ab initio or inexistent, not merely voidable. in the deed as “Maria S. Yanas” when the truth is
that her correct name is Maria Aglimot Yanas; (3)
And it is provided in Article 1410 of the Civil Code, the obvious inadequacy of P200 as price for a 13-
that "(T)he action or defense for the declaration of hectare land (P15.40 a hectare); (4) the
the existence of a contract does not prescribe.” notarization of the sale on the day following the
But even if the action of the petitioners is for alleged thumbmarking of the document; (5) the
reconveyance of the parcel of land based on an failure to state the boundaries of the lot sold; (6)
implied or constructive trust, still it has been the fact that the governor approved it more than
seasonably filed. For as heretofore stated, it is now two years after the alleged sale; (7) its registration
settled that actions of this nature prescribe in ten more than three years later, and (8) the fact that
years, the point of reference being the date of the Acaylars were able to occupy only four
registration of the deed or the date of the issuance hectares out of the 13 hectares and were
of the certificate of title over the property. eventually forcibly ousted therefrom by the
children and agents of the vendor. It was not a fair
On the credibility of witnesses presented in court, and regular transaction done in the ordinary
there is no doubt that the trial court’s findings on course of business.
this score deserves full respect and we do not have
any reason to disturb it here now. After all, the The grave flaws in the evidence for defendants
trial court judge is in a better position to make that Acaylar are the patent contradictions in the
appreciation for having heard personally the testimonies of Antonio L. Acaylar and lawyer
witnesses and observed their deportment and Hamoy, their principal witnesses on the validity of
manner of testifying during the trial. The the sale. Acaylar testified that he signed the deed
exceptions to this time honored policy are: when of sale and that one Tupas was an instrumental
the trial court plainly overlooked certain facts of witness (12-13 tsn May 4, 1970). The truth is that
substantial import and value which if only correctly Acaylar never signed the deed and Tupas was not a
considered by the court might change the witness. The instrumental witnesses were Hamoy
outcome of the case; and, if the judge who and Paulino Empeynado. Hamoy at first testified
rendered the decision was not the one who heard on November 20, 1968 that on August 7, 1950 he
the evidence. Neither of these exceptions is was a witness in the deed of sale (Exh. 2 and 6)
present here. Therefore, the respondent appellate executed by Yanas who had requested him to look
court’s ruling questioning the credibility of for a buyer of his lot (122-124 tsn). That means
petitioner Cornelia Clanor Vda. de Portugal must that Hamoy met Yanas in August, 1950. More than
be reversed. a year later, or on June 22, 1970, Hamoy, testifying
as a rebuttal witness for Acaylar, declared on
Anent the last issue raised by the petitioner, we direct and cross-examination that he last saw
have already ruled that the defense of prescription Yanas in 1946 (103-106). He absurdly stated that
although not raised by the defendant may his name appears as an instrumental witness in the
nevertheless be passed upon by the court when its deed of sale but he testified; “That is my name but
presence is plainly apparent on the face of the I did not sign that” (107)
complaint itself. At any rate, in view of our earlier
finding that the deed of sale in controversy is not The fact that the alleged sale took place in 1950
simply fraudulent but void ab initio, or inexistent, and the action to have it declared void or
our ruling on this third issue would not have any inexistent was filed in 1963 is immaterial. The
material bearing on the overall outcome of this action or defense for the declaration of the

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inexistence of a contract does not prescribe (Art. never intended to apply. The lower court erred in
1410, Civil Code). treating the case as one involving simply the
application of the statute of limitations.
13. Barsobia vs. Cuenco
From the fact that prescription may not be used to
There should be no question that the sale of the defend a contract which the Constitution prohibits,
land in question in 1936 by Epifania to Ong King Po it does not necessarily follow that the appellants
was inexistent and void from the beginning (Art. may be allowed to recover the property sold to an
1409 [7], Civil Code) because it was a contract alien. As earlier mentioned, Fong Pak Luen, the
executed against the mandatory provision of the disqualified alien vendee later sold the same
1935 Constitution, which is an expression of public property to Trinidad S. Navata, a Filipino citizen
policy to conserve lands for the Filipinos. qualified to acquire real property.

But the factual set-up has changed. The litigated 15. Yap vs. Grageda
property is now in the hands of a naturalized
Filipino. It is no longer owned by a disqualified The rulings in Vasquez v. Li Seng Giap et al. (96
vendee. Respondent, as a naturalized citizen, was Phil. 447) and Sarosa Vda. de Bersabia v. Cuenco
constitutionally qualified to own the subject (113 SCRA 547) sustain the petitioner’s
property. There would be no more public policy to contentions. We stated in Sarosa Vda. de Bersabia:
be served in allowing petitioner Epifania to recover “There should be no question that the sale of the
the land as it is already in the hands of a qualified land in question in 1936 by Epifania to Ong King Po
person. was inexistent and void from the beginning (Art.
1409 [7], Civil Code) because it was a contract
While, strictly speaking, Ong King Po, private executed against the mandatory provision of the
respondent’s vendor, had no rights of ownership 1935 Constitution, which is an expression of public
to transmit, it is likewise inescapable that policy to conserve lands for the Filipinos. x x x “But
petitioner Epifania had slept on her rights for 26 the factual set-up has changed. The litigated
years from 1936 to 1962. By her long inaction or property is now in the hands of a naturalized
inexcusable neglect, she should be held barred Filipino. It is no longer-owned by a disqualified
from asserting her claim to the litigated property vendee. Respondent, as a naturalized citizen, was
(Sotto vs. Teves, 86 SCRA 157 [1978]). constitutionally qualified to own the subject
property. There would be no more public policy to
14. Godinez vs. Fong be served in allowing petitioner Epifania to recover
the land as it is already in the hands of a qualified
The meaning of the above provision was fully person. Applying by analogy the ruling of this
discussed in Krivenko v. Register of Deeds of Court in Vasquez vs. Giap and Li Seng Giap & Sons:
Manila (79 Phil. 461) which also detailed the “ ‘x x x if the ban on aliens from acquiring not only
evolution of the provision in the public land laws, agricultural but also urban lands, as construed by
Act No. 2874 and Commonwealth Act No. 141. The this Court in the Krivenko case, is to preserve the
Krivenko ruling that “under the Constitution aliens nation’s lands for future generations of Filipinos,
may not acquire private or agricultural lands, that aim or purpose would not be thwarted but
including residential lands” is a declaration of an achieved by making lawful the acquisition of real
imperative constitutional policy. Consequently, estate by aliens who became Filipino Citizens by
prescription may never be invoked to defend that naturalization.’ ”
which the Constitution prohibits. However, we see
no necessity from the facts of this case to pass 16. Pineda vs. Dela Rama
upon the nature of the contract of sale executed
by Jose Godinez and Fong Pak Luen—whether void Whether or not the supposed cash advances
ab initio, illegal per se, or merely prohibited.** It is reached their destination is of no moment. The
enough to stress that insofar as the vendee is consideration for the promissory note—to
concerned, prescription is unavailing. But neither influence public officers in the performance of
can the vendor or his heirs rely on an argument their duties—is contrary to law and public policy.
based on imprescriptibility because the land sold The promissory note is void ab initio and no cause
in 1941 is now in the hands of a Filipino citizen of action for the collection cases can arise from it.
against whom the constitutional prescription was

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17. Liguez vs. CA A lease to an alien for a reasonable period is valid.

So is an option giving an alien the right to buy real
The right of the husband to donate community property on condition that he is granted Philippine
property is strictly limited by law (Articles 1409, citizenship. Aliens are not completely excluded by
1413, 1415, Civil Code of 1889; Baello vs. the Constitution from the use of lands for
Villanueva, 54 Phil. 213). However, the donation residential purposes. Since their residence in the
made in contravention of the law is not void in its Philippines is temporary, they may be granted
entirety, but only in so far as it prejudices the temporary rights such as a lease contract which is
interest of the wife. The rule applies whether the not forbidden by the Constitution. Should they
donation is gratuitous or for a consideration. desire to remain here forever and share our
fortune and misfortune, Filipino citizenship is not
The forced heirs are entitled to have the donation impossible to acquire.
set aside in so far as inofficious; i.e., in excess of
the portion of free disposal (Civil Code of 1889, If an alien is given not only a lease of, but also an
Arts. 636, 654), computed as provided in Articles option to buy, a piece of land, by virtue of which
818 and 819, and bearing in mind that the Filipino owner cannot sell or otherwise dispose
"collationable gifts" under Article 818 should of his property, this to last for 50 years, then it
include gifts made not only in favor of the forced becomes clear that the arrangement is a virtual
heirs, but even those made in favor of strangers. transfer of ownership whereby the owner divests
(Decision of the Supreme Court of Spain, May 4, himself in stages not only of the right to enjoy the
1889 and June 16, 1902.) land (jus possidendi, jus utendi, jus fruendi, and jus
abutendi), but also of the right to dispose of it (jus
The rule that parties to an illegal contract, if disponendi) —rights the sum total of which make
equally guilty, will not be aided by the law but will up ownership It is just as if today the possession is
both be left where it finds them, has been transferred, tomorrow the use, the next day the
interpreted by this Court as barring the party from disposition, and so on, until ultimately all the rights
pleading the illegality of the bargain either as a of which ownership is made up are consolidated in
cause of action or as a defense. an alien. If this can be done, then the
constitutional ban against alien landholding in the
18. Philbanking vs. Lui She Philippines, as announced in Krivenko vs. Register
of Deeds (79 Phil. 461) is indeed in grave peril.
Article 1308 of the Civil Code creates no
impediment to the insertion in a contract for It does not follow that because the parties are in
personal services of a resolutory condition pari delicto they will be left where they are
permitting the cancellation of the contract by one without relief. Article 1416 of the Civil Code
of the parties. Such a stipulation does not make provides as an exception to the rule of in pari
either the validity or the fulfillment of the contract delicto that “when the agreement is not illegal per
dependent upon the will of the party to whom is se but is merely prohibited, and the prohibition by
conceded the privilege of cancellation; for where law is designed for the protection of the plaintiff,
the contracting parties have agreed that such he may, if public policy is thereby enhanced,
option shall exist, the exercise of the option is as recover what he had paid or delivered.’
much in the fulfillment of the contract as any other
act which may have been the subject of the The constitutional provision that “save in cases of
agreement. Indeed, the cancellation of a contract hereditary succession, no private agricultural land
in accordance with conditions agreed upon shall be transferred or assigned except to
beforehand is fulfillment. A provision in a lease individuals, corporations, or associations qualified
contract that the lessee, at any time before he to acquire or hold lands of the public domain in
erected any building on the land may rescind the the Philippines” is an expression of public policy to
lease can hardly be regarded as a violation of conserve lands for the Filipinos.
Article 1308 of the Civil Code. The consideration
need not pass from one party to the other at the 19. Avila vs. CA
time a contract is executed because the promise of
one is the consideration for the other. Civil Law; Property; Sale at public auction, Where
the property was purchased at public auction; the
sale is void as the purchase was prohibited under

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the Revised Administrative Code.—While it is true

that Marciana Avila, their mother and Consequently, the situation is evidently one of
predecessor-in-interest, purchased the questioned failure of ownership because of the violation of
property at a public auction conducted by the Section 579 of the Administrative Code. Otherwise
government; paid the purchase price; and was stated, the property apparently has no owner.
issued a final bill of sale after the expiration of the Under the principle that the State is the ultimate
redemption period, it is however, undisputed that proprietor of land within its jurisdiction, subject
such purchase was prohibited under Section 579 of land may be escheated in favor of the government
the Revised Administrative Code, as amended. x x upon filing of appropriate actions for reversion or
x Thus, the sale to her of Lot 594 is void. escheat under Section 5, Rule 91 of the Rules of
Court relative to properties alienated in violation
On the other hand, under Article 1409 of the Civil of any statute.
Code, a void contract is inexistent from the
beginning. It cannot be ratified neither can the 20. Teja vs. IAC
right to set up the defense of its illegality be
waived. 'Ex pacto illicito' non oritur actio' (No action arises
out of illicit bargain) is the time-honored maxim
Moreover, Marciana Avila was a party to an illegal that must be applied to the parties in the case at
transaction, and therefore, under Art. 1412 of the bar. Having entered into an illegal contract, neither
Civil Code, she cannot recover what she has given can seek relief from the courts, and each must
by reason of the contract or ask f or the fulfillment bear the consequences of his acts." (Lita
of what has been promised her. Enterprises vs. IAC, 129 SCRA 81.)

Fuithermore, in a registration case, the judgment Unquestionably, the parties herein operated under
confirming the title of the applicant and ordering an arrangement, commonly known as the "kabit
its registration in his name necessarily carries with system" whereby a person who has been granted a
it the delivery of possession which is an inherent certificate of public convenience allows another
element of the right of ownership. (Abulocio et al. person who owns motor vehicles to operate under
v. CFI of Iloilo, et al., 100 Phil. 553 [1956]). Hence, such franchise for a fee. A certificate of public
a writ of possession may be issued not only against convenience is a special privilege conferred by the
the person who has been defeated in a registration government. Abuse of this privilege by the
case but also against anyone unlawfully and grantees thereof cannot be countenanced. The
adversely occupying the land or any portion "kabit system" has been identified as one of the
thereof during the land registration proceedings root causes of the prevalence of graft and
up to the issuance of the final decree. It is the duty corruption in the government transportation
of the registration court to issue said writ when offices.
asked for by the successful claimant. (Demorar v.
Ibanez, etc., et aL, 97 PhiL 72 [1955]; Abulocion et Although not outrightly penalized as a criminal
al. v. CFI of Iloilo, et al., supra). offense, the kabit system is invariably recognized
as being contrary to public policy and, therefore,
Under the circumstances, possession cannot be void and inexistent under Article 1409 of the Civil
claimed by petitioners, because their predecessor- Code. It is a fundamental principle that the court
in-interest besides being at fault is not the will not aid either party to enforce an illegal
successful claimant in the registration proceedings contract, but will leave both where it finds them.
and hence not entitled to a writ of possession. As Upon this premise it would be error to accord the
correctly stated by the Court of Appeals when parties relief from their predicament. Article 1412
respondent Court issued the writ of execution as of the Civil Code denies them such aid.
to Lot 594, there really was no legal basis for the
same, for Avila had not secured a decree, nor a The defect of inexistence of a contract is
judgment of confirmation of title over said lot. permanent and cannot be cured by ratification or
by prescription. The mere lapse of time cannot
Much less can possession be claimed by private give efficacy to contracts that are null and void.
respondents as it is undisputed that the land in
question has been the subject of a tax sale of 21. Briones vs. Cammayo
delinquent property with a final bill of sale.

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To discourage stipulations on usurious interest,

said stipulations are treated as wholly void, so that
the loan becomes without stipulation as to
payment of interest. It should not, however, be
interpreted to mean forfeiture even of the
principal, for this would unjustly enrich the
borrower at the expense of the lender.
Furthermore, penal sanctions are available against
a usurious lender, as a further deterrence to usury.
The principal debt remaining without stipulation
for payment of interest can thus be recovered by
judicial action.

A contract of loan with usurious interest consists

of principal and accessory stipulations; the
principal one is to pay the debt; the accessory
stipulation is to pay interest thereon. And said two
stipulations are divisible in the sense that the
former can still stand without the latter. In simple
loan with stipulation of usurious interest, the
prestation of the debtor to pay the principal debt,
which is the cause of the contract, is not illegal.
The illegality lies only as to the prestation to pay
the stipulated interest; hence, being separable, the
latter only should be deemed void, since it is the
only one that is illegal.

The debt earns interest from the date of demand

(in this case from the filing of the complaint). Such
interest is not due to stipulation, for there was
none, the same being void. Rather it is due to the
general provision of law that in obligations to pay
money, where the debtor incurs in delay, he has to
pay interest by way of damages (Art. 2209, Civil


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