AC Adv Battle Rules May 4 2021

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A d v a n c e d

B a t t l e R u l e s
A t l a n t i c C h a s e

Table of Contents
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GMT Games, LLC P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232-1308

Adding Advanced Battle Rules.

Do the advanced rules replace the basic rules?
No. The Advanced Battle Rules work as a layer added to the rules presented on pages 55-62
of the Rule Book (all of those rules remain in effect, with exceptions noted in “New Features”

New features.
What do the advanced rules add?
The Advanced Battle Rules paint a more evocative picture of tactical encounters between
ships. This is accomplished by the addition of several new features:

Snafu Check (Battle Board set-up) 2

Ship Attitude 3
Special Results (Gunnery/Torpedo) 5
Stopped (new speed rating) 10
Pursuit (during Maneuver) 10
Extending Battle (extra Rounds) 13
Disengagement Check (exit) 14

Advanced Battle Rules have their own player aid

Advanced Battle Sequence.

What are the new steps during a Battle Round?
Two new steps are added to the sequence of play:

Battle Round: Sequence of Play (Advanced Battle Rules)

1. Attitude step assign (or change) Attitude to each ship
new step
2. Gunnery step ships attack simultaneously new feature

3. Torpedo step torpedo-capable ships in the Close or Near zone may attack
targets in the Close or Near zones
4. Maneuver step ships may move to an adjacent zone, slowest ships first, in
the direction of their attitude arrow, or they may perform Pursuit
5. Lingering Effects step check ships with Special Effects

6. Break Away step individual ships may attempt to exit the Battle

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Snafu Check 2

Snafu Check.
What is the Snafu Check?
During set-up, the Active player makes a Snafu Check. Roll two dice and add the numbers rolled
to make a sum. There are no modifiers. Locate the sum on the Snafu Check table printed on the
Advanced Battle Rules player aid (refer to the appropriate weather column, Good or Bad). The
results are explained on the table itself. The following is for clarification:
WHICH PLAYER? Several results on the Snafu Check table randomly award the benefit of the
result (usually the benefit allows the beneficiary to make a choice). To determine which player
enjoys the benefit (and thus chooses who is affected), roll a die: if the number rolled is EVEN,
the Active player gains the choice, but if ODD the target or inactive player gets it.

Confusion ? The player who is awarded the Confusion marker keeps it nearby and
CONFUSION may use it once during the Battle. If used during the Gunnery step, the
posessor may transfer a Hit or Special Result from one of their ships to
another of their ships (not to the enemy). This must be done at the
moment the Hit or Special Result is scored (you can’t wait to see what the
Special Result will be). If used during the Maneuver step, the posessor
may momentarily take control of one enemy ship, at the moment that ship
has an opportunity to move (the posessor of the Confusion marker
decides to move it, not move it, produce Smoke, or not, etc.). If used
during the Attitude step (at the end of the step), the posessor of the
Confusion marker may determine the Attitude of one enemy ship.

Mechanical Distress The ship designated to enter late, during Round Two’s Lingering Effects
step, must be in the Active Task Force that triggered the Battle (that is, it
must be in the TF that performed the Engage action).

No Radar The player who is awarded the selection, may select any enemy ship on

the Battle Board after set-up (before Round One). That ship’s gunnery

value is adversely modified at Extreme and Long range. Place a No Radar

14 marker on the ship, and during exit, perform a Disengagement Check for
it to determine if the No Radar marker is permanent. A No Radar marker
is not a Special Effect (which means a ship with No Radar is not crippled).

Boiler Room The ship designated to enter late, during Round One’s Lingering Effects
step, must be in the Active Task Force that triggered the Battle (that is, it
must be in the TF that performed the Engage action).

Fog Fog affects both players (anyone who attempts Break Away). Flip the Last
fo Round marker over as a reminder that Fog is in effect.

Unexpected Bearing Each of the target or inactive player’s ships may be assigned any Attitude.

Open Arc Each of the Active player’s ships may be assigned any Attitude.

Good Visibility Place the Last Round marker in the Round Four box.

Poor Visibility The adverse gunnery modifier applies to all ships on the Battle Board,
except those at Point Blank range. It does not affect torpedo attacks,
except when the attacker is in the Near zone and its target is also in the
Near zone (apply a -1 modifier).

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3 Attitude
Ship Attitude.
What is “attitude”?
In the Advanced Battle Rules, every ship on the Battle Board is considered to operate under one
of three “attitudes,” Acquiring, Closing, or Running. Each expresses that ship’s engagement
relative to the enemy, and imposes benefits or limitations on the ship’s performance.
Attitude at set-up.
What attitude must a ship adopt at the start of Battle?
The Active player’s ships must start in Closing attitude. The target or Inactive player has a
choice: their ships may start either Closing or Running, or a combination of Closing and Running
(that is, some ships may start Closing, others Running). If Battle was initiated by a Surprise
result, the Active player makes this choice for the inactive ships.Two Snafu Check results allow
a player to alter this Attitude at set-up (Unexpected Bearing and Open Arc). 2
Attitude step.
What happens during the Attitude step after Round One?
Players re-assign an Attitude to each of their ships, Acquiring, Closing, or Running. It may be the
same attitude the ship already has. All ships do not have to conform to the same Attitude, they
may adopt different Attitudes. Use Attitude markers to secretly select Attitudes, and reveal them
simultaneously. Or, by mutual agreement, players may take turns assigning each ship an
Attitude, one ship at a time, starting with the Active player.
Denoting Attitude.
What does Attitude look like? direction
Orient the ship marker so that the red arrow points in a direction BC 3/2 arrow
towards the enemy (Closing), away from the enemy (Running), 2 Gneisenau
or parallel to the enemy (Acquiring).
The French BC is The British BB is
acquiring running



Duke ofagYork



BC 4/2



The British CL is



BC 3/2
The German BC is
2 Gneisenau



The German CA is



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Three Attitudes 4


A ship in Acquiring attitude enjoys some benefits and limitations:


Acquiring column When performing Gunnery, use the Acquiring column on the Gunnery Table (on
the Advanced Battle Rules player aid). If Damaged or a special effect is
attached, however, it may not use the Acquiring column but it may split its GV
(if GV is 1 or more).
Splitting Gunnery When performing Gunnery, the ship may target two enemy ships instead of
one. If it does this, do not use the Acquiring column on the Gunnery Table, use
the Closing/Running/Splitting column instead. Splitting requires a gunnery
value (GV) of 1 or more (at that range), and both targets must be at the same
range. A portion of the GV must be assigned to each of the two targets (a
“portion” may not be lower than zero). Each target is attacked separately,
rolling for each and checking the result of each on the Gunnery Table. A GV of
zero may not be split, but a GV of 1 may be split into two attacks, 1 GV & 0 GV.
No Torpedo During the Torpedo step, the ship may not attack.
No Maneuver During the Maneuver step, the ship may do nothing (no Smoke).

No Break Away During the Break Away step, the ship may not Break Away.


A ship in Closing attitude enjoys some benefits and limitations:


Closing column When performing Gunnery, use the Closing/Running/Splitting column on the
Gunnery Table (on the Advanced Battle Rules player aid). It may not split its
Torpedo During the Torpedo step, the ship may attack a target in the Near or Close
zone. To attack, the attacking ship must be in the Near or Close zone.
Maneuver During the Maneuver step, the ship may move into the adjacent zone, in the

direction of its arrow (into the zone closer to the enemy). It may not produce


Pursuit: If in the Near or Close zone, instead of moving, it may Pursue. 10

No Break Away During the Break Away step, the ship may not Break Away. If one or more of
your ships is in the Near or Close zone, a -2 modifier is imposed on your oppo-
nent’s Break Away attempt (-1 for being in the Near zone and another -1 for
being in Closing attitude). The -1 for Closing attitude only happens if the Clos-
ing ship is in the Near or Close zone.


A ship in Running attitude enjoys some benefits and limitations:


Running column When performing Gunnery, use the Closing/Running/Splitting column on the
Gunnery Table (on the Advanced Battle Rules player aid). It may not split its
Torpedo During the Torpedo step, the ship may not attack. If targeted, the enemy’s
attack is adversely influenced by a -2 modifier.
Maneuver During the Maneuver step, the ship may move into the adjacent zone, in the
direction of its arrow (into the zone away from the enemy). It may also produce
Smoke, but it may not Pursue. 10

Break Away During the Break Away step, the ship may attempt to Break Away.

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5 Gunnery
How does Gunnery work in the Advanced Battle Rules? Gunnery Table
Do not use the Gunnery Table on the game board. Instead, use the If Closing or Running, ship attacks
once. If Acquiring AND Gunnery Value
Gunnery Table printed on the Advanced Battle Rules player aid. The is 1 or more, may distribute G.V. to
attack two targets (Splitting column).
Gunnery procedure is the same except there are more varied results, Closing,
called “special effects.” Running,
dice (2d6) Splitting Acquiring

Gunnery columns. 6
or less
splash splash

How do I use the advanced Gunnery Table?

There are two columns, one for an attacker in Acquiring attitude (but 7-8 splash

only if it is not crippled and only if it attacks a single target), and

another column for all other attackers (attackers that are Closing, 9-10
Running, or Acquiring but crippled or targeting two ships). “Crippled”
is a Damaged ship or one with a special effect 7 . 11

Gunnery modifiers. 12
or more
Are the modifiers the same?
Yes, except there is a new modifier for a Stopped ship. “Stopped” is a speed that is imposed on
a ship as the result of a special effect.
Special Results.
On the new Gunnery Table, what do “S.R.” and “C.R.” mean?
Splash and Hit results remain the same, but there are two new results: Severe Result (S.R.)
and Catastrophic Result (C.R.). When either of those results are garnered during Gunnery, the
attacking player immediately rolls two dice and consults the Severe Result table or the Cata-
strophic Result table. There are no modifiers, but locate the sum of numbers rolled in the appro-
priate range column. A legend of results is printed on the player aid.
Belt Ordnance penetrated the hull, or the deck near the hull. Immeditely roll
two more dice and add the numbers rolled to make a sum. There are no
modifiers. Locate the sum on the Belt Table printed on the player aid.
Depending on the severity of the special result (severe or catastrophic),
find the result either in the Severe or Catastrophic column.

Exagerrated Report Although spotters initially reported severe damage to the target,
the attack was not severe. The result is a Hit .

False Report Spotters were wrong. The result is Splash (no Hit and no special effect).
Superstructure Ordnance penetrated above the hull and deck. If the attacking ship’s
gunnery value (GV) is zero or less, there is no special effect. Instead, the
attack results in a Hit . If the attacking ship’s GV is 1 or greater, immed-
itely roll two more dice and add the numbers rolled to make a sum. There
are no modifiers. Locate the sum on the Superstructure Table printed on
the player aid. Depending on the severity of the special result (severe or
catastrophic), find the result either in the Severe or Catastrophic column.
Waterline Ordnance penetrated the hull near the waterline. Immeditely roll two more
dice and add the numbers rolled to make a sum. There are no modifiers.
Locate the sum on the Waterline Table printed on the player aid. Depend-
ing on the severity of the special result (severe or catastrophic), find the
result either in the Severe or Catastrophic column.

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Gunnery Example 6

The British BC is
Closing. It attacks

the German BB at
Extreme range.




Three dice are


The British CA is
Acquiring. It attacks
A ‘1’ and a ‘4’ are the the German BB at
Extreme range.
lowest two, so the CA 1/0
sum is 5... Suffolk
1 f Three dice are
...modified by +1 rolled.
(GV of 1),
which makes the
sum 6...
A ‘3’ and a ‘4’ are the
...and the result is lowest two, so the
SPLASH. sum is 7...

...and the result is a


The German BB is Acquiring. It splits
its GV of ‘2’ to attack both British ships,
applying ‘2’ to the BC and ‘0’ (zero)
against the CA.

Three dice are rolled

against the BC. BB 4/2
2 Bismarck

A ‘3’ and a ‘4’ are the Three dice are rolled against Two dice are Because the
lowest two, so the the CA. rolled on the attacker’s GV is
sum is 7... Severe Result zero, the result is
table... a Hit.
...modified by +2
(GV of 2),
which makes the A ‘5’ and a ‘6 are the lowest
sum 9... two, so the sum is 11...
A 6, garnering a The British CA is
S.S. result. damaged.
...and the result is ...and the result is
Hit. S.R.

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7 Special Effects
Explanation of Special Effects.
What happens when a gunnery or torpedo attack results in a special effect?
When a severe or catastrophic result is scored on a target ship, the result can be a special effect.
There are many types of special effects, and each is explained below (they are also explained
on the Advanced Battle Rules player aid). When one of these special effects is the result of an
attack, place the appropriate marker on the target ship. The marker denotes the special effect.
Each special effect has a unique implication for the ship it is attached to, and remains in effect
until the special effect is repaired or the ship is sunk.
How does a ship become ‘crippled’?
A ship that is Damaged (that is, it is flipped over and has its Damage-side face-up), or, has a spe-
cial effect attached, is considered “crippled.” A crippled ship may not use the Acquiring column
on the Gunnery Table (but it may adopt Acquiring as an Attitude, and may split GV if 1 or more).

Special Effect Types...

-2 g.v. Batteries
Point Blank & Short
When this ship performs Gunnery at Short and Point Blank range, modify the sum of
numbers rolled by -2.
Most ships were equipped with a hierarchy of guns, and this special effect means there has been
considerable damage to smaller caliber guns, or to aiming or communication systems.

Bridge Bridge
no gunnery Each Battle Round, the owning player must choose one or the other penalty for this
Bridge ship: no gunnery, or stopped. This selection must be made immediately, and lasts
stopped until the start of the Lingering Effects step. At the start of each Lingering Effects step,
you must make the selection again, until the ship is sunk or the special effect is
Damage Control: During the Lingering Effect step, if the player opts for Damage
Control, they must target this special effect and no other.
Damage to the command bridge of a ship could greatly limit a ship’s performance. Having to choose
between movement and gunnery reflects inherent damage control efforts to ameliorate or work
around the damage suffered on the bridge.

During each Attitude step, the ship suffers a Hit .
The ships represented in this game were large, and even the smallest cruiser was operated by several
hundren men. Its performance relied on training and experience, and was predicated on communica-
tion from command to individual stations located throughout the vessel. This effect represents severe
disruption to communications, diminishing command’s ability to deal with damage or even compre-
hend its extent.

Fire Fire (very slow)

very slow The ship’s speed is now very slow (vs). If the ship already has the Fire (stopped) or
Fire (very slow) special effect, ignore this new effect AND the ship suffers a Hit .
Ships were vulnerable to fire caused by the detonation of ordnance. Fuel, munitions, and other
substances and materials carried on the vessel could prove volatile.

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Special Effects 8

Fire Fire (stopped)

The ship may not perform Gunnery. Additionally, the ship’s speed is stopped 10. If a
no gunnery
s t o p p e d

ship already has the Fire (very Slow) special effect, remove the Fire (very slow) and
keep this one. If it already has the Fire (stopped) special effect, it suffers a Hit .
A fire on a ship could spread, and even when affecting only a portion of a vessel, its crew could be so
occupied in dealing with the fire that the ship could become virtually inoperable.

Flooding Flooding (very slow)

very slow
The ship’s speed is very slow (vs). If the ship already has the Flooding (stopped) or
the Flooding (very slow) special effect, ignore this new effect AND the ship suffers a
Hit .
A ship taking on water from one or more holes in its hull could take quite a long time to sink. Even
when flooding was not fatal to a ship, it could command the bulk of the ship’s personnel as they dealt
with damage and containment.

Flooding Flooding (stopped)

The ship may not perform Gunnery. Additionally, the ship’s speed is stopped 10. If a
no gunnery

ship already has a Flooding (very Slow) special effect, remove the Flood (very
slow) and keep this one. If it already has the Flooding (stopped) special effect, it
suffers a Hit instead.
Few ships could withstand catastrophic flooding.

The ship is Damaged (if already Damaged, it is sunk).
Ships carried considerable quantities of explosives, and when a fire or exploding ordnance ignited
such a store, the result could be catastrophic.

Rudder Rudder Out

Out During each Maneuver and Attitude step, the owning player must roll a die: if the
number rolled is ODD, the opponent controls the ship during that step; if EVEN, the
owner maintains control. “Control” means that player makes all decisions affecting it.
For example, during the Maneuver step, the player who has control of the ship is the
one who decides to move or not, produce Smoke, etc.
A ship’s rudder was vulnerable to the effects of penetrating and exploding ordnance, as were control
and communication mechanisms.

The ship is destroyed. Remove it from play.

-2 g.v.
all ranges When this ship performs Gunnery at any range, modify the sum of numbers rolled by
-2. If the ship also has the Batteries special effect, attacks at short and point blank
range are modified by -4. This special effect may not be repaired during the Lingering
Effects step.

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9 Torpedo Attack
Torpedo Attack.
Is the torpedo attack different in the Advanced Battle Rules?
Yes, there are four changes. First, a torpedo-capable ship may perform Torpedo
a torpedo attack from the Near zone, not exclusively from the Close
zone. Second, a ship may only attack if it is Closing attitude. Third, three
Must be Closing attitude.
new modifiers influence the attack (see below). And fourth, special May attack from Near or
results are possible on the advanced Torpedo Table (printed on the Close; target must be
Near or Close.
Advanced Battle Rules player aid).
dice (2d6)
Torpedo Attack modifiers. 8 9-10 11+
or less
What modifiers apply to torpedo attacks in the advanced rules? splash
W.L. W.L.
The same modifiers apply, but there are three new ones:
if the target is stopped stopped stopped target +3
very slow target +2
if the attacking ship is in the Near zone (apply this Near slow target +1
modifier even if the target is in the Close zone)
attack from Near -2
if the target’s Attitude is Running running
Running target -2
Special Results: Waterline effects.
What special effects are possible due to a torpedo attack in the Advanced Battle Rules?
If a severe or catastrophic special result is scored on the Torpedo Attack table (printed on the
Advanced Battle Rules player aid), roll two dice and check the result on the Waterline Table.

Only a torpedo-capable ship in Closing

attitude may perform a torpedo attack.
The British CL attacks It may be in the Near or Close zones.
the German CA.

Rolls another pair

ed K
rp AC

of dice...
W.L. Waterline Ta
The modifiers are... Severe
dice Result
none. ...the sum is an 8, (2d6)

which results in a 2-5 Rudder Out


The British player rolls ped

Flooding stop
Flooding (very slow)
two dice... special effect. 6-7

g very slow
8-12 Floodin

very slow
...the sum is a 9,
ed K
rp AC

which scores a S.E.

Finally, a No
Waterline result. CA 1/1 Torpedo marker is
1 Hipper
attached to the
British CL.


very slow

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Maneuver 10

Advanced Maneuver.
Is the Maneuver step different in the Advanced Battle Rules?
There are two additional rules governing the Maneuver step: Movement in the direction of a
ship’s arrow, and Pursuit (see below).

Directional movement.
What is different about moving a ship in the Advanced Battle Rules?
A ship may only move in the direction of its arrow. This means that a Closing ship direction
may only move towards the enemy, while a Running ship may only move away arrow
from the enemy. An Acquiring ship may not move.

Can a stopped ship Maneuver?
No. Stopped is a speed rating The CA may move
into the Close zone. BC 3/2
imposed on a ship by a special
2 Gneisenau

effect. When stopped, a ship


may not: move, produce Smoke,
nor Pursue. During the Attitude

The CA may not

step, it may not change attitutde. The BC may not
move into the Far move.
It may not make torpedo attacks zone.
but it may perform gunnery. It
may not Break Away.

What is Pursuit?
A Closing attitude ship in the Near or
Close zone may forfeit movement to pull

an enemy ship from Far to Near or from



Near to Close. The moved ship must be

slower than the Pursuit ship. Or, if the


target is in Acquiring attitude, the pulling


ship’s speed need only be equal or faster

than the target ship.

PULL: “Pull” means the target ship is

moved into a zone closer to the pulling

Instead of moving,
the German BC
Smoke. performs “Pursuit,”
pulling the British
Only Running ships may produce (but
BB into the Near
not if Stopped). Only Running ships may

2 Scharnhorst

be grouped with a Smoke-producing

ship. Acquiring and Closing ships are not
affected by Smoke in their own zone.

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11 Lingering Effects
Lingering Effects step.
What actions are performed during the Lingering Effects step of the Battle Round?
Unless one or more ships have a special effect, skip this new step of the Battle Round. If a ship
has a special effect, however, roll two dice and refer to the Lingering Effect Table on the
Advanced Battle Rules player aid. Do this for each special effect (that is, if a ship has two special
effects, check each separately rolling a pair of dice for each.) There are no modifers.
Turrets and Magazine special effects.
A ship with the Turrets special effects, or one damaged by a Magazine special Turret
-2 g.v.
effect, are exempt from the Lingering Effects Table (do not check those special all ranges

effects). Check Turrets during Disengagement 14 .

Damage Control.
Can I improve my chances on the Lingering Effects Table?
Yes. Before you roll dice, you may declare that the ship will perform “Damage Damage Control
Control.” This allows you to roll three dice instead of two, selecting the two HIGH- no gunnery
EST numbers rolled. Place a Damage Control marker on or next to the ship as a
reminder, because during the Gunnery step of the next Battle Round, that ship is
not allowed a Gunnery attack (remove the Damage Control marker at the end of highest 2
that Gunnery step).
Lingering Effect Table results.
What are the results of Lingering Effects?
After rolling two dice, or if declaring Damage Control rolling three dice and selecting the two
highest numbers, add the numbers to form a sum. That sum determines the column to use, and
cross-index that column with the row corresponding to the special effect being checked. Inter-
section of column and row indicates the result.

Legend of Lingering Effect Table results...

Fire (stopped) Replace the Fire (very slow) special effect with the Fire (stopped) special
Fire (very slow) Replace the Fire (stopped) special effect with the Fire (very slow) special
Flooding (stopped) Replace the Flooding (very slow) special effect with the Flooding
(stopped) special effect.
Flooding (very slow) Replace the Flooding (stopped) special effect with the Flooding (very
slow) special effect.
Hit and no change The Fire (stopped) remains, and the ship suffers a Hit.

no change The special effect remains attached to the ship.

Repaired Remove the special effect.

Sunk The ship is destroyed. Remove the ship marker from play.

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Break Away 12

Running only.
Does attitude affect Break Away in the Advanced Battle Rules?
Yes, only ships with Running attitude may exit, which means only they may attempt Break Away.
Individual ships or groups.
Can an individual ship attempt break away?
Yes. Unlike the basic rules where all of a player’s ships STOPPED: A stopped ship may not
have to exit together, in the Advanced Battle Rules a attempt Break Away, nor may it
single ship may attempt Break Away. Also, a group of Break Away via spending an Eva-
ships may attempt Break Away, but to form such a sive Maneuvers marker. 10
group all of the ships must be in the same zone and
share the same speed. Each Group may attempt Break Away.
Partial Exit: When a ship exits due to a successful Break Away attempt, place it on the Task
Force Display. When the other ships exit in a later Battle Round, or when the Battle ends, those
other ships will join them on the Task Force Display. Exited ships must be placed in the box
corresponding to their Task Force.

Enemy attitude (Closing, in Near or Close zone).

Does the Advanced Battle Rules use the same modifiers for break away?
Yes, but Attitude is now a factor. An enemy ship in the Near or Close zone, in Closing attitude,
imposes an adverse -1 modifier to the opponent’s Break Away attempt. This is in addition to the
-1 modifier for an enemy ship in the Near or Close zone. Regardless of the number of enemy
ships that qualify for this adverse modifer, it is -1 total, not per ship. Also, only an enemy ship in
Closing attitude
may be consid-
The Convoy is Running but ered for the faster
the BB is Acquiring, so only +2 ship modifier.
the Convoy is eligible to exit. Far zone

The British player rolls two

dice, a 10...
BB 3/1
2 s

...and adds +2 for being in

the Far zone, but subtracts -1
for the German BC (it is in the
Near zone), and another -1
because the German BC is
Closing in the Near zone.
Altogether, the modified -1
sum is 10. Near zone


The Convoy exits, momentar-

2 Scharnhorst

ily leaving behind the British

BB. The Convoy is returned to Closing
the Task Force Display. Near zone

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13 Last Round
Battle ends.
When does a Battle end when using the Advanced Battle Rules?
Just like in the basic rules, a Battle ends in one of two ways: At the conclusion of
the Last Round (Round Three in Good weather or Round Two in Bad Weather), or
when a player no longer has ships on the Battle Board (this can happen when they
sink or exit). However, the Snafu Check at the beginning of a Battle can add a
fourth Battle Round (Good Visibility). Also, at the conclusion of the Attitude step of
the last Battle Round, if BOTH players have at least one ship on the Battle Board,
AND none of them is in Running attitude, one more Battle Round is played (an
“Extra Round”).

Extending Battle.

un t
Ro Las
What extends Battle into an Extra Round? ttle
There are two conditions that add an additional Battle Round, and they are cumu- R

lative. That is, if both conditions are satisfied, Battle is extended two Extra Rounds:

A. Snafu Check: Good Visibility B. No ship is Running a

tr nd
If the weather is Good, and the Snafu If no Ship is in Running attitude at the end Ex ou
Check result is “Good Visibility,” play an of the Last Round, play an extra Battle
extra Battle Round. Round.

Summary of Battle Lengths in the Advanced Battle Rules...

Battle Length Conditions/Requirements

1 Round Naval Search result was Skirmish , AND 1 or more ships are Running at end of first

2 Rounds Bad Weather, AND 1 or more ships are Running at end of second Round, OR,

Naval Search result was Skirmish , AND no ships are Running at end of first Round,

Naval Search result was Skirmish , AND Good Weather, AND Snafu Check result-
ed in Good Visibility, AND 1 or more ships are Running at end of first Round.

3 Rounds Bad Weather, AND no ships are Running at end of second Round, OR,

Good Weather, AND 1 or more ships are Running at end of third Round.

Naval Search result was Skirmish , AND Good Weather, AND Snafu Check result-
ed in Good Visibility, AND no ships were Running at end of second Round.

4 Rounds Good Weather, AND no ships were Running at end of third Round, OR,

Good Weather, AND Snafu Check resulted in Good Visibility, AND 1 or more ships are
Running at end of fourth Round.

5 Rounds Good Weather, AND Snafu Check resulted in Good Visibility, AND no ships were
Running at end of fourth Round.

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Disengagement 14

Exit, and Disengagement Check.

What happens at the end of a Battle?
Basic rules apply: ships return to their respective Task Force Displays and each Task Force must
now have a Contact marker. However, before returning a ship with a special effect to its Task
Force Display, it must first undergo a Disengagement Check. Roll two dice and add the num-
bers rolled to make a sum, and locate the result on the Disengagement table printed on the
Advanced Battle Rules player aid. There are no modifiers. Do this for each special effect
attached to the ship, and also do this for each ship with a No Radar marker attached.
Disengagement results...
‘–’ no change The special effect (or No Radar marker) remains attached to the ship.

Oil Remove the special effect from the ship, and then
Oil attach an Oil marker to the ship. That Oil marker

remains attached until the conclusion of the scenario or Oil

until the ship is sunk or completes in port. It has no

effect on the ship itself, but it prohibits its Task Force
from gaining an Evasive Maneuvers marker.

Repair Remove the special effect (or No Radar marker) from the ship.
Scuttle The ship is destroyed (sunk). Remove the ship marker from play. If playing a
mini-scenario, a Scuttle result is equivalent to being sunk during the scenario.

No Radar
As indicated by the Snafu Table, when this Snafu result is applied to a ship, that ship suffers a
Gunnery Value modifier of -2 at Extreme Range and -1 at Long range. This penalty is perma-
nent, unless removed during Disengagement. Roll 2d6, and if the sum of numbers rolled is
10-12, remove the penalty (if 9 or less, it remains until the next opportunity to remove it during
another Disengagement).

German vulnerability Lowest two

Britannia ruled the sea. By mutual agreement, players may apply this rule. It makes the game harder for
the German player, and is only applicable in operational scenarios and the Campaign Game, not in
mini-scenarios. It adds an important historical detail satisfying the historiy buff, and it can be useful when
the British player has less experience playing the game and could use a handicap.

When performing a Disengagement Check, the German player must roll three dice, selecting
the two lowest numbers rolled to make their sum. Use that sum on the Disengagement table.
The British player rolls two dice when making their Disengagement checks.

EXCEPTION: The German player may ignore this rule if one or both of the following conditions
apply. Condition ONE: The Battle took place in a space within two hexes of a friendly port or air
base (weather does not matter). Condition TWO: The Battle took place in a space occupied by
a U-Boat marker or another German Task Force Station.

© 2020 GMT Games, LLC

A d v a n c e d B a t t l e T a b l e s

Gunnery Table Special Result Tables no modifiers

If Closing or Running, ship attacks
once. If Acquiring AND Gunnery Value Severe Result Catastrophic Result
is 1 or more, may distribute G.V. to
attack two targets (Splitting column). dice Extreme Short or dice Extreme Point
(2d6) or Long Point Blank (2d6) or Long Short Blank
Running, 2 F.R. F.R. 2 E.R. S.S. S.S.
dice (2d6) Splitting Acquiring
3-5 S.S. S.S. 3-5 S.S. Belt Belt
6 splash splash
or less 6-9 S.S. Belt 6-8 S.S. Belt W.L.
10-12 Belt W.L. 9-11 S.S. W.L. W.L.
7-8 splash
12 Belt W.L. W.L.
Legend of Results
S.S. Superstructure
9-10 Belt Belt Attacker’s Gun Value (GV):
Roll 2d6 and consult Belt Table
0 or less Hit
E.R. Exagerrated Report 1+ Roll 2d6 and consult
11 Hit Superstructure Table
F.R. False Report W.L. Waterline
12 No effect. Roll 2d6 and consult Waterline Table
or more

Extreme Range S.S. Superstructure Table no modifiers Torpedo

roll 3d6,
select the LOWEST two numbers
Must be Closing attitude.
Batteries May attack from Near or
Point Blank Range 2-6 Fire very slow Close; target must be
roll 3d6,
select the HIGHEST two numbers 7 Bridge Magazine Near or Close.
dice (2d6)
8-9 Communications Turrets 8 9-10 11+
stopped target +3

or less
10-11 Fire very slow Fire stopped
very slow target +2 splash
12 Fire stopped Sunk W.L. W.L.
slow target +1
into/out of smoke -1 Belt Belt Table no modifiers stopped target +3
gunnery value (gv) ? Severe Catastrophic +2
dice very slow target
(2d6) Result Result
Legend of Effects slow target +1
splash Splash 2-4 Rudder Out Flooding very slow
attack from Near -2
No effect. 5-6 Turrets Magazine
Hit Running target -2
Target suffers one Hit. 7-9 Fire very slow Fire stopped
Severe Result 10-12 Fire stopped Turrets OPTIONAL
Target suffers a severe special
result. Roll 2d6 and consult
the Severe Effect Table. If
W.L. Waterline Table no modifiers Optional Stealth Attack:
If a or result
Convoy or Squadron, dice Severe Catastrophic is garnered on the Stealth
(2d6) Result Result Attack Table, treat as an
Catastrophic Result S.R. or C.R. Waterline
Target suffers a catastrophic 2-5 Rudder Out Fire very slow special effect result:
special result. Roll 2d6 and
consult the Catastrophic 6-7 Flooding stopped Flooding very slow
Result Table. If Convoy or
Squadron, 8-12 Flooding very slow Flooding stopped

GMT Games, LLC PO Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232-1308

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