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MEDICINAL PLANTS KNOWLEDGE CENTRE DiaLUL NN) WZAlg 25 ie DES Re Re Reus Seg un ee Medicinal Plants UCiroy (cre lel mer Ul ic) The Medicinal Plants Knowledge Centre has been set up on 60 hectares of land by the side of NH-5 at Patrapada within the ity mits of Bhubaneswar, This Centre will create a focus on the meditional plants sector, and enable the forest oficials to quickly enhance knowledge of these plant species and their application. Such knowiedge is important for putting in place appropriate plans and prescriptions for sustainable management of the plants of medicinal value whether found in forests or cultivated. The Centre will also cater to the requirements of Ayurvedic practitioners, people relying on various local health traditions, as well as of students and faculties of Ayurvedic institutions in finding a ready source of plant material ‘and an appropriate database on each species. The database comprising both taxonomic and ayurvedic information will be continuously updated. There wil also be facility at the centre for undertaking academic activities and research, and for holding seminars and symposia on relevant themes. The following faci centr fies have so far been created by 31st July, 2010 at this © The entire area has been surveyed and fenced out, and a land use map has been prepared. The land use map depicting where exactly to find a particular species, and a complete picture of activities being carried out at different plots, has been prominently displayed as an information signage near the Entrance Area © 71 different tree species having medicinal value have been planted at the centre, each species in a separate plot. The number of plants on any plot varies from 50 to 125. Each plot has been covered by field bunds, so that all together these plots constitute a zero run off area. Further 32 tree species specimens are planted in the demonstration area. ‘The relatively more refractory sites extending over 22 hectares have been covered by drip irrigation. Water supply is ensured through five deep bore wells. Strips have been laid out under the established tree cover for under planting of species like Turmeric, Ginger and Arrowroot. These shade bearing plants are already coming up in profusion at these sites. Altogether 76 herbal species, 73 shrub species and 34 species of creepers and climbers have been raised in the nursery beds, and planted in clusters in the Demonstration Area. ‘A suitably landscaped Demonstration Area has been laid out over 1.35 hectares. This is named after ‘Charaka’, the legendary man of Ayurveda. All species of trees, shrubs, climbers and herbs can be seen at one place here. The Demonstration Area has a pool for aquatic plants of medicinal value, an amphitheatre, and a central gazebo. To create a proper ambience, a water fall land a water fountain and paved paths have been laid out in this area. There is a signage for each planted species. 7 species of medicinal plants which have relatively high demand in our State, have been raised to produce sizeable quantities of the desired plant parts. An ‘area of 2.81 hectares is earmarked as the Production Area where the cultivation of these 7 species has been carried out. The number of species in the Production ‘Area can be subsequently expanded. The 7 species now under production are the following, 4. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) 2000 plants. 2. Ghee Kuanri (Aloe vera) 5000 plants. 3. Aswagandha (Withenia somnitera) (annual) 5000 plants; roots harvested in April 2010. 4, Gudmari (Gymnema syivestris) (Creeper) 200 plants paniculata) (annual) 5000 piants, already stems harvested, Guluchi () (Cimber) 1000 plants 7, Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) 500 plants; sprouting has taken place. ‘© A ‘Bamboosetum’ is being established over 2.52 hectares of area situated on the rims of a prominent ditch which is a major landscape feature at the Centre. So far, 41 species of bamboos have been assembled here. The landscaping of the area is under progress, and more species of bamboos are being procured for planting, ‘¢ There is 2 nursery with two Green Houses occupying 1.248 hectares of land for raising planting material of 300 species. The planting material of various medicinal species is available for sale at this nursery © A Sale Centre’ of plant parts and plant products has been set up. A Display Unit to exhibit implements used in preparing Ayurvedic formulations, plant parts and plant products which find application in Ayurveda, and photographs of eminent Vaidyas is being put up. © A Processing Unit is being set up to take up storage, processing & packaging of products for disposal. A Scientific Unit which will be the nerve centre of this establishment is coming up. This will house a sophisticated data centre comprising two strands of information, namely ()) the botanical aspects and (i) the Ayurvedic application of each plant species. This database will be continuously updated. The data centre will be manned by suitable scientific personnel LIST OF MEDICINAL PLANTS AVAILABLE AT THE CENTRE ‘hoe anada Barskl aula eal hala hursurge Bist Paras Blskans Chalmagira Ghar Chau ‘cintion Daten amguruds Drwrena ‘Sit Dolcandren Bana Garsan andes SGangasi Gana ota Gerad Gendt Gierae Guan Handa Heal apna Sautha ene Ket sie wench engada keramange Kerana kerura Koo ata tha champs ena Krave rinkor mon som Capancs Coon Marla Mandakaincns| Mehulanca in Nagsenarpa Naneowar| Neem Oatceral o Pachet Pasana Patera Panasa ‘Bumrgten istic ragrance| ‘Syagum cumin ‘tocar oo “anrocephats acaba ero leant ‘Ab etooc Bana vega Dye veces ‘vernon carer08 Pongamis pinata, (Caeanomim camahore Stycnospottorum matraxyon ‘eseacstoct ‘Maniarapxanare Styehnus manomes Syzygum aroratcun ‘Symoeus racemosa ‘ote seca Macaca ea sea gutroes Proosparmum acertoum Mirage carvers ‘Courcupta guarensis Mesue foros ‘amaractia ica ‘roma augusta Dil nes 61 20 Demonstration Pot 3.4,5,11,08837 3 2125, 27, 98,100, 108,107 114 96 20 Demenstration Pot 108: Demonsraton Bot 8,107, 108,114 oe Demonsration Pot 3 Demonsraton Pot 14, 108,100 & Fence side ‘1 Demonsaton Plt 6 107,108,116 emonsiaton Pot 2 0 Demonsration Pot, pelypot 6 ra 4, 107,108, 14 Demonsation lot 22,108 Demonstration Pot 6124, 105 100,107,114 Demensiration Pt att 08, 109,08 107,114 63,107,108, 114 7,108,108, 36| 2 % 50,16, 19, 32.108 109,07.1436, er ‘7, 108,114 20 Damonsation Pit 48, 109,80, 107.114 emanation it Demonstration Plt 7 75,107,106, 14 73 ‘vacant pace 7s 79 Denoneration Pet s 18,20,25, 23,28, 29.108, 109,18 98, 107,106,114 Demonstration Plt 90,107,108, "4 e 106, 109,98 Demorsvaton Pot Loca Name. ‘seentie Name Plot No. Penamoa Coro acetar Bemarsiraton Pat Panta ype tears Demenavason Pot arta ognote gancifiors _Demorataten Plot Patt Magnte mutas Demartaton Plot Parone Parte acdeste 107-708, 114 ‘Pranapnana (ronan cca 58, 17,108,114 26,108, 108,70, 107. 114 evs Sere = || iar | ‘Saat || Sean — — coon Saat Bag Bronkathons| Bilan Biearie Brarmanacta Budappa Prrvetractum Demonsation set Nursery (Chakra oda ‘Costs sors Demonstration sot Murary Grama ‘emrum oreo Damnation at Nursery ala arash ‘Gace procera Neen Dhalabagods ——atopna corcas ‘Demonsraton pot Nursery Dhalacudure ‘Datura samarium Norcary hats ‘Ocimum sanctum Dereon lt, Nusa Pelyst Demensraton plo. Polypet vale hlac (Goreme case ‘Semanstaton sot, NUSNY . aledudure Dati mata emanation sot, NUS : vasasas (ima sancti Demonsraton pot, Nuery Kanara Snares neice Demerstaton plot arabia Glosanca conmboss Dement pl Kepwatuas! Bemumsimarscrarum — Demorevaton plot, Nusery Kester ‘Aboinoachus moschaus Derenstaton pet, Nursery erenaocot Ganson evans Derrersvaon plo: Pelypot kets Pancancs aecicurs ——Darenstation lt. Nursery Kaci Exproroa tral! Demenstaton pot Nursery poet urea ‘Bie ona Demonataton pot, Nucor rune! ‘iesrnummuttioun —Demeratation plat, Nursery {andabegut ‘Geir cana emonstation pit, Nursry Mania Coacona nome Dererstaten set, Nursery payect Mayr Caio cristata ‘Demonsvaon pot, Nursery Matintann Green Sauopusandogynus _Derenstaton act, Naor, Payot Nags aen Cate nursery Negus Cran inca Derersiraton lt. user) Natibeigeba Chore Gossypitola __Demondraton ot Nisa, paypot ua ‘Amorpopraivspacontius Nursery Patna auwot terephyia Darnsvation pt, Nursery Pecipoaia Seton neu Demerstaton pet. Naser poypat Pena CCeasiue pancuitie emanation pt. Popo Preersakot Demanavaton pit ‘oapata Tent Tararnavs nde 108, Local Name. Fukurahathpocha Sodabharia)| ‘Sedabher(tala) ‘Soleparn ‘moa 38 ‘mapa aml ‘Reamaranos rot face Srrnoea, ‘rib | Bisaynaan Bere | eat ‘Chee ‘Ca Beskeronds Dayana Dengabeh *\ Wasmne hnararea Katara valsgayasn Kesasure Keukouka ona 5 Laat Lemon ass | Mena masts Macarange | Mnasan Moskos Mura Negarmutta Natacrvan Pia arth ear Pare Kedar Pathurerar Plperrt Praca eaina Fajnigancha Fastapur ose ass | "Rika natapoeme Senvnapuep ‘Swot pur erema erargnata Oyponsroures Cyperus searosus ‘Solan ae ae cucumo0 Core roma Zinger z0umoet Bogs cat ‘Menara orvanss ‘Gis oppostios Morena seca Potanties bert Ventigo Boorava ortusa| Location Demonstration pt, Nursery Dererstration pst, Nursery Nursery Demonstration pot Nusery Demonstration plat Naso Demonstration plot Nursery ‘Nursery Dement pct, Nursery Derensraton pet, Nursory Demensvaton pot. Nursery. Poot Demenstraton plot, Nursery DDerrensvaton pot, Nursery Bement plot, Nursery Nursery Domenssvaton pe. Nursery ‘Demonstration pot, Nurse, Polyoot Demonstration pt Nursery ‘Demonstration pot, Nursry Demenstation plot Nursery Demensraton plot, Nursery Demererason pot Nursery Derrenstation pot Nursery Demertiaton pt, Nusory Demensvaton pl, Nursery Demonstration et Nurary Demonstration pot Nursery Darranatration pot Nursery Dsmonaation pot, Nursery Nesey DDemonsiraton pot, Nursery Demonstrisr pt Nurser Demonstration lt, Nursery Demonsraton plot, Nursery Demonstration plot, Nursery Darmonsvaton pot Nurs Neary Neer Loca Name, Selene Name Location Taal tips oemiodes __Oemonsraion pol. Nery ‘Thabo Canta aan Demonstration pot, Ney ‘Spur fares corosus Demerstaton plot ont ‘reuters (emerson pot Drarartnar BertSpogen owas Demoneraion pt. NEY Pam rosa Gymegpogon rarais Demonstration pat, Bey Cee earn Acranthes vowonahem! Demonstration pot Nusery eT elaics ‘Local Name ‘Setentic Name Location ‘Aeanannds Stoonaris Pema Norsery bed ‘ovale Hemeamus peeve Derventa plot, Nursery ‘nisms Tyopnore ds Nureery ‘Reaaitale) Cora tomatea Nowery porate) Girona pus Demonstration lt, Nursery ratooena ‘sicocs ica Demensratin plot Sadana IMacura paren ervey bod Benak Solana amplesicauts Nursery ed | Banomat Sottvumaporscers __pemonsraion pot Nery ‘Biota ‘poms postions anon ik Nae Danica ‘pomes rentormis emorten i. Nay ‘Gaiepipal ‘Scindepeus officals Demonstration pot, Nursery Gommorcne Pperngram | Guana Gyrnama svete Goa quacrongui _Deransraton plo, Nuon Gee incn cecnnennse eronsvaton pl, NU | Memerdiea tee Nirsery bed Keres Dosziren penton Navey Ded everataraia Pasar footie Demoneatin Bt Madnopits| Fhope cenghaiense Demonstration pt, Nusery | Pusan Poser oot Demondration slot, Nursery Radhetarla Passiftora incarnate Demonstration plot Satan Seeteevrcamosus _bermonaraon Bot, Nurse, Poyook “isi Opercuine wrpenum Dern pat, NAs=r, Guru Perera extorsa Demerstatlo pc. Nurser, Pohpet tt SSmitcmacropivie _—_-Pohpot Pana ae iweonna recess Demonstration pit, NUS {ahaa ‘tea superba ows

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