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Instruction: Answer the following questions cogently but honestly.

1. How would you describe yourself?

2. What social pressures help shape yourself? Would you have wanted it otherwise?


1. How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as an independent woman most of the times, somehow secretive, and also
someone that people can trust and be able to open up with.

2. What social pressures help shape yourself? Would you have wanted it otherwise?

The social pressures that helped me shape myself are the peer pressure and Academic pressure.
As we all know, the more time we spent and interact with a group of people, the higher the possibility that
they can influence us. Growing up, I can say that I was surrounded by good people and therefore I take that
as a positive peer pressure. My peers and I have common goals in life that's why I believe that the peer
influence that I experienced shaped me to what I am right now. My environment and social circle are
socially acceptable, appropriate, and healthy that is why I concluded that it is considered as a positive peer
pressure. In addition to that, the other social pressure that honed me would be the Academic Pressure.
Ever since I started to attend school, the one thing that I always remember is that I should always reach for
academic excellence. From preparatory to junior high school, that became my mantra every time I attend
classes. As I transferred to a new environment with new set of peers, I've realized that it already became a
part of me, and it somehow affect my beliefs in life. However, the new set of people that became my peers
made me realized that academic excellence should not "always" be my priority in life and that I should let
other factors to influence me. If I were a given a chance if I wanted it otherwise, I would say no because all
of the social pressure that I encountered made me as the person I am right now.

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