Cross Cultural Management

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Cross Cultural Management











TOPIC: Final Term Paper

Page 1
Cross Cultural Management

Is any department within their organization responsible for managing

cultural intelligence? If so, which department and how does it operate?



Apple Inc. has an authoritative culture for imaginative advancement. The organization's
social highlights center around keeping an undeniable degree of advancement that includes
inventiveness and a mentality that difficulties show and norms. The business relies upon
social help and intelligence, which are determinants of seriousness and industry initiative,
particularly in tending to forceful and fast mechanical advancement and item improvement.
Coming up next are the principal attributes of Apple's corporate culture.
Apple has the following operational activities in terms of cultural intelligence it is segregated
in the following.
Top-notch Excellence
Apple's hierarchical culture accompanies a strategy of employing hands down the most elite
in the work market. Steve Jobs was known to terminate representatives who didn't live up to
his desires. This custom proceeds under Tim Cook. Such a practice keeps up and supports a
corporate culture that advances, appreciates, and anticipates first class greatness among
representatives. This social attribute is standardized in Apple's association. For instance, the
organization has programs that perceive and reward greatness among laborers. Greatness is
accentuated as a basic achievement factor in the business, particularly in item plan and
improvement, which is a significant development procedure.
This social trademark relates to novel thoughts that assistance improve the business and its
items. Apple's administration favors innovativeness among workers' information, abilities,
and capacities. This quality of the corporate culture empowers the organization to guarantee
adequate innovativeness, particularly among workers associated with item plan and
improvement measures. Such innovativeness is noticeable in the plan and highlights of
iPhones, Macs, and iPads, among different items remembered for Apple's promoting blend or
4Ps. In such a manner, the authoritative culture keeps up the organization's ability to fulfill
clients' assumptions and inclinations.

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Cross Cultural Management

Apple's authoritative culture upholds fast development. The organization is regularly
evaluated as quite possibly the most creative organizations on the planet. In view of this
social characteristic, the firm trains and rouses its representatives to enhance as far as
individual work execution and commitments to item improvement measures. The corporate
culture works with fast advancement, which is at the core of Apple Inc's. business. Fast
advancement guarantees that the organization keeps on presenting new items that are
beneficial and alluring to target clients.
Steve Jobs created Apple to have an authoritative culture of mystery. This social trademark
keeps on characterizing the organization's human asset improvement. Mystery is essential for
the organization's methodology to limit burglary of restrictive data or protected innovation. It
is likewise an essential administration approach that empowers Apple Inc. to boost its driving
edge against contenders. Through the corporate culture, workers are urged and expected to
stay with business data inside the. This social attribute is supported through the organization's
approaches, rules, and business contracts. In this specific circumstance, Apple's authoritative
culture shields the business from corporate secret activities and the adverse consequences of
worker poaching.
Representative Resource Groups (ERGs) are a vital segment of Samsung's Diversity and
Inclusion (D&I) endeavors. Samsung is focused on advancing a climate where variety of our
kin and variety of thought are at the front line of our way of life. ERGs are a chance for
representatives that offer a typical partiality to meet up and influence positive results for our
kin and for our business.
Samsung urges ERGs to frame naturally and in a steady manner across the locale. They have
a standard cycle, general rules and assets expected to set up and support successful ERGs.
They perceive that cycles may vary contingent upon necessities of the individual ERG. Our
rules are not prescriptive; in any case, they guarantee that ERGs support
Samsung's D&I mission and line up with corporate strategy and technique.
At Samsung, they esteem their different labor force and endeavor to encourage a climate
where all perspectives, assessments and commitments are perceived. Samsung workers are
our most significant resources as they bring a wide variety of thoughts and thoughts to the
association. Guaranteeing our representatives feel associated, upheld and that they can carry

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Cross Cultural Management

their entire self to work is basic to our prosperity. As a component of Samsung's Vision 2020
to "Motivate the World, Create the Future", our vision for Diversity and Inclusion is to
"Make the future by fostering an assorted and comprehensive culture that draws in and
develops the world's top ability". They will achieve this through a complete procedure that
fuses Diversity and Inclusion endeavors in the Marketplace, in our Workplace and with our
Workforce. ERGs are an essential part.
Individuals are at the center of all that Samsung does, and the Millennial ERG, specifically, is
a dynamic and assorted informal community, that unites different friends and individuals
working at comparable positions inside the association. "Their millennial's ERG will
probably overcome any barrier among divisions and increment conversation among
representatives on Millennial themes," says Mabel Ho, seat of the Millennial ERG. "The
three columns that drive their gathering are proficient turn of events, social commitment and
local area outreach."
Diversity, Inclusion and The Global Diversity Forum:
Sony is focused on elevating exercises to energize diversity as per the traits of different
nations and areas, in view of its unique corporate environment. This Forum was made to
advance Diversity-related exercises all around the world. It is passed to upper administration
from different nations, areas and specialty units, and gives a medium wherein we can check
our advancement and trade data and thoughts. Moreover, Sony Corporation has a dedicated
diversity week which they cater every year. This is predominantly named as the Global
Diversity Week. Diversity week is a drive to keep driving forward Sony's administration
technique of advancing variety as a method for esteem creation, just as a festival of the scope
of variety apparent in the association around the world. Through holding a wide scope of
drawing in courses, workshops and encounters, we mean to raise representatives' mindfulness
and move an inspirational perspective with respect to variety in business, and grandstand the
advantages of receiving imaginative work styles while accepting the full scope of characters
held by Sony's representatives. We need to cause to notice issues like sex; race, sexuality and
incapacity through holding occasions that make individuals challenge their own perspectives
and work with open conversation.

In 2016, occasions, for example, the 'Ladies Leaders Meeting' occurring at Sony Japan and
'Young lady Scouts who Code' at SIE in California will help make ways towards sexual

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Cross Cultural Management

orientation uniformity in business and innovation, while 'Oblivious Bias', 'LGBT workshop'
and 'Steady Supervisors and Working Mothers' Meeting' will enable representatives to arrive
at their maximum capacity in the boundary free working environment. There will likewise be
multifaceted fairs and a scope of online drives with prizes accessible to get workers
contemplating what variety implies today and how it adds to the achievement of Sony.
Diversity week vows to be intriguing and connected with investigation into the variety that
assists proceed with making Sony a particularly extraordinary organization wherein to work.
At Walmart, they accept they are best prepared to help our partners, clients and the networks
they serve live better when they truly know them. That implies understanding, regarding and
esteeming variety—remarkable styles, encounters, characters, thoughts and feelings—while
being comprehensive, all things considered. Carry your entire self to work. Consideration is
the way to develop our business. By cultivating a work environment culture where everybody
is and feels included, everybody wins, that's what they vow at Walmart. The Global Office
of Culture, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (CDEI) mission is to create an inclusive culture
where all associates are engaged to deliver on our purpose of saving people money so they
can live better. Following is the strategy Walmart possesses in terms of diversity, equity and
Vital Objectives
Activate our culture — equip each partner to be an comprehensive pioneer who leads and
settles on choices based upon our social upsides of Service, Respect, Excellence what's more,
Associate life cycle integration — Integrate Culture, Variety, Equity and Inclusion standards
into each aspect of the partner life cycle — enlist, employ, create, advance and resign
Build an inclusive brand — Create a confided in brand experience that causes individuals to
feel like there's a spot for them in the Walmart biological system — as a client, partner,
provider or local area partner
Modernized measures — Leverage innovation to screen key execution pointers on variety
(portrayal furthermore, development) and consideration (commitment and slant lists) to
advise key activity plans for proceeded with progress


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Cross Cultural Management

How do these 4 countries differ according to Hofstede’s insights? Are these

differences reflected in their marketing activities in pt. 2 above?
Hofstede’s insight chart:

According to the Hofstede’s insights the differences within these three countries are:

Japan/south Korea / United States




This measurement manages the way that all people in social orders are not equivalent, it
communicates the demeanor of the way of life towards these disparities among us. At a
middle of the road score of 54, Japan is a fringe various leveled society. Indeed, Japanese are

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consistently aware of their various leveled position in any group environment and act
likewise. Japan as amazingly various leveled in light of their business experience of carefully
sluggish dynamic interaction: every one of the choices should be affirmed by each
progressive layer lastly by the top administration in Tokyo. Oddly, the specific illustration of
their lethargic dynamic interaction shows that in Japanese society there is nobody top person
who can take choice like in more progressive social orders.


The key issue tended to by this measurement is the level of relationship a general public
keeps up among its individuals. It has to do with whether individuals' mental self-view is
characterized as far as "I" or "We". In Maverick social orders individuals should take care of
themselves and their immediate family as it were. Japan scores 46 on the Independence
measurement. Absolutely Japanese society shows a large number of the attributes of a
collectivistic culture, for example, placing amicability of gathering over the appearance of
.individual feelings and individuals have a solid feeling of disgrace for losing face


A high score (Manly) on this measurement demonstrates that the general public will be
driven by rivalry, accomplishment and achievement, with progress being characterized by the
champ/best in field a worth framework that beginnings in school and proceeds for the
duration of authoritative life. In corporate Japan, you see that representatives are most roused
when they are battling in a triumphant group against their rivals. What you likewise see as a
statement of Manliness in Japan is the drive for greatness and flawlessness in their material
creation (monodukuri) and in material administrations (inns and eateries) and show (blessing
wrapping and food show) in each part of life. Famous Japanese workaholism is another
declaration of their Manliness. It is still difficult for ladies to move up the professional
.bureaucracies in Japan with their Manly standard of hard and long working hours


The measurement Vulnerability Evasion has to do with the way that a general public
arrangement with the way that the future can never be known: would it be a good idea for
us to attempt to control the future or just let it occur? This is frequently credited to the
way that Japan is continually undermined by catastrophic events from seismic tremors,
torrents (this is a Japanese word utilized globally), tropical storms to spring of gushing

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lava ejections. Teachers and community workers are hesitant to get things done without
priority. In corporate Japan, a ton of time and exertion is placed into practicality studies
and all the danger factors should be worked out before any undertaking can begin. Chiefs
request every one of the itemized statistical data points prior to taking any choice. This
serious requirement for Vulnerability Evasion is one reason why changes are so hard to
.acknowledge in Japan


This measurement portrays how every society needs to keep up certain connections with
its own past while managing the difficulties of the present and future, and social orders
focus on these two existential objectives in an unexpected way. Regulating social orders.
At 88 Japan scores as quite possibly the most long-haul Direction arranged social orders.
Japanese consider them to be as an extremely short crossroads in a long history of
humanity. From this viewpoint, some sort of capitulation to the inevitable isn't unusual to
the Japanese. You put forth a valiant effort in your life time and that is all what you can


One test that defies humankind, presently and previously, is how much little youngsters
are mingled. Without socialization we don't become "human". This measurement is
characterized as the degree to which individuals attempt to control their cravings and
motivations, in light of the manner in which they were raised. Japan, with a low score of
42, is appeared to have a culture of Restriction. Social orders with a low score in this
measurement tend to criticism and cynicism. Likewise, as opposed to Liberal social
orders, Limited social orders don't put a lot of accentuation on relaxation time and control
the delight of their longings. Individuals with this direction have the discernment that
their activities are limited by accepted practices and feel that entertaining themselves is
.fairly off-base



Force Distance is characterized as the degree to which the less amazing individuals from
foundations and associations inside a nation expect and acknowledge that force is
dispersed inconsistent. At a middle score of 60, South Korea is a marginally various
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leveled society. This implies that individuals acknowledge a various leveled request
where everyone has a spot and which needs no further avocation. Chain of command in
an association is viewed as reflecting inalienable disparities, centralization is well known,
subordinates hope to be determined what to do and the ideal manager is a generous


The essential issue tended to by this measurement is the level of association a general
public keeps up among its individuals. It has to do with whether individuals' mental self-
portrait is characterized as far as "I" or "We". In Nonconformist social orders individuals
should care for themselves and their immediate family as it were. South Korea, with a
score of 18 is viewed as a collectivistic culture. This is show in a nearby long-haul
obligation to the part 'bunch', be that a family, more distant family, or expanded
connections. Steadfastness in a collectivist culture is foremost, and abrogates most other
cultural standards and guidelines. In collectivist social orders offense prompts disgrace
and loss of face, business/representative connections are seen in moral terms (like a
family interface), and recruiting and advancement choices assess the worker's in-bunch,
.the executives


A high score (Manly) on this measurement demonstrates that the general public will be
driven by rivalry, accomplishment and achievement, with progress being characterized by
the champ/best in field a worth framework that beginnings in school and proceeds for the
duration of authoritative life. A Female society is one where personal satisfaction is the
indication of achievement and standing apart from the group isn't outstanding. The
essential issue here is the thing that propels individuals, needing to be the awesome or
loving what you do. South Korea scores 39 on this measurement and is accordingly
viewed as a Ladylike society. Zero in is on prosperity, status isn't appeared. A powerful
.chief is a strong one, and dynamic is accomplished through contribution


The measurement Vulnerability Aversion has to do with the way that a general public
arrangement with the way that the future can never be known: would it be advisable for
us to attempt to control the future or just let it occur? The degree to which the individuals

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from a culture feel undermined by equivocal or obscure circumstances and have made
convictions and foundations that attempt to keep away from these is pondered in the score
Vulnerability Evasion. At 85 South Korea is quite possibly the most vulnerability keeping
away from nations on the planet. In these societies there is a psychological condition for
rules (regardless of whether the standards never appear to work) time is cash, individuals
have an inward inclination to be occupied and buckle down, exactness and timeliness are
the standard, development might be opposed, security is a significant component in
.singular inspiration


This measurement depicts how every general public needs to keep up certain connections
with its own past while managing the difficulties of the present and future, and social
orders focus on these two existential objectives in an unexpected way. Regularizing social
orders. At 100, South Korea scores as perhaps the most even minded, long haul situated
social orders. Idea of the unparalleled all-powerful God isn't comfortable to South
Koreans. Individuals carry on with their lives guided by excellences and viable genuine
models. In corporate South Korea, you see long haul direction in the, higher own capital
rate, need to consistent development of piece of the pie instead of to a quarterly benefit,


One test that defies mankind, presently and previously, is how much little youngsters are
mingled. Without socialization we don't become "human". This measurement is
characterized as the degree to which individuals attempt to control their longings and
driving forces, in view of the manner in which they were raised. With a low score of 29,
South Korean culture is demonstrated to be one of Restriction. Social orders with a low
score in this measurement tend to criticism and negativity. Additionally, rather than
Liberal social orders, controlled social orders don't put a lot of accentuation on recreation
time and control the satisfaction of their longings. Individuals with this direction have the
insight that their activities are controlled by accepted practices and feel that entertaining
.themselves is to some degree wrong



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The way that everyone is remarkable suggests that we are on the whole inconsistent.
Quite possibly the most striking parts of disparity is the level of force every individual
applies or can apply over different people; power being characterized as how much an
individual can impact others' thoughts and conduct. Force distance is characterized as the
degree to which the less incredible individuals from foundations and associations inside a
nation expect and acknowledge that force is disseminated inconsistent. It has to do with
the way that a general public's disparity is embraced by the supporters as much as by the


The central issue tended to by this measurement is the level of reliance a general public
keeps up among its individuals. It has to do with whether individuals' mental self-view is
characterized as far as "I" or "We. The American reason of "freedom and equity for all."
This is confirmed by an unequivocal accentuation on equivalent rights in all parts of
American culture and government. Inside American associations, chain of importance is
set up for comfort, bosses are open and administrators depend in singular workers and
groups for their skill." Likewise, inside the trade-based universe of work we see that
recruiting, advancement and choices depend on legitimacy or proof of what one has done
.or can do


A high score (Manly) on this measurement demonstrates that the general public will be
driven by rivalry, accomplishment and achievement, with progress being characterized by
the "victor" or "best-in-the-field." A low score (Female) on the measurement implies that
the predominant qualities in the public arena are really focusing on others and personal
satisfaction. A Female society is one where personal satisfaction is the indication of
achievement and standing apart from the group isn't commendable. The inquiry,
consequently, ought to be: is a similar drive not ordinarily to be seen on a superficial
level? This distinction is an impression of the greater score of the US on Vulnerability
Aversion than of the UK. All in all, in the two social orders we track down a similar

:This American mix reflects itself in the accompanying

Many middle-class laborers will move to a more extravagant neighborhood after every
single significant advancement. It is accepted that a specific level of contention will draw

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out the best of individuals, as it is the objective to be "the victor". As a result, we see a
great deal of polarization and legal disputes. This attitude these days sabotages the
American reason of "freedom and equity for all." Rising disparity is imperiling majority
rule government, on the grounds that an augmenting hole among the classes may
.gradually push Force Distance up and Independence down


The measurement Vulnerability Aversion has to do with the way that a general public
arrangement with the way that the future can never be known: would it be advisable for
us to attempt to control the future or just let it occur? The degree to which the individuals
from a culture feel compromised by questionable or obscure circumstances and have
made convictions and foundations that attempt to stay away from these is pondered in the
score Vulnerability Aversion. The US scores less than ideal, with a low score of 46, on
the Vulnerability Evasion measurement. As a result, the apparent setting wherein
Americans end up will affect their conduct more than if the way of life would have either
scored sequential. Americans don't need a ton of rules and are less sincerely expressive
than higher-scoring societies. Simultaneously, 9/11 has made a ton of dread in the
American culture finishing in the endeavors of government to screen everyone through
.the NSA and other security associations


This measurement depicts how every general public needs to keep up certain connections
with its own past while managing the difficulties of the present and future, and social
orders focus on these two existential objectives in an unexpected way. The US scores
regularizing on the fifth measurement with a low score of 26. This is reflected by the

Americans are inclined to break down new data to check whether it is valid. Accordingly,
the way of life doesn't make most Americans realistic, yet this ought not be mistaken for
the way that Americans are down to earth, being reflected by the "can-do" mentality
referenced previously. American organizations measure their presentation on a
momentary premise, with benefit and misfortune proclamations being given on a
quarterly premise. This additionally drives people to make progress toward speedy
.outcomes inside the work place

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One test that goes up against humankind, presently and before, is how much little
youngsters are mingled. Without socialization we don't become "human". This
measurement is characterized as the degree to which individuals attempt to control their
cravings and motivations, in light of the manner in which they were raised. An inclination
toward a moderately powerless command over their driving forces is classified
"Extravagance", though a generally solid authority over their desires is designated
."Restriction". Societies can be depicted as Liberal or Controlled

The US scores as a Liberal (68) society on the 6th measurement. This, in mix with a
:regularizing score, is reflected by the accompanying conflicting mentalities and conduct

The States has pursued a conflict against drugs is still occupied in doing as such, yet
chronic drug use in the States is higher than in numerous other well-off nations. It is a
pretentious society yet even some notable TV preachers seem, by all accounts, to be

Please provide a 3-4 page write-up of any patterns you have observed
within the marketing activities of these four brands. Any specific new
keywords those are recurring among their reports, as well as any cultural-
specific activities that differentiate them from each other.
They usually advertise discounts by giving their customers a positive impression of their
product. They generally focus on product development and its design. As we have already
discussed its advertisements for discounts, we must know the discounts are for a limited
amount of time. It has a push advertising strategy because they are investing a lot on
traditional advertising. Samsung also takes advantage of social media for example Instagram,
Twitter etc. for promotion of their products. As their goal is to maintain a sustainable and
lively relationship with their customers. They also have contracts with some celebrities for
advertising their products.

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Cross Cultural Management

You will see that they have frequent sales throughout the year with extraordinary benefits to
the customers. They use slogans like "save better". Some customers also have an option for
free-shipping as secure shipping for online customers is available. There are advertisements
seen on social media, billboards as well.
Their advertisements are through social media and television similar to Walmart. Ads related
to Sony Corporation are on various websites. Sales and discounts are set for a limited period
of time to gain attraction from customers and appreciation. Telemarketing is used by Sony
Its advertisements use white foundations to evolve the smart dark of their products. Their
promotions are usually very basic. Something to know about them is their yearly feature
address. Such grounds are important for Apple's development and improvement giving data
on approaching items.
The main differences in these four companies are:
The number of countries brands they're operating in. Samsung operates in 74 countries
worldwide, Walmart operates in 24 countries America and Asia whereas Sony Corporation is
operating in 204 countries and Apple operates in 25 countries. One similarity is that they all
operate in the US and Asia. However, their advertising strategy differs as their focus is on
different ideas. Push advertising strategy is used in Samsung investing on traditional
advertising which is nothing alike Walmart, Sony Corporation and Apple's strategies. They
also do not share the same frame of mind when it comes to discounts. Samsung discounts are
for a limited period of time, Walmart discounts are throughout the year. The promotions of
each one of these companies are much different. Samsung uses social media to keep
promoting their products whereas Apple's promotions are direct and quite rudimentary.
Intra Organizational Culture:
Apple's organizational culture helps preserve the business from corporate tracking and
inimical outcomes of employee requisition. It's important in the success of the business. As
the business is dependent on its cultural substructure which are elements of development of
industry in product expansion. Many companies use organizational culture for permanence.
These four companies have different slogans and some companies keep changing their
slogans and logos like Samsung modified its logo in 2007 to embrace its new logo. Walmart
mostly uses slogans hinting at low prices. Samsung’s corporate culture focuses on attaining a

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high level of technological alteration entailing human resource development strategies. The
promotions of each one of these companies are much different. Samsung uses social media to
keep promoting their products whereas Apple's promotions are direct and quite rudimentary.

As far as the question is concerned these four brands are strongly agreeing on the fact that
they all are supporting diversity and inclusion which is wide spread throughout these brands
they show concrete respect to diversity as they welcome all kind of ethnicity, race, colour,
gender, and this clearly shows how open they are to every walk of life. The major common
attribute within these four brands are they are concerned about the cultural inclusion for a fact
that they are looking for best of the best people in order to accomplish their goals
accordingly. Moreover, as the marketing stragtegies are concerned three of the brands that is
Walmart, Samsung, and Sony Corporation are more like push driven marketing where they
are investing is social media campaigns, television commercials, paid magazines and much
more. Walmart is more like slogan and customer service driven brand which gives the
customer assurity for after sales services giving them the liberty of getting things delivered on
their respective doorsteps. Furthermore, Apple being the first trillion dollar company seems
to be not much spending on the marketing as majorly the brand is very highly priced as
according to them it’s not a gadget that you buy it’s a lifestyle that you get. Apple owns a
great brand will and brand image in market and they only roll out big events like Apple
World Wide Developers Conference.

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