What Is Philosophy?

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What is philosophy?

- Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental questions, such

as those about reason, existence, knowledge, values, mind, and
language. Such questions are often posed as problems to be studied
or resolved
Why you landed on nursing or why you choose nursing despite of
- I chose nursing because I want to help my take care of my family and
friends, not just financially but also their health. I really like helping
people no matter who they are or what they are. I’m willing to risk my
health if something will happen again that is close enough from what
we’re experiencing right now if it means for the best for many.

Story of king Solomon

- The whole story is in 1 Kings 3. In a dream Solomon prays to God,
asking for “an understanding heart to judge thy people.” God
answers, “You could have asked for long life or riches, or for the
death of your enemies. But instead you asked only to be a good
judge. So I will give you wisdom and understanding— and riches and
honor too. And as long as you follow my laws, I will give you a long
life as well.” Then two women come to Solomon. Each was the
mother of a baby, and one of the babies had died. Each claimed that
the living baby was her own. Solomon said, “Okay, someone bring a
sword and split the baby so each mother can have half.” One mother
said, “Okay, so neither of us gets to keep the baby. Fair enough.”
The other mother said, “Give her the baby, just don’t kill it.” Solomon
pronounced that the woman who wanted the baby to stay alive, even
with the other woman, must be the real mother. And the people
realized Solomon really was wise.

Branches of philo Importance of philo

1) Metaphysics - it is usually understood as the foundation of philosophy.
Aristotle called this as the “first philosophy”. This came from a Greek word
metaphysika which means “after physics”
and is designated in a part of Aristotle’s works that came after chapters
that dealt
with physics. Thus, over time this branch of philosophy has been
understood as the
study of which exists beyond the physical.
2) Ontology – this was derived from two Greek words onto which means
or “that which is” and logos which means “knowledge” or “study”. This
studies begins in their ultimate causes, reasons, and principles through the
aid of
reason alone. Meaning to say, ontology studies mainly the first principles or
essence of all things.
3) Cosmology – this came from the ancient Greek word kosmos which
means “the
world” and logos which means “study”. Cosmology is a specific sub-branch

philosophy that studies the world or the universe which includes its origin,
dynamics, and characteristics as well as the laws that govern its order.
4) Psychology – It came from the two Greek words psyche which means
and logos which means “study”. Thus, this is a specific sub-branch of
that studies the soul or mind. It can also be referred to as the study of the
person as a whole and the way a person’s mind functions and behaves.
5) Epistemology – it came from two Greek words episteme which means
“knowledge” and logos which means “study”. This is defined as the study of
nature and scope of knowledge and justified belief specially it analyzes the
of knowledge.
6) Ethics – it is derived from the Greek word ethos which means “custom”
“habit”. Ethics is the morality of human actions. Therefore, it is concerned
questions of how humans ought to act and definition of right conduct and a
7) Aesthetics –It is the philosophical study of beauty and taste. It is closely
to the philosophy of art, which is concerned with the nature of art and the
in terms of which individual works of art are interpreted and evaluated.
8) Philosophy of Logic - It is the area of philosophy devoted to examining
scope and nature of logic. Philosophical logic is the branch of study that
questions about reference, predication, identity, truth, quantification,
entailment, modality, and necessity.
9) Idealism - In philosophy, idealism is a diverse group of metaphysical
which all assert that is in some way indistinguishable or inseparable from
human perception and/or understanding, that it is in some sense mentally
constructed, or that it is otherwise closely connected to ideas.
10) Realism - Philosophical realism is usually not treated as a position of
its own
but as a stance towards other subject matters. Realism about a certain
kind of thing
is the thesis that this kind of thing has mind-independent existence, i.e. that
it is not
just a mere appearance in the eye of the beholder.

Why we need philo in life

- We need philosophy in life because it guides and helps us make
decisions and influence how we perceive things that we encounter
with our daily lives.

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