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Name : Neneng Bernika

Class : Matematika

Direction: this quiz contains several parts and they review from the lesson that you have
learned during this semester. Read the directions of each part.
Part 1: Change the sentence into passive.

1. The courier delivers the packages every day.

The packages are delivered by the courier every day.
2. My father doesn’t paint the wall.
The wall isn't painted by my father
3. Does my sister wash the dishes every day?
Is the dishes washed by my sister every day?
4. Mrs. Taylor is reading a story right now.
A story is being read by Ms. Taylor right know
5. Is Romy wearing an orange hat at the moment?
Is an orange hat being worn by Romy at the moment?
6. My mother is not sweeping the floor now.
The floor isn't being sweept by my mother now
7. The chef baked a delicious pizza last night.
Will chef make pizza a delicious last night
8. Mr. David did not sell the house last week.
The Mr. David not be sell the house last week
9. Did Alex climed the highest mountain last year?
Is mountain climb highest Alex last year?
10. She has won the price for several times.
The price has been won by her
11. Have the students submitted the reports before Friday?
The student have submitted the reports before Friday?
12. They have not written the articles yet.
The articles have not written by them
13. Jane will buy a new computer tonight.
Will Jane be being bought a new computer tonight
14. Our boss is going to sign the contract.
The contract were being signed by our boss
15. The plumber will be repairing the sink by this time tomorrow.
The plumber will fix the sink tomorrow
16. I will have ordered the menu by the time you come.
I will order the menu when you arrive
17. Jack had ordered the menu before I came to the restaurant.
Jack had ordered the menu before I came to be the restaurant
18. They was writing the letter when someone opened the door.
The letter was being write by them when someone opened the door
19. The police had been checking the apartment twice a week.
The apartment had been check by the police twice a week
20. Will your brother have been climbing a high mountain?
Will a high mountain have been climbed by your brother?

Part 2 : Fill in the blank with the appropiate modals.

1. My grandmother is eighty-five, but she can still read and write without glasses.
2. May I come with you?
3. Could you help me with the housework, please?
4. We must not make the first move.
5. It is snowing outside so I will stay at home.
6. Would you mind if I borrowed your car?
7. Will you take care of my dog for a day?
8. Our country may become a super power by 2025.
9. She might sell her home because she needs money.
10. Ask any questions now as you can not talk during the test
11. From the way he speaks, he could be from London.
12. I had some problems repairing the roof by myself, but in the end I was able to do it
without help.
13. I must buy a new computer. This one keeps breaking down.
14. It can not be easy for Mary. Her parents died when she was only 4 years old.
15. The cafeteria is full. I could not find a seat anywhere.
Part 3

A. Direction: Write the comparative form from the word in the parantheses.
1. The road was longer (long) than we had expected.
2. As soon as they understood that the second book was more boring (boring) than the
first one, they changed their mind.
3. The weather today is worse (bad) than the weather yesterday but not as (bad) as it
was four days ago.
4. My sister thinks she's more intelligent (intelligent) than me, but I don't agree
5. Avatar is probably the worst (bad) film I've seen!
6. Do you think the Harry Potter films are better (good) than the books?
7. Who is the most powerful (powerful) person in your country?
8. I think Men in Black 1 was more fun (funny) than Men in Black 3.
9. Show me the best (good) restaurant downtown.
10. Peter was laughing hard, but his wife was laughing even harder (hard)!
11. I thought this test would be difficult, but it's easyer (easy) test I've ever taken!
12. It is strange but often a coke is as expensive (expensive) as beer.
13. Holiday by the sea is as good (good) as holiday in the mountains.
14. He was the cleverer (clever) thief of all.
15. My house is as big (big) as yours.

B. Direction: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

1. Andi is 165 cm tall. Donna is 167 cm tall. So, Donna is _________ than Andi.
A. Taller
B. Bigger
C. Shorter
D. Smaller
2. My father is 45 years old. My mother is 46 years old. So, My mother is _________
than my father.
A. Older
B. Younger
C. Stronger
D. Taller
3. An elephant is ______ than a cow.
A. Smaller
B. Bigger
C. Longer
D. Shorter
4. A horse runs ________ than a buffalo.
A. Cleaner
B. Bigger
C. Faster
D. Slower
5. Girls' hair is usually ________ than the boys' hair.
A. Smaller
B. Longer
C. Taller
D. Bigger
6. Most students think that Mathematics is ________ than other subjects.
A. More expensive
B. More beautiful
C. More diligent
D. More difficult
7. A car's price is usually ________ than a bike's price.
A. Cheaper
B. Bigger
C. More expensive
8. My room is _________ than Bill's place because I clean it more often than him.
A. Bigger
B. Smaller
C. Cleaner
D. Dirtier
9. The weather on the beach is _________ than in the mountain.
A. Thicker
B. Thinner
C. Hotter
D. Cooler
10. Town is __________ than village.
A. More crowded
B. More quiet
C. better
D. worse

Part 4: Choose the best answer by crossing the A, B, or C.

1. There are __ biscuits in the packet.

A. a few
B. a little
C. a lot

2. We've got __ time before the plane leaves.

A. a few
B. a little
C. a lot

3. Few of my students remember the third person singular 's' ending on verbs'' means
A. not many students understand (maybe 2 or 3)
B. some students understand (maybe 6 or 7)
C. none of my students understand (0 students)

4. He always gets __ presents than his sister on his birthday.

A. a lot of
B. fewer
C. less

5. I have __ money than you.

A. a lot
B. Llfewer
C. less

6. There are __ people in the supermarket today.

A. a lot
B. fewer
C. little

7. She has __ friends.

A. lot of
B. lots of
C. a lot

8. He earns __ money.
A. a lot
B. a lot of
C. lots
9. She wears __ gold jewellery.
A. lots
B. a lot
C. lots of

10. He eats __.

A. lots of
B. a lot
C. fewer

11. Do you like hip-hop music? Yes, __

A. lots of
B. much
C. a lot

12. There's __ money in my wallet.

A. few
B. much
C. a little

13. They have __ information on their website.

A. much
B. few
C. very little

14. They have __ customers.

A. very little
B. very few
C. a lot

15. He eats __ sweet food.

A. lots of
B. few
C. a lot

16. He has __ free time.

A. lots
B. few
C. a lot of

17. There's only __ milk left in the fridge.

A. lots
B. a few
C. a little

18. You smoke __

A. much
B. a lot
C. few
19. He doesn't earn __
A. fewer
B. little
C. a lot

20. I have __ good friends.

A. a few
B. a lot
C. little

Part 5 : Write the tag questions for these following sentences.

1. She is collecting stickers, isn't she?
2. We often watch TV in the afternoon, don't we?
3. You have cleaned your bike, haven't you?
4. John and Max don't like maths, do they?
5. Peter played handball yesterday, didn't he?
6. They are going home from school,aren't they ?
7. Mary didn't do her homework last Monday,did she?
8. He could have bought a new car,couldn't he ?
9. Kevin will come tonight,won't he?
10. She went to the library yesterday, didn't she?
11. Cars pollute the environment, doesn't it?
12. Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, hasn't he?
13. He won't tell her, will he?
14. My mother has lovely hair, hasn't she?
15. You do like this film we're watching,don't you?
16. We can go to the cinema tomorrow if you want,can't you?
17. We should leave before it gets dark,shouldn't we?
18. They mustn't go too near the lake, must they?
19. Your uncle has never been out of the village,has he ?
20. I'm not speaking first at the meeting, am I?

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