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Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

Sedona Open Source kits

User Guide
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

Document Change Log

7th July 2011

Document created.
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

Sedona Framework is a trademark of Tridium, Inc.
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 6
1. DateTimeStd.................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 DateTimeStd............................................................................................................................ 7
2. BasicSchedule.................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 DailyScheduleBool................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 DailyScheduleFloat ................................................................................................................ 11
3. Control .......................................................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Add2 ...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Add4 ...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.6 And2 ...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.7 And4 ...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.8 ASW ....................................................................................................................................... 16
3.9 ASW4 ..................................................................................................................................... 16
3.10 Avg10 .................................................................................................................................... 16
3.11 B2F ........................................................................................................................................ 17
3.12 B2P ........................................................................................................................................ 17
3.13 BSW ....................................................................................................................................... 17
3.14 Cmpr ...................................................................................................................................... 18
3.15 ConstBool .............................................................................................................................. 18
3.16 ConstFloat ............................................................................................................................. 18
3.17 ConstInt ................................................................................................................................. 18
3.18 Div2 ....................................................................................................................................... 19
3.19 DlyOff .................................................................................................................................... 19
3.20 DlyOn..................................................................................................................................... 19
3.21 F2B ........................................................................................................................................ 20
3.22 F21......................................................................................................................................... 20
3.23 FloatOffset ............................................................................................................................ 20
3.24 Freq ....................................................................................................................................... 21
3.25 Hysteresis .............................................................................................................................. 21
3.26 I2F.......................................................................................................................................... 21
3.27 ISW ........................................................................................................................................ 22
3.28 L2F ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

3.29 Limiter ................................................................................................................................... 22

3.30 Linearize ................................................................................................................................ 23
3.31 LP(LoopPoint) ........................................................................................................................ 23
3.32 LSeq (LinearSequencer) ........................................................................................................ 23
3.33 Mul2 ...................................................................................................................................... 23
3.34 Mul4 ...................................................................................................................................... 23
3.35 Neg ........................................................................................................................................ 24
3.36 Not ........................................................................................................................................ 24
3.37 OneShot ................................................................................................................................ 24
3.38 Or2 ........................................................................................................................................ 24
3.39 Or4 ........................................................................................................................................ 25
3.40 Ramp ..................................................................................................................................... 25
3.41 ReheatSeq ............................................................................................................................. 25
3.42 Reset ..................................................................................................................................... 26
3.43 SRLatch .................................................................................................................................. 26
3.44 Sub2 ...................................................................................................................................... 26
3.45 Sub4 ...................................................................................................................................... 26
3.46 TickTock................................................................................................................................. 27
3.47 Tstat ...................................................................................................................................... 27
3.48 UpDn ..................................................................................................................................... 27
3.49 WriteBool .............................................................................................................................. 27
3.50 WriteFloat ............................................................................................................................. 28
3.51 WriteInt ................................................................................................................................. 28
3.52 Xor ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide


This document describes the Sedona framework Sedona kits and functionality.

Number EasyIO Sedona Kit Current Version Dependencies Remarks

1 BasicSchedule Default kit

2 Control

3 DateTimeStd
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

1. DateTimeStd
Number EasyIO Sedona Kit Current Version Dependencies Components

1 DateTimeStd DateTimeService

This kit contains 1 object. The object is to be used for configuring the Sedona controller date and

To use these objects just drag and drop into the wire sheet. Prefer in the service folder.

1.1 DateTimeStd
DateTimeStd object is to configure the Real Time Clock of a Sedona controller.
The build in user interface allow user to set/change the time settings.

The object property is display as below.

Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

 Nanos
This property displays the current time in nanoseconds. The value is calculated
at the starting point of 1st Jan 2000.

 Hour
Hour of the day in 24 hours format.

 Minute
Minute of the hour.

 Second
Seconds of the minute.

 Year
Year display in 4 digit number format.

 Month
Month of the current year.
Display range from 1 to 12 being 1 as January and so on.

 Day
Date of the current month.

 Day of Week
Day of the week.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Monday is the starting of the week.

 UTC Offset
UTC offset. Display in minutes.

 Tz
Time zone
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

2. BasicSchedule
Number EasyIO Sedona Kit Current Version Dependencies Components

2 BasicSchedule DailyScheduleBool


This kit contains 2 objects as show below.

By default an EasyIO Sedona controller comes pre-installed with this kit. To use this object just drag
and drop into the wire sheet space.

2.1 DailyScheduleBool
DailyScheduleBool is an object that provides daily time schedule.
It comes with 2 active periods. On time period is define with a start time and duration of the

Of the duration extend pass midnight, the output will span two separate days.
This object relies on the Sedona controller Real Time Clock.

The output for this object is a Boolean data type.

The object property is display as below.

Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

 Start1
Start time for period 1.
This property can be configured with an external link in minutes.
Range 0 - 1440

 Dur1
Active period duration according to Start1 time.
Data type is short and is configure in minutes or from the property sheet.
This property can be configured with an external link in minutes.
Range 0 - 1440

 Start2
Start time for period 2.
This property can be configure with an external link in minutes.
Range 0 - 1440

 Dur2
Active period duration according to Start1 time.
Data type is short and is configure in minutes or from the property sheet.
This property can be configured with an external link in minutes.
Range 0 - 1440

 Val1
The Output value if period 1 is active.

 Val2
The Output value if period 1 is active.
 DefVal
The default value is period 1 and period 2 is inactive.

 Out
The Output value.

Example of the BasicScheduleBool in the property sheet.

The start time is set to 2.00PM and will be active for 2 hours.
The output for the active period is set to true. The output will be false at 4.00PM.
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

Example of the BasicScheduleBool in the wire sheet.

The start time is set to 2.00PM and will be active for 2 hours.
StartTime at 2.00PM = 14 hours x 60 minutes = 840 minutes.
Duration = 2 hours = 2 hour x 60 minutes.
The output will inactive at 4.00PM.

2.2 DailyScheduleFloat
DailyScheduleFloat is an object that provides daily time schedule.
It comes with 2 active periods. On time period is define with a start time and duration of the

Of the duration extend pass midnight, the output will span two separate days.
This object relies on the Sedona controller Real Time Clock.

The output for this object is a Float data type.

The object property is display as below.

 Start1
Start time for period 1.
This property can be configured with an external link in minutes.
Range 0 - 1440
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

 Dur1
Active period duration according to Start1 time.
Data type is short and is configure in minutes or from the property sheet.
This property can be configured with an external link in minutes.
Range 0 - 1440

 Start2
Start time for period 2.
This property can be configured with an external link in minutes.
Range 0 - 1440

 Dur2
Active period duration according to Start1 time.
Data type is short and is configure in minutes or from the property sheet.
This property can be configured with an external link in minutes.
Range 0 - 1440

 Val1
The Output value if period 1 is active.

 Val2
The Output value if period 1 is active.
 DefVal
The default value is period 1 and period 2 is inactive.

 Out
The Output value.

Example of the BasicScheduleFloat in the property sheet.

The start time is set to 2.00PM and will be active for 2 hours.
The output for the active period is set to true. The output will be false at 4.00PM.
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

Example of the BasicScheduleFloat in the wire sheet.

The start time is set to 2.00PM and will be active for 2 hours.
StartTime at 2.00PM = 14 hours x 60 minutes = 840 minutes.
Duration = 2 hours = 2 hour x 60 minutes.
The output will inactive at 4.00PM.
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

3. Control
Number EasyIO Sedona Kit Current Version Dependencies Components

3 Control Various control

object including
conversion objects,
objects and etc.

This kit contains 50 objects as show below.

By default an EasyIO Sedona controller comes pre-installed with this kit. To use this object just drag
and drop into the wire sheet space.

The control object are represent by either Boolean or integers or float.

Boolean objects are either true state or false state.
Integer objects are represented by a 32bit and display as whole number.
Float objects are represented by 32bit floating points and display with decimal point.
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

3.1 Add2
Add2 is an object that adds 2 inputs.
Data type supported is only float.

Out = In1 + In2

3.2 Add4
Add4 is an object that adds 4 inputs.
Data type supported is only float.

Out = In1 + in2 + In3 + In4

3.3 And2
And2 is an object 2 input with AND gate logic.
Data type supported is only Boolean.

Out = In1 • In2

3.4 And4
And2 is an object 4 input with AND gate logic.
Data type supported is only Boolean.

Out = In1 • In2 • In3 • In4

Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

3.5 ASW
ASW is an analog switch object between 2 inputs.
Data type supported is only Float.
This output selection of this object is determined by S1 state.

If S1 = false, Out = In1

If S1 = true, Out = In2

3.6 ASW4
ASW4 is an analog switch object between 4 inputs.
Input data type supported is only Float.
Sel data type = integer.

If Integer Sel <= Start At , Out = In1

If Integer Sel = Start At + 1 , Out = In2
If Integer Sel = Start At + 2 , Out = In3
If Integer Sel = Start At +3 , Out = In4

3.7 Avg10
Avg10 is an average object that takes summation of 10 values while dividing it by 10 in every
It can only take float value.
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

3.8 B2F
B2F is a Boolean to float conversion object. It allows up to 16 bit Boolean to float conversion.
LSB is In1 and MSB is In16. The count display total number of active inputs.

3.9 B2P
B2P is a Boolean to pulse object. It is a single shot oscillator.

3.10 BSW
BSW is a Boolean switch object between 2 inputs.
Data type supported is only Boolean.
This output selection of this object is determined by S1 state.

If S1 = false, Out = In1

If S1 = true, Out = In2
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

3.11 Cmpr
Cmpr is a simple mathematic comparison object. It compares 2 float values.

If X > Y , Xgy = true , where Xgy = X greater than Y

If X = Y , Xey = true , where Xey = X equal Y
If X < Y , Xly = true , where Xly = X less than Y

3.12 ConstBool
ConstBool is a pre define Boolean state object.
This object is normally used to set a constant value in to other objects.
It is norm to use as writable object.

3.13 ConstFloat
ConstFloat is a pre define float value object.
This object is normally used to set a constant value in to other objects.
It is norm to use as writable object.

3.14 ConstInt
ConstInt is a pre define integer value object.
This object is normally used to set a constant value in to other objects.
It is norm to use as writable object.
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

3.15 Div2
Div2 is a division object where it divide 2 inputs.
Div0 property shows if In1 value is divided by zero.

Out = In1 / In2

If In2 = Zero , Div0 = true.

3.16 DlyOff
DlyOff is a delay object where it delays the transition output from true to false after the Delay
Time expires.
Delay Time is in seconds.

Input transition from false to true state, Out = true.

Input transition from true to false state, Out = true after the delay time expire.

3.17 DlyOn
DlyOn is a delay object where it delays the transition output from false to true after the Delay
Time expires.

Input transition from false to true state, Out = true.

Input transition from false to true state, Out = true after the delay time expire.
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

3.18 F2B
F2B is a float to binary conversion object. It allows up to 16 bit Boolean to float conversion.
LSB is In1 and MSB is In16.

The Ovrf (Overflow) will display true if the input value is larger than 65535.
The object will ignored fractional value when computing the conversion.

3.19 F21
F2I is a float to integer conversion object. The output will be a whole number.
Any fractional value will be truncated.

3.20 FloatOffset
FloatOffset is a that offset the input value.
The offset value is configurable in the property sheet.

Out = In + Offset
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

3.21 Freq
Freq is an object that calculates the input pulse frequency.
It has 2 calculation output, Pps (Pulse per second) and Ppm (Pulse per minute)

Pps = Pulse Per Second

Ppm = Pulse Per Minute

3.22 Hysteresis
Hysteresis object provides 2 internal float properties, rising edge and falling edge to control the

If Rising Edge > Falling Edge,

If In > Rising, then Out = true.
If In < Falling, then Out = false.

If Rising Edge < Falling Edge,

If In < Rising, then Out = true.
If In > Falling, then Out = false.

3.23 I2F
I2F object provides conversion from Integer to Float.
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

3.24 ISW
ISW is an Integer switch object between 2 inputs.
Data type supported is only Integer.
This output selection of this object is determined by S1 state.

If S1 = false, Out = In1

If S1 = true, Out = In2

3.25 L2F
L2F is a conversion object that converts a 64 bit Long integer to a 64 bit float value.

3.26 Limiter
Limiter limits the output value with a pre define high limit and low limit.

If In > High Limit, then Out = High Limit

If In < Low Limit Limit, then Out = Low Limit
If In < High Limit and > Low Limit, then Out = In
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

3.27 Linearize
Linearize custom table to linearize a nonlinear input. It provides 10 pairs of X and Y property.
The equation for this object is Y = mx + c

Where m = slope between adjacent points and c is the Y intercept.

If the input is out of range, the output will be nan.

3.28 LP(LoopPoint)
Do not use this object as it has issue with outputting Nan / null value after a certain of period.
Use PID loop from easyIOEnergy kit or SingleLoop from easyIOHvac kit.

3.29 LSeq (LinearSequencer)

Do not use this object as it has issue with outputting Nan / null value after a certain of period.
Use PID loop from easyIOEnergy kit or SingleLoop from easyIOHvac kit.

3.30 Mul2
Mul2 is an object that multiplies 2 input.

Out = In1 * In2

3.31 Mul4
Mul4 is an object that multiplies 4 input.

Out = In1 * In2 * In3 * In4

Sedona Kits User Guide v1.0

3.32 Neg
Negate will change the sign value

Out = -1(In)

3.33 Not
Not object will reverse the Boolean input.

Out = 𝐼𝑛

3.34 OneShot
OneShot is an object which acts like a momentary push button or a Boolean toggle button.
A trigger at the action will set the out slot to true until the define time period is over.

3.35 Or2
Or2 is an object that sum of 2 Boolean inputs.

Out = In1|In2
Sedona Kits User Guide v1.0

3.36 Or4
Or4 is an object that sum of 4 Boolean inputs.

Out = In1|In2|In3|In4

3.37 Ramp
Ramp generates a repeating triangular wave with a float Input and Output. Min and Max value
can be adjustable. Ramp type is changeable either triangle wave or saw tooth.

3.38 ReheatSeq
ReheatSeq will provide a linear sequence of up to 4 loads based on configurable thresholds. It
sets an output true if the "in" value is greater than corresponding threshold, and returns the
output to false if the "In" value is less than threshold minus with the hysteresis value.

"D On" is the count of outputs that are true (0 to 4)

If "enable" is false, all outputs are set to false regardless of "In" value.
Sedona Kits User Guide v1.0

3.39 Reset
Reset re-scales in value to "out" value object. This function performs a "reset" on the input value.
"Reset" is a HVAC term for scaling a number between two limits.

(𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑀𝑎𝑥 − 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑀𝑖𝑛)
𝑂𝑢𝑡 = ( 𝑥(𝐼𝑛 − 𝐼𝑛𝑀𝑖𝑛)) + 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑀𝑖𝑛
(𝐼𝑛𝑀𝑎𝑥 − 𝐼𝑛𝑀𝑖𝑛)

Min = Min output / Min input

3.40 SRLatch
SRLatch or Set/Reset Latch is single-bit data storage

If S = true and R = false then Out = true

If S = false and R = true then Out = false
If S = false and R = false then Out = Out from the last scan
If S = true and R = true then Out = false

3.41 Sub2
Sub2 is the object that subtract between 2 float input. In1 is the Minuend while In2 is the

Out = In1 – In2

3.42 Sub4
Sub4 is the object that subtract between 4 float inputs. In1 is the Minuend while other Input is
the Subtrahend.

Out = In1 – In2 – In3 – In4

Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

3.43 TickTock
TickTock is will generates Boolean square wave with ticks per second. The periodic wave is
configurable from 1 to 10 pulses per sec.

Out = a periodic wave between 1 to 10 Hz

3.44 Tstat
Tstat provides On/Off or Floating Thermostat control raise & lower outputs operate
independently. The mode is set to either lower or rise for the "out" to be true. It contain offset
for control variable for cut in and cut out.

3.45 UpDn
Up/down counter is the counter range between zero and a value that can be set with
configurable parameter Limit. Out is the current count and stop after reach or exceed the limit.
The count is selectable to either stop at limit or not.

Out = the current count

If Out ≥ Limit then Ovr is true

3.46 WriteBool
WriteBool object is a writable Boolean value.

Out = In
Sedona Open Source Kit User Guide

3.47 WriteFloat
WriteFloat object is a writable float value.

Out = In

3.48 WriteInt
WriteInt object is a writable integer value.

Out = In

3.49 Xor
Xor is a two input exclusive or.

End of Document

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