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Group Members:

1. Syeda Arshaha Tanveer (BB-28298)

2. Rumaisa Siddiqui (Bb-28316)
3. Asad khan (BB-27070)
4. Amal Maqsood (BB-28489)
5. Rubaisha Irfan (BM-1599)
6. Marian Sareeka (BM-1597)
7. Junaid khan (BB-6146)
8. Sheikh Ali Ahmed (BB-5117)

Submitted to: Sir Abdul Waheed

1. Which of the following statements best captures the nature of leadership as it should be for your business
to ensure your continued future success?

B. Leader focus on setting direction, align people with a shared vision and motivating people.


However, I’ve seen situations where teams and organization don’t clarify their direction, which leads to untold
conflict, apathy and poor productivity.

 Setting Direction Helps You Hold People Accountable

 Setting Direction Clarifies Priorities and Reduces Busy Work
 A Direction Helps to Motivate Your Team

2. When a conflict arises between two employees, what first step might a leader take?

C. Step out of the “field of action“ for a moment, to gain insights into the nature of the conflict.


Field Action means any correction or removal action due to safety, efficacy, quality or regulatory compliance

3. . Frequently committed mistakes should be corrected by.

C. stopping the practice for a while and point them out to the trainees.


Figuring out how to be a better manager means taking a massive leap forward when you realize that
successful managers never tiptoe around issues. They face them head-on and look to solve the problem
before it affects the team. Unfortunately, doing so will inevitably force you into some uncomfortable situations.

4. What are the three most effective ways to identify what needs to change in an organization?

B. Listen to concerns of people inside and outside the organization, look for conflicts as clues to what need to
change and look at oneself and the team as reflections of things that need to change.


Take a walk around the company offices and observe the employees’ expressions. Look for people who seem
depressed or stressed out. Arrange a meeting with them or the HR department to discuss possible problems
they might be facing. They might be regarding their workload, responsibilities, or even personal matters that
burden them. Unhappy employees are more prone to inciting tension. Spotting this before it becomes a bigger
issue will benefit your company’s welfare more than you think.

5. Theassumption assumes that people who are different will want to assimilate.

A. Melting-pot


The melting pot theory is the idea that different cultures and ideas will blend together and create one ultimate
culture or idea. Managing the Organizational Melting Pot covers key issues such key as: individual and
institutional resistance, the effectiveness of diversity change efforts, and the less visible ways in which
exclusion and discrimination continue to be practiced in the workplace.

6. Which of the following is the best step a leader can take when employees express concerns about a
rumored change within the organization?

B. Invite employees to express their concerns and shares ideas to help ease the stress they are feeling and
to empower them to work together to contribute toward a shared solution


Employee voice is often defined as giving people opportunities to express ideas, concerns, and perspectives
with authenticity and without fear of social or workplace consequences. That means employees have the ability
to influence decisions at work through their feedback. 

Having influence means leaders act based on dialogue with employees. Action could represent a new way of
completing work, embracing ideas and innovative work processes, improving culture, or resolving problem
areas in the company. 

7. Which of the below is an example of democratic leadership? | Leadership Questions

C. "I need your feedback before I make decision. Please speak out."


Democracy is the Govt. of commons by commons for commons, since the decision is sought here on the basis
of feedback by commons therefore I select this answer).

8. A leader must. | Leadership Questions

B. always make decisions that are popular to his people.


Leader always motivates his people that is making decision popular to his people will help him to motivate his

9. In a lesson summary, you should. | Leadership Questions

B. be brief and recapture the key points.


Summary of any talk is always brief and highlights key points.

10. Which of the below is an example of autocratic leadership? | Leadership Questions

C. "Everybody will fall in at 1400 hour sharp."

An autocratic leadership just gives a rigid dictation as we can see in this statement).

11. People with positive believe in their inner worth and basic competence.

D. Core self-evaluation


People with positive Core self-evaluation believe in their inner worth and basic competence).

12. If a team member is not cooperative in the execution, you should.| Leadership Questions

C. give him some "goodies" so that he will be motivated to work.


Leader always motivates his people.

13. It is important that through squad management, you can. | Leadership Questions

C. know officers' difficulties in running a company.


Leader always ready to understand problems and solve them).

14. Eye contact with your audiences can be maintained by. | Leadership Questions

C. looking at every individual in a regular pattern.


Looking at every individual in a regular pattern will only maintain a good eye contact with audiences).

15. A leader who is honest in speech and upright in character exhibits | Leadership Questions

C. Integrity.


Because integrity can only make him a successful leader for a successful organization).

16. In the execution stage, you should... | Leadership Questions

C. "lead by example" by helping in all major and minor tasks.

Because a good leader leads from the front).

17. In the execution stage, you should. | Leadership Questions

A. Stay away from unimportant tasks and supervise the whole execution.


Performing well as a first-level supervisor is like walking the circus high wire. In both positions)

18. Which of the below is an example of laissez-faire leadership?

A."We can go to the zoo or bird park for this outing. I am OK with anything."


And in these time, often we just need someone to tell us it’s going to be okay or to bring some perspective to
what it is we’re facing)

19. By putting suitable people to be in charge of certain tasks.

A. You can work on important areas and supervise the entire plan.


Lots of them feel the need to do everything themselves lacking trust in others. Or simply getting irritated by the
tempo) know who to blame for it anything goes wrong. can reduce your mental stress.

20. ____ refers to an individual's involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the work she does.

A. Employee Engagement


Who are committed to their work and the goals and values of their company To put it another way, engaged
employees show up and are involved, not only because they’re paid to be, but because they’re invested,
emotionally or otherwise.)

B. Normative commitment
C. Cognitive support
D. Job enrichment

21. Which of the following is correct?

A.Rate is the speed in which you move your hands.

B.Frequent use of "Okay" makes your speech more interesting.
C.Use simpler words for your instructions.

Plain and clear language helps your audience read, understand and use the information you are giving them)
22. The squad system was devised by our founder so that.

A. The officers can be free for important areas of the company.


An office is the physical embodiment of your company. Through an office a business can communicate its
identity, its ethos and its values)

B.the senior Boys can command the junior Boys and gain their respect.
C.the officers can spend more time with their family.

23. The application of reinforcement concepts to individuals in the work setting is referred to as:

A. classical conditioning
B. Reengineering
C. Behavior modification


The ultimate goal is to swap objectionable, problematic, or disagreeable behaviors with more positive,
desirable behaviors)

24. Which of the following has the greatest impact in your presentation?

A.Body language.


The importance of body language is that it assists us in understanding and decoding what the person is

B.Vocal impact.
C.Verbal impact.

25. Which of the following is correct?

A. Debrief can be omitted if the team will not be working together in future.
B. More time should be spent in execution and less on planning.
 C. Plans not completed on time can, sometimes, be as good as not done at all.

Without planning, there will be no execution. In addition, larger projects will take longer than necessary, or may
never reach completion, because no one did the planning necessary to break them down into more
manageable segments)

26. The purpose of debrief is...

A. For the leader voice out his unhappiness about the execution.
B. Those who quarreled in the execution to argue their cases.
C. To reflect on what has taken place and improve on future projects. 

Debrief is a series of questions about a completed mission or undertaking that enables participants to connect
activities and lessons they learned in an activity, experience, or program)

27. Before giving a demonstration you should.

A. Summarize the lesson and emphasize the key points.

B. Have a last practice so that you will be more confident.
C. Position yourself so that everybody can see you.


Demonstration is practically making audience believe in the existence of something with evidence for which it
is necessary for audience to have a clear view of the presenter so they can watch the demonstration properly).

28. When checking on the team members or I/Cs, make sure that.

A. They follow your guidelines and are able to meet the expectations. 
B. They follow your methods exactly.
C. Their plans must fit your style of working.

Every person has his own mindset and way of doing things, leader must trust their members by giving them
guidelines and giving them full opportunity to work instead of ordering and making them follow same mindset.)
29. Why is it advisable to get demonstrators for your lessons?
A. Because if anything goes wrong you can inform them.
B. To avoid having all the trainees looking at you.
C. So that you can concentrate on your explanation. 

Sometimes people are either good in explanation or demonstration, it would be better to have separate
demonstrators so you can fully concentrate on presentation rather than ruining both)

30. Eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining an unwanted behavior is called .

A. Extinction
B. punishment
C. negative reinforcement
D. positive reinforcement

Extinction is a means to stop someone from performing a learned behavior which may have
negative result)

31. You may maintain less eye contact with audiences who are.

A. Very interested in your presentation.

B. Not showing interest and are distracting to you. 
C. Listening to you for the first time.


Because if u keep looking at them, it might affect your presentation, e.g, make you uncomfortable, nervous or
32. What is verbal impact?
A. It is the words and sentence constructions used in your speech. 
B. It is the loudness and clarity of your speech.
C. It is your body improvement and posture.


Verbal communication is any communication that uses words to share information with others.)

33. Leadership may be defined as...

A. The ability to motivate people to work towards a common goal. 
B. The ability to command people to work towards a common goal
C. The ability to discipline people

Because Leadership is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be
done and how to do it.)

34. Good communication skills and motivation techniques...

A. Are the foundation of leadership

B. will earn you respect from people.
C. are helpful to your leadership. 

Good communication skills help to develop better understanding and beliefs among people inspire them to
follow the principles and values which their leader wants to inculcate in them.)
35. Leadership may be defined as.

A. The ability to motivate people to work towards a common goal.


Leadership as the process of directing and influencing people so that they will strive willingly and
enthusiastically towards the achievement of group objectives.)

36. Good communication skills and motivation techniques...

B. Are helpful to your leadership.


Good communication skills help to develop better understanding and beliefs among people inspire them to
follow the principles and values which their leader wants to inculcate in them.)

37. A leader should not.

C. Magnify his achievement. 


Beliefs among a people

38. Eye contact with your audiences is important because...

A. It tells them that you are interested in them. 


It creates a bond between speaker and listener, a connection that is beneficial to both parties. When you look
someone in the eye, they are more likely to look at you, more likely to listen to you, and more likely to buy into
your message.)

39. It is good to be creative in your planning but.

B. Focus on your objectives. 


When you bring your focus to achieve something in life, you will reach your goals. Otherwise you will end up
wasting your time and energy on useless things. If you want to reach your targets, bring your focus to the goals
and keep working until you achieve it.)
40. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of physical ability?

C: Looks

41. The relationship between and job performance is likely to be an issue of growing importance during the
next decade.

C: Age

The relationship between age and job performance is likely to be an issue of increasing importance during the
next decade for several reasons. They see a number of positive qualities older workers bring to their jobs, such
as experience, judgment, a strong work ethic, and commitment to quality.)

42. Effective up-front speaking.

C. Helps you to capture the interest and comprehension of your audiences. 


It allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change. Without communication skills, the
ability to progress in the working world and in life, itself, would be nearly impossible.)

43. The first step in designing your plans is.

B. Define your objectives. 


Establishing the objectives is the first step in planning. Plans are prepared with a view to achieve certain goals.
Hence, establishing the objectives is an important step in the process of planning. Plans should reflect the
enterprise's objectives)

44. A leader must know how to lead because.

A. This will keep his team motivated and effective by meeting their objectives.

45. Managers regularly take time to talk to salespeople about things that are important to them. | Leadership
  A. Never
  B. Rarely
  C. Usually
  D. Always 


Manager Work is to get company a good profit or make his/her company famous for its specialty.

46.   _______means that organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in

terms of gender, race, and ethnicity.

a) Globalization
b) Workforce diversity
c) Affirmative action
d) Organizational culture


Workforce diversity refers to organizations that are becoming more heterogeneous with the mix of
people in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, and education background.

47. Which of the following is correct? | Leadership Questions

  A. Hand movement, volume and eye contacts are body language.
  B. Volume, rate and clarity give the vocal impact. 
  C. Volume and clarity give the verbal impact.


Nonverbal behavior like body movements and posture, facial expressions, eye contact, hand gestures
and tone of voice all contribute to how we communicate and understand each other.
48. Steve is unhappy with his job. He takes every possible vacation and sick day and sometimes shows up
for work late. He is expressing his dissatisfaction with a _________ response.

a) Exit
b) Voice
c) Loyalty
d) Neglect


Explanation: E) The neglect response passively allows conditions to worsen and

includes chronic absenteeism or lateness, reduced effort, and increased error rate. The
exit response directs behavior toward leaving the organization, including looking for a
new position as well as resigning. The voice response includes actively and
constructively attempting to improve conditions, including suggesting improvements,
discussing problems with superiors, and undertaking some forms of union activity. The
loyalty response means passively but optimistically waiting for conditions to improve.
Social voice is not a reaction to dissatisfaction on the job.

49. By concluding your lesson with a last demonstration, you... | Leadership Questions
  A. ensure that the trainees will be more interested in your future lessons.
  B. inspire the trainees to practice at home.
  C. leave your trainees with a correct mental picture before they leave. 

So that you can concentrate on your explanation.

50. Which of the following should not be done when teaching a lesson? | Leadership Questions
  A. Gives a lot of information so that the trainees can pick up more knowledge.
  B. Introduce the lesson objectives, outline and expectation from the trainees.
C. Put the trainees at ease so that they will not fear you as an instructor.

51. When conducting a debrief you should... | Leadership Questions

  A. be bold and honest, and not afraid to hurt people's feeling.
  B. should get every team member to voice out their feeling and opinions. 
  C. make it as short as possible because everybody is tired.


52. It is important to check on the trainees during their practice because... | Leadership Questions
  A. it will give them a bad impression if you are not doing anything.
  B. they might be taking too much time to learn.
B. this can prevent mistakes from becoming habits to them.


Not perfection, but consistency. This is why the most important thing is not to prevent mistakes altogether, but
to avoid making a mistake twice in a row. Errors are part of the process, but they shouldn't become part of
the pattern. One mistake is just an outlier. Two mistakes is the  
53. Your boss made a bad decision. Do you advise your boss, or just do what you are told?
A. Advise your boss
B. Just do what you are told
C. Resign, find another job
D. None of these


I will definitely advice or suggest any other way forward to avoid in misfortune in future

54. You find out something illegal is going on in your operation, do you blow the whistle, or say nothing?
A. Say nothing
B. Resign, find another job
C. Blow the whistle
D. None of these

Unless we take a stand, make a conscious effort of converting our thinking into actual actions, there will be no
change. When we tolerate the injustice being done, then it gives the offender the courage to continue with that
behavior. Unless we raise our voice for justice the situation will not change.

55. Someone who has more skills than you in your own area is looking to join the company, do you
push them out, or bring them on?
A. Push them out
B. Bring them on
C. Resign, find another job
D. None of these

I will bring them on because he will be deserving more than me & will try to improve my skills

56. Someone has been wrongfully terminated, do you take a stand and say something, or say nothing
and save your job?
A. Take a stand and say something
B. Say nothing and save your job
C. Resign, find another job
D. Simply start find another job

Unless we take a stand, make a conscious effort of converting our thinking into actual actions, there will be no
change. When we tolerate the injustice being done, then it gives the offender the courage to continue with that
behavior. Unless we raise our voice for justice the situation will not change.

57. As a team leader, what can you do to encourage leadership potential in your fellow Guiders?
A. Take time to plan when you can all meet together.
B. Make sure that each leader has the necessary books and resources.
C. Encourage new leaders to use their own talents and skills to enrich your program.
D. All the above

 I will suggest them to

 Practice discipline. A good leader needs discipline.
 Take on more projects. A great way to develop your leadership skills is to take on more responsibility.
 Develop situational awareness.
 Inspire others.
 Keep learning.
 Resolve conflicts

58. You don't like someone in another department, do you make their life miserable, or try to ease the pain?
A. Make their life miserable
B. Try to ease the pain
C. Resign, find another job
D. Simply start find another job


There is no like or dislike in professionalism, a good leader is one who treat all team members equally.

59. What are 2 practical ways that you can teach and practice leadership skills with girls?
A. Include the girls in planning
B. For Pathfinders and Senior Branch Members, give them the freedom to plan and carry out their own
ideas. Be there to support, encourage and assist when needed.
C. Assign regular duties for each patrol. If one patrol is responsible for Campfire, then make sure there
are resources to use, such as song books, a book of readings, campfire games, a file of songs the girls
know, a Guider to assist if needed.
D. All the above

One of human basic needs is freedom that play central role in the performance of the person.

60. Your people are underpaid, do you try to get them more money, or just hope that they won't notice?
A. Try to get them more money
B. Hope that they won't notice
C. Resign, find another job
D. Simply start find another job

When you're underpaid, you feel unappreciated and overworked, and it makes doing your job a drag that’s why
I will try to get them more money.

61. Suggest 3 ways that you can practice Share Leadership with fellow Guiders.
A. Plan together
B. Work together
C. Evaluate together
D. All the above


Teams that work together, Plan together & evaluate together are more productive and motivated toward
company goals.

62. You made a mistake that has a serious impact to the company, do you cover it up, or acknowledge it and
try to fix the problem?
A. Cover it up
B. Acknowledge it and try to fix the problem
C. Resign, find another job
D. Simply start find another job


Good leaders know mistakes are going to happen, defiantly he will support & encourage you when you will
acknowledge & try to fix the problem.

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