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Anna Karenina E.

Sanglay THEO 11J-Q1 Reflection Synthesis

204558 25 September 2020

The Quartet Melody of Faith

Our lives are like songs. Unique songs that have their own individual set of notes,
compositions, stories and flow. Similiar songs that have different combinations of
sounds but they still carry a similar tune one way or another, because all of our
melodies are derived from a constant set of notes. In the same way, our paths are
distinctly adorned with our own individual tales but we all come from and we are all
coming back home to our similar source which is GodSelf.
In order to keep the beautiful melody continuous and for the instruments to
harmonize, it is of course necessary to have trust in the instrument and the artist. The
same way a conductor sways his hands with confidence and belief whenever the
orchestra plays a symphony. But why is it imperative to hold such faith? What difference
does it make to the conductor? To the arist? To the instrument? To the melody itself?

“Ang epekto ng pananampalataya sa akin ay nabago ang buhay ko. Ang mga
bagay na akala ko ay imposible ay nagiging posible dahil sa pananampalataya.”

The faith that we have in God creates a ball of strength to which we hold onto
whenever obstacles challenge us. Filipinos like to refer to it as “lakas ng loob” which
may translate to determination. Ang paghugot ng lakas ng loob (The act of building
determination by remembering and treasuring the things/people which are important to
you) is something that we do with our loved ones. In a similar fashion, we also gain
strength and determination through our relationship with God. This strength then
becomes the foundation of all of our actions so that we will have the determination to
overcome the different tests which life will put all of us through.

“Parang kapag kasi nananampalataya ka pakiramdam mo lahat ng bagay

malalagpasan mo. Yung kahit na mahirap na yung isang bagay na kinakaharap mo,
maiisip mo na kaya mo lahat kasi may pananampalataya ka.”
Faith is the rope that our emotions and hearts cling to whenever we are filled with
the sense of dread and hopelessness. Pain and hardships are recurring events in all of
our paths, and faith is the very thing that our wounded souls hold dearly to remind
ourselves that our souls can triumph over the challenges that life will present us with. In
this sense, faith affects our emotions to spark hope within us and to rekindle the flame
of belief amidst the seemingly endless darkness.

“Siguro mas nakakatulong sakin yun para maging mabuti din sa iba tapos kapag na
nalulungkot ako, iniisip ko na matatapos den lahat bastaa tiis lang at minsan kapag
wala ako talagang masabihan ng problema, ang gagawin ko mananalangin ako tapos
doon ko isusumbong lahat ng sakit kaya pagkatapos parang magheheal lahat.”

Faith not only serves as our source of strength and as our reminder of the hope that
is always present within us. It also acts as a way to create empathy and kindness for the
people around us. Faith also becomes the channel through which we can communicate
with God and let our heavy hearts be lightened with GodSelf’s presence. It is our
kanlungan (refuge) that becomes the place wherein the wounds of our souls are healed.

“Dahil sa pananampalataya ay nagiging mas mabait tayo, paakiramdam natin ay tila

lahat ay positibo sapagkat alam natin na laging nandyan lang siya ng dahil sa
pananampalataya mas lumalawak ang pagunawa sa ibang tao o kapwa tao.”
All of our perspectives are subjective. The human mind can only comprehend and
interpret to a certain degree, depending upon the experience, openness and willingness
of a person. Faith aids us in opening our eyes and expanding our understanding not just
of our own selves but also the lives of others. Faith then affects not just our hearts and
our souls, but also our minds.

“Feel ko lagi safe ako, andiyan Siya palagi para sa akin.”

It is inherent within all of us to yearn and crave for a sense of connection, comfort
and stability, this is the reason why we form bonds and we sustain relationships. The
relationships that we cultivate are like flowers that we carefully and gently tend to every
day. We measure the appropriate amount of water, we make sure that its petals are
warmed by the sunlight and we protect it for what it is. We hold these relationships close
to our heart, especially our relationship with God. Faith then affects our souls by
providing a gateway through which we connect to God. Once we open ourselves to
GodSelf, our souls are enveloped with the embrace of safety and security. A sense of
trust in GodSelf’s plans and a constant warmth that everything happens for a reason.
The happiness and the sadness that we feel equally serves a purpose. That everything
which we experienced, which we are currently experiencing and which we are about to
experience will not go to waste.
Like that of a song with different verses, notes and instruments, all of which are
carefully composed by the Great Creator and wonderfully strummed by the miraculous
fingers of GodSelf to create these ever-flowing melodies that resonate within us a sense
of determination, hope, healing, understanding and safety: Faith then becomes the
Quartet Melody of spiritual growth that affects the 4 factors that all of us have. Our
Actions are made stronger with determination, our Emotions are made lighter as the
weight of our burdens are lessened, our Minds and the perspectives we hold become
vaster, and our Souls are filled with the warmth of GodSelf’s love, kindness and safety.

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