Comparative Analysis of Religion of Indian Origin

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At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to 1. identify similarities and differences between Hinduism and Buddhism; 2. trace the common origins of these religions in ancient Indian culture; 3. - discuss how Hindu and Buddhist concepts and doctrines have influenced society; and 4. compare the views of Hinduism and Buddhism on aspects such as morality, purpose, destiny, and views on ‘women. 164} Rexicions oF INDIAN Onicin 2 >>—_ Comparative Analysis of Religions of Indian Origin Significant Aspects 7 Origins Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism, and Mahayana Buddhism share common origins from Indian and Vedic culture. Hinduism was the first religion that emerged from India. The eatly life of Siddhartha Gautama was influenced by Hinduism, and as he sought enlightenment, he practiced asceticism and meditation. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, with its believers worshiping numerous gods and goddesses. Buddhism, meanwhile, professes a non-theistic view, with the Buddha rejecting the notion of an all-powerful creator. ‘Theravada Buddhism adheres to the non-theistic view, while Mahayana Buddhism recognize enlightened beings called bodhisattvas who are revered as guiding spirits. Morality ‘The actions of Hindus and Buddhists are influenced by a set of guidelines in practicing morality. For Hindus, ethical behavior is defined by following one’s dharma and living a righteous life. Non-violence and respect for all life are also given great emphasis. According to Hinduism, significant paths that will lead a person to a righteous life include self- reflection, performing good deeds, devotion to the gods, and meditation. Buddhism espouses the Eightfold Path as a ‘means to live a life that will bring about an end to suffering and desire. Mahayana Buddhists, meanwhile, also live by the principles of the Paramitas and the Eight Realizations. Scanned with CamScanner Purpose For Hindus, individuals ate all part of a universal order, and we must all act according to our roles in this order. Man must see to his responsibilities, particularly the rituals and sacrifices to honor the gods. Additionally, man must also seek union with Brahman through meditation, ‘Theravada Buddhism see man’s purpose as freeing himself or herself from suffering and attaining enlightenment. Mahayana Buddhists also value enlightenment, and they consider being a bodhisattva as the highest attainment that can be achieved by a person. Destiny Buddhism and Hinduism share the belief that humanity's existence is meant to transcend the cycle of birth and rebirth. These two religions also place emphasis on man’s freedom from suffering and desire. For Hindus, the fulfillment of one’s destiny is reached when one attains moksha ot the liberation of the soul from the cycle of birth and rebirth. This belief is also manifested in the Buddhist concept of nirvana, where the soul attains liberation from. suffering and desire. Views on Women ‘According to Hindu doctrine, men and women both deserve to be respected, However, women are assigned different roles and responsibilities according to dharma. In Buddhism, there is no distinction between men and women, and both can enter the monastic life and strive to attain enlightenment. Scanned with CamScanner ee ENGAGE A. Conduct additional research on the aspects of the religions discussed in this unit. Focus on one of these aspects and determine how it is manifested in each of the religions tackled, Make a table presenting the information you gathered, and identify the distinctions and similarities between these religions with tegatd to the aspect you chose. Present your work in class. B, Interview a practitioner of Hinduism or Buddhism regarding the doctrines of their faith (morality, purpose, destiny) and how his or her religion has addressed issues such as the views on women, Share your work in class. C. Research on contemporary Hindu or Buddhist practices and highlight how these religions remain relevant in the face of developments in the modern world. Write a research paper detailing your findings. Scanned with CamScanner

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